The Real Haters

by Founders' America


CBS anchor Dan Rather, a liberal Democrat and Marxist sympathizer, loves using the term "hate group" whenever reporting on white-run organizations that oppose immigrant invaders, liberal Democrats, progressive Jews, black racists, and Marxist-run federal agencies; the last being most destructive to American civilization.

Dan hates "hate groups" and LAWFUL AUTHORITY, but supports Mexican racists overrunning our border states to steal America's wealth and property.

Christians, Jews and secular humanists in the Democrat Party are Marxist-oriented socialists who support OPEN BORDERS and this DISMANTLING of WHITE AMERICA; progressive Jews being the most powerful and influential force working towards that evil end.

Democrat Dan Rather especially hates authority, such as the police and military -- like those plainclothes police at Democrats' nominating convention, who punched him in the stomach and roughed him up on national television, making him appear as a girly man in front of his Marxist mentor and Comintern buddy, Walter Cronkite, and helping to crystalize his anti-authority/anti-conservative bent.

It's notable that Cronkite, after retiring, admitted to being what everyone suspected while he reigned as King-queen of the CBS News department:

"I can admit it now; I'm an ultra-liberal,"

he said, which confession identified him as a Marxist, and exposed his motivation for the nightly anti-American propaganda he cleverly aired during the Vietnam War. So his replacement could only have been another Commie, like Dan.

To understand Dan's left-of-McGovern politics, you have to examine his childhood and discover whether his father was absent or was uninvolved in his rearing -- or was an effeminate man. A strong feminine influence transforms young boys into emotionally feminine liberals in adulthood, driving them to adopt touchy-feely politics and irrational social causes.

Like all liberal men, Dan really isn't psychologically a man but an hysterical woman. The sight of police beating a thug like Rodney King or illegal aliens stealing across the border drives such "men" into an emotional rage, which root cause for such a response might include subconscious anger (hatred) against a father who was absent or couldn't stand up to his wife's willful emotionalism, leaving the son unprotected from his mother's seductive nature (or anger against a rational but overly stern father).

Generally, fathers teach their sons to be rational and self-reliant while mothers teach their daughters to be emotional and nurturing, which respective traits are sex-based and inherent to a large degree. But such rational instruction for a son is easily blocked by a seductive and emotion-driven mother, which is why it's very important for sons to separate psychologically from their mothers upon entering their teen-age years.

As I explain in my essay, "Emoting Women Vote and American Civilization Crumbles," wars take fathers away from sons who are then left at the mercy of an emotion-driven mother.

The Sixties generation had two strikes against it: It was a product of fatherless homes, both during the war and after soldiers came home to chase the almighty dollar, and genetic down-breeding resulting from intra-racial ethnic groups thrust together by an immigration policy only a Marxist social engineer could love -- ethnic groups that were separated for thousands of years until they fled their homelands to escape war or their own bad culture; a mongrelization bred of diverse ethnic stocks, whose offspring became this insane Sixties generation now driving America to destruction.

But more insanity can only follow insanity here, as the Marxist social engineers in Washington build a generation of interracial offspring from Third Worlders flooding America; a coming generation that will rip apart America's social and political fabric when their hormones start raging and their confusion over their racial and ethnic roots begins to anger them.

If you think the Sixties were a tumultuous time, wait until these children hit the streets.

Dan -- and "men" like him -- feeds off the excitement that such chaos engenders; that's how hysterical women know they're alive -- when they f e e e l strongly and deeply about anything, whereas men know they're alive by thinking deeply, exchanging ideas, inventing things, exploring their environment, building civilization, and testing their mental and physical strengths.

That's why "men" in media are attracted to their effeminate (gossipy) profession -- it matches their emoting, feminine nature.

Folks like Dan are SELF-GLORIFIED GOSSIPERS; they're like women who prattle on and on about this or that.

Like acting, journalism isn't a masculine profession but a feminine one -- a profession women eventually will overrun, since f e e e l i n g and gossiping are their nature; a job where chattering nags can gossip and deceive and provoke to create chaos, including wrecking reputations and lives and American civilization -- to f e e e l more strongly and deeply (Note: There are real men in acting and journalism, but they are a small minority that dares not to reveal too much of the RATIONAL MASCULINEMIND, for fear of being ostracized by Left-driven media moguls).

Dan's latest ragging is over beatings two illegal immigrants received after California deputies stopped them at the end of a harrowing 70 mile high-speed chase; an understandable beating, when considering our broken criminal justice system, the invading hordes from Third World nations, and this complicit and Marxist-infected federal government.

Mexicans invading the U.S. are anti-white racists, hell-bent on making our southwestern states Mexican colonies.

