Cash Crop

by Rob Freeman

This straight-to-video sleeper is about some Midwestern farmers in a small town slowly losing their farms to the banker-Jew. The banker encourages them to sell to some real-estate developers, but the farmers want to hold on to their way of life. In doing so, they are presented as dumb yokels, in contrast to the "smart" son of one of them, who dallies with a Mexican girl and wants his father to sell the farm.

And this is the message -- give up your way of life and run off with a "pretty" girl of color. Give up, you will be assimilated anyway. The banker-Jew will get your farm, and you'll be lucky not to be arrested by JOG agents for a hare-brained, pot-growing scheme in an attempt to save your farm.

The banker-Jew gives the mestiza JOG agent a list of farmers who had been paying off their loans in cash. Soon, the fed heat gets to be too much for the farmers, so they get rid of their plants before the JOG closes in by stashing it all in an abandoned market. The "smart" farmer's son, with his mestizo girlfriend, spies the stashing of the weed, and after the farmers and the drug dealer leave, he burns down the abandoned building with all the weed, and with it, any hopes the farmers have of keeping their farms. This is presented as the intelligent thing to do -- to give up. The boy had given up after all, and so for progress' sake, he helps along his dinosaur elders by burning up their marijuana and destroying any hope they had of keeping their farms.

The interaction between the local sheriff and the JOG agent is very interesting. The sheriff overlooks evidence that he notices during searches, and warns the townspeople. He makes the point to the arrogant, spicess JOG agent that the locals are simply honest, struggling farmers trying to stay afloat. She has no sympathy, she is, after all, an urban mestizo who hates Whites and especially rural Whites. An analogy is the Jewish-Bolsheviks who went after the Ukrainian kulaks (rich farmers) "with a Mauser strapped to [their] hip."

Other than this, it's a good depiction of Aryan life in the Midwest. There are some gems -- for example, they say of one farmer, "He's been grumbling ever since he gave up his mule for a tractor." In Gene Logsdon's book, The Contrary Farmer he talks about how farmers made a good living when they used draft animals to plough their fields, but when they switched to tractors they lost their shirts. The Amish stuck with their draft animals and smaller scales and stayed in business. A typical Corn belt saying is, "I made a fortune doing horse farming, and lost a fortune doing tractor farming."

And this is what the movie leaves out: the fact is, it's not so hopeless to be a farmer. The movie's bank-Jew tells the farmer that he can't compete with the massive scale dairies in California -- this is not true according to "contrary farmers" Gene Logsdon and Wendell Berry. Logsdon says that while it's true that a 50 acre farm can't compete with a 5000 acre farm, a 5 or 10 acre farm can. The trick is to start small and keep expenses very low. Don't hire any labor, don't buy expensive equipment, don't quit your day job (at first) and above all, avoid the temptation to expand. Stay small, like the Amish, and you can still be a farmer. And if you grow pot to make ends meet, make sure you have photovoltaic panels on the roof so they can't use your utility bill to catch you.

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