Bay Area Boobs

by Angry White Female

June 12, 2002

Last weekend, I ventured into the Bay Area to visit a friend. San Francisco, famous for its large gay community, contains some of the freakiest people I have ever seen, and they were all heterosexual Whites. The only normal people were the non-Whites and gays. The mayor, Willie Brown, recently extended city benefits to include sex-change operations. The only takers I saw looked like my peeps.

I took Amtrak, renamed the 'Afrotrak' by Mr. Jim Floyd of Cullman, Alabama. It is true, White folk are underrepresented in employment there, and the ticket people are mean.

As I arrived at the train to make the somber journey, I prepared myself mentally for all the weirdos I was to encounter in Frisky Frisco. I sat on that bench and whipped out, under deep cover, the Controversy of Zion. During this time, I witnessed two separate White people falling all over themselves to be multicultural citizens. First a tall, handsome Nordic-looking woman got up and ran across the terminal to give a blind black woman her hand. My, how high she held her head on that six-foot frame after this... Then, a German male tourist ran outside to pick up three cokes that fell out of the backpack of a half-White, half-Samoan child. It is almost as if, like me, all of the White people scope out the room and find out where all of those "not like them" are. Unlike me, they are doing this because the newspapers and TV keep calling them "subconsciously racist," and they are trying to make these people like them.

Disgusted at this self-loathing behavior, I peered over my shoulder to see the expression on the elderly White faces. Eyes bulging, polite, nervous smiles not because they think like me, but because they were sitting across from a big menacing-looking brown Mexican and his White boyfriend.

Finally, I boarded the train and tried to look bitchy enough so no black males looking to "plute" (pollute) a White woman would try to sit next to me. Dat Wite Bitch aint happenin, bro. It worked.

After arrival, I utilized public transportation to get across the Bay Bridge ( I was staying in another county). I expected to be around violent thugs, but only saw a few gang bangers. Mostly there were gay businessmen, Jews, yellows, whacked-out wiggers and fruity White women with weird beads around their neck. The beads were probably from Wumajumanga and cost $200 to benefit Mumia.

It was a different kind of feeling being around so many gays and hippies, but then again, they were actually normal compared to those Bob Marley wiggers. I would rather they be gay than like the scruffy looking guy at the coffee shop. He was with an uncasted Indian woman and their baby, pondering out loud "what is enlightenment?" Yes, he thinks enlightenment is Genocide By Penis. The wigger was a disgrace. The Germans would have sent him to the Russian Front.

Another candidate for the front would have been the fruitcake in the grocery store who was talking to the peaches. Uninhibited by my look of dismay, she went on to explain that talking to the auras of produce makes it taste better. I figured she was a dot-commer who lost her job, husband and townhouse on the bay a few years ago. No insurance for her shrink, her pedicurist, Chinese acupuncturist, poodle groomer. There was a handsome man around the corner, but I think he was gay. Did I mention the Bay Area is no place for a single heterosexual female?

As I looked around me, I saw very few normal White folks. I guess they were trying to leave their skin (social climbing) and become non-White since they were taught to be ashamed of their heritage by the ejewcational system and the Semitevision.

There were two contrasting emotions I felt on this trip. One, of not belonging there and the other, ironically, of belonging.

There was an Italian Fest which really lifted my spirits. The organizers had a wonderful traditional band playing in front of a Catholic church. The only other time we hear this beautiful music is when Jews play it during movie scenes of mobsters bludgeoning to death other White people. It was uplifting to see Italian-Americans transmitting their heritage in a positive way to future generations.

The architecture of San Francisco is very classical European, and that in itself made me feel a little better about where I was. Also, the camaraderie you feel when you are around like-minded people (my friend) gives a sense of belonging not normally felt in our own communities where we are isolated from like-minded people.

Afrotrakkin' home

On the way home, I kept thinking about my future and when I will be moving out of California. I also reflected on what has become of our people and why. There is no reason why most of the White people had to be wiggers, hippies or something "other." I stood in line to buy a sandwich, and as if on cue, a wigger happened to be in front of me. He explained, in garbled English, that his wallet was stolen and he was hungry. This guy had on a purple ski cap with loud yellow lines through the middle. He wore pants an inch too short and had about three days' red stubble on his face. What really got me was the full roll of toilet paper in his pocket. Yes, the lady gave him a free sandwich and drink.

He is an example of today's young men. Sure, young women would love to place their lives in his hands and depend on him for future financial security while they raise kids.

Where I was, I would have been considered 'out there' because of my politics, but the lady talking to the fruit, the wigger with toilet paper in his pocket and all other assorted whackies are in the norm. I couldn't get over the fact that my friend and I were 'in the closet' and these people were living in this counter-culture of everything that is opposed to European values and norms.

The Bay Area is a jewel, one we Whites should never have given up without a fight. We are not the Golden State anymore. We are the fecal brown state, in more ways than one.


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