Racist Horoscope

by Mark Rivers

June 6, 2002

ARIES (March 20 - April 19)
Aries is the sign of the ram. Fred Dryer played for the Rams, and he holds the NFL record for two safeties in one game. Also, a "dryer" is half of a "washer/dryer" set. When you do your laundry, you separate the Whites from the coloreds. This is a safety measure. Another famous "Fred" was Fred Flintstone. And people with surnames containing "Stone" are usually Jews. And Jews control television. Both Fred Dryer and Fred Flintstone were on television. And the Jews want only to do "half" of the laundry; they prefer not to separate the Whites from the coloreds. They want to mix us all together, and ruin us forever. They must be stopped. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Scorpio, because you, like football player Fred Dryer, like the "sting" of competition.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 19)
Taurus is the sign of the bull. Hitler was a Taurus, and he exposed the Jewish bull throughout Germany. He charged through Western Europe cleansing it of Jewish influence, until the "matador" of the USA was suckered into stopping him. If you re-arrange the letters in "matador," you can almost spell "a door mat," which is what we are to the Jews. They have rings through our noses, and we are knee-deep in it now, unless we do something about it. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Aquarius, because it will take a lot of water to flush out the Jew filth that has corrupted our world.

GEMINI (May 20 - June 20)
Gemini is the sign of the twins. This means that there are two paths you can take, but only one will be right. The twins' names are Castor and Pollux. Castor Oil tastes really nasty. Pollux Oil, if it exists, must therefore taste great. So, if the path you're on (following the Jewish program of destruction for the White race) is leaving a bad taste in your mouth, take the other path. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Virgo, because every virgin fantasizes about being with twins.

CANCER (June 21 - July 21)
Cancer is the sign of the crab. Cancer is also a disease, which is something negroes spread around. "Crabs" is also one of the things you'll wind up with if you have sex with a negro. Jews are a cancer on society; they eat away at it and tear it down with their Negro Armies of Doom. A crab is shell fish, to which many people are allergic. We Whites are allergic to Jewish presence. We must administer the cure to the Jewish disease. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Capricorn, because they both begin with the letters "C-A."

LEO (July 22 - August 22)
Leo is the sign of the Lion. Lions are ferocious jungle beasts who have no place in the civilized world. Negroes are the same way, and the Jews are always "lyin'" to us about them. A lion who loses his hair is said to have a "mane problem." Our main problem is the existence of the Jews and their trained jungle beasts, and it causes us to pull our hair out with anxiety. We must become the great White hunter to rid the world of these beasts and the handlers. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Pisces, because kittycats love fishies.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 21) Virgo is the sign of the virgin. Virginia was named for Elizabeth I, the "Virgin Queen." She was one of the more well-known English Queens, just like Queen Victoria, who was married to Prince Albert, who was "in the can." A can-can is a type of dance. We dance for joy when there are no negroes around. West Virginia has more White people than any other state. It is also home of the National Alliance. If you would like for the whole country to start looking less like Harlem and more like West Virginia...join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Sagittarius, the hunter, because all English monarchs enjoy hunting.

LIBRA (September 22 - October 22)
Libra is the sign of the scales. Fish have scales. Fish travel in schools. Humans spend 12 years in school, learning that all of the social inequalities between the races are their fault. Jews are snakes, which are scaly reptiles. Reptiles devour humans. A human, fishing for answers, might try to equal out the races on his "scales of justice." He will find himself eventually devoured by the Jew reptiles. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Cancer, because "libra cancer," when re-arranged, spells "clear in crab." See, you are clearly meant to be in cahoots with the crab.

SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion, a dangerous, stinging creature of the desert. Jews are dangerous, from the desert and we feel the sting of their influence every day. We must strive to cut off their stingers, like Perseus, the Greek hero did in that really cheesy movie. Cheesy movies are something at which the Jews excel, and we must see through their lies within those movies. Eventually, we will use OUR stinger missiles to deliver a direct hit into their lair. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Gemini, the sign of the twins. Because twins look alike, and "The Scorpion King" was full of minorities, who also all look alike.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius is the sign of the hunter. "Hunter" is also the name of a very inspiring book. Books are things you read, and negroes can't read. Therefore, as a Sagittarius, it is your obligation to make sure only the proper people are given the proper things to read, if you know what I mean. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Aries the ram, because Fred Dryer played for the Rams, and he was also in the TV series "Hunter."

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn is the sign of the goat. Goats say "Bah!" which is what Ebenezer Scrooge said. And Ebenezer Scrooge was a greedy money-grubber, just like the Jews are. He was a character in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. "Carol" was the mom on "The Brady Bunch." The Brady Bill seeks to take away our guns, which is just what the Jews want, because a nation of armed, pissed-off White people scares the dickens out of them. Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Taurus, because it is a type of car. And you take a car to the drive-in movies. "It's a Wonderful Life" was a great movie, directed by Frank Capra, and it was kind of corny.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 17)
Aquarius is the sign of the water-bearer. If you hold a lot of water, you are bloated. Our border cities are swelling with illegal immigrants. A giant tidal wave needs to come and wash out the dirt. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Farmers get up at the crack of dawn. All negroes are on crack. "Dawn Farmer" was this girl I liked in Jr. High school, but she was seduced by a dirty negro. You see how it all fits together? Join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Leo the lion, because they are closely related to tigers. "Lions and tigers and water-bearers...oh my."

PISCES (February 18 - March 19)
Pisces is the sign of the fish, which reminds us all of the lesbian doctrine encouraged by the Jews in this country. White women have fallen hook, line and sinker for this bogus idea, which is helping dwindle the White population. In England, fish are served with french fries, although they call them "chips." "CHiPs" was the name of a TV show, starring a Mexican teamed up with a blond, White man (and sometimes a negro). The Mexican is now completely washed up, but is still seen from time to time. The blond guy seems to have fallen off of the face of the Earth. The negro in the series went on to play "Worf," a powerful Klingon. This is the Jews' program for America; let the negroes cling on to society, giving them powerful roles to play in the future, make the Whites disappear, and make the Mexicans do the washing up. Make a difference for our future; join the National Alliance. You are compatible with Libra, because it is the only one left.

YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY: Be careful when making business decisions. This may be a time to consider a new relationship, or re-kindle an old one. Family, friends and co-workers all figure prominently in the days to come. You will bathe sometime within the next year (does not apply to negroes). You will stop putting stock in horoscopes and New Age baloney, and start working to save the White race. Join the National Alliance.




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