Hurricane Impacts Us
Posted on: 2003-09-20 02:18:32

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Just a brief note to explain the slowdown in stories yesterday and earlier today: two of your editors were busy trying to recover from Hurricane Isabel. Our area just outside of Charlottesville, Virginia was one of the hardest-hit, but we are all OK. Numerous very large trees fell last night as winds exceeded 75 MPH, including several falling on our neighbor's houses and one falling 10 feet outside my window. One neighbor's yard was briefly set afire (during a driving rainstorm, no less) by arcing from felled power lines. Our electricity has been out for over 24 hours, with estimates for restoration ranging from 3 to 7 days, so most of my day was spent obtaining a generator, cables, and associated parts to keep this site and American Dissident Voices going during the outage.

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