We Were Soldiers

by Bill Anderson

First of all, "Vietnam" looked like Kentucky. No shit. I struggled to find a jungle. Maybe my geography is off, but I didn't think the Central Highlands looked like the Bluegrass State. Also, Mel Gibson's men ran around in big herds, against automatic fire. A group would run forward, about half would drop from enemy fire, the rest would lie on the ground and scream about being pinned down. In "Black Hawk Down," the soldiers actually moved like they were being shot at and feared death, here they move like actors. Another thing is that the word "gook" (or Communist) is never uttered. Not once. But then, when we examine the rest of the story, the mystery vanishes.

I didn't know it, but the U.S. Army of 1965 was just as racially diverse as our Glorious Imperial Legions are today. If you deny it, you're a racist, so just don't. Gibson's character actually gets up and makes a touchy-feely speech (on the verge of deployment) about the greatness of diversity! "We've got Asians (yeah, they're shooting at us), Hispanics (did they call them Hispanics back then or Chicanos/Puerto Ricans?), Jews (sure, right, where?) and blacks (I'll accept that)."

And all through the speech the camera finds every snakehead, beaner and coon in a green uniform. Lots of Asians in this man's army. They weren't about to make another White against mud movie like "Black Hawk Down." The country was just as polluted back then (according to this movie, but we "racists" know the truth), but the forces of wicked Aryan supremacy are in full swing. The fact that the South is segregated is hammered into your brain. Negroes = good, Whites = bad, got it? Chris Klein dies saving a black soldier. Message: We all must die for Whitey's sins.

The movie tries every which way to yank tears out of you, by using constant melodrama in the forms of soldiers' wives and children. Cynical manipulation. More than once a dying man says, "Tell my wife I love her." One guy actually says, on the verge of death, "I feel privliged to die for my country." I almost puked at that point. Much more honest reactions would have included terror, rage and swearing. But that wasn't the message, was it? No, dying for glorious multicultural America was what was glorified. Sign up for Hymie's army now and beat the rush!

Needless to say, I can't recommend this movie for Whites.


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