Such an expansion of the Mexican peasant population into America insures that Mexico will remain open to U.S. vulture capitalists' growing demand for cheap labor. The long-range plan is to eliminate all border restrictions and make of North America a free-trade zone, which kind of borderlessness only will further enslave the productive to the needs of a massive and growing unproductive poverty class, and which social upheaval the Marxists gladly will offer to fix by installing their utopian socialist State.

Both illegal and legal Mexicans are destroying whites' civilization, robbing them of their heritage -- their white civil society -- by driving whites out of communities with gangs and graffiti, forcing local authorities to accede to their demands for quotas and bilingualism, and demanding expulsion of studies in Western civilization from schools while dumbing down every other subject -- in order to accommodate their low-intelligence potential.

Mexicans in Mexico openly talk of their hatred for the United States and for whites, and vow to overrun California, Texas, and Arizona before spreading their low-culture northward.

Why has our federal government all but given them a written invitation to invade America, along with all the other Third World immigrants scrambling to escape to here from their overpopulated and failed cultures?

Because Washington is run by Marxists who hope to so dilute white voters' political strength that no resistance can form to halt their planned one-world utopian State.

Dan Rather refers to those organizations fighting the immigrant invaders as "hate groups," as if there's something wrong with HATING an enemy who openly talks of overrunning your culture;

as if there's something wrong with HATING the progressive Jews who've spread nation-destroying liberalism;

as if there's something wrong in HATING blacks for their low intelligence and bad temperament and resulting criminality, which inherent traits directly explain their off-the-charts illegitimacies, murders, rapes, robberies, carjackings and drug dealings;

as if there's something wrong with HATING a federal government run by Marxists, hell-bent on making of America a cog in socialists' utopian plans.

It is no accident that the liberal media are framing the anti-immigrant movement as racist; the term "racist" being a Marxist tool for emasculating you, so that you don't interfere with their plans for destroying white civil society's cultural underpinnings, such as Old Glory and the Pledge of Allegiance and the Bible and your English language and the value of your citizenship.

Any student of world history has learned the importance of a culture's symbols and traditions -- that when a conqueror invades a foe and wishes to keep the society intact, he leaves the cultural symbols undisturbed. But if he wishes to destroy the society, he must destroy its cultural symbols and restrict any exercise of its long-held traditions.

That's what the Marxists are doing to white civil society -- to America. Here are their major and ongoing insurgency programs:

1. Promote feminism to increase divorces, to get mothers out of the home, to encourage sexual promiscuity, to leave children to fend for themselves while making certain they are well-schooled in deviant sexuality -- especially homosexuality.

2. Dumb-down education, which includes attacking Western history and expelling studies in Western civilization while extolling minority cultures.

3. Restrict parental authority and provide children with "rights" the State can use to defend against parents. Your minor daughters easily get an abortion without your knowledge and consent but their State-authorized controllers demand your permission to dispense aspirin to them.

4. Encourage the production and sale of pornography and drugs, which products keep parents and single adults distracted from their society's decline, and leave children hooked on escapism.

5. Use movies, TV, music, and novels to undermine cultural symbols and traditions while promoting Marxist-based ideas.

6. Adopt anti-American laws and regulations. Old Glory can now be desecrated and burned with impunity while the Pledge of Allegiance needn't be said at all, and prayer and the Bible's teachings and studies in Western civilization are openly spurned, abridged, or removed by the counter-culture revolutionaries in politics, in public schools and colleges, in entertainment, and in the media.

7. Diminish national sovereignty and need for borders while promoting internationalism, which political/economic philosophy is a transitional phase for adopting One-World Government and Global Economic Socialism.

8. Attack the language. The primary glue for holding American civilization together is being demoted to a secondary language or just one of many languages, where all languages and cultures are given equal treatment under the law, and which kind of lingual and cultural equality is crucial to establishing the Marxist stratagem for strict conformity to State control (The Supreme Court will likely rule in an Arizona case this July, where an employee seeks a First Amendment right to speak in a foreign language to customers, against the wishes of her employer. The decision will reveal how close the Marxists are to completing their plan).

9. Devalue the vote and the meaning of "national citizenship." The vote is slowly being given to non-citizens, which plan is currently being implemented in cities and counties within liberal strongholds around the nation while the idea "citizen" has been replaced with "consumer," in order to shift the national consciousness from Cultural Man to Economic Man, the latter of which Marxists can more easily fit into their utopian socialist State.

