The Majestic

Starring Jim Carrey, Hal Holbrook as Senator Joseph McCarthy
Released on DVD/Video in June 2002
Director & Producer -- Frank Darabont
Screenplay -- Michael Sloane

by Toni Brian

August 19, 2002

If you like long, winding and humorless drama that last up to 2 1/2 hours, you'll love this movie.

But this movie does strike some chords that we White Nationalists like to hear. For example, the setting: 1950s small town, clean, white and respectable. The beautiful big Fords and Chevys parked along main street. The clean and quiet streets. The subway car diner where everybody in town ate lunch. A place where the White people all know and care for one another. It is quite apparent this is before "civil rights" and "desegregation" came to the town of Lawson, California.

Another positive aspect of this movie is when Peter Appleton (Jim Carrey), a screenwriter, is sitting in the movie executive's office during some type of script session and the 2-3 movie executives are never exposed to the camera but the audience definitely is cued in by the nasal-sounding voices of these characters. These voices you hear are not your "everyday, all-American men." No, there is something wrong with this picture. Men disagreeing with actors' names and what kind of plot they want to see produced. To me, I heard jewish voices with jewish words and jewish phrases, maybe that is why the director never films these particular characters' faces - for the simple fact these are jewish movie bosses talking about inane plots. Peter Appleton, the goy script writer, is seen sitting in these sessions. In fact, that is the only person the camera focuses on in these scenes - one at the beginning of the movie and the other at the end. In the first, Peter agrees with his jewish bosses just like a good shabbos goy; in the second, he does the only alternative - tells them he thinks their plot is the "dumbest thing I have ever heard," and walks.

There are so many mixed themes running through this movie that for simplicity's sake, I will briefly outline the plot.

Time frame: roughly 8-10 years after W.W.II ended

Location: Hollywood, Calf and a small town north of LA, called, Lawson.

Synopsis: Peter Appleton, a B-movie screenwriter, enjoys his life working in Hollywood, has a beautiful, naive girlfriend who stars in his first picture, drives a convertible Mercedes. His name is brought to the attention of the McCarthy panel in Washington, D.C. It seems Peter Appleton attended a communist meeting in college called: "Bread not Bullets" just because he liked a girl who was a member of that group. Peter Appleton is now blacklisted in Hollywood. His girlfriend dumps him and he goes and gets drunk with his pet monkey (a stuffed animal) at a local bar. He decides in his stupor to take a drive up the coast. He and his monkey decide whatever town they end up in they will take on new identities.

Just his luck would have it, while crossing a single-car bridge out in the middle of nowhere a possum runs out in front of his car. He panics and stops. Now, I can see a woman doing this but for a man to get all panicky behind the wheel and brake for a possum on a rainy bridge tells me one thing -- effeminate male drivers can't drive very well either. The car runs into the side of the bridge. It starts raining. He can't get his convertible top back up, he tries to reverse, but alas, he falls into the fast moving currents below. He escapes his car but manages to hit his head on a block of concrete.

The next morning, he is found on the beach by an elderly white gentleman who is walking his dog. See back then, elderly white gentleman didn't worry about walking along isolated areas by themselves.

He is taken to the nearest town, called Lawson, he is shown White hospitality - a hot breakfast, a new shirt, a free and prompt checkup by the town's doctor.

One of the townspeople, Mr. Trimple, thinks Peter is his son. Mr. Trimple's son, Luke Trimple, never came home from the European front. His body was never found. Peter's wound on his head brought on amnesia, and so the town wants to believe this is Luke Trimple, W.W.II hero and Lawson's hometown son.

As the movie engrosses itself on that very element, the audience suddenly understands what W.W.II was about - death. The town of Lawson lost so many sons in the war that Truman commissioned a memorial for that town. Every store window displays photos and the cloths with stars on them. About every family in this town lost someone dear to them. Did America really win World War II? Was losing so many young men in this war worth it? The only reason given in The Majestic that America fought came in a flashback to Luke writing his sweetheart, Adele:

'We have to stand up against the bullies." That's it. That's the reason why so many American White men died or ended up wounded, because of some bully somewhere out there in the world. How ironic America today actually defines the word "Bully," and those who stand up against this bully are labeled "Terrorists." Oomph.

Was Germany really a bully or was she protecting her own and expanding her borders like all civilized nations seek to do? This movie definitely plays into the hype: America good, Germany bad, Communism okay, Nationalism evil.

