Jewess Dr. Laura Casts First Stone

by Founders' America

[1999 essay]

But Who Is Without Racist Views?

Radio talk-show host Dr. Laura took a call today from a troubled white mother of two adopted Asian children [October 18th program].

The caller was complaining about her husband's father, who makes remarks about how the children squat just like people in their homeland and how their eyes appear so strange.

Dr. Laura asked how her husband reacted to his father's comments, to which question she said he doesn't react (no doubt, the husband isn't pleased about the adoptions).

Pressed a bit further about what's really going on with the "grandfather," the woman used the term "racist" as possible explanation, but qualified it with this overriding evaluation: "He's such a nice person," to which characterization Dr. Laura had replied, "Racists are not nice people."

Much like what FORCED INTEGRATION of blacks into white public schools has done, INTERRACIAL ADOPTIONS rip apart WHITE EXTENDED FAMILIES and further wreck homogeneous WHITE CIVIL SOCIETY and its nation-state AMERICA.

Dr. Laura, Are Mongrelists Nice People?

Racists are not nice people, opines Dr. Laura. She's gravely mistaken.

Most mongrelists ARE NOT NICE PEOPLE -- nor moral -- while racists are far better people, as history proves.

Racism is natural and civilization-building while mongrelism is both a CRIME AGAINST NATURE and CIVILIZATION-WRECKING.

Racists had built the greatest civilization in history while mongrelists have been busy dismantling it for decades (actually, they've been dismantling it from the time Abraham Lincoln had destroyed the South in order to empower the federal government and destroy states' right--not to free the slaves, as the ignorant believe, and as Lincoln had explained his motivation at the time: to keep the Union intact, no matter the question of slavery).

All Founding FATHERS and FRAMERS were racist.

Eighty-Five percent or more of whites in America -- from the time of the nation's founding to about 1965 -- were outspoken racists (Today, because of Marxian Jews' demand for political correctness, we're not able to determine accurately how many PUBLIC MONGRELISTS are PRIVATELY RACIST -- to determine how many HYPOCRITES and LIARS there are).

Whence Jews Without Racism?

Dr. Laura is a Jew who touts her Orthodox religion, but while ignoring Jews' several-thousand-years practice of racism -- as the Torah and Talmud direct.

Without racism there would be no Jews -- no Jewish culture and religion!

The primary reason Jews have survived thousands of years of turmoil and trouble has been their practice of racism. And the primary reason Jews and Judaism are in decline today is racial mongrelization -- their marrying outside their tribe and religion, which decline in recent years has been so extreme that it has prompted some Jews to warn of a self-imposed genocide.

Isn't that curious, Dr. Laura? Why are you silent about Jews' racism to protect their gene pool and concomitant religion, which religion is for protecting that gene pool.

So, according to Dr. Laura's above evaluation about racists, Jews are not "nice people" for adhering to Biblical admonitions against interracial breeding.

[ Note: The question remains about who exactly is a Jew. This scribbler believes that the idea "Jew" is premised on genetics not belief; in other words, a Jew is a Jew by his/her lineage and not religious practices. ]

Mongrelism Destroys Civilization's Underpinnings

Racial mongrelization is sign of civilization in steep decline because MONGRELS GENERALLY ARE PRODUCT OF WILLY-NILLY BREEDING, their forbears having no concern about passing on either high culture or good heritable traits (upon which care in breeding high culture depends!) -- and unconcerned about securing the REQUISITE SOCIAL VALUES and INSTITUTIONS for protecting one's race and culture from dysgenics and decay, respectively:

  • MORAL VIRTUE (opposing deviant sexuality like homosexuality and upholding the Ten Commandments and other Biblical tenets about family and community),

  • STRONG RULES FOR COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE (strongly discouraging fornication and protecting the sanctity of marriage),

  • STRICT BUT LOVING PARENTING PRACTICES (raising and educating children not as friends, but as charges in need of discipline and direction through authoritarian controls -- setting limits and guidelines for them),

  • LAW- AND/OR SHAME-INDUCED PREVENTION OF ADULTERY AND DIVORCE (the degree to which sex outside of marriage becomes acceptable in society is the degree to which the bonds of matrimony become meaningless -- and the degree to which children, family, community and nationhood are put at risk),

  • UNCOMPROMISING EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS for passing on culture and scholarship from generation to generation (the FORCED INTEGRATION of blacks into white public schools destroyed public education, as curricula had to be dumbed-down to accommodate blacks' lower intelli- gence potential),

  • RACISM to protect good heritable traits and keep socially stable communities (race-mixing in community always leads to a breakdown of social bonds which tie communities -- and a nation of communities --- together: bonds of race, history, religion, and language. [ Note: There is an inverse relationship between racial mongrelization and high-culture civilization. As racial mongrelization increases, good civil society declines. So it is no coincidence that America has been in STEEP MORAL/CULTURAL DECLINE and while interracial dating and marriage between races have become more and more acceptable. ]

  • AND STRONG NATIONHOOD to protect the interests of the founding race and culture (America's nationhood and sovereignty are declining at the rate and degree to which WHITE CIVIL SOCIETY is being diluted by other races, cultures and languages.

Again, the vast majority of white Americans -- from the time of the nation's founding to present-day America -- have been racist, which mind set is not only NATURAL but necessary for the preservation of family, community, and nationhood (notice how racist Hispanics, blacks, Asians and Arabs act in their own best interest to carve up a NOW-IMPOTENT WHITE CIVIL SOCIETY for themselves, using AFFIRMATIVE-ACTION and PROPORTIONALISM to that EVIL end -- and using immigration to keep their numbers and power growing to supplant whites' power and position).

Whence Dr. Laura?

If not for racism on her parents' part, and on the part of preceding generations of her ancestors, Dr. Laura would not be who she is today, displaying high intelligence, stable temperament and good character -- all HERITABLE TRAITS.

Were Dr. Laura's parents nice people?

Of course!

Will Dr. Laura speak the truth?


Why not? -- because she's gripped by POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, and crippled by her irrational, FEMININE EMOTIONS over the issues of RACE and ADOPTIONS.

Founders' America
P.O. Box 71024
Richmond, Va 23255


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