First-Class Canadian Guilt Trip:
Izzness as Usual


Victor Wolzek

The Jewish Magazine Forward's article "Canada's Immigrants Earn Own Place in History" By Ellen Braunstein, which VNN posted and aptly re-named "Night of The Living Jews," was-yet again-shameless in its anti-gentilism and overt cultural extortion.

Its content could be summed up as such: "Let's whine and whine and rake Canada over the coals of guilt until they build a shrine to our lie, thereby empowering our ability to extort more from them and their children in the future."

Notice how all reporters who write this kind of stuff (i.e., almost ALL reporters) implicitly assume that government officials and average Joe citizens back in 1940s had already seen Schindler's List and Band of Brothers and had already been force-fed The Diary of Anne Frank in middle school? They act like the white world has always been inculcated with the heart-rending, door-opening, purse-emptying guilt that in fact really got going in the US and Canada only after the end of the war (and continues to this day, as this article attests). Despite this, they consistently paint these officials and the average joe citizens as cold, heartless, rabid anti-semites, as if they knowingly laughed in the face of the culture of guilt that had yet to be crafted.

What these officials and average joe citizens had heard at this time, however, were not irrational, emotionally charged tales of unjust persecution and cruelty, but rather WARNINGS. World-renowned and honored figures such as Henry Ford, Winston Churchill, and Charles Lindbergh, among others, had been overtly warning Western nations for 20 years about Jews. Most nations feared if they opened their borders to the Jews their culture would never be the same; that the "grateful guests" would soon takeover the show, condemn the lifestyle, overturn the values, and change the face of their nation as they knew it. They warned that, as had been repeatedly proven throughout history, give Jews an inch, they steal a mile. The land would quickly and inevitably evolve into what's good for the Jews. And strong white society is decidedly NOT good for the Jews.

Officials free of Jewish influence (there were some back then) and average joe citizens tried to listen to these esteemed and brilliant men, but not hard enough. Now the "grateful guests" who squeaked through the half-opened door are turning the screw on their benefactors, presumably, for not being quite hospitable enough.

It's a great tragedy that today we stand amidst the proof of the truth of their warnings. The government is under a foreign thumb waging a war for alien interests. Media are ubiquitous and dominated by this foreign power. And our tax-funded public schools and cultural centers are in service to this alien agenda to which all but the wealthy few are practically forced to sacrifice the minds and future of their children.

The depth of the tragedy is marked by the irony that the great men who foretold the consequence of letting Jews run free in Western culture are themselves condemned as "anti-semites." Even while still praised as great men, they are praised despite their anti-Semitism. They are used in service to the power they tried to thwart, as they are held up by Jews as proof, not that Jews in fact destroy culture (which they do) but that the "irrationality of anti-Semitism" can corrupt even the noblest, most rational souls.

Did I mention this article was shameless?

PS - Consider this, from the article...

"A national museum addressing the issue of Canadian inaction during the Nazi genocide has been debated in Ottawa for several years."

What? I can hear it now�

"Hey honey, do you want to go to the opening of the CDDSFJM (Canada Didn't Do Shit For Jews Museum) I hear the have a statue of the Prime Minister farting in the general direction of Europe."

Victor Wolzek

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