Free Whites Choose Separation When They Can, Ga. Students Plan Whites-Only Prom (AP) A year after holding their first integrated prom, some students at Taylor County High School have decided to again hold a separate, private party for whites only.

While many whites say they still plan to attend next week's integrated prom, the decision to hold the whites-only prom this Friday saddened senior Gerica McCrary, who helped organize last year's dance.

Jew-schooled groidz act like - jews. Wasn't bad enough when they were stupid, violent and manimal-looking, now they're crybabies, too, just like jews. They've gotta be allowed everywhere, all the time, or they're sad. "I cried," said McCrary, who is black. "The black juniors said, 'Our prom is open to everyone. If you want to come, come."'

Boo-friggin-hoo! Blacks made a choice, why must everyone choose the same? What is this, "Nazi Germany"? Assuming groidz had an open door policy ("if you wanna come, come") to all things groid -- they don't, of course, they have all kinds of things that are juss-fer-nigz -- but assuming they did, how does that apply to whites? Whites don't ruin black schools, neighborhoods, countries, parties or -- it's safe to say -- proms. Blacks do. Thatz the difference. A difference that not only makes a difference but makes THE difference. White guys won't be groping black girls on the dancefloor and raping them afterward in the backseat. ...... That blacks make things miserable is an objective fact. But for the sake of argument, assume it's not. Assume whites and blacks are simply "different." That their behaviors, attitudes, actions, customs, etc are not the same but are "equal," in other words, equally good, equally valid, equally deserving of appreciation and respect and emulation. The abyss between fact and fiction here is so vast as to be almost incomprehensible, but bear with me. Imagine it's true. SO WHAT? If whites don't like it, we don't like it! Don't our preferences, our wants, count? What makes us happy and comfortable? Not what sounds "nice," what actually makes us feel good? What kind of selfish bastards would deny this to a people who have already given so much for so long? Why must every waking moment be devoted to genuflection before -------?

But is IS NOT true. Open door policy to niggers means, in time if not immdeiately, the death of the event. Whites flee not only neighborhoods but ANYTHING when the "racial atmospherics" get too niggerfied. Not because there is something mean or nasty about them....
Juniors are in charge of planning the prom each year and last year they decided to have just one dance - the first integrated prom in 31 years in the rural Georgia county 150 miles south of Atlanta. Until then, parents and students organized separate proms for whites and blacks after school officials stopped sponsoring dances, in part because they wanted to avoid problems arising from interracial dating. This year, a small number of white juniors decided they wanted a separate prom. "They influenced the others," said McCrary, who plans to major in biology at Columbus State University. "They didn't vote on anything. They said, 'This is what we're going to do."' The school has 439 students, 232 of them black. McCrary and a white friend passed out fliers informing students of all races that they would be welcome at the May 9 prom at nearby Fort Valley State University. The private prom is Friday night 50 miles away in Columbus. Erin Posey, a white senior, said the entire junior class joined together in hosting last year's prom, but this year's junior class wasn't as unified. "I think a lot of seniors were disappointed," she said. "Now we have to choose between two groups of friends." Posey plans to attend both proms. "I had some white friends who were not going to the other (inclusive) prom," she said. "I wanted to have time with everybody. I'll have a lot of (black) friends there, too. A lot more of the seniors are going to be at the mixed one." After school integration, separate proms were common in the rural South, but Taylor County was among the last to cling to the practice. Glenda Latimore, a 1972 graduate, was in the first class to have separate black and white proms. Now her 16-year-old son, Gerard, is preparing for prom night. As the black junior class president, her son helped organize the open-to-all prom. The class also has a white president. "I would have liked to see it together this year," said Latimore, an outfielder on the school's baseball team. "My class would have, too. It just didn't happen this year." Glenda Latimore said relatives in Philadelphia and New Jersey laugh when they read about Taylor County's prom. She said residents here are "nice and friendly," but they still have a problem with proms. "It seems like it's something secret," she said. "The white people are afraid to speak up against the separation. "But I went to a black prom and I had fun," she said. "It didn't kill me, so I tell my son, 'Just go to the prom and have fun. Don't come out hating anyone."'