Wolzek's Cheers and Jeers

FUCK ISRAEL. The most honorable & relevant shirt of the 21st century.
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Wolzek's Cheers and Jeers
Have a media report to contribute?

Sunday, December 15, 2002
Subject: You've Gotta Be Yidding Me: South Park and the Semitically Correct Limits of Satire

From: Gerry Frederics
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 8:46 AM

Great article. It hits the nail square on the head, alas, it won't do any good. As someone said, the White Man lost in 1945. The only thing which will change things is a total collapse of all things white, a total destruction of all things German, French or English. But particularly German. When they are all wiped off the face of the earth, someplace the race will start slowly to re-emerge, to re-conquer, to re-civilize and to re-invent the wheel as it were. Alas, all will be forgotten and the Jew will again infest civilizations & will bring them crashing down because there has only been one man, Hitler, and one country Hitler-Germany to have had the guts to try to go it alone, to be left alone, to be what nature had intended them to be, the Greatest Race on earth. But Titans alone against trillions of parasites and cockroaches cannot survive, especially since we always find amongst the Titans traitors worse than imaginable - Dietrich, the entire Mann family, Brecht, Becker, Schiffer, Admiral Canaris, General Halder and the list is sadly endless. So open a bottle of good Cabernet (Robert Mondavi or Cousino Macul from Chile may I suggest), grab a good book by Hamsun, Hauptmann, Pound or Sven Hedin, not to forget Dostojewski, curl up with your woman in front of the fireplace & enjoy life.
Yours truly, www.germancross.com, Gerry Frederics

Sunday, December 8, 2002
Subject: Who's The Jackass?

by: malloryomae (33/F/TX)

So glad to see people exercising their right to free speech, it is truly GLORIOUS!

I read the web page and I was truly disappointed that it did not include a link to check out Skrewdriver. No mind though...I'll go out there and get it.

For the record...While I do agree with some things in the web page you posted... Sadly I think it comes off as racist. I am NOT accusing you of being racist...I am saying that the impression that the page left on me was brash and almost violent and it may leave a similar impression on others. And if you even give a crap about my opinion...(which you probably don't)... Toning it down a notch or two may reach a few more curious minded individuals. I personally don't think that "society" of America can handle the real truth about anything and that is why it is so messed up. I believe that "society" thinks it is easier to be selfish and blind than to try to make things better for "the nation." One of my favorite sayings� "If you can't beat them, join them�everybody else does eventually."

BRAVO ZULU to the author though... I think it was almost written perfectly.


Thursday, December 5, 2002
Subject: Who's The Jackass?

I appreciate the high intellectual level of the discourse on your website. The three latest articles by Kievsky, Wolzek ["Who's The Jackass?"] and Colson are OUTSTANDING!!


Thursday, December 5, 2002
Subject: Who's The Jackass?

I just read your article and wanted to compliment you on one of the most double-standard revealing pieces I've ever read.....The more I read articles like that, the clearer it becomes to me that the media isn't out to silence the voices of hate, but more so to suppress the voices of dissent....They fear you because if even half of this country were to lend you an ear, all their power, influence and control would be in imminent jeopardy....If only we could get you a podium next to theirs and access to America's ears....

Thursday, December 5, 2002
Subject: Who's The Jackass?

VNN Letters 295 12/5/02


I hate to compliment people, but the recent Wolzek article "Who's the Jackass" was one of the best pieces I have seen on VNN in a long time. This is the kind of work that will best work the WN magic.

Irrefutable facts, clearly drawn lines of logic and infuriating photos linked to well written text.

Take a lesson from this piece if you are considering writing for this or any other WN source.

Congratualtions on an excellent website and a remarkable contributor.

Stunned into Sober Commentary

Jimmy Teuton,
Goy Genius

Thursday, December 5, 2002
Subject: Who's The Jackass?

VNN Letters 295 12/5/02

Wow Victor Wolzek made a great piece!


Complete with pics, captions, and footnotes! Liked the one of ISD. Super job Vic! That's moving the VNN article format "to anudda level" as the c-rappers say!

I'm going to distribute this one to personal contacts. Very high quality. Excellent.

Tim K

Friday, November 1, 2002
Subject: The Betrayal

Dear Alex:

I would also like to add my voice to the chorus of praise for Mr. Wolzek's "The Betrayal." A short, sharp shock to our sleeping brethren!


Thursday, October 31, 2002
Subject: The Betrayal


Hello my friend. I just finished reading your article. All I can say is excellent work! Clear, concise, to the point.

In spite of the sinister plans slyly implemented by the beguiling "great masters of lies", our kinsman will eventually rise to the occasion and foil their diabolical plot to ethnically cleanse us from this planet. Like they say around my neighborhood, "payback is a mutherfucker". And so it will be!

Keep up the great work.

BiG White

Wednesday, October 31, 2002
Subject: The Betrayal


If VNN were a professional sports team, you as owner would have to nickname Victor Wolzek "The Franchise." That is how important he is to this site. He writes with a grace and clarity I truly envy, much like Joseph Sobran but with far greater courage. "The Betrayal" does successfully in one page what Pat Buchannan tried unsuccessfully to do in an entire book--that is, really explain why the death of the West is happening. This is powerful writing, and done completely without expletives or slang. In 1,000 words, more or less, he succinctly sums up all that is really important to know about the last 60 years. "The Betrayal" should be circulated as widely as possible as a conclusive rebuttal to the stereotyped proposition that White Nationalists are an ignorant, illiterate bunch of backwoods hicks. If we are to be taken seriously as defenders of White Western culture, I think we must demonstrate, as Mr. Wolzek has done, that we personally possess the highest attributes of that culture.

Best wishz,

Ed. Note [VNN's Alex Linder]: I quite agree. Wolzek is a rare gem, and "The Betrayal" should be widely circulated. I am very proud that VNN has attracted minds such as Wolzek; that was the whole intent of the site: to help gin up the men who can create a combination to knock over kike-controlled AmeriKwa. I take special delight in knowing that an article like "The Betrayal" will never appear on the sites run by conservative suckpoops or libertarian cowards -- not because they disagree with any of itz points, but because they are littlings. They are less, WE ARE MORE. THE FUTURE IS OURS. We are going to eat them whole, but they needn't worry. There is so little of nutritional value in them they'll probably emerge unscathed on the other end, rather like Jim Carrey from rhinocerous rump in "Pet Detective II."

Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Subject: The Betrayal

Excellent article.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Subject: The Betrayal

Victor's recent article, Betrayal, is mightily impressive--very cogent, lucid, and telling. We need millions of Aryan Americans to read this, and more. Email Victor's work, and more, to your family members and friends.

What will you think of yourself when it becomes too late to make a difference?! How will you feel about your fears then?


Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Subject: The Betrayal


I just read Victor's article. I could not agree more. I am a former Republican turned National Alliance member. I hope more of us wake up in time.

Scott Martin
Woodinville, WA

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