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Gorgeous Saxon Girl Seeks U.S. Job

Saxon Hi, this is Elizabeth Bennett with a Real High-Quality Woman, just for you. One of my best friends is a 37-year-old, 5'11" Saxon girl from Leipzig. I'd say she's 99th percentile for LOOKS. I met her at a dance club last year, and did some fun things like sleepovers, winetasting, pool parties at her employer's house, dinner parties, and eating out. She's back in Leipzig now, but wants to come back to the U.S. in June for another 6-month visa.

She's a real catch: beautiful, energetic, bright, sincere. She was a syncronized swimming champ and ballerina in East Germany, then became a computer networking ace. SHE'S IN FAVOR OF KICKING OUT ALL THE "GUEST WORKERS" AND GIVING GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES TO GERMAN MEN WITH FAMILIES, TO ENCOURAGE MARRIAGE. SHE WAS OVER HERE GETTING HER MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION.

A Nazi guy -- a short, stocky, West German immigrant, who was well-off and owned his own car dealership in L.A., hired her last year to be his cook and housekeeper. He paid her $200/month, plus room and board. She got the job because she made a website for his business. It looked pretty good. She knows HTML and many other technologies, especially Microsoft and Novell. She was happy with her pay, and the place was spotless. She loved California, and constantly exercised outside. She was in excellent shape by the time she left. She got up every morning at 6:30 a.m. to cook him breakfast and cleaned his bathroom every day, which had a lot of glass and tile that needed Windexing. He was anal about the cleaning, and so was she!

She went out with a couple CA guys, both wimps, who couldn't keep up with her hiking. She's looking for another employer so she can get back over here. Leipzig is a bore, she says, because all the men are demoralized unemployed smokers who don't want to get married; the East is a wasteland and the West is high-rent. Tone down your politics -- she believes in the Holohoax. She doesn't want nanny jobs, because she says, "In America the kids are brats and run the household."

Please reply to me, [email protected]. Only clean, serious offers, please. You don't want to feel my wrath.

Your Own,

Elizabeth Bennett

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