The Dysfunctional Urban Catch Basin

by Andronicus

June 13, 2002

Recently 'Angry White Female' traveled to San Francisco and encountered there assorted whiggers, freaks, wierdos and many, many homosexuals. She didn't like it.

Well, that's a normal enough reaction, coming from a normal White person.

Still, we must be careful not to confuse one thing with another, and in the case of what is to be seen and experienced in urban areas, we are apt to do exactly that. Here's why:

We see in these areas all kinds of dysfunctional persons and we are apt to generalize from this observation to the entire metropolitan area, and thus to the nation as a whole, thus leading us to think that things are worse than they really are. Yes, things are bad in the culture, what with MTV and garbage like 'hip-hop' and 'rap' and the general assault against the White race.

But much of what Angry White Female saw, and you can see in any large urban area in the United States, would exist in one form or another, albeit somewhat differently, even in the absence of africans, fascist liberals, illegal invaders and jews in this country. That's because in any large, relatively industrialized country the urban centers serve as gathering places and catch basins for social pathology.

Consider these facts: the disturbed White kids who spike their purple hair gather from the entire urban area into one central location, so that they can be together. Criminals released from prison for the most part live in central neighborhoods, because that's where the cheap apartments are, and the less fussy landlords.

Drugs, especially hard drugs, are generally sold in a central city location, because that's the efficient way to market them. The customers can come from all over the area to the central market, wheareas a decentralized number of mini-markets would be far less efficient, and easier to police. The (mostly) africans who sell the drugs are to be found in the central neighborhoods as well, because their race is in perpetual search of cheap housing, non-skilled employment and landlords with loose standards. The african drug sellers can blend into the population there. Imagine a black crack dealer standing on the street in a White suburb, trying to sell rocks to passing motorists.

Alcoholics who lose their driver's licenses live in the central city, so as to have access to mass transit, and the same is true of burglars who need easy access to many apartments and garages.

The mentally ill, the blind, the alcoholic, and all others who receive government and/or 'non-profit' services are also concentrated in the same neighborhoods, because that's where the buildings are that the service providers need, and because these kinds of neighborhoods are less able to politically organize themselves to keep such things out.

Homosexuals ingather from multi-state areas into the central cities, so as to find each other, and avoid the discomfort of living among the normal population.

Assume for a moment that approximately five percent of the population, regardless of race, fits into one of these dysfunctional categories. In a city of, say, 20,000 persons, that would be 1,000 or so misfits...but if that city is near a major metropolitan area many of them will migrate from the smaller city to the larger.

Among the White population, it has generally been true for many years that families tend to care for their own alcoholics, retarded persons when the retardation is not too severe, the blind, etc. Under the impact of the liberal welfare state this has been changing, as more and more persons come under the care of the state or its ancillary 'non-profits.' Moreover, it is almost certainly true that the african race, and probably the hispanic, produce a greater percentage of dysfunctional persons than does the White race.

What all of this means is that large urban areas such as San Francisco will invariably have within them tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of persons that most of us would find to be unpleasant to behold, much less live among.

Still, if Angry White Female had moved outside of the central city districts of San Francisco, she could have and would have found no shortage of clean, normal neighborhoods, where normal families are doing their best to raise their children and live their lives in normal, healthy ways...always granting of course that this is harder than it once was, due to the corruption of the media, the government, the culture and the government schools.

Still, the urban catch basins are not the country, and we should not make the mistake of assuming that things are worse than they really are. That can only lead to unnecessary pessimism, at a time when we need to maintain the optimistic belief that we can through our actions eventually turn the situation around and rescue the nation and the race from ruin.

The vast majority of the White population, never mind its present state of brainwashed mind, can still be counted as possible converts to the cause of national regeneration.

Andronicus is old enough to remember when the White population practiced segregation of africans, and was comfortable in doing so. He can remember when 'toleration' of homosexuals meant refraining from beating them senseless, while keeping them away from the children, and White people had no problem with that. He can remember when jews where looked upon with a certain wary suspicion, and no White person thought this to be unwise. It is not likely that human nature has changed a great deal, or permanently in the course of a few decades.

What appears to be a sea change in White attitudes is really just the same old conformity to the message that the sheep-like majority is receiving from cultural leaders. Change the message, and the herd will go right back to segregation, closed borders, racial conscousness, and other desirable behaviors.

So, let's not despair when we gaze upon the broken and dysfunctional persons gathered in the central cities. Like the biblical poor, we will always have them with us in one form or another.

Rather, let us continue to refine and spread a hopeful message of national and racial restoration, always looking forward to better days.


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