Women: A Psychological Sketch Part 2
Women of Both Sexes
In reviewing the responses to part one of my essay, I have to say that I am disappointed. For a group of people who periodically
make fun of genocide and fancy themselves as pre-revolutionaries, my readers
seem to have some very weak stomachs. If you can't handle some basic truths
about women, how in the hell are you going to take back your civilization?
My intent in part one of this essay was not to trash women. Now that may
be how it sounded, but hedging and balancing, and looking at both side of
every generalization would have made it twice as long and half as useful.
Most of what I wrote has been written before by philosophers and religious
leaders over the past 2,000 years. Nothing I wrote was really new or terribly
original. Yet the women of both sexes were offended! Nearly everyone seemed
to miss the most important point: female psychology and behavior are
malleable. With the right leadership, their average behavior can and will
improve. That requires strong male leadership, not a disingenuous, pandering
mentality calculated to placate a woman's sensitivities in the hope of receiving
sexual favors or minimizing disagreement.
Nationalism, if it is ever
to succeed, requires a comprehensive worldview. Jews = bad is a good start,
but it's only a start and not enough. Nationalism's adherents need to understand
how the world works. That includes understanding history, political science,
evolutionary psychology, philosophy, economics and many other disciplines.
This knowledge needs to be comprehensive and interlinked so that the
nationalist's worldview becomes intuitive. You need to understand the Jews,
you need to understand women, and you need to understand yourselves. If this is
all too difficult for you, then I suggest that you get some tattoos the
police can later use to identify you with, shave your heads, wear combat
boots and keep your mouths shut. All opinions aren't equal and if you've got
a problem with this, then you've internalized a bit too much of our
pseudo-democratic ethos.
You cannot hold on to false myth systems,
self defeating politeness or misplaced chivalry if you want your ideological
movement to advance. These things impede your mental growth and confuse your
decision making processes. You have to take the way the world works at face
value and deal with it. This includes understanding that women are not
revolutionaries. It is a very romantic notion to think of you and your
woman, side by side, battling ZOG. More likely, when the going gets tough,
she'll leave. If she's spiteful, she'll do an interview with Mark Potok at the
Southern Poverty Law Center and tell the world what kind of underwear you
prefer. If you don't believe me, go check their Intelligence Report archives (for example, see the winter 1999 issue). If you have some fantasy about an
equal number of men and women retaking this country then you're just screwed
in the head. You, White nationalist, have internalized feminist doctrine so
thoroughly that even you can't get rid of it. Exactly how many female
signatories were there on the Declaration of Independence?
If you
think that the only problem we now face is the Jew (or Jews plus Nogs plus
Hispanics), then you aren't even ready to begin to be a nationalist. You are
a hobbyist. Japan is full of a bunch of wimpy, androgynous males. It is
materialistic, hedonistic, narcissistic and has a low completed fertility
rate. And Jews have virtually nothing to do with any of this. Wealth and giving
women close to equal rights has plenty to do with it. Again, I write this
not to gratuitously criticize or blame women for our problems. Women are
different than men. They have their strengths and we have our weaknesses.
Get over it. If you give them the vote, you will get a different type of
society. It will be less masculine and more permissive. Jews or no Jews. Am
I getting through here?
Now that I have been so divisive and have so
offended sensitive people, I will go on to write a bit about men. Please
don't be offended, hardened warriors!
Western men have become pathetic
wimps. If Western civilization collapses, it will be the fault of White men.
Not our women. Not Jews. Not Mexicans. Not niggers. All of these other problems
would never have even existed if White men had been strong and done what
they knew to be right at the time. The founding fathers warned of Jews. Yet
White men let them in a mere 100 years later. Nearly all White men knew it
would be a mistake to give the descendents of our slaves the vote. But we
did it. And now a borderline retard has the same vote as a physics professor.
Men's nature-given responsibility is to lead women and to ensure the
stability of society for future generations. In these tasks, we White men
have almost completely failed. We have failed our ancestors and we have
failed our descendents. We have failed our mothers, our wives and our
daughters. We opened our hearts to every whining special interest group and
caved in because we lacked the will to fight. We gave women, known to
subordinate reason to emotion in their decision making process, the right to
vote. We permitted our involvement in two fratricidal world wars where
hundreds of thousands of our healthiest men were killed. We voted for FDR and
the beginning of the welfare state. We permitted our daughters to dress like
whores. We did almost nothing to stop the invasion of Mexicans into our
living space. We became greedy and materialistic. We have made compromise
after compromise to protect our wealth and status, sacrificing our principles
and honor on each occasion to the point where there are neither principles
nor honor remaining to defend.
We became more concerned with having
a nice car or truck than with standing up for what we knew was right in the
long term. We allowed our younger sons to be drugged by experts who pathologized
their normal behavior and our older sons to dress and behave like rogue
ghetto niggers. And what exactly have we White men gained for all of these
catastrophic losses? We have a nice minivan. We watch Monday Night Football
in Dolby surround sound. We have a big mortgage on a poorly constructed
suburban house. We own a motor home and a set of titanium golf clubs. Pretty
fair trade, don't you think? A civilization is headed towards moral and
economic bankruptcy as well as cultural ruin so that White men could enjoy
the most transient soft and mediocre comforts.
Women didn't do this. Men
did it. Do I need to point out that this is all way more important than
women getting boob jobs or wearing thong underwear? So am I being divisive?
Is this unpleasant to read? Because this doesn't apply to you, personally,
is it not relevant? What about your father, White man? What did he do to
stop all of this? Did he fail us? How about your uncle? Your grandfather? In
all likelihood, the responsibility partly resides in the families of every
single man reading this. The problem, the weakness, the abrogation of
responsibility is part of each one of us.
Now, on to White
nationalist men: If you want to take on the parasitic group that has the highest
average IQ of any population on the planet, then you're going to have to
grow some balls and get your collective heads out of your asses.
Specifically, you're going to have to figure out the way the world really
works, get off of your Hitler kicks and become effective. You are not effective
waving Third Reich flags at rallies no one else attends or getting arrested
for throwing leaflets no one reads onto suburban lawns at 3:00 a.m. You're
also not effective doing something stupid that gives ZOG the excuse to lock
you up. And you are also not effective when your primary concern is in not
offending others' feelings.
The next part of this essay will return to
its original subject matter--trying to help men understand women better and
deal with them. Since the vast majority of VNN readers are young males, I
think it's a relevant topic.