Race-Mixers Take Heed -- Today's Fashion May Be Tomorrow's Sorrow

by Andrei Kievsky

June 25, 2002

The dogmatically tolerant view "intolerance" and "racism," and "being judgmental and mean" as moral flaws of no utility or value that must be eradicated via "proper training." Their view amounts to a sort of psychological version of circumcision - the view that people are born with spare parts that need to be surgically removed in order to be made whole.

I'm certainly no evolutionary scientist, but it seems to me that there is probably an evolutionary reason for all human traits, including intolerance, racism, greed and snobbery. All of these strike the modern ear as purely negative qualities, but are they?

The term "greed" is merely ambition gone awry. Eradicating greed would create people who do basically nothing beyond bare subsistence. All the works of civilization would never have come about if not for the instinct or drive that is often perverted into greed.

Intolerance has to be the most fundamental survival skill there is. The world makes short work of anyone who takes "tolerance" too far.

Snobbery is a form of intolerance that is specifically oriented towards distinction between higher and lower quality. It is often perverted, yet it has a fundamental function in setting and maintaining standards. In its ideal form, it sparks healthy ambition and infinite creativity. A healthy snobbery provides ideals to strive for, and points towards concrete things to accomplish. For example, in old Europe a working class or middle class kid could strive to become a great artist or musician/composer in order to gain a foothold in the "high society," and this resulted the great works of Western civilization. Of course pure talent and inspiration played a role as well, but having a society that had standards enforced by snobbery provided motivation to do better than one might have aspired to otherwise. In a less developed society, Mozart might simply have come up with variations on folk melodies, instead of the vast, multi-instrument works he did compose.

Racism is a form of genetic snobbery, and its evolutionary purpose is to maintain the standard of genetic development that Northernkind has achieved from thousands of years of evolution in cold climates. It is ingrained and hard-wired, and all attempts to "erase racism" can only be produce temporary changes, and those only with the devotion of great resources to prevent slippage.

Billions of dollars are spent in entertainment and educational institutions to "eradicate" genetic snobbery from White people. As I said, it is the psychological version of circumcision - attempting to eradicate something that we possess at birth, something that is natural to us. Even if a White couple is persuaded against racism, if it produces unmixed White children, there is no guarantee these Whites or their children won't revert. The only solution for those who would "erase racism" is to preventing White children from being born at all. The only way to eliminate what they call the "social construct" of 'Whiteness' is to eliminate the biological construct of Whites.

Below is some evidence taken from recent stories of hard-wired racism in White people. The people mentioned in these stories are probably decent in every way, their only "shortcoming" being their refusal to accept the "race mixing chic" of 2002.


Her roommate's boyfriend disapproved of Johnson dating black men and kicked the otherwise homeless young woman out of the apartment.


A town mayor who wrote a letter remarking that children of inter-racial marriages were "mongrels" has defended his comments in the national media, declaring "it's a free world."

"If you are a child of a mixed race...Asian-Caucasian or aboriginal-white, you are a mongrel and that's what happens when you cross dogs or whatever," Port Lincoln Mayor Peter Davis said Wednesday. Davis supports a cut in Asian immigration.


Still, McGuire acknowledged that many students in the school, where 84 percent are white, are unaccustomed to minorities. "When we put on a Black History Month program, the basic reaction I heard was, 'What about white history month?' "

The troubles began in the fall, when a group of ninth-grade African American youths and a group of white 10th-graders fought a war of racially charged slurs.

Despite years of diversity training, MTV, Martin Luther King worship in the school systems, and corporate and governmental enforcement of anti-White thinking, there are still racists in 2002. Whenever you hear people say, "I can't believe that this kind of thinking is still around in this day and age," you should smile to yourself, because this is the peak of anti-White government efforts. This is as bad as it's going to get, and those of us who survive this onslaught can probably look forward to a future where once again Whites will be able to be openly racist and to take measures to prevent miscegenation.

Sound optimistic? It seems to me that the enforced racial harmony is financed by a bubble-like prosperity, which is deflating even as you read this. When Whites have less to lose, they will be more inclined to go with their natural instincts, and when non-whites have less to lose, they will increase their group competitive behaviour and commit more racial crime. It will be more difficult to "bribe" people into racial harmony.

Where does that leave today's race-mixers? A race mixer should ask himself or herself - what is the vision of the future that will work for him? Many race-mixers have utopian visions of a world full of mongrelized Tiger Woods-like creatures. For this to happen, it would take a continuation of the status quo for another hundred years -- the racial harmony enforced by bribe and by threat.

There is only the most infinitesimal chance of the status quo lasting for the next hundred years. In fact, it's probably physically impossible, barring miraculous scientific discoveries of the sort Julian Bond and Lyndon LaRouche dream of.

When this fragile status quo comes crashing down, the race-mixers will find themselves out in the cold. For every White who speaks up against race-mixing, there are thousands who silently agree with him or her. When the ball is again in play, the Whites will jump at the chance to build society anew, sans non-Whites, sans race mixers and sans Jews, and the silent majority of pro-white Whites will step forward. One of the obsessions of the Jews is how many Europeans welcomed Nazism, and surely they know what a large percentage of White Americans will support the building of a Whites-only society when given the chance. They know this, and that's why they are trying to miscegenate and abort future generations of Whites as quickly as possible.... The 20th century has been a hard, bitter lesson for Whitey, but we know the score now like we never did before.

Race-mixers and those Whites considering participating in this disgusting practice should think twice and three times, and consider what kind of future there is in miscegenation. What's fashionable today may be laughable and despicable tomorrow, and may leave you and/or your future mixed-race descendants outside the heavily guarded borders of White civilization.


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