Church Ladies Whistle Past the Graveyard in Hopkinton
by Andrei Kievsky
June 20, 2002
Hopkinton, Massachusetts
At last I have a chance to report and comment in depth on the latest public
meeting in Massachusetts. We had 12 people from the National Alliance and
the World Church of the Creator.
Getting public activism going takes an initial drive to persuade people that
it's both fun and worth it to sit through an hour or two of droning
bureaucrats in order to make a two minute speech, or to support a speaker.
My first town government meeting was attended only by myself and my
daughter. For the next two months after that, I had only one other NA
member with me.
However, now I have a cadre of about 10 to 12 people who show up
consistently, and I am very grateful to them. It's a good looking, happy
crowd of young people who smile and joke and are about the only ones,
besides the news photographers, who are having fun. At the Hopkinton
meeting, I caught a ride with a couple people and we were a bit apprehensive
when there was no one at the appointed meeting place. But my heart leaped
with joy when we pulled up to the Hopkinton town hall and saw a large group
of our people on the sidewalk greeting us. We really stood out, because
Hopkinton is a quaint old New England town, and you generally don't see
groups of 10 or 12 young adults on the sidewalk at one time. The
townspeople must have been saying to themselves, "Oh no, there's the Nazis
we've been hearing about."
Some news photographers came into the meeting about halfway through, looked
around the room until they spotted us, and photographed us. We posed with
smiles and thumbs up. It was quite obvious that the ONLY reason they showed
up was to photograph us. After the meeting, they told us that we are the
most interesting thing they get to cover -- usually they just photograph
crime scenes and fires.
We attended this meeting because it was an open forum on whether or not to
build affordable housing in Hopkinton. The pro-developer was a sleazy,
beady eyed man who stood there with his hands clasped behind his back in the
"parade rest" stance, while warning the citizens about the dire consequences
if they don't build the proposed housing. I don't know if he was a Jew or
not, but if he's a Gentile I'd award him the "honorary Hebe" award for his
sleaziness and lying.
There is a law in Massachusetts called "40b" which requires that every town
make 15% of its stock 'affordable housing.' So what you get are 300-year-old New
England towns with welfare projects smack in the middle. The townspeople
deal with it -- they lose a portion of their children to whiggerism and
crack-whoreism, and the rest become hardened to it. Of course not nearly
enough of them go all the way and join our cause -- many of them take the
individualist route and say, "Well, those people are just stupid and they
get what they deserve." They don't take into account the fact that MTV has
led those kids down the wrong path, and the jewified edjewcational system
has deprived them of their birthright to an education on Western
civilization in all its aspects, from learning to play Bach's Inventions,
to learning how to paint in the classical style, to Homer's Iliad and
Odyssey and Balzac's and Dostoevsky's novels to European history to
performing the Greek tragic and comic plays and Shakespeare's plays.
The individualists fail to see the Big Picture, and thus they accept the
loss, the ritual sacrifice, of a certain percentage of white children to
whiggerism and crackwhoredom. The edjewcational system provides the
boredom and nihilism -- the moral and spiritual vacuum, if you will -- MTV
provides the blueprint for self-destruction, and welfare housing provides
easy access to non-white dealers of hard drugs and to pimps. You used to
have to seek these out in the inner city, and many white kids were simply
afraid to do so; now, thanks to the Jews and their 40b law, the hell and
death comes to their doorstep.
This may not be an all bad thing, if and when it results in large
recruitment and White revolution. Jews act destructively without seeming to
consider the possibility that people might figure out their game and strike
Anyway, the beady-eyed lobbyist for developing Hopkinton into a Third World
mess was telling the citizens that if they don't build affordable housing
now, then 40b will kick in and force them to build highrises in their state
parks and on their historical sites, etc. This only came out after we
spoke, otherwise one of us may have said, "Well maybe we should work to
change the law and repeal 40b! This is the land of the American Revolution,
and you seem to think that 40b is inscribed by God himself! It's just a
law, and laws can be repealed. Say no to affordable housing, and work to
repeal 40b!"
But I didn't get a chance to say that. What I did say was actually far more
relevant -- namely that there is no housing crisis, the reason housing is so
expensive is because hundreds of thousands of non-white immigrants are
pouring into Massachusetts and getting subsidized rents. To the credit of
the Metrowest Daily News, they reported this -- the whole article is on
Letters 154.
