Congratulations: You're a Fascist

by J.R. Colson

June 25, 2002

Why do people react with horror to the label "Fascist"? The reason must be due to the Jewish brainwashing of the West. Because, believe it or not, if you are an intelligent White racist living in any White country, one who knows the sad truth about "democracy," you are indeed a Fascist. So get used to that moniker.

The main link between German Nazism and Japanese Fascism was that the leaders of both of those movements realized they needed to forcefully control their cultures. Both felt that their people were becoming too "modern" too fast -- which is another way of saying that both of those Fascist movements feared the liberal influences of American/Western European ideas, most of which were Jewish in origin, e.g. egalitarianism, feminism, globalism. Fascism, in short, was the idea of using governmental power to preserve the racial/social cultures of Germany and Japan as well as, to a lesser extent, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

White nationalists know that "democracy" as practiced in the West today is a sham. We also know that America -- the leader of the West -- was not intended by its Founders to be a democracy. We Whites know that as soon as Blacks and women and half-wits are allowed to vote or hold public office, the Jewish/Marxist shit hits the cultural fan, and immigrants, Jews and homosexuals are then free to subvert and destroy with impunity. The German and Japanese Fascists knew that, too -- in a manner of speaking -- which is why most of them embraced Fascism.

Note that Fascism is the opposite of Communism, especially in that it is not an international movement, but is instead a "local" movement that controls the culture of one people within one state. Further, Fascism is not, contrary to popular belief, totalitarian. It is instead simply authoritarian, meaning that it, as a system, controls much but certainly not all of the daily lives of the citizens who live under it. And significantly, each Fascist state differs in the scope of social/economic control by the state, the result being that Fascism is not nearly as monolithic as Communism, the latter varying little across the globe. Fascism may or may not be overtly racist, but I argue that all Fascism is racist to some degree because it seeks to prevent change within the culture of a country, and that often requires the use of force against people not of the host culture. So Fascism could be said to be "inherently but reactively racist," in the positive sense of that terminology.

At any rate, the dual points of this essay are: 1) if you are a White nationalist, you are already a Fascist, so you should not mind being called such; in fact, you should use that label yourself; 2) Fascism -- of one degree of severity or another -- is the only way that Whites can return the West to Whites.

Additionally, I feel the need to repeat what I often say about our modern West: if any Westerner thinks that Whites can "democratically" vote our way back to the good old days, he is sadly mistaken. In fact, "democracy" is why the West is so screwed-up in the first place: witness Blacks voting; witness our militaries full of women, minorities and homosexuals -- people who were not considered political equals by our White forebears. Most significantly, witness Jews calling the shots at all levels of government and commerce, regardless of the country in question.

I stress here that there is only one way to preserve the culture of any country for an extended period of time, and that way is by force of government. Again, the Nazis and Japanese knew this. Social customs and taboos alone will not preserve a culture for long. Only an entity that has great power and authority -- a state -- can forcibly protect a culture from negative influences over many decades. In fact, American laws did just that in earlier years -- they preserved the White culture by force: recall the various laws in the U. S. that prevented non-Whites from voting, owning land, holding public office, marrying a White citizen, etc. Indeed, non-Whites could not immigrate to America during the Founding era [1]. In short, America was "culturally Fascist" for many years. Such Fascism was natural; few complained about such authoritarianism, until Jews arrived in the U. S. in large numbers, bent on dismantling any law that favored the host culture.

The Jews don't want you to like the idea of Fascism. They have spent many years using Hollywood and newspapers and magazines to sour Whites on such a so-called "totalitarian" ideology. Don't fall for their kikish propaganda. Their "democracy" killed your culture, Whiteguy, and Jews do not want you to consider an ideology that would quickly halt them, and their Marxist/negro helpmates, in their tracks.

So congratulations, Whiteguy -- you are a Fascist. Embrace that label; don't be afraid to use it to describe yourself and your fellow nationalists. Let the free use of that word slowly remove the stigma that surrounds it; let Whites talk about Fascism in chatrooms and on message boards, informing others about it. Let us use that word to open honest discussions about why Jewish-installed "democracy" has nearly destroyed the West, and which ideology can stop that democracy.


[1] immigration Act of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat 103-104); stresses White ethnicity: "That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."


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