Conservative Criticizes "Controlled Media Lackeys" Yet Still Won't Say the J-Word:
An Open Letter To Fred Reed


Victor Wolzek

Dear Fred:

While I read your columns weekly and usually admire your insight and perspective, "A Conspiracy Of His Own"* -- forgive me, I'm going to be frank -- was astounding in its naivete. Either that, or you were pulling punches, which, if so, would make you guilty of what your article in part critiques.

The anti-white agenda and the media control of politics and speech that has grown increasingly powerful since the mid 60s is nothing new. Political/Cultural pariahs like David Duke, William Pierce, and Tom Metzger, have been writing and speaking out about it for decades. Whole organizations, like the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, The National Alliance, and the NAAWP (same group goals, different color members), and major alternative news services like VNN have been formed to awaken and, ironically, to "level the playing field" for white Americans. As you recognize, non-white immigration and other anti-white policies are quickly-and intentionally-being used to force whites out of the American picture which, you correctly assert, was created by their ancestors. Activists determined to salvage white people and culture from forces bent on their destruction are the dissident voices that you mention "are not approved" by the major news networks and so are rarely heard by most Americans. If and when they are discovered, they are often dismissed as lunatic fringe. Why? Because they aren't mentioned by Dan Rather and so, the listener concludes, "they must be insane lies."

Surely, this cannot be a surprise to you, Fred, a conservative Washington journalist and a friend of blue-suit cops, who (at least their captains anyway) are quite knowingly under the thumb of the ADL, JDL, etc., to enforce anti-White policies on the street. Can it be? You've criticized DWB (Driving While Black) arguments in the past. Surely the cops you rode with knew who the key players were behind the scenes making it a crime to PWW (Police While White). Didn't they ever mention it?

The phenomena you described are all accurate in themselves. The effects are clear and become clearer every day. But you make no mention of a cause. In fact, your opening paragraph suggests there actually may be no "cause." Rather, you safely and conveniently claim that it simply may be "a bunch of bad ideas that just happened together." You explicitly discuss an effort you see in place for "weakening" a people (namely, white people) in a way that keeps them productive but harmless, docile but useful. Yet you do not approach a rationale of the origin of this weakening. You vaguely suggest a purely economic motive, which you must realize is sorely lacking in explanative power. White Americans are, as you know, the most productive worker bees churning out the most tax revenue. How effective or profitable can an economy of welfare recipients be with no productive class to foot the bill? While financial opportunism may be facilitating the destruction in the present, it is not -- nor would it make sense for it to be -- the ultimate goal. In failing to address this, your commentary, which is typically original but also well aware of competing ideas, is behind the curve.

The political/cultural activists mentioned above, as well as figures like Congressman Paul Findley and academic Professor Kevin Macdonald, have elaborated in great detail the origin and rationale for every aspect of the anti-white agenda you mention. All evidence suggests it's not a series of unrelated bad ideas happening together. At risk of saying the unsayable and being dismissed out of hand by you (as I would be by the spineless journalists and papers you chide), I'll provide a clue: it involves a certain "J" word which was as conspicuously and poignantly absent from your piece as are two certain buildings from the New York skyline.

I write this, of course, in the belief that you are a truly open-minded individual--not a "lackey" like the ignoble folks you rightfully deprecate--who, perhaps because of the very censorship you "discovered", are unaware of these theories and accounts.

Here is a smattering of references, in case you're seriously interested in the details of the phenomena you described:


I look forward to you addressing these issues in a follow up essay.


Victor Wolzek

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