Heroes, Heroines, and Martyrs

The honor roll below is presented in alphabetical order. The list is by no means complete. Martyrs are indicated with an *.

Kathy Ainsworth*

This noble Aryan woman was a schoolteacher and Ku Klux Klan activist in Jackson, Mississippi in the late 1960's. Acting as a mole, Sister Kathy infiltrated a kike-funded pro-integration group and gave the group's plans to Klan leaders.

In a set-up arranged by jew cowards, Kathy was gunned down while exiting her car. Sister Kathy was only twenty-six when she was murdered, and was pregnant at the time of her death.

Pastor Richard Butler

Richard Butler is the leader of the Aryan Nations, formerly based in Hayden Lake, Idaho. In September of 2000, Pastor Butler's property was forfeited to ZOG after Morris Sleaze Dees sued the AN on bogus charges. The good Pastor was able to partially avoid Dees' multi-million dollar lawsuit by filing for bankruptcy.

Pastor Butler, now in his 80's, has been active in the White racist struggle for most of his life.

Byron De La Beckwith

This White Southeren patriot was imprisoned thirty years after exterminating some nigger cockroach named Medgar Evars. Evars was active in the jew-funded pro-integration movement in Mississippi before being gunned down by brother Byron.

ZOG had to send Byron to trial three separate times before finally reaching a guilty verdict. In legal terms this is called double-jeopardy, and is unconstitutional. The statute of limitations was also violated in prosecuting Brother Byron. Eight members of the jury which convicted Byron were niggers.

Brother Byron never denied his pro-White views, and died in prison at the age of 80.

Sam Bowers

Brother Sam was a KKK leader in Mississippi in the early 1960's. Sam was convicted of wasting a filthy jew parasite named Mickey Schwerner. Schwerner, as a typical kike insect, had come to Mississippi from the North to agitate local niggers into resisting segregation. Sam served a brief prison sentence in Washington state for taking out the sheenie Schwerner.

In 1998, Sam was then convicted of killing some pro-civil rights swine named Vernon Dahmer. The constitution be damned, ZOG would not rest until Sam was found guilty of Dahmer's murder. It took five trials and thirty-two years for the government to convict brother Sam and sentence him to life in prison.

Ian Stuart Donaldson*

Known as the godfather of the skinhead movement, Ian Stuart was an English musician and racial activist who did more for White youth in Britain than anyone of his era.

As a young man in Manchester, England in 1977, Brother Ian formed Skrewdriver, a White power rock band. Skrewdriver quickly developed a strong following throughout Britain and Europe. The group and its fans were hated by commies and ZOG authorities in England.

For over a decade, Ian and his militant White band dealt with persecution and discrimination of many different kinds. Brother Ian even did a year-long jail term in 1985 after defending himself against an attack by a gang of niggers. Screwdriver continued to record and play live shows off and on into the early 90's. Ian Stuart was killed in a car wreck on September 23, 1993. Foul play was suspected in Brother Ian's death.

Nathan Bedford Forrest

This White man was a notoriously fierce Confederate general during the American Civil War. He was respected and feared by the leaders of the Union army. General Forrest was a model Southern warrior and gentleman. His resistance to federal tyranny is exemplary.

Following the war, brother Nathan formed the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan was established to keep Southern niggers in line, to keep Northern carpetbaggers out of the South, and to aid White Southerners who had become poverty-stricken as a result of the war. The Klan became one of the most feared guerilla groups in American history.

There exists an outstanding memorial to Brother Forrest in downtown Memphis, Tennessee. The local niggers have already tried to have it removed, so if you're ever in the area, visit the statue before it is deemed "politically incorrect" and destroyed.

Joseph Paul Franklin

Brother Joseph is perhaps the most effective lone wolf of the 20th century. Beginning in the late 1970's and acting alone, Joseph carried out a multi-state killing spree in which he targeted race-mixers, niggers, and Jews. In addition to being an excellent sniper, Jospeh was also known for firebombing synagogues.

While on his mission, Brother Joseph worked totally by himself and frequently changed his appearance, location, and methods. This is the main reason Joseph was effective as a lone wolf for so many years. His one flaw was that he had a tattoo that a witness spotted and identified to the cops. Let that be a lesson to all lone wolves.

Joseph's personal body count totalled over twenty. He also shot race-mixing pornographer and Jew stooge Larry Flynt, as well as Flynt's kike lawyer. Neither died, but both were seriously wounded. It is alleged that Brother Joseph also shot, though did not kill, nigger politician Vernon Jordan. Joseph Paul Franklin is known as "The Hunter" and is now incarcerated in Missouri.

