What Do Jews Gotta Do?
JDL Terrorists Treated With "Kid Gloves" by NBC


Victor Wolzek

The FBI finally busted the Jewish terrorist organization, the JDL (Jewish Defense League). "Chairman" Irv Rubin and a member of the group, Earl Krugel, were planning and preparing to bomb a mosque in Culver City and the office of Rep. Darrell Issa, a grandson of Lebanese immigrants, in order to give the Arab community "a wake up call." Got that? They planned to bomb a house of worship and a political figure's office, both on American soil.

But of course the report doesn't call the JDL terrorists or their intended acts terrorism. The word "terror," otherwise ubiquitous in today's news, does not appear once in the article. Not once. Needless to say, the "hate crime" issue-always a favorite topic when Whites are embroiled in cross-race mischief-was also nowhere to be found. Rather, the article says, quite respectfully considering the circumstances, the Jewish group was "originally formed...to mount armed response to Anti-Semitic acts in New York City." The emphasis added to "armed response" is mine. I had to add it, because NBC obviously didn't think it warranted special attention.

Contrast this with the media depiction of pro-White Organizations. The WCOTC and the National Alliance, two expressly NON-militant White groups, formed essentially to mount an informational response to anti-White activities around the world, are repeatedly referred to as "domestic terrorist organizations" in the press. In fact, right now the upcoming WCOTC & NA joint meeting in York, PA is under threat of being canceled if local officials determine that it poses a threat of violence. Note that it doesn't matter whether the groups speaking advocate violence or the protestors cause it. The threat of violence per se, regardless of cause, is the issue. In other words, the supposed "good guys" can effectively silence the supposed "bad guys" by acting violently when they try to speak. Instead of arresting the violent protestors, who are explicitly using the threat of violence to their political advantage, they ban the non-violent speakers from speaking. Isn't that absurd? Only if your measure is fairness, instead of the real measure: Is it good for the Jews?

Mainstream reporters continually use tenuous links to label pro-White political groups "the most dangerous domestic terrorist organizations in the country." In the case of the National Alliance, they link Pierce's 1978 novel The Turner Diaries to Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the FBI building in Oklahoma City. Similarly, WCOTC is almost exclusively defined in the mainstream media by member Ben Smith's murder-suicide, which was not representative of the group's objectives and was never endorsed by WCOTC leader and law school graduate Matt Hale. Governed by the ideological assumption that pro-White political groups are guilty in principle, the media will collectively ignore obvious facts and suggest guilt via vague, fabricated, ad hoc associations. Smearing and snuffing out pro-White activism is the goal of the media; facts only get in the way.

The JDL, however, flaunts its militant agenda, gets caught directly plotting multiple bombings on US soil, and is treated in the NBC report as an otherwise noble organization which "allegedly" (Jewish groups get the benefit of doubt; White groups don't) may have gone a little too far just this once. Let's get this straight: White groups legally speaking at a library about issues affecting Whites IS terrorism. Jewish groups organizing to mount 'armed response' against any people, groups, and places on American soil they deem to be 'Anti-Semitic' IS NOT terrorism. Is this a joke?

Jews get upset when they are accused of being "Israel-firsters." Well, let's take a moment to layout exactly what was happening in the current scenario. A Jewish organization, upset about things happening in Israel and the Middle East, plan terrorist bombings on American soil as a "wake up call" to their Arab enemies. In short, they planned violent destruction in America to benefit Israel. And, if history has taught us anything, if the JDL were not caught and had successfully bombed the targets, they would have denied any involvement. Moreover, they would have undoubtedly run groundless press releases and editorials-as Jewish groups have done with the anthrax letters-suggesting White organizations are "using current events to forward their racist agenda." In place of evidence, they would have pejoratively referred to pro-White groups generally as "neo-nazi-racist-hate-groups." That's more or less their modus operandi, is it not?

What does a Jew have to do in America to get a more than "kid-gloves" treatment in the press? Even the headline omits the BOMB PLOT, which would have been used to the hilt had any other group-especially a pro-White organization-been caught plotting acts of "domestic terrorism."

Finally, be sure to notice how the story ends by trailing off the domestic terrorism issue at hand and drifting into the assassination of a Jewish leader in Israel at the hands of an "Egyptian-born Muslim" in 1990. Though the event happened more than 11 years ago, it nevertheless functions as a less than subtle suggestion that Jewish BOMB PLOTS are never terrorism, but are always righteous self-defense.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: we are bombing the wrong country.

The USA must get out of Israel. Israel-first Americans (Jew and Gentile) must get out of the USA. These are the first essential steps the USA must take if it is truly interested in ending terrorism and protecting its citizens. Jews first and foremost loyal to America must agree. Jews who disagree must not be first and foremost loyal to America: Buh-bye!

That's not anti-Semitism, it's pro-Americanism. There's a difference.

Victor Wolzek

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