Just as the glorification of Hollywood contrasts with the inglorious attributes of the jewish movie producers and the deluded reality of their movie scripts; so are the mixed messages of call to duty of Americans who give 100% allegiance to their government and the final and bitter obvious reality of that allegiance - a pine box and a white cross.

Back to the plot of this movie - Peter Appleton starts to believe he is Luke Trimble. He helps rebuild his father's (Harry's) movie house with the aid of the aging candy bar attendant and the token black character, who plays the usher. However it seems token black character gives allegiance to White people, works hard and is not seen exchanging any dialog with any other black people. Subservient and quiet, he was. The way they should be.

Soon Peter Appleton starts to regain his memory, and that's when hell breaks loose: Harry dies believing his son was really alive; Peter confronts Adele, whom he has been courting, and she dumps him; the FBI come into town and Peter is subpoenaed to testify in the McCarthy hearings.

Peter is ready to just sign a contract, purging himself as a Communist and provide names, which the lawyers for the studio producers list, and Peter doesn't even know who these "people" are. Peter goes through an emotional trial. Poor Peter, what should he do? Acknowledge he was a communist and promise never to do it again and have his old way of life back (driving nice cars and screwing beautiful women) or stand up to the mean ol' McCarthy and risk going to jail? Choices, choices.

But what makes this film just more agitprop from the jewish-led media group in Hollywood is how the McCarthy hearings, the infamous "blacklist," are represented. This movie tries to persuade the audience into believing McCarthy was as "bad" as the Nazis the American G.I.s fought against, regardless of the fact McCarthy was right about jewish infiltration. It does in its own subversive way promote Communism by having a beautiful blond woman tell us, "It doesn't really matter if you are a Communist or not -- this is America and you can be one if you want to. It's nobody's business."

Peter finds himself telling the McCarthy panel that they should not be "doing this" and it is "wrong, wrong, wrong," and Luke Trimble did not fight for this country to have Senators go on some sort of witch hunt -- and he walks right out of the courtroom, hero and all. Peter's jewish lawyer tells Peter that the panel wants to strike a deal -- just give them one name. Peter finds it morally incomprehensible to name someone and ruin his career. His lawyer subtly informs Peter the girl at the communist college meeting is the one who informed on Peter. Peter okays the deal to name the girl to the McCarthy panel. While this movie is trying to pound into the audience's heads the absurdity of the McCarthy trials, what sticks is the absurdity of Peter's supposedly "higher moral" character coming to light. Peter just got done telling us he wouldn't rat on someone, but ah, given that this someone "might" have ratted on him, go ahead and hang the bitch.

Peter returns to Lawson. The whole town accepts Peter Appleton, even though he is not Luke Trimble, because he, like Luke Trimble who stood up the those mean ol' nasty Nazis, stood up to that mean ol' nasty anti-Communist, Joseph McCarthy. Let's have a party! Let's dance the night away! Weeee....yippee...ignorant bliss, itz.

What the movie doesn't tell you is that in less than 15 years, the town of Lawson, a sleepy little White northern California town, becomes one of the nosiest, most crime-infested, graffiti-sprayed towns in California. It is overrun with hordes of asian "immigrants" and ghetto blacks littering up the landscape. The Whites of Lawson have either left town and headed north into the wilderness of Oregon or they have invested in heavy-duty door locks and handguns. The Majestic movie palace no longer shows clean White movies about love and honor but multiracial and leftist propaganda films such as "Who's coming to Dinner" starring Sidney Poitier. Peter Appleton's darling son who grew up in his father's theater wants to be an actor and runs away to the streets of Los Angeles where he, rather than starring in a movie role, gets hooked on crack and prostitutes himself to black men to get his fix. Peter Appleton's son is infected with the AIDS and dies in 1985. Adele Appleton dies of heartbreak a year later. Peter continues to run The Majestic movie house with hits like, "Desperately Seeking Susan" and "Save the Last Dance." One night, while ushering some teenagers, Peter Appleton is beaten to a pulp and robbed by some black gang later identified as "Crips." He dies three days later of internal injuries.

Would I recommend this film? That's a tough question because I would not want someone to be bored by the slow pace of the film. But if de-bunking Hollywood myths about McCarthyism is one of your favorite pastimes, or you just want a refreshing glimpse at what 1950s America looked like before the invasion took place -- then go ahead and rent this movie.


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