Melrose Meeting

by Andrei Kievsky

June 4, 2002

Melrose, Massachusetts, is a fairly White town in the middle of a very non-white and miscegenated region, the North Shore of Boston.

We got a tip from the WCOTC guys in our area that this event would be happening, and that the purpose of it would be to discuss "hate groups" operating in their area. Imagine their surprise when the subjects of their meeting showed up in person!

There were nine commission members, and six of us. The whole thing went off very civilly, in stark contrast to Ralph Woodward's Framingham Human Relations Commission. Woodward tried to have us thrown out until Framingham's lawyers advised him to the