10. Force racial integration. White communities are being forced to accept diverse races and ethnic groups by government edict (EEOC and HUD), in order to give men in minority groups access to females of the dominant host culture, giving Arab and Latino and Asian and black men access to white women. The offspring of such pairings take on the racial identity of the minority parent and accrue to that race more positive traits (read my essay, "One-Drop Rule as Two-Edged Sword"). The extent of minority men seducing and impregnating white women is epidemic. The purpose of this is to emasculate white males as their culture is being gutted, and to dilute their political strength (More significantly, this cultural rape radically reduces the number of white women available to white men -- read my essays, "White Women: Dumb as a Post" and "Restoration Revolution").

11. Undermine local authorities. Your culture's lawful authorities -- city, county, and state -- are being undermined by feminists and minorities through federal authority, making local police appear racist and unfair in stopping the invaders and corralling criminals, tying up law enforcement with civil suits and criminal charges until those who serve and protect quit their professions or are drummed out because they lose control in the insanity; and while each branch of the military is flooded with women and minorities, using affirmative-action quotas to promote them and undermine the unit cohesion so vital to combat readiness and winning wars (read my essay, "Blacks' Sucker-the-Man Ruse").

After our culture's underpinnings have been debased to the point that we don't care about them anymore -- after diminishing the meaning and value of both citizenship and private property -- our liberties and our property will become subject to State control.

If illegal aliens have civil rights like those actual American citizens retain by their Constitution, then citizens' civil rights become meaningless while their liberties and property lose the protections that only a sovereign, constitutional State may confer.

Illegals and legal alien residents already enjoy most benefits and privileges of American citizenship.

You're being made a citizen of the world by default while Mexican and other Third World racists challenge your exclusive right to the special benefits and privileges your American citizenship ought to reserve to you alone.

As the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, the immigrant-rights groups, and other Marxists extend more and more of your rights of citizenship to the invaders and their progeny, the value of your citizenship diminishes -- and your civilization crumbles!

Dan and his gossiping peers are glad that you're losing your nation to their Marxist machinations; they're happy to punish you for being white and racist and more superior in your white Western culture than any other civilization the world has seen.

Marxism -- a product of EMOTING FEMININE MIND -- hates a nail that stands out, which must be pounded into conformity, so that nobody's f e e e l i n g s are hurt by apparent inequalities.

White American culture stands out as superior while EMOTING FEMININE MIND feeds on chaos that keeping everyone equal necessarily foments.

Dan and his Marxist cohorts are happy campers while America and Western civilization careen into the abyss of their feminist-driven quest for a utopian world; and you're impotent to do anything about it.

Why? -- because this is the Age of Emotionalism.

Emoting women -- and men who emote like women -- rule!

Your news elites, your teachers, college professors, priests and ministers and rabbis, your political leaders, and your federal bureaucrats are all UNTHINKING EMOTERS (my apologies to those conservative and rational-thinking women).

This scribbler recalls America before the feminists took over. It was rational, orderly, lawful, familial, inventive, prosperous and moral -- it exhibited the high qualities of RATIONAL MASCULINE MIND.

The challenge to FATHER KNOWS BEST began after women got the vote; it was then that all hell broke loose.

Women continue voting their emotions, rather than the rational sense any civilization requires to survive (read my essay, "Emoting Women Vote and American Civilization Crumbles").

The Marxists planned it that way, since feminine emotion -- not reason -- drives Marxist ideology.

Quoting Pope Pius XI's 1937 encyclical, Mit Brennender Sorge:

"The doctrine of modern Communism, which is often concealed under the most seductive trappings, is in substance based on the principles of dialectical and historical materialism previously advocated by Karl Marx . . . Communism is particularly characterized by the rejection of any link that binds woman to the family and the home, and her emancipation is proclaimed as a basic principle. She is withdrawn from the family and the care of her children, to be thrust instead into public life and collective production under the same conditions as man. The care of home and children then devolves upon the collectivity . . . [Communism] subverts the social order" -- and American civilization declines, accordingly (read my essay, "Defining 'Civil Society' Down by Defeating Reason with Emotion").

You're being defeated by Marxist ideologues disguised as "liberals" or "moderates."

Dan and his elite cohorts in major media purposely distort, manipulate, and withhold from you the life-blood of any democracy: TRUTH!

Decision-making without truth makes tyranny inevitable. Our federal government is now tyrannical.

Marxists' insurgency programs destroy America. They continue apace and unchallenged because rational white men have been emasculated by emoting feminists--logic defeated by emotion; democratic civilization defeated by Marxism.

Again, this is the feminists' age -- the Age of Emotionalism.

Emoting women -- and EMOTING FEMININE males like Dan Rather, Phil Donahue, and Ted Kennedy -- rule!

EMOTING FEMININE MIND is naturally Marxist and communistic. One day you'll wake up terrified by that fact.


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