James Kopp

Mr. Kopp was very active in the pro-life cause before allegedly liquidating a hebe abortion "doctor" named Slepian in New York State in 1998. Kopp then fled the U.S. and spent several months on the FBI's ten most wanted list.

Although not a racist, James Kopp is certainly an honorable Aryan. Not only did Kopp grease a Jew, he greased an extremely evil Jew who was profiting from the destruction of White babies. James Kopp should be given a medal.

Robert Jay Mathews*

Racial activists often identify this Aryan warrior as the most well-known martyr of the modern White resistance. Bob Mathews co-founded and led the Order Bruders Schweigen. The Order, an Aryan guerilla group that carried out actions against ZOG, was formed in the early 1980's in the Pacific Northwest.

Brother Robert engaged in a number of successful operations as head of the Order, but was betrayed by fellow Bruders member Tom Martinez. The scumbag snitch Martinez, after being caught with counterfeit bills, ratted Bob out to the feds to save his own skin.

Following a long stand off with five-hundred federal pigs, Robert Jay Mathews was burned alive in his home on Whidbey Island, Washington, on December 8, 1984. White racists honor this date each year, often with vigils at the former site of Bob's house.

Timothy James McVeigh*

Convicted of and executed for the "crime" of blowing up the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, Tim McVeigh is easily the greatest White hero of the past decade.

Tim McVeigh is a perfect role model. He recognized the Zionist Occupational Government for what it is and acted. He understood that we are at war, and accepted the consequences of his actions like a White man.

It is extremely regrettable that a number of White children were killed as a result of Tim's actions. We must remember, however, that war is hell. It is a tragic fact that White children have died in many wars. The children who were in the Murrah Building at the time of Tim's action were being used as pawns by the Feds to act as a human shield.

The "White" adults who died in the Murrah Building were race traitors. Anyone who works for the Feds is sleeping with the enemy and deserves Aryan justice. The serious White revolutionary mole is the only exception to this rule.

National Socialist Germany*

The Third Reich was the single strongest resisting force that world Jewry has ever seen. Names that should be mentioned include, of course, der Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, as well as Rudolf Hess, Adolf Eichmann, Joseph Goebbels, and Horst Wessel among countless others. The Third Reich, from its leaders on down to the lowliest private who died on the frozen fields of the Russian front, was filled with heroes, heroines, and martyrs.

Although defeated thanks to the evil, kike-led goverments and gullible citizens of other White nations, to this day Nazi Germany serves as an inspiration and example to Aryan revolutionaries around the globe.

The Order Bruders Schweigen

The Silent Brotherhood, known to most racists as simply The Order, was a pro-White paramilitary organization that conducted strikes against the U.S. government during the early 1980's. The Order was founded by Aryan martyr Robert Jay Mathews.

Pledging their loyalty to the cause by taking vows before a White infant, the members of The Order included Randy Duey, Randy Evans, Richard Kemp, David Lane, Bruce Pierce, Richard Scutari, Frank Silva, David Tate, and Gary Yarbrough. Each of these men is now in prison. Former member turned traitor Tom Martinez walks the streets a free rodent.

All Palestinian suicide bombers*

Though obviously not White, these brave Arabs deserve credit for making the ultimate sacrifice in resisting our common foe: the Jew. For those who think that an alliance with non-Whites is hypocritical, remember that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Before being assasinated, Robert Mathews had planned to travel to the Mid-East to engage in talks with anti-Israeli militants.

What does it tell you about the Jew when people are willing to blow themselves up just to take a few yids with them? The amount of courage and dedication shown by the Pals should be a source of inspiration to the White resistance. May future Pal suicide bombers be successful in their efforts.

Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound was born in Hailey, Idaho in the late 1800's. He is recognized as one of the greatest poets of the Twentieth Century.

During the great depression, Brother Ezra became concerned with monetary reform and the jews' role in money lending. He moved to Europe, declared his admiration for Bentio Mussolini, and made pro-Axis radio broadcasts during World War II.

At the end of the war, Ezra was detained for treason in Italy by U.S. forces. For months, Brother Ezra was kept in a cage in which he was exposed both to public view and to the elements. He was later held in an American mental institution. In 1958 he returned to Europe and remained there for the rest of his life. Ezra Pound never denied his political views.

James Earl Ray

This heroic White man single-handedly carried out the most important racial assasination of the 20th century.

On the morning of April 4, 1968, Brother James shot Martin Lucifer Coon (a.k.a. Martin Luther King) through the face with a single shot from a hunting rifle from across a Memphis city street. Thanks to Mr. Ray's excellent aim, half of the jungle bunny's head was blown clean off. Coon was a lying, adulterous, race-mixing, commie Jew stooge who was lucky he died so mercifully.

