
by Marc Moran

June 29, 2002

The first time I discovered the Vanguard News Network website, I was shocked. After all, I had spent the better part of my life living in the United States of America, attending American schools, watching American TV. I had been involved with the entertainment industry for over a decade as well as having spent the best years of my youth serving in the fully integrated Armed Forces of the United States of America.

I have been friends with, camped with, done business with, worked for, employed, partied with, celebrated occasions with, fought beside, taught, learned from, and even dated Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Orientals and Gays. Well, I never actually dated a Gay, but one did introduce me to my wife and for that I owe an eternal debt of gratitude.

I was, in every way imaginable, the cosmopolitan, non-judgmental, tolerant, multi-cultural type that almost everyone on earth seems to be these days. How could I not be offended by the words that I read on this site?

Let me tell you why.

When I was in fourth grade at the Melvin Kreps elementary school in Hightstown, New Jersey, my teacher, Mrs. Beytas, demonstrated a form of hatred and intolerance so pure and unadulterated the image of her and the name have never left my thoughts. I am 42 years old as I write this. Mrs. Beytas was, in 1968, way ahead of the crowd. She was one of the first feminists I have ever encountered although I do not think she professed it at the time. She arranged the seating in the room so that the girls sat in the front three rows, while the boys were made to sit in the last three. She did this, she said, because boys were bad. We were disruptive and unruly and girls wanted to learn, while boys wanted to fool around and cause trouble. While I would agree with her observations, in general, I remember thinking, even at the age of eight, that something was wrong with her approach. After all, I had always loved school and learning and I had several teachers before who had never made such distinctions between the sexes in the classroom, at least not that I recall.

Advocacy is never even handed. It always promotes the rights of one person or group over another. Equality, in my experience, is anything but.

In the afternoons after school I would wander through the fields looking for fossils to add to my collection. One afternoon in the early fall, not long after the school year began I found, lying in the field, a single arrowhead. It was made of gorgeous peanut butter brown jasper and it was in perfect condition, having spent the past several thousand years buried beneath the soil until the moment I reached down with my dirty little hand to pluck it from the ground. I showed it to my parents proudly and was encouraged to take it to school to share with the rest of the class for show and tell. This of course was in the day when children brought feathers and dollies, rather than crack vials and spent shell casings.

I remember that day as if it had just happened.

I walked to the front of the room and held the artifact in my palm for the rest of the children to see, the boys craning their necks from the back of the room for a closer inspection.

"This," I said, "is an Indian arrowhead I found."

Everyone stared in fascination at my discovery. All but one, that is. Mrs. Beytas snatched the point from my hand and hissed at me.

"You don't that! How do you know? You can't prove it!" And with that she held the delicate point between her fingers, like you would snap a stick and visibly tried to break it in half.

The stone held.

In a huff, Mrs. Beytas walked over to the side of the room and dumped my treasure into the glass fish tank, where it sunk in a loopy glide to the gravelly bottom.

I took my seat.

"Marc can't prove that is anything but a stone," she said in triumph. "It's just a rock."

I stared at that arrowhead lying in the bottom of the fish tank for the rest of the afternoon, filled with barely contained fury, and when the bell rang and Mrs. Beytas turned her head to erase the blackboard, I thrust my arm into the tank and reclaimed my artifact.

Not long after that my father took me to New York City to the Museum of the American Indian downtown near where he worked. I remember the awe I felt looking at the enormous collection of prehistoric relics and the giant display of stone projectile points. I remember seeing in one of the cases a point that was in every way a perfect example of the single arrowhead I found that day. Same shape, same color, same size.

I was right.

She was wrong.

I returned to the museum about four years ago but the artifact collection is gone. In its place are drums and headdresses, flutes and weavings, but not a single arrowhead remains on open display. I asked one of the curators and she told me that the collection had been moved to storage because the museum did not want to convey the image of the "Native-American" as one of a violent people who used arrows and spears.

"You should see my collection." I joked.

She didn't smile.

Bloop, right down the memory hole.

Since that time I have continued with my passion for collecting artifacts and have amassed a huge collection of stone, pottery, bone and metallic artifacts that I have found within a ten-mile radius of that first find. I have written extensively for publications geared to the archaeologist and the serious collector. I speak in schools to children about the Indians that inhabited this valley, the life they lived and the evidence they have left behind. I have discovered certain items that do not fit the acceptable theories held by "experts" in the field and I have found that it is far easier to ignore them and continue to do the research that I enjoy so much and write about what I find for those who are interested whether it conforms to their ideology or not.

