Seizing a Piece of Free Speech at a Palestinian Protest

by Andrei Kievsky

June 9, 2002

I get the newsletter Al-Awda-News, which is a Palestinian newsletter, and found out about a protest against the Boston celebration of so called "Israeli Independence Day."

We showed up at high noon or thereabouts, and occupied a spot with our signs on the steps of some sort of structure, so we were up higher than the protest area. The speakers were on the back of a pickup truck adorned with Palestinian flags. We saw a bunch of Hassidic jews wearing Palestinian flags, and some "liberal" jewish organizations, "standing with their Palestinian brothers." Don't ever accuse the Jews of getting caught on only one side of the street! We saw this first hand.

Our signs said:

9/12/2001 JPOST reported 4000 Israelis missing from WTC. How come only 4 Israelis died in WTC attack?

Is anti-Semitism ever a result of Jewish behaviour?

News Flash: Jewish interests are NOT identical with American interests.

At first we got a welcome reception. Jewies take note -- the far left is 100% convinced that Israel was behind the WTC attack. They loved that sign.

Then we set up two Creators holding up the Creator flag, and I took the WCOTC State Leader, Tony, around the area to hand out leaflets. I had my NA packet, and he had his 32-page "Facts" booklet. I was envious. A 32 page booklet would cost me a buck and a quarter each -- he paid 10 cents apiece for his through his organization, because Reverend Hale bulk ordered 100,000 copies. Many of the Facts booklet are taken from NA flyers at

Anyway, Tony needed some coaching on aggressive flyer distribution. He was letting White tourist families go right by without thrusting a booklet in their face. Then we came across someone I recognized from environmentalist protests, and he gave him a booklet. This long-haired "sensitive guy" started following us around and warning people that "I just want you to know that those guys are hard-core Nazis." When we returned to our group he started saying, "You got to get educated, don't you know all the races are ekulz?" etc. Then he asked me if we were Christians. We gave him a loudly negative response, and I showed him my Thor's Hammer pendant, so he said, "Well, at least you're not hypocrites . . . because Christ said we were all equal." I responded, "I don't care what the dead Jew on a stick said, I think that Christianity was a curse to the White race."

Take note -- the snivelling race deniers expect to be able to use Christianity against White people. They have their little arsenal, but now their weapons are falling flat.

Then he used the old, "You guys are the dumb racists because you say it out loud. George Bush is the smart racist, because he doesn't say he is." He used all the modern Marxist critiques of race, and we just laughed at him. He asked if we had had bad childhoods. Then he said that his brother is a rich Christian fundamentalist, and that we were just like his brother. I said, "No we aren't. Christians worship Israel, and we don't." He was forced to acknowledge that this was true.

He harped on the "no racial differences in intelligence" thing for quite a while, because those argument between non-scientists end up being simple assertions. "My scientist is better than your scientist," etc. I tried to show him the pages in the Facts booklet about race and intelligence, but he of course wanted to ignore our evidence. Finally we ignored him and he went over to the commies and pointed out that we were Nazis. The commies started protesting us. We stood on our steps, well above them, and just smiled at them. They outnumbered us by about 4 to 1, and they were very puny, so the odds were more or less even. The Boston police then came and stood between us, and they again turned their attention to the Palestinian speaker.

At that point I went over to the NA Unit Coordinator and pointed out that it won't be long before we have as many active NA members as the local commie organization. We already have their numbers, but too many of our guys are afraid to come out in public. The commies have the support of the media and gov't, and we don't, so commies have no fear to come out in public. Of course the commies are pretty ineffectual, but they are in theory "politically correct." Anyway, I realized that it won't be long before we can come out in numbers as big or bigger than the local commie organizations, and our guys are more often than not already street fighters or at least big and strong enough to pose a challenge. I think that part of being a commie is being infatuated with the ethics of weakness, passivity, and suicide. The Spartacist League (a misnomer, to be sure) is a bunch of loud-mouthed weaklings.

Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent is one of my top five favorite novels, and the last chapter describes the sort of people of "The Spartacist League." You can read the whole book here. The cult of the weak is nicely described in the final chapter of Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent.

Chapter 13...

THE enormous iron padlock on the doors of the wall cupboard was the only object in the room on which the eye could rest without becoming afflicted by the miserable unloveliness of forms and the poverty of material. Unsaleable in the ordinary course of business on account of its noble proportions, it had been ceded to the Professor for a few pence by a marine dealer in the east of London. The room was large, clean, respectable, and poor with that poverty suggesting the starvation of every human need except mere bread. There was nothing on the walls but the paper, an expanse of arsenical green, soiled with indelible smudges here and there, and with stains resembling faded maps of uninhabited continents.

At a deal table near a window sat Comrade Ossipon, holding his head between his fists. The Professor, dressed in only his suit of shoddy tweeds, but flapping to and fro on the bare boards a pair of incredibly dilapidated slippers, had thrust his hands deep into the over-strained pockets of his jacket. He was relating to his robust guest a visit he had lately been paying to the Apostle Michaelis. The Perfect Anarchist had even been unbending a little.