James Earl Ray was soon caught and imprisoned for his actions in defense of the White race. James lived the rest of his life in prison, and died in the late 1990's. His remains are buried in Ireland.

George Lincoln Rockwell*

Commander Rockwell formed the American Nazi Party after serving in WWII and realizing that he had fought on the wrong side. The Party was established in the late 1950's with headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. In spite of often tremendous financial problems, the ANP actively agitated, demonstrated, and engaged in street battles with Jews and other vermin.

In addition to being a dynamic leader, the Commander was a talented orator, writer, and artist. He published a number of books and magazines on National Socialism, gave rousing public speeches, and even designed the uniforms for his Stormtroopers.

Commander Rockwell was assassinated on August 25, 1967, near the ANP's Arlington headquarters. Brother George's murderer was a former Party member who had been expelled for attempting to inject commie ideas into the ANP's platform.

"Hammer" Joe Rowan*

Brother Joe was an active member of the Eastern Region Hammerskins in the early 90's. He was involved in organizing and recruiting in the New England area. Joe also sang for Nordic Thunder, a well-known skinhead rock band.

"Hammer" Joe was killed on his twenty-second birthday by some worthless nigger. Following a concert, Joe and a group of friends made a stop at a convenience store. An argument broke out inside the store between Joe and three spooks. One of the jigs went out to the parking lot, retrieved a gun, then came back into the store and shot Joe. Brother Joe was shot once through the chest and died almost instantly. Joe's murderer was not brought to justice.

Joe was survived by a wife and child among other loved ones.

Eric Rudolph

Brother Eric is currently wanted by ZOG in connection with several fatal bombings. Eric was allegedly behind five separate bombings in Atlanta in the late 1990's. Two of these occured at a faggot bar. Eric also is believed to have bombed a Birmingham, Alabama abortion clinic in January of 1998.

The most noteworthy aspect of Eric's notoriety is that 100 federal agents were unable to locate him after he hid in the moutains of North Carolina. Even after using fancy forensics, recruiting scores of volunteers, and offering a $1 million reward for information on Eric's whereabouts, the federal pigs have not been able to find Eric Rudolph. Eric remains a fugitive to this day.

It is unclear whether Eric was a racist. However, he did target enemies of the White race, namely homos and killers of White babies. This qualifies Brother Eric for honorary Aryan warrior status.

O.J. Simpson

It's absolutely disgraceful to mention a nigger along with the great White men and women listed here, but old O.J. is a special case.

Mr. Simpson is hereby granted an honorary hero award. This guy offed a "White" race-traitor whore who not only had sex with a coon, but gave birth to mulatto offspring. Nicole Simpson was guilty of two counts of high treason against her race. For her capital crimes she got exactly what she deserved. She is also an example of the kind of domestic abuse that White women can expect when they do something as foolish as shack up with niggers.

The Juice also wasted an "innocent" Jew named Ron Goldman, which is an example of the wheel of karma coming full circle. The kikes are responsible for integration, which has brought millions of savage niggers into White communities. A violent death is the high, inevitable price you pay, Jew boys.

Richard Wagner

This 19th century German is widely considered one of the greatest classical composers of all time. One of Wagner's most famous works is the Ring Cycle, a set of operas that features extensive references to Nordic culture. It has been said that Wagner supplied the soundtrack for the Third Reich.

One of the operas in the Ring Cycle is called Die Walkure, which is German for The Viking. Almost everyone has heard "Ride of the Valkyries" (the helicopter song from Apocalypse Now). This song is featured in Die Walkure.

Wagner was known not only for his love for Germany, but for his hatred of Jews. Wagner's nationalism was so intense, in fact, that even friend and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was turned off by it. Although for decades the kikes in Israel refused to play his music at their opera houses, not even the filthy Jews can deny Wagner's genius. In spite of his politically incorrect beliefs, Wagner's music is still openly played and celebrated throughout the world.

Vicky and Sam Weaver*

In August of 1992, White separatist Randy Weaver's rural Idaho property was attacked by heavily-armed ZOG lackeys. Randy (Vicky's husband and Sam's father) had previously been set up by the feds on phony weapons charges. During the federal assault, Vicky and Sam were both gunned down by a gook FBI sniper named Lon Horiuchi. These events came to be known as the Ruby Ridge Massacre.

Sam, who was fourteen years old at the time of his murder, was shot in the back by the aforementioned slant pig. Sam's dog was also killed for unknown reasons. Vicky was then targeted and killed as she held her infant child in her arms.