What I do not do, however, is rely on the opinions of experts.

Sometimes they deny what they see and try to humiliate anyone who would dare to see beyond their carefully constructed theories.

It didn't matter to me what the authority figure said when I was eight, and I certainly don't care at forty-two.

Research, when you are quite interested in something, is a great deal of fun.

It is, however, problematic. You do not always wind up discovering the very thing you set out to find. Your opinions are forced to change, or you are forced to deny the facts to conform to your previously held opinion. Neither is an option that produces warm fuzzy feelings, but only one leads you closer to the truth.

My experience with the aspect of race and its implications has taken many years to sink in. I have always thought that people should be treated as individuals, that it is unfair and prejudiced to make distinctions based on race and yet I cannot help but notice that virtually all of human history has been guided by this very principle.

Here is an interesting test.

If you arrived home one afternoon and your entire family was trapped inside a burning house, would you, if you knew it would likely cause your death, risk everything to rescue your loved ones?

I know how I would answer that question, and I believe, although I don't know conclusively, that most people would answer the same.

We have just established, at least theoretically, that the greater good is served by sacrificing the individual for the group. Repeat that exercise and replace it with a group of illegal immigrants squatting in an abandoned building in a nearby city you don't live in and see if you come up with the same answer. Or rather, imagine the people in the burning house to be the bullies your child has encountered, or the perverts who have made lewd comments to your wife or lured your sister into a life of prostitution or have screwed you out of money or a job. What would your answer be then? Oh I know that there are those altruistic individuals who would answer, "Yes, yes, yes!" and rush headlong into death to save those who would never consider the same act in return.

But these individuals will not be around to pass their genetic inheritance a single generation further, and in nature, where we all live, despite the level of comfort we enjoy today, that is the only thing that matters. Therein dies the sacred cow we call the individual. This kind of decision-making has long been observed in combat, where an officer sends certain men to certain death to forestall the complete destruction of the entire force. Hard choice, but one that has and must still be made, even today.

Even in a civil society such as ours, we make similar decisions daily, and yet we pretend as if no such thing happens. In fact, we insist that everyone go along with this deception or face social ostracism or worse. While we no longer believe that human being should be shackled and chained, millions of Americans are, nonetheless, shackled and chained today in prisons. This is a decision we make when others decide, of their own free will, to behave with incivility. Therein dies another sacred cow, personal liberty. If we are all endowed by our Creator with the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, who are we to take those rights away, for any reason? Of course to let murders and rapists do as they like without limiting their God-given rights is untenable in a civil society and so we as individuals (judges) and as collectives (juries and communities) decide to abrogate those unalienable rights.

Ah, conundrums.

The only bovine left in the field is the pursuit of happiness. If your personal happiness is to enslave, rape, fondle strangers, dictate behavior or language or beliefs to others, how am I, or anyone for that matter, to preserve my right to happiness when and if it comes into conflict with another persons?

I recently read a quote by a mayor in New Jersey that said, "We will not tolerate intolerance."


Do you understand how contradictory such a comment sounds? Does it mean anything when we, whomever "we" is supposed to be, say something so ridiculous?

Does it mean that we have to tolerate robbery, homicide and vandalism? Of course it doesn't.

Neither do I, as a free and independent thinker, need to tolerate all sorts of destructive and anti-social behaviors. I am free to vent my displeasure in myriad fashions: in my speech, my writing, my picketing, my boycotting, and in my thinking. That mayor, and those who share his narrow-minded opinions, have no more right to compel me to accept their world view than I do to compel them to accept mine.

After all, one man's tolerance is another man's crime.

Which brings us back to the reason I wrote this essay to begin with. People are tampering with my Nation. They are tampering with my family, my community and my beliefs. They are tampering with me, and they want me to go along with it as if it were my duty. And they will not tolerate dissension. I could no more do this than to commit the perversions and destructive behaviors they revere. I cannot stop them from their ruinous course, but I can do everything in my power to make others aware of the damage and carnage they proselytize.

I can look at the facts and I can come to know the truth, as much as it can be known in order to do the one thing I was born to do - preserve my family, my community and my people. Like rushing into the burning house to save your wife and child, like rising from the trenches to preserve your comrades, and like defending your right to believe, to worship, to associate, to demonstrate and to advance the cause of one's own race, it is our reason for being that submits the individual to the greater good.

Our Nation and by my definition that means a people, not an ideal, is under assault. Pornography, rioting, unchecked immigration, miscegenation, and every other form of creeping liberalism are merely symptoms of a sick and dying culture. I have read enough history over the course of the last thirty-five years to know that this is the behavior of humans and that the only thing that lasts are those who are willing and up to the task of surviving. The Neanderthal is no more. The American Indian is fast on its way top extinction and total assimilation. There are probably others who have disappeared beneath the sands of time of which we shall never know because they failed to survive. They assimilated, capitulated and dissipated themselves off the world stage.

I know the figures and I can do the math. White people -- Anglos, Nordics, Alpines, Aryans -- all of them combined represent approximately 7% of the earth's population. Of these, barely 2% are fertile females capable of reproduction. That means if the current birth rates continue, within a single generation we will represent less than two out of every hundred humans on the face of this planet.

What then might our chances for survival be?

Do you want to live? Do you think your children or grandchildren might appreciate the temporary embarrassment or discomfort you experience today, so that they might live at all?

Who among us realizes that we are the minority race? On every continent the White race inhabits, immigration is not only encouraged, it remains unchecked. The tide floods across the borders and it consumes and reproduces at a level far higher than those whose lands it moves into. On every continent occupied by other races, the White race is being forced to leave or is being slowly and inexorably assimilated or exterminated.


South Africa.

Look no further than our own entertainment industry for evidence. Halle Berry was born to a White mother, conceived by a Black father. What does she call herself? How is she perceived? Will anyone remember her mother's race in fifty years? A hundred?

Look at China's largest city, Shanghai, with a population of 17 million Chinese and only thirty thousand people of other races. Where is the hue and cry for diversity on this continent? Why not?

Israel has a law of return for every Jew on earth, yet forbids citizenship to those who are not Jews. Why is that?

This fact of nature, this competition between the races of mankind has been at times violent, at times peaceful, at times inter-racial and at times intra-racial, but it has always been ongoing. All of the high-minded rhetoric and rosy pictures painted by the egalitarians and multi-culturalists are simply a denial of our very nature. Our minds have come to the mistaken conclusion that the body serves them, when in fact it is just the reverse. People can easily exist without ideals and high-minded philosophies, but the mind cannot live on if the body perishes. Simply because man can conceive perfection and harmony between the races does not mean he can attain it.

The truth of the matter is that no other race behaves as we do, giving and giving and receding before the flood graciously, with smiles and offerings and platitudes to boot. We are the ones who export our vaccines and our foodstuffs and humanitarian aid and even our young men's bodies to be consumed by the unquenchable thirst of racial survival.

Let one man speak out and the powers of the entire world are directed against his singular plea to live as he has lived, as his people have lived for thousands of years, because he cannot, must not, will not be allowed to stand in the way of those who are so close to seeing their divine promise come to fruition....

Not long ago there was a National Alliance leaflet distribution in the Princeton, New Jersey, area. My own family lives in Princeton and in fact we are descended from the founders of that town. I was not surprised by the reaction in the press to the distribution, and although I did not personally see one of the leaflets, I got the feeling that the descriptions I read were less than candid. Although the local police departments (there is a Borough and a Township of Princeton, although the boundaries are fairly hard to determine. The Borough tends to be the "city" portion, while the Township encompasses the suburban/rural surroundings) claim that over 100 leaflets were recovered and yet not a single leaflet was reproduced, nor its text printed in any of the local papers. There was the standard ADL recap of the leaflet that said that there was a "bio-hazard" warning on the bags and that these individuals hate democracy, homosexuals, Jews and Blacks and want to overthrow the U.S. government. I personally looked at every downloadable leaflet on the website but only found one that contained a "bio-hazard" warning and that was an obvious joke, as it referred to the current head of the ADL as a "bio-hazard." There was no mention of government overthrow, of hatred of democracy. Had the leaflet been reprinted in the newspapers, and I assume that they have the means, everyone would have been able to make the call themselves.

In fact, one particular group offered a reward for the identity of the leafleteers, despite the fact that no crime was committed. Such actions are nothing less than vigilantism, yet the newspapers never pursued that angle and the police have yet to charge them with incitement to violence. The group was called the Jewish Veterans of America. I cannot conceive of referring to myself as a "Presbyterian Veteran" or a "White Veteran," but I may in the future.

A part of us, but not one of us.

I called several friends and relatives in the area to see if they had recovered one of the flyers, but unfortunately the distribution appeared to have been very limited and so I will never know just exactly what was said, but there is no question in my mind that the coverage was skewed to conform to the official position -- no debate, no discussion, no free-thinking allowed. The ADL said it and that's the way it is.


It's absolutely Beytas.


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