`The fellow didn't know anything of Verloc's death. Of course! He never looks at the newspapers. They make him too sad, he says. But never mind. I walked into his cottage. Not a soul anywhere. 1 had to shout half a dozen times before he answered me. I thought he was fast asleep yet, in bed. But not at all. He had been writing his book for four hours already. He sat in that tiny cage in a litter of manuscript. There was a half-eaten raw carrot on the table near him. His breakfast. He lives on a diet of raw carrots and a little milk now.'

`How does he look on it?' asked Comrade Ossipon, listlessly.

`Angelic ... I picked up a handful of his pages from the floor. The poverty of reasoning is astonishing. He has no logic. He can't think consecutively. But that's nothing. He has divided his biography into three parts, entitled `Faith, Hope, Charity'. He is elaborating now the idea of a world planned out like an immense and nice hospital, with gardens and flowers, in which the strong are to devote themselves to the nursing of the weak.'

The Professor paused.

`Conceive you this folly, Ossipon? The weak! The source of all evil on this earth!' he continued with his grim assurance. `I told him that I dreamt of a world like shambles, where the weak would be taken in hand for utter extermination.

`Do you understand, Ossipon? The source of all evil! They are our sinister masters - the weak, the flabby, the silly, the cowardly, the faint of heart, and the slavish of mind. They have power. They are the multitude. Theirs is the kingdom of the earth. Exterminate, exterminate! That is the only way of progress. It is!"

A good friend of mine who is a White nationalist and a philosopher explained to me that pacifists and cultists of weakness are by definition self liquidating. As soon as they are no longer protected by the strong, they are, so to speak, "dead meat," often at the hands of the very people for whom they are advocating. A textbook example is Amy Biehl, who was killed by keffirs in Africa while she was fighting apartheid.

The cult of the weak has become quite sinister because it's been used by cynical Jews to indoctrinate White children into committing racial suicide. It is the dominant cult of American society, no more no less. The cult of weakness is responsible for high rates of obesity and smoking and drug use. It's about giving up on life as a virtue. The Jewess Ayn Rand diverted White people from the real problem, but she was right in her skewering the virtue of weakness and the "nobility of failure."

However there needs to be a distinction made between the person who worships the "nobility of failure," and the person with vision who does not produce immediate financial results. The "noble failure," has absolutely no vision whatsoever except to invite people to his "pity party." This is what the Leftists do 24/7 -- one long pity party. The impoverished visionary is full of ideas and is a fanatical collector of skills and knowledge. The problem for the impoverished visionary is that his passions often don't earn money. Had Bill Gates been born 10 years earlier he might have been a complete nobody. But the impoverished visionary does not worship failure. To distinguish between a "noble failure" and an "impoverished visionary," simply ask the person what he can do for you or teach you, regardless of whether these things are of any use to you. If you get a blank stare or a series of excuses, he's a "noble failure." If the person can teach you all the breeds of butterflys or Sanskrit or how to play the hurdy gurdy, then he's an impoverished visionary.

The impoverished visionary has a possibility of success, perhaps even extravagant success. The noble failure does not, ever. The conflating of the two has confused Americans into buying into the cult of weakness.

The Spartacists' protest of us did not intimidate us at all. We looked down at them and smiled. Our presence infuriated them to no end. There were also many middle-class liberals and lesbians there who looked at us with extreme dismay. They stared. We smiled. When people photographed me, I gave them the thumbs up.

I am loathe to speak about this in the open forum and give ADL/Mossad feedback on their performance, but the agent who was tailing us was extremely inept. I was a part of the so-called "intelligence community" through the U.S. military as a linguist, and I read Viktor Suvorov's The Aquarium. One thing a spy does not do is show up in a James Bond uniform. No cloak and dagger. Rather, fit in as much as possible. Hell, I've done this myself among the bourgeoius liberals, posing as a granola leftist environmentalist, and it comes quite easily to me. If someone wanted to spy on us, he should pose as a fat Aryan tourist who is just waking up to the Jewish problem. Duh! Instead, we had a guy who was the picture of a Mossad agent -- a coiffed Semite clad in Abercrombie and Fitch with a camera and dark glasses. Moishe Bond, not-so-secret Agent! What a joke! I made him INSTANTLY. I quietly pointed him out to my fellow Aryans, and I don't think he detected this. After the protest, when we were walking down the street we ducked into a storefront and let "Moishe Bond" catch up to us. He was so inept that he stopped and looked at us, not sure what to do. I guess "Act natural and keep walking" wasn't part of his Mossad training! We photographed the hell out of him. He had two middle-aged men in weird safari suits accompanying him, and one of them said, "We'll give you our business card and send us the photographs!" I asked him for his business card, but he didn't follow up on his offer. They stood there and we continued on. Then we hung a left down a side street, and I guess Moishe Bond wasn't expecting this, because he stopped and stared at us. We waved and took more pictures, and then continued down the street got out of Boston via the Chinatown T-stop.

We came back to my house and talked about the day. I ended by asking the group why none of them had any White children. What's the point of being a pro-White activist if you aren't breeding White children, after all? That's the most fundamental pro-White activity -- continuing our line. Overall it was a good day, and definitely groundbreaking in that pro-White activists are becoming a familiar fixture of public political expression.


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