Love Groups Cause the Hate They Decry
by Founders' America
July 19, 2002
The evil mind that f o r c e d the integration of a
minority race of black Africans into white civil society
through forced busing, affirmative-action quotas and "fair
housing" regulations -- but after promising that the 1964
Civil Rights Act would not be used to apply quotas or to
discriminate against whites, and after promising that the
Immigration Act of 1965 would not be used to alter
America's racial mix -- is the same mind that brought human
slaughterhouses ("pro-choice" clinics) to every city; and
now tries to mainstream adult/child sex (pedophilia) through
the auspices of the American Psychological Association,
which used its power in the Seventies to convert homosexuality to normalcy.
Leftist love groups foment evil -- not love
-- because they're unable to think through
to the logical, bad outcomes of their
social engineering. Or they are Marxist/socialist/feminists who knowingly work for
the destruction of America's founding race
and culture of white civil society (the
latter case being more substantial).
For example, many members of love groups lack the mental
wherewithal to link growing illegitimacy in America to
declining morals and to welfare handouts. They can't link
teen girls having babies to schools' removal of instructions
about right vs. wrong, or to government funding of
apartments, food stamps and medical care for teen mothers.
And some members of love groups -- like in the ACLU, ADL and
Planned Parenthood -- love the vile and bizarre while hating
any traditional values; hate the racial, religious and
cultural foundations upon which this nation was conceived
and built; hate whites' "supremacist" position in their own
civilization; hate Christian morality, which term
simply means the conscious distinction between right and
wrong; and hate white Western civilization's influence
throughout the world. They are Marxist/socialist/
Left-wing love groups destroy rational
sense in all aspects of personal and
social intercourse in America, elevating
emotion over logic to bring chaos to
America's high-culture white society.
Left-wing love groups are immoralists (libertines) who
foment the hate they decry by creating social conditions
that moralists can't tolerate (the Founders wouldn't
For example, when federal government
began the FORCED busing of children
to effect perfect racial equality in
education -- an impossible goal since
the races are heritably unequal in
intelligence potential -- it made
otherwise law-abiding whites hateful
of their government, causing them to
either forcibly resist the tyranny
("massive resistance" and Boston
riots) or flee and begin anew, escaping to another community to harbor
their children in white public
schools or private ones.
Those who have studied the Founders' writings know that they
would have gone to war to halt forced busing. But there is
so much about this tyrannical federal government, past and
present, that our Founding Fathers would not have tolerated
but warred against.
They certainly did not intend for emotion to trump reason
and usher in FORCED INTEGRATION (leftist liars use the innocuous-sounding terms "desegregation" and "integration" to
mask that awful tyranny), which evil effort during the
Fifties began all the rest of what's wrong with American
civilization. How?: After whites were made to
submit to black culture --
the vulgar and/or violent
music and drugs and sexual
promiscuity, all coming
out of black ghettoes into
white schools -- by federal
edict, why would whites
feel any allegiance to the
rest of the moral culture
their white predecessors
had built?
Forced integration has eroded whites' r a c i a l connections for keeping their society's moral and cultural underpinnings. So why would whites care about moral virtue and
good civil society after being so thoroughly demoralized
by this Marxist/socialist/feminist federal government, in
having their white race and white communities ripped apart,
which social engineering remains one of the most evil -- not
to mention most undemocratic and unconstitutional -- acts in
history? It has been (is) a GENOCIDAL attempt to MONGRELIZE
the white race.
Many pro-Civil Rights conservatives can't
make the connection between the evil mind
that engineered FORCED INTEGRATION and
those human slaughterhouses -- and broken
families, abandoned children, dumbed-down
and dangerous schools, kids killing kids,
ubiquitous pornography, deadly STDs, and
our unprotected borders and communities.
Too many rightists can't see that that evil mind, always
disguised as a "loving" do-gooder, spews forth this cultural
sewage washing over the Founders' America.
Add to the evil of forced integration this unrelenting
importation of anti-white tribes from around the world to
see that white Western civilization is doomed, so long as
rightists deny reality and do nothing; they deny how the
"Civil" Rights Movement directly relates to this cultural
sewage spilling over America, and sit red-faced in the midst
of it all, afraid to write or speak the truth for fear of
being labeled "racist" or "bigoted."