On the WCOTC Dilemma

Jews are evil demons. Religious or not, they ARE satan's spawn. Whether you pick that truth from the literal or metaphorical pot is up to you. What they've done -- in collusion with the federal government supposedly in charge of securing our most fundamntal freedoms -- is strip a grass-roots cultural, racial, political, and religious movement devoted to the existence, well-being, and prosperity of whites of all nations and hand it over to jewish supremacist hate group. It went from something like this [http://www.creator.org/] (the original site has been demolished like a Palestinian home) to this [http://www.wcotc.com/], more pom-poms and jewish supremacist cheerleading for the extermination of whites. Pro-white is illegal, fringe, and terroristic. Jew supremacy, however, is just swell. The former openly serves the interests of America's current majority, whether they know it or not. The latter directly serves the interests of majority-hating non-white ethnics, and indirectly serves that particular 2.5% small but incredibly powerful minority that funds, rules, and directs the other minorities.

Neo-kahns' Muse
Good news: A federal judge has awarded $104 million to the families of two men killed in the World Trade Center attack. Bad news: They will now have to collect the judgment from Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/iraqop1.html Geez, you'd think that after a surgeon helps you survive a nine-bullet attack, you'd toss the doc a few clams. Not our man 50 Cent: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/50centdoctor1.html

September 11 Showdown Will the White House block a terror panel�s access to critical documents? http://www.msnbc.com/news/910676.asp?0cl=c1&cp1=1 If it looks like ZOG and acts like ZOG...