
by Mark Rivers

Fleder is a Jewish name. So, when I saw the name Gary Fleder as the producer/director of "Impostor," I checked to see if he was "one of them." If he is a Jew, he's keeping it to himself (probably a pretty wise move), and his name isn't as blatantly Jewish as Scott Rosenberg, Marty Katz and David Witz, three other names associated with the production of this pro-negro film.

"Impostor" is based on a 1953 book by Philip K. Dick, the kooky sci-fi novelist who also wrote the books that inspired "Total Recall" and "Blade Runner." In Philip Dick's versions of the future (at least, in subsequent interpretations into film), the future is dark, imperfect and often a little overwhelming. "Impostor" takes place in the year 2079, in which Earth's one-world government is involved in a decades-long war with alien invaders from Alpha Centauri. The cities are clean and Gattaca-like, and the racially diverse yuppies walk around in dome-covered safety while the largely negro and Asian gutter class can barely scrape by in the unprotected ruins.

Gary Sinise plays Spencer Olham, a scientist who develops superweapons for the government. He is married to Dr. Maya Olham (half-Costa Rican Madeleine Stowe), and is best buddies with fellow scientist Nelson Gittes (rag-head Tony Shalhoub). When the lesbian chancellor of Earth plans a visit to their sector, Spencer is arrested by Major Hathaway (Vincent D'onofrio) and branded as a cyborg replicant spy from Alpha Centauri, who had murdered the real Spencer Olham, and who, with a powerful bomb concealed in his heart, plans to blow up the chancellor.

The arrest takes place on a platform overlooking a giant laser or bomb or whoopie cushion that they hope will put a giant dent in the Alpha Centaurians. Spencer gazes woefully at the weapon, reminisces about his father's death in the war years earlier, then starts in on his pro-Communist lecture to his pal. He points out that nuclear physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, the atomic bomb pioneer, expressed regret over inventing such a killing machine, but, for growing a conscience in front of the wrong people, he was blacklisted as a Communist. Then Spencer quotes Einstein as saying that the infinity of the universe is surpassed only by the infinity of human stupidity.

All this because Spencer helped invent a big bomb which was designed to blow away the enemy for good. Now Spencer shakes his head at the folly of fighting wars; we should all just lay down our weapons and let the aliens, Commies, negroes or whoever take us over. The Alpha Centaurians, by the way, are never seen, and in fact, Spencer, in the opening narration, says that he has never seen one. He just knows that they have been bombing the crap out of earth for most of his life, and that they see themselves as genetically superior to Earthlings. Sounds to me like they're comparing the evil, unseen Alpha Centaurian menace to the Nazis in that respect. It's chutzpah at its most brazen when the Jews can make such a comparison while using their U.S. puppets to bomb the crap out of the rag-heads for a few more decades.

Anyway, Spencer wraps up his little speech, and Major Hathaway of the E.S.A. (we never find out what that stands for, but it's not pleasant) enters and says something hawkish, like "this weapon will protect our race...and our faith" (meaning, I suppose, the White race and non-Judaism). This establishes him right away as the bad guy. Hathaway gets a boner over the grandeur of the big bomb in front of them, then zaps Spencer with a 1.21 gigawatt hand buzzer. He and a dozen nameless, faceless stormtrooper drones drag Spencer away.

Spencer wakes up in an interrogation room with Hathaway and an assortment of torture equipment that will extract the bomb from his heart (the hard way). Well, to make a long story short, Spencer escapes, runs around, fights, runs some more, yells, jumps, and then discovers at the end that he and his wife are BOTH cyborg replicants. The cyborg wife is killed, but cyborg Spencer lives and detonates himself, killing Major Hathaway and a couple of squadrons of soldiers in the process.

The plot was somewhat predictable, but not completely. I'm going to have to look into the works of Philip K. Dick sometime soon, to see what was really going on in his head. I'm especially interested in finding out whether the book upon which "Impostor" is based had a noble negro come to Spencer's rescue.

That's right, another superchimp saves the day, just like in most other movies out there. This time, it's the negro who played the title character in "O." He is streetwise yet compassionate, tough yet insightful. He helps out Spencer even to the point of getting beaten, stabbed and almost killed during the violence that ensues. Spencer flees to the slums early in the movie, and, seeing how meager and neglected their existence is, he gives the negro a bunch of pharmaceuticals from his wife's hospital for bringing him back into the city. Also in the ghetto is a helpful, yet embittered midwife (Cuban Elizabeth Sena), whose only purpose seems to be to show that the future also has Spics.

There are Asians in the future too, mostly on the TV news, and negro Clarence Williams III makes a cameo as Major Hathaway's superior, who is referred to only as "Mr. Secretary." The wise and fatherly negro chastises Hathaway for his brutal methods, pointing out that ten innocent men died during these interrogations. He asks, "How can you sleep at night?" Hathaway, pointing out that the sacrifice of ten men has saved the lives of ten thousand, says he sleeps like a baby. Then he stomps off indignantly, leaving the negro to shake his head in disgust.

For an epilogue, we return to the ghetto's makeshift hospital, which is now flourishing thanks to the heroic young buck's mission of mercy. His baby's mama sits up in her bed, recovering from future-disease, and they see Spencer's obituary on the news. Baby's mama asks if the negro knew him. Gazing thoughtfully into the distance, the negro delivers the film's final line: "I'd like to think that I did."

Okay, so you know now that there are evil Whites and moral minorities in "Impostor," a film which had the active participation of at least a few Jews (not to mention the fact that it was distributed by the Weinstein brothers' Miramax Pictures). Now, here's what I wanna know:

1) If the cyborg's mission is to blow up Major Hathaway, why doesn't he do it in the torture chamber, as he threatened to? I guess the idea is that he doesn't know that he's a cyborg until he is confronted with the corpse of the real Spencer at the end.

2) Near the end, since they know Spencer's wife is a cyborg, why do they let her go to be used as bait to catch Spencer, whom they now think is NOT a cyborg? They could have just kept her, taken the bomb out of her heart, and gone on TV, saying, "It's okay, Spencer, we know you're not a cyborg. Your wife was one, but we killed her, so come on home."

3) Why did the negro have that final line? As far as he was concerned, he did know Spencer Olham. He never knew Spencer was a cyborg.

4) Why did the filmmakers portray Hathaway as an obsessed, McCarthyite lunatic through the entire film, only to show him as a patriotic civil servant doing his job at the end?

This last one isn't such a puzzler, now that I think about it. Philip K. Dick once said, "The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who use the words." The Jews know this, and have been putting it into practice for as long as you and I have been alive. They manipulate the words and images that are force-fed into the great American brain cell every day. They will continue to do so until they are stopped.

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