To Stop the Hemorrhaging of Our People

by Andrei Kievsky

June 17, 2002

Yet again the newspapers have put the term denoting our race into quotes in order to imply that there is no such thing as White people. Here is the whole sentence:

Freeman and another National Alliance member, William West, visited last week's Melrose HRC meeting and spoke during the public forum, claiming that Jews had committed a Holocaust against Slavic gentiles in Russia and the Ukraine in the 1930s, that they have a monopoly on the media, and that they are waging psychological warfare against " white people. "

One must immediately ask oneself, "Would the term, 'black people,' or 'Jewish people,' be put into quotes like that, in such a way as to imply that there is no such thing as 'black people' or 'Jewish people' at all?" Of course not! Nobody tries to say that there is no such thing as Black people or Jewish people. We are well aware of the existence of these groups.

Putting the term 'white people' into quotations is an attempt to dehumanize us by claiming that no such group as 'white people' exists. If we don't exist, we don't have any collective rights, and it doesn't matter if we get bred out of existence through failure to reproduce, murder, and race mixing.

People like Alderman Spencer are under a reign of terror -- afraid to be publicly exposed as one who acknowledges historical facts and as one who recognizes the existence of his very own people. His own father would probably have taken him to the woodshed for such craven cowardice.

Someday people are going to laugh at those who buy into the race mixing propaganda of 2002. They will be viewed as pitiful dupes who evolved themselves out of the White gene pool, and by extension, out of civilization itself. Race mixing is the murder of your potential white descendants, and someday this will be commonly understood by a significant percentage of Whites, who will honor their racist ancestors.

So few people are willing to sign their names to the Truth in 2002 -- even many who apparently have little to lose, or are rich and secure enough to do so with relative impunity. Those of you who do openly stand up for White people in our darkest hour are assured a place in history.

I have been able to do some things that capture the interest and imagination of the media and the public. I have an instinct for creating what could be called "appropriate scandals." That is, to make a public outrage where a public outrage by all means needs to be created. It's really about inserting memes into the public mind. An example of a meme is "Where's the Beef?" Everybody remembers the elderly lady holding a hamburger and saying that. Another example of a meme is that "Overweight white girls date outside their race because they can't get a White man."

The "fat race traitor" meme is one that needs to be exploited. Sumner Redstone and Co. have largely succeeded in countering the shame and ugliness of interracial mixing with their multi-million dollar propaganda productions and media monopoly. The way to strike back at "Save the Last Dance" propaganda is to bring back the "desperate fat white race traitor" meme with a vengeance.

However, instead of simply horselaughing at "white whales" in a cruel way, we need to take the approach of "preventing and healing obesity in Whites, especially White females, in order to prevent race mixing." The way to do this is to create a White racist weight loss spa whose business plan states, "The purpose of the health spa is to make money and help humanity by providing a service that facilitates health and weight loss for the purpose of preventing interracial relationships. The Corporation recognizes that interracial relationships are a sign of an unhealthy mind, body, and spirit, and works to restore the physical, mental, and spiritual health of White people and to urge them to find worthy White mates and breed future generations of White children."

Now I know that sounds "hokey" to some people, but stay with me for a few more paragraphs. Just imagine if someone like Taki, or some White racist captain of industry, decided to plop down a million bucks for a White Racialist weight-loss camp with a business plan that explicitly stated that the purpose of the corporation was to prevent race mixing through weight loss and exercise instruction? Would that be illegal in America? It should by all means be tested to see if it was.

Worst case scenario -- there's a highly publicized court case and the rich guy's weight loss camp is found to be "discriminatory." The meme of "desperate obese white tramps running around with non-white males" would be revived. It would be almost as good as the O.J. trial. It would be in the New York Times, and probably there'd be television interviews where the rich guy or a hired publicist talks about how inter-racial relationships are the sign of a declining society and people with unhealthy constitutions. It would be highly embarrassing to race mixers, and probably discourage some potential or future race mixers. It would also be quite a legal scandal and prove that America is not a free country -- a guy can't even start a "fat farm" the purpose of which is to gently discourage race mixing! The rich guy might lose a little money, but it's a small sacrifice compared to losing our whole race!

Best case scenario -- the anti-miscegenation weight loss camp is allowed to operate, and generates publicity in the culture pages of the Boston Globe and/or New York Times, and more such weight loss camps are opened up around the country. The "fat race traitor" meme is revived with a vengeance, and happy White women show before and after pictures of how they got fit, and make testimonials about how they found a decent White man and they are sure glad they did. They warn all the White girls out there not to sell themselves short, not to throw themselves away on inter-racial pairings, and to get fit and beautiful and get a White man. The whole thing will be presented showing that pairing with your own kind is healthy and good and associated with physical fitness and happiness and a bright future, and race mixing is associated with vice, degeneracy, and death.

The association of the weight loss camp with White nationalists (neo-Nazis, as they call us) will make the whole thing that much more scandalous and therefore newsworthy. It would probably generate an article in a magazine like Harper's or Atlantic Monthly, which love to publish "weird" things. Thus the anti-miscegenation meme would reach plenty of educated people as well as working class Whites.

There is no doubt that the racialist weight loss camp would save some Whites, especially if it was priced on a sliding scale so poorer Whites could afford it.

Now what would distinguish the racialist weight loss camp from "Weight Watchers" or "Gold's Gym," or fat camps in the Catskills?

Simple -- I have discovered a more effective and "doable" system of rapid weight loss through exercise, which I have mentioned before on VNN. Recumbent bicycles (see are very comfortable to ride, so comfortable you can ride on them for hours and hardly feel like you are exercising. It's possible to keep a pace equivalent to a very brisk walk without feeling like you are exerting yourself at all. You pedal along, and stare at the sky and the trees and listen to the birds, and forget about everything. After two hours, you stop and dismount from the bike and stand up, and only then do you realized that you exercised at all! Even at a moderate pace, this will burn a tremendous amount of calories because you exercise for such a lengthy duration of time.

There are other things to add to the health spa, like rollerblading, monofin swimming, yoga, sensory deprivation tanks, and Shiatsu massage, but the main thing is rapid and enduring weight loss through long distance recumbent cycling. You got this, Taki, you greedy Greek? How about opening a health spa for "at risk" Whites instead of building another palace for yourself in Gstaad? Or some other rich White person out there -- take a chance on your people! Look around you, look how bad it's getting. What do you have to lose that you aren't losing every day?

And just think -- stopping the hemorrhaging of Whites is a process working for the survival and expansion of our people. The racialist health spa will be a force to get people to think in those terms in the first place, and therefore it may go farther than merely "stopping the hemorrhaging." It may act as a catalyst for White awakening (though no promises). The potential is certainly there.


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