And it's true. I used to live in Dorchester, Massachusetts, and my
neighbors from Puerto Rico and Honduras were only paying 30% of the market
rate rent. The other 70% was paid to the landlords by the taxpayers -- all
for the privilege of having them live here and do basically nothing. They
didn't contribute anything to the country, as far as I could see. I treated
it as an educational field study to see if the diversitymongers had any
merit AT ALL. I wanted to see if there was even an ounce of merit to their
claims. I was friendly with my neighbors both for practical and educational
reasons. One woman, a non-white from "Latin" America with several children
and no father and a gigantic, 3 story subsidized apartment (she did keep it
clean) said to me one day, "I am poor and life is hard." I could empathize
with this, so I offered to teach her the computer field. Now this was in
2000, at the tail end of the computer boom. She was an affirmative action
"twofer" (non-white and female) and she was a short subway ride to downtown
I knew for a fact that with the most basic computer skills she could waltz
into a financial or banking firm and get a job. It didn't hurt that she had
a stable personality -- the sort of person who might not be spectacular, but
also would probably show up to work and not cause trouble -- and improve the
diversity numbers. She probably would have started at 45k with massive
benefits, and been up to 60k or more in two years.
What the hell, I thought. I offered to teach her the computer field. Here
it was on a platter -- let's play liberal and see if there's anything to it.
Some silly white had given her a one-year-old computer, a nice IBM, and it
was sitting in a corner collecting dust. We took it apart on her kitchen
table, and I taught her every piece of it, and had her take it all apart and
put it all back together and identify every part and what its function was.
I had her install Windows 98 a couple of times. I had her install a
printer. I brought over my own computer and showed her how networking
works -- install NIC cards, 10 Base T cable, and a hub, and give the IP
addresses to each card, along with subnet masks and default gateways. I
loaned her books I had on A+ and Windows 2000 and networking.
A+ training (hardware) costs an ambitious White man about 5,000 bucks, and
the Windows and networking training another 10 grand. I've got the student
loans to prove it. So I gave this woman about 15,000 dollars worth of
training, and it was probably better than she'd have gotten at a school
because it was all hands on.
I made her learn how to type 20 words a minute without looking at the
keyboard. I drilled her mercilessly on how to do everything possible with a
DOS prompt. I taught her how to track down DLL files when an installation
process chokes because it can't find them. I taught her how to install
printer drivers.
She was ready for that high-paying affirmative-action job -- more than
ready. She could have probably gotten a secretarial position with only the
typing skills. But I had given her better plans -- do the help desk stuff
and shoot for 6 figures in the long run. She said that when she made the
big money and had the high skill level she was going to pack up and go back
to her home country. No argument from me there! You go girl!
So did "Maria" get dolled up and go apply to Fidelity and State Street Bank
and Salomon Brothers? Hell no! At the last minute, she says to me, "Well,
if I get a job we'll lose our benefits, and they are talking about selling
these apartments to us in a few years." I asked, "Wow, will they sell them
to me too?" She said, "No, only to Section 8 people." In other words,
someone paying full market rate rent need not apply. I would have loved to
buy that apartment!
I asked Maria, "How can you buy the apartment without a job?" She said,
"Well, the benefits will pay for the mortgage." In other words, she
couldn't go get a job because it would destroy the prospect of being given
an apartment in some prime real estate FOR FREE.
At the airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, there is a sign that says, "Good
welfare benefits in Massachusetts." No kidding!
Any wonder there's a "housing crisis" in Massachusetts? For the record, my
family applied for Section 8 and we were turned down with the words, "We've
stopped taking applications." I guess it's all filled up with non-whites,
and an American born citizen and military veteran NEED NOT APPLY!
So I calmly explained to the rich Hopkintonian liberals that there isn't a
housing crisis in Massachusetts, it's an immigration crisis, and moreover,
these teeming masses are given subsidized rentals! Several of them walked
out during my speech! How utterly rude of them.
The walkouts were churchy liberal sorts of the type who sponsor "refugees"
from Sudan and agitate for every nation-destroying program possible because
it makes them feel good. They still don't feel the effects of their
do-gooderism, but they will! You can bet on it, unless they have the money
to flee yet again! My guess is not all of them will be able to flee their
liberal consequences. They were shawl-wearing, moderately wealthy white
women who had been "flower children" in the '70s and '80s, not unlike the
liberal Gentile Waldorf parents on their "spiritual journey." One of them
even trailed some sort of yarn behind her as she marched out in a righteous
What would I say to these young and middle aged biddies, who are so prone to
the fashion of the times? I would say that they are going to repeat
history, just like so many before them. They will get the diversity they
want, sure enough. In another thirty years, the diversity will look at them
and see "rich old white women -- easy targets."
Is it fun to burn up, America? Does it make you feel righteous and good?
But what will you do when all you have is ashes? You will probably remember
the words of Andrei Kievsky with bitter regret. I have it on record that I
warned you people. I guess that's about all I can do.
You can expect more and more working-class whites to angrily attend your
town meetings, because we are the first to suffer from your celebrated
diversity. We are the ones who cannot afford to flee the diversity. It's
our children who become drug-addicted whiggers and crack whores. More and
more, working class Whites are finding out JUST WHY THIS IS HAPPENING AND
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE. And we are angry. We didn't look angry at your town
meeting, but you saw all those police. Anybody who admits reality into
his consciousness and decides that survival is it's own justification
cannot but be furious. People like you are foisting diversity and racial
decreation and exorbitant rent and taxes on us, while forcing us to
subsidize and live among your beloved Third Worlders, all the while you hide
in your half-million-dollar subdivisions. We see your nice houses and your
White neighborhoods when we deliver leaflets to you, and you can imagine
what we are saying among ourselves. We aren't envious of your wealth, we
just want to live in White neighborhoods too. It shouldn't take a million
dollar income to live in a White neighborhood. Racially homogenous living
spaces are our birthright, and we intend to get them back.
And when the diversity starts raping and robbing you, and preying on your
children there in Hopkinton, we'll only shrug. We'll feel bad for your
kids, but not for you, you scum froths.
I know everything seems hunky dory now, but you should ask yourself if it's
"sustainable." Go ask an environmentalist at the Sierra club or at if
the American lifestyle is sustainable. Look it up
for yourself. One calorie of food at a supermarket required 10 calories of
petroleum to produce. I want to use this particular fact to make two
1. Those of you who mindlessly trumpet diversity and who walked out on my
speech are probably not real progressives yourselves. If you were, you
would tout local agriculture, and you would try to foster real change for
the better. For example, instead of bringing Third Worlders to America, we
should bring American corporations that abuse Third World countries to heel.
Agribusiness often uses up land for cash crops that is needed by locals to
grow their own food. If you truly cared about the Third Worlders, you'd
develop local agriculture and you'd campaign to force agribusiness not to
use GM foods, not to use land that people need to grow their own food, not
to poison our farmland with chemical farming, and to pay a living wage to
the workers. We'd also like agribusiness to respect America's borders and
America's White workers, but you "progressives" might view that as a "right
wing" cause. I read the far left-wing press to find out about these
issues -- namely Utne Reader and Mother Jones, which are solid sources of
facts about environmental issues. But you churchy ladies want "easy
solutions" -- just bring the Third Worlders over here to nurse from the
American teat is your answer. You imagine there is an endless supply of
land, an endless food supply. You imagine that the engine of prosperity
will chug along forever, or at least during your lifetime. You are not real
progressives -- you are uninformed and seek easy answers to assuage your
conscience. But you should ask yourself a more fundamental question -- is
there any moral duty to feed the Third World, especially at the expense of
White people? We in the National Alliance say "No way! Charity begins at
home! Let the non-whites wither on the vine." Which brings us to the
second issue.
2. What happens if and when the engine of prosperity comes to a grinding
halt? What then? We are importing millions more mouths to feed. What do
you imagine will happen then? Will it be like a Jewish Communist/liberation
theologian fantasy, with brown people and white people taking up ploughs and
hoes and doing local agriculture and saving themselves cooperatively? Ha!
Not f'in likely. The people you are importing are going to get very angry
when the engine of prosperity stops, and they will blame you. They will
think you are hoarding and raid your homes. You have brought them to
America and given them the expectation that we will share everything with
them, and when this expectation is no longer met, they will revert to the
ways of their homelands. And the Jewish Communist and neo-Christian
rhetoric will support this -- they will say, "You are not sharing with your
neighbors! You are being greedy racists and letting poor brown people
starve! Shame shame shame on you!" Just look at what's happening to White
people in Zimbabwe for a taste of what is coming in America.
Church ladies like you always believe what is popular at the moment. In
another generation, we may turn people like you into White nationalists,
although we'll understand that the only reason you are on our side is
because we won out, and not because you arrived at that conclusion
Anyway, in a few years we'll be doing a literature distribution or a public
meeting in Hopkinton with the theme, "We told you so!" The brown flood will
spread to Hopkinton -- the Puerto Rican and Mexican and African and
Brazilian flags will be flying in your once quiet downtown. Japanese cars
with the "full minority package" will be cruising down Hopkinton's Main St.
playing jungle music. Hopkinton's children will be smoking crack and
selling their bodies for drugs, and quite often they will also steal from
their parents with the help of their new non-white friends. Sometimes they
even kill their parents, just for a drug spree or because their parents
didn't approve of their non-white boyfriend.
It's an ugly future in store for Hopkinton.