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Daily Nig


Why Do It?

For months and months I've had almost daily experiences with that most objectionable form of pollution: the negro.

Whether it's waiting in a Walgreens' line only to have a nig with a Snapple run up and toss a buck on the counter and run out the door, or passing some delusional, drunk negress on the street who asks me for money and when I tell her to get a job or to fuck off she proceeds to call me a "White Devil" or some other jew constructed, house-nig proliferated myth of the evil white man who, for some devilish purpose, sends these useless fucks a check every month, puts them up in housing, and makes sure their crack addicted babies get state of the art neo-natal care, while the nig "parents" are too crack-worn to visit their "cherished" niglet.

After each embarrassing, demoralizing experience I feel like doing a full write up. But, alas, such anti-culture is so common nowadays each incident is hardly worth such attention.

So, the alternative: DAILY NIG

What Is It?

Precisely what the name suggests: A running account of actual everyday experiences in this failed multicult judeo social engineering experiment we refer to as The U.S.A. Not necessarily full-blown accounts. Not necessarily literarily vivid. Hell, they don't even have to be complete thoughts or contain any kind of moral context. A brute, literal descritption is just fine. The goal is to archive average, everyday, ordinary experience with the "missing links" among us enjoying an oh-so fraudulently designated "equal" status. It's the nigs (and the jews who glamorize them) that have an infantile obsession with "bein' real" but THIS IS THE REAL DEAL, the STRAIGHT DOPE.

I'm gonna chronicle my own Daily Nigs. And I invite y'all to share your experiences too. After all, when our current mess is cleaned up and future generations seek accounts of daily American life under jewish occupation, where are they gonna look? The NYT archives? HAHAHAHA! That tomb will be renamed Museum of Judeo Mass Control. The source for truth will be the VNN archives, as well as the common accounts we accumilate right here.

How Can You Participate?

Submit your Daily Nig anecdote, story, or full-blown write-up to:

[email protected]

Be sure to write "Daily Nig" in the subject line.

Daily Nig #2: June 29, 2002

Hello Victor, love your site.
I live in a small town in a central state. Until the last couple year nog sightings were as rare as plum-crested plovers. Not anymore. Subsidized housing has drawn the pig-feet slurpin' pickaninnies into our hamlet, and it's starting to show in the crime stats. And then today I settle in to read the evening paper and -- uuuugh. Have to draw my head three feet back. On the front page is a photo of two obese nogessas, feet in the city park pool, watching their three niglets cavort in the shallow end. Man, this stuff makes me lose my lunch. These women, who appeared about 40 -- would make them, what?, great-great-great grandmothers -- each weighed over 300 lbs, quite clearly. This photo takes up 2/3 of the paper above the fold! And then -- to top it off, the top-left column is about a nigger woman being a "victim of racial slurs." There is no place to get away from these apes anymore. And the media laugh in your face about it, like a handicapped parking spot. It makes me boiling mad...

--Fred Mirkin

Daily Nig #1: June 22, 2002

I hear a car come to a screeching halt outside of my house. Suddenly a female nig is screaming at a male nig, who is screaming back. I look out the window and see their convertible Mustang stopped in the middle of the suburban (relatively speaking) neighborhood street. The nigs are out of the car chasing each other up and down the street, screaming like a Mandingo buck being boiled alive for boinkin' the Massas' wife. He's clad in Matrix-esque long leather jacket, she's Ho'd out in Saturday night big-bootie club gear. She's screaming and scrambling up the street after the guy, he's telling her to "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID BITCH!" She tries to smack him but he grabs her hands and tosses her around like an affirmative action circus monkey. It's well after midnight but nigs have no sense of community or any value outside their own immediate emotion and perception. Eventually the male nig shoves the crying female nig back into the car and they speed away.


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