Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

by Mark Rivers

Japan's newest techno-marvel, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, is amazing to watch; the computer images on the screen are more lifelike than any I have ever seen. On the inside, however, the same pro-negro, anti-White message is conveyed.

In Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, we are whisked away to the year 2065, in which technology is highly advanced, and everybody has a flawless complexion. Aki (rhymes with "Rocky"), a strong, nubile, young Asian woman, is working on a worldwide cure for an alien phantom invasion by collecting eight "spirits" from life forms around the globe.

How do I know Aki is Asian? Well, she's at least half-Asian. Her last name is Ross, and she sort of looks like Sandra Bullock (minus the pug nose). If she had been meant to be White, though, there would have been no point in having her voiced by the actress MING-NA, a full-blooded Chinese woman who was also the voice of Disney's "Mulan."

Anyway, Aki and her mentor, Dr. Sid (Donald Sutherland) are firm believers in Gaia, the mother spirit living within the Earth. The evil General Hein (James Woods), however, is a doubter. He would rather blast the colony of ghosts to oblivion with the powerful "Zeus" laser.

Not only is the evil General a White man (of course), he dresses like an agent of the Gestapo. He wears a long black trenchcoat over his black uniform and boots. The only items missing from his ensemble are a riding crop and a monocle.

Dr. Sid and Aki take their appeal to "the council," the ruling body of the future. The council, headed by a wise and fatherly negro, also doubt the exsistence of Gaia, but they are open-minded enough to let Dr. Sid and Aki continue their research before resorting to the military option. General Hein shakes his fist, mumbles "Curses!" and skulks away.

Grey (Alec Baldwin), the hunky space Captain and Aki's old flame, is assigned to help Aki and Dr. Sid on their mission. Grey's team consists of:

1) Neil (Steve Buscemi), a dorky White guy;

2) Ryan (Ving Rhames), a strong, powerful, compassionate, self-sacrificing negro sergeant; and

3) Jane Proudfoot (Peri Gilpin),a militant Indian dyke.

Aki has a revelation: apparently, these ghosts aren't invaders after all; they started out as living creatures on an alien world. When they went to war with each other and accidentally blew up their planet, a chunk of it, plastered with alien ghost residue, found its way to earth in the year 2031.

The ghosts are attracted to living creatures, and when they hit humans, they suck the life right out of them. Such is the ultimate fate of every major character except Aki, Dr. Sid and the evil General Hein. Hein is blown up when he overloads the Zeus laser. Dr. Sid and Aki don't die at all; they live, so they can look weepily at the new frontier when our happy ending arrives.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Our rainbow coalition of superfriends discovers that the mother earth spirit, Gaia, is a giant blue bubbling mass of goop under the earth. The malevolent, yet misguided alien ghosts are burrowing into the earth with each attack by the evil White General, causing further damage to poor ol' Gaia.

The plan is this: once Aki and Dr. Sid put together the eight spirits, it will create an anti-alien-wavelength-generator-force-field-super-electrified-automatic...something-or-other. In other words, once they have the eight pieces of the puzzle, they can throw it or shoot it at the alien ghosts and make them all melt away.

Aki is contaminated by some ghost goo, but Dr. Sid comes up with a way to contain it within her. They find seven spirits, dump them all into Aki, and find out that Gaia herself is the eighth spirit. So, when Aki and Gaia unite, they change the multi-tentacled Cthulu-looking alien entity into harmless vapor.

The Earth is saved, Gaia smiles, a bird flies by, Aki cradles her dead lover, and the credits roll as a wispy female voice sings something about clouds, and mother earth, and how we should all sit in a tree and smoke pot or something.

After the movie, I overheard three teenaged boys talking about the movie. Their conversation went something like this:

"Well, that was...different."

"Yeah, the effects were cool, though."

"It coulda used more action."

"It coulda used some sex, too."

"Yeah, I wanted Aki to get naked."

Well, they're teenagers, after all. The point is, this movie, as high as its concept aspires to be, is lost on the average moviegoer. When it comes to Joe Sixpack, the Japs who made this movie will get at least these points across:

1) Asian and Indian women are smart and sexy.

2) Negro men are strong and virile, yet caring.

3) White men are dorky, unless they love Asian women.

4) Evil White Generals want to kill that pretty blue soul inside the Earth.

The average teenaged clod who watches Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within is just going to go home and look at some Hentai, to fulfill the need to see Aki naked. Such is the wish of the writer producer/director, HIRONOBU SAKAGUCHI. The movie was also produced by JUN AIDA, Chris LEE and AKIO SAKAI.

Four Asians just made a movie that will make every White comic-book geek lemming just a little more attracted to Asian women. Meanwhile, Murray ROTHSTEIN is making more movies like Save the Last Dance, and making teenaged girls just a little more attracted to monkeys.

A few generations from now, there will be no more White people. There will be Asians, negroes, Mestizoes, and mongrels. At the top, ruling it all, will be the Jews.

Don't let them get away with it.

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