Bring It On

by Marc Moran

June 28, 2002

I don't know what it looks like from where your standing but from where I'm standing the view is mighty sweet.

I haven't felt this energized about the movement since the day my eyes were first opened. Recruiting is becoming a breeze. Everyone I speak to is on a simmering boil over the loss of their nation and looking for a culprit. It usually takes about three or four conversations before I am asked point blank, "what can I do?"

Join the National Alliance, bookmark VNN, (or for the slightly less gung-ho. They find VNN on their own from there anyway.) I focus on kids, teenagers, parents with children and anyone over sixty. They seem to be the most responsive and the most likely to be open to the truth. I do avoid anyone with facial piercings, guys who push their babies around in those high-tech pram/stroller/LEM contraptions, single mothers, men who highlight their hair, anyone resembling a j*w, immigrunts, anyone with NIN bumper sticker, boofs and vegans. The last group simply because they aren't strong enough to carry a rifle. Make up your own list. Itz fun.

I know that entropy generally refers to thermodynamics, but if we aren't melting down on a day-by-day basis I'll eat my hat.

This morning's paper featured dual headlines: "Pledge Tossed"; and "Homosexuals Sue For Marriage Rights".

Yes! Yes! Yes! Keep up the kvetching, Hymie! Wheedle, whine, grovel, plead, beg, whinge, berate, opine and felch through your piehole to you heart's content. Itz like overpumping a bb gun. The more you pump, the better the shooting afterwards.

My friend from Detroit called the other morning.

"I'm waiting for the mothership to beam me up," he said.

"Rough, huh?" I turned him on to the movement about six months ago.

"This morning's Free Press reads like The Foward. Israel, Israel, Black, Gay, Jew, Jew, Crazy White Man, Jew, Jew, Black. And that's just the front page."

They are speeding up everything in an all out effort to polarize and frighten and cow whoever hasn't already been thoroughly brainwashed. Homos, Immigrunts, parolees, filth, waste, corruption, theft.... Kiddie porn good, Pledge of Allegiance bad. And that's just our courts. Keep it up, stoke that fire, more, more, more. Denounce us and curse us and foam and froth and kick and stamp and hold your breath and offer rewards and scream anti-semenism or whatever they call it and get ready for the fireworks. There are one hell of a lot more patriots than grovelling toadies and we aren't in it for the money. Let's just see how long this house stands once you divide it.

On my way in to work this morning I passed a convoy of brand new humvees with Delaware National Guard insignia headed southbound on 295. The drivers made me smile. An overweight pimply faced pale white girl of about twenty with bright blue barrettes in her corn-rowed hair and BDUs, an extremely overweight hipamican smoking like he was a part of a cancer study, and the rest were brodas from another continent with big snarly naps of twisted wool where military haircuts once used to go and flipped up collars on their cammies, field caps sideways like they were Mickey D's employees. A beautiful and exhilarating sight for a combat vet who visits the range regularly!

I can hear the clatter of dropped rifles from here.

Pull down this rotten empire and throw the corpses on the pyre! The end game is indeed coming and itz wonderful. They know that they are losing their hold on the masses and when the inevitable economic disaster hits, (and if you read Buchanan's piece today or read about the umpteenth Amtrak bailout or Global Crossing, et al, you know that's one train that will be pulling into the station on time) the walls will come tumbling down.

My sources inside the 82nd Airborne and Ranger Battalions tell me there is an almost Piercian unfolding of the ZOG plan afoot on post and there are plenty of young, capable and extremely deep-covered gentlemen who will not go with the flow. People follow leaders, not rank, and if you've ever been under fire, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have taken to overhearing conversations at tables in restaurants these days and the "Washington Bob" as shagets goy fredoneverything refers to it, has spread beyond the beltway. I carry a three ring binder of the best downloads from Carol Ward, Yggdrasil, Jeff's Archive, Birdman Bryant, even copies of the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence with me everywhere I go. I make sure they each have a stamp on each page and whenever I hear a reference to race, crime, immigration, the Mideast, anything even remotely close, I simply stop by the table on my way out and with a smile say, "I couldn't help but hear what you said about so and so and I thought you might be interested in this... I know that my pleasant demeanor, sincere smile and well-mannered approach doesn't hurt the least bit in getting most people to say, Thank-you, and mean it. I am out of the door fast enough not to leave a ripple, and the seed has been planted. Yesterday I went to the local Barnes and Noble (sorry Dr. Pierce, it was a gift certificate from my employees for my birthday) to pick up Volume II of Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West. The kid behind the counter was staring hard at the cover and when he handed it to me, he asked, "Who's bust?" refering to the bronze on the cover.

"Spengler," I said.

"Wow, you've got to be pretty important to get a bust made of you."

"Spengler is important." I replied.

"I'm really interested in history. It was my major in college, but I've never heard of him. I'm a Hegelian. You know, fifty-year cycles."

"Spengler's not that myopic." I told him. "He out-Nietzches Nietzche. " I said and the kid looked up at me like I'd just unlocked the doors of perception.

I paid with the gift certificate and handed the book to the kid. "A gift." I said.

"Are you serious?" he asked me, his jaw hanging loose.

"You can't be a history major without understanding the people who make it," I said, and walked out the door with a huge smile on my face. One more for our side.

Itz coming, everyone. Step up your activity. Be in-your-face and use your rights to free speech and the right to assemble and to leaflet and to do whatever you can before this thing reaches a head. Once everybody has their eyes opened, you can shut them up and lock them up, but you can't keep them from knowing who and what our enemy is -- not once they are aware.

Itz almost time!

Whet your bayonets and keep your ammo dry.

[The preceding message is not intended as an incitement against the government, nor does it constitute an endorsement of anyone who would do such a thing, no matter what Thomas Jefferson might have said. (wink, wink)]


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