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23 SWF Southern La. Seeks Strong White Male

Hi! I'm Carrie Heirtzler. I am a 23-year-old single white female from southern Louisiana. I don't seem to have much luck with guys because of my beliefs and history. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Leukemia and I have 2 sons. My boys are young yet but will be taught as I was. I am 6'1" creamy white (very light) skin, greyish blue eyes, meaty (larger). I am extremely proud of who I am and of my race. Currently I am studying to become a computer networker/programmer and will be finished with my schooling in about a year. I am kind of young but my beliefs are strong and I know that as long as the true white men and women band together we can continue the fight. I will continue the fight and my boys will continue it even after I am gone. If you would like to contact me and at least become friends you can write me at [email protected]. I can also be contacted on dal.net under the name "Phoenix" and will usually be found in the KKK and racist channels.

I am looking for a strong white male. Someone close to my age but preferably older. Someone with a strong sense of self and morals, not just a "net-nazi" but someone who is true to his race and beliefs! A man who will stand up for his beliefs and will support me in my beliefs. Is there someone out there like that? Contact me if you would like to talk. [email protected] Thank you, Carrie

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