Fight Club

by Winston Smith

This is what you might call a "guy movie." There is a healthy supply of violence and anti-social behavior throughout, and it is really fun to watch. From the first five minutes I could tell this would not only be a great movie but probably a politically and culturally significant one. Fight Club was recommended by a colleague in the letters section of and I decided to have a look.

The film stars Edward Norton as a spiritually frustrated young professional and Brad Pitt as the reckless charismatic genius, Tyler Durden, who befriends Norton after his apartment blows up. We'll get to that shortly.

The story begins with Edward Norton suffering from insomnia. He finds that by posing as a victim of various diseases and cancers he can achieve the sleep he needs. He enters support groups for people dying, and cries with the members. This helps him to sleep, and he becomes addicted to it. This cycle continues for some time: going to the support groups, crying, going home to sleep, getting up the next morning to work.

On his way back from a business trip, Norton runs into Tyler Durden, when they are seated next to each other on the plane. Tyler tells him he sells soap and he gives him his number to call if he is ever in the city.

After being stuck in his morose routine for some time, he returns to his home to find his belongings scattered about the street below, as his apartment had just exploded due to a gas leak. Our protagonist is quite distraught by this and does not know quite what to do. Then he remembers Tyler's number and calls. They go out for drinks, and Tyler lets him stay at his place for awhile. This is how Fight Club begins.

The two of them go to live at a run-down abandoned house somewhere in the city and begin holding a weekly function called Fight Club, in which a group of men gather and fight each other until one of them is a bloody pulp. They forgo all material possessions and live a very harsh life. Eventually, Fight Club grows to the point that they have to start turning guys away at the door.

After awhile Fight Clubs start popping up all over the country, and Tyler starts handing out "homework" assignments for the members of this increasingly secret group. Things like building excrement catapults and other mischievous acts aimed at disrupting society.

A revolt against consumerism...

Fight Club is really about a revolt against consumer, materialist society. Tyler speaks of mass culture -- Martha Stuart, Rogaine, Ikea furniture -- as a form of slavery, and in a way it is. When you think about all those White-middle-class suburbanites out there, commuting to and from work every day like herds of cattle, acting like nothing more than "tax payers" or "consumers," choking down fast-food hamburgers, drinking cola swill and watching soul-destroying television propaganda like pigs at the trough, many truly are modern slaves.

The film has a few significant aspects to it that deserve the attention of White nationalists.

First, this movie shows us the soul-hole in modern society, and one possible way to fill it. There is no cure for the senses save the soul, and no cure for the soul save the senses, said Oscar Wilde. The guys in Fight Club are trying to remove their soul-pain by turning it into physical pain, which is much easier to bear. These are average guys, just like us, living as veritable slaves in an empty existence. Indentured to servitude but either too apathetic or too ignorant to change anything. But when they are shown another way, when they are given something to believe in, they become fanatics for the cause. This movie shows how people can be invigorated by new ideas. Slaves broken free can become some of the most enraged fighters against the approaching tyranny.

Also, there is no cover fee for Fight Club. Fight Club wants YOU not your money. It doesn't ask what you DO, it asks what you ARE. Although donating money to an organization is easier than actually working with your sweat and blood, people prefer to do the latter. It makes them feel useful in a way that handing over pieces of paper cannot. (I and others am often dismayed by stringent demands for donations from White nationalist/racialist groups.)

But most important, there are two things in this movie that, I think, make a very graphic articulation of the inherent weakness of institutions and bureaucracies.

First, there is a scene where a bunch of liberal/conservative politicians and black community leaders are having a posh dinner party to promote some crime-fighting scheme. The scene opens up with a black guy giving a hilarious speech about something called "Project Hope." While he blathers all the empty talk we are so used to hearing in politics, some fat White bureaucrat police chief gets up to go to the bathroom. As he walks down an empty hallway some guys from Fight Club jump him and drag him into the bathroom. Tyler threatens to cut off his balls if he does not call off the proposed investigation into "underground boxing clubs." He tells him that the people he is after are the people he depends on. "We cook your meals, we drive your ambulances, we connect your calls; we guard you while you sleep ... DO NOT FUCK WITH US!" I wish every white liberal (or conservative) could be put in this same position. You can't flush dark people into our countries, destroy our culture and society, and then retire to the Bahamas with your German-made car and your (equally German) blonde-haired, blue-eyed girlfriend while giving yourself labels like "tolerant" and "progressive" for having supposedly made so much "social progress."

Second, at the beginning of this film, Tyler is preparing to blow up a corporate building, which would have entailed some infiltration. Perhaps Fight Club had a couple of janitors who showed up at the fights and liked what they found. None of the multi-millionaires who meet in top-floor boardrooms were in on it, certainly -- Fight Club didn't need them. All that was required were a few guys who worked in the building, a few lowly janitors and possibly a security guard that went to police academy, got a job in the building, married, had kids, watched TV, voted, paid his taxes and never quite understood the system that teetered least until recently. This is a perfect example of how institutions, bureaucracies, all societies are inherently precarious. (Civilizations don't last folks! Put your money on race, because genes have been around a lot longer and are much more dependable.)

This is a fun movie to watch and there is no anti-White propaganda that I could detect. I'm definitely not saying that this Hollywood film is some work of revolutionary proportions, but I would recommend it to you because it is a entertaining film, and because it might give you a few ideas.

Just don't mix equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate unless you know exactly what you are doing. And remember to have fun!

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