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SWF Seeks Male 30-40

Heilsa! My name is Kelly (aka Angry White Female), and I am rather dismayed that I have to resort to a personal ad to find a like-minded mate. But until we have 'community' this is the only way.

I am 33 years old and am looking for a man between 30-40 who is serious about having a family and raising children in a loving, pro-White environment. My background is mostly Scottish with German and Dutch tossed in there. I am honest, loyal and law-abiding and hope you are too. I have been part of the 'movement' for about 5 years now and it has changed my life so significantly I can no longer find a suitable mate "out there."

I am 5 ft 4 inches tall and weigh 128 lbs. My hair is medium/dark blonde and my eyes are blue (or green, depending on situation or time of day). I am not bragging, but I have no problem attracting men. Just a problem finding any keepers due to my uncompromising racialism. Most understand my opposition to immigration and naughty negroes- but they are downright fearful of an intelligent, dedicated racialist who can not only smell the beans and fried chicken, but the bagels too.

I am looking for a kind hearted man who is tolerant and encouraging of my strengths and weaknesses. I have no respect for wimps, but could never be with a man who wanted to break my spirit. My future man must be a rock, and one with an even temper to balance out my occasional dreary days. Nope, I do not scream, hit or throw things when angry like many women. But I need a stable, decisive, trustworthy man who isn't a pig or a wimp. Those looking for a weak, silent woman to make them feel manly need not apply. Those needing an "alpha woman" to run their life also need not apply. My guy is solid and has nothing to prove, he knows he's a man and already has a mother.

I must warn you beforehand what I won't compromise on. I am a Cat Supremacist and an animal/nature lover in general. I have two very cool cats who I absolutely adore. I dote on them, and any man I marry must be a Cat Nazi. No exceptions.

I do not smoke (anymore) and take health very seriously. I drink occasionally, but won't tolerate alcoholics or drug users. While I would be happy to take care of a man in a traditional manner, you must respect and appreciate what I do for you, our kids and our cause.

Currently, I live in the Central/Northern California foothills. I am willing to relocate, for the right man, that is. Preferably, you live near me, or at least in a bordering state. I come with solid racial references-and hope you do too. If you are interested, email me at [email protected] and we will correspond. If that goes well, we'll exchange numbers and pictures. If there's no love connection, I am happy just to make new friends to network and build community with.


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