Pitch Black
by Mark Fulmer
The movie was not interesting enough for me to take
complete notes, but I do like horror and sci-fi movies
so I managed to make it through this one. Below I
spoil the suspense of who lives and dies, but it was
obvious from the beginning. The only reason to see
this movie is for the special effects and if you're hard
up for entertainment. The whole point to the movie is
that the only one who can save everyone is the half-breed murdering convict. The Jews behind this movie once again cement their anti-White propaganda.
This movie is an "Alien II" type with a seemingly doomed
crew and passengers marooned on some planet far, far
away. The white female pilot miraculously saves the
day managing to crash land, while the white male crew
member whimpers in fear. The survivors take stock of
supplies and line up for the audience's political
The cast:
White female ship pilot : strong, tough, open-minded
to anyone but white males. She dies because she would
not run away with the half-breed prisoner.
White male cop/bounty hunter: liar, bully, dumb and
only concerned about himself. He dies because he
wanted his half-breed prisoner to kill the white
teenage girl in order to save his own skin.
Half-breed prisoner/murderer: strong, worldly, streetwise, fair. He lives because he was a victim of the
white society and received special eye surgery that
allowed him to see in the dark, in order to protect
himself in the dark dungeons the whites had thrown him
in. This murdering convict was stronger, smarter,
meaner and just all around better than everyone else
White male passenger: snobby, rich, miserly. He dies
because he was a cowardly, spoiled and said mean
things about the half-breed convict.
White female teenager: worships the half-breed
murderer, open minded, trusting. She survives because
she worships the half-breed prisoner and stared at him
with adoring eyes
Black male Islamic: wise, religious, kind. He
survives because he's black, non-Christian and potent.
This movie is pre-9/11, when such were still considered
better than white Christians.
Three half-breed Islamic sons of above black Islamic:
kind, curious, trusting (all die).
They die because they are just innocent victims of
their own goodness.
White female crew member: tough, business-like, does
not trust half-breed murderer.
She dies because she never trusted the half-breed
prisoner and would not follow his lead.
Non-White male: carried a gun and used it in perceived
self-defense (dies).
This movie could have been okay if they did not have
such an obvious social agenda. The special effects
are pretty good and the aliens that live in the dark
are menacingly scary. The acting was not so bad that
you would have to turn the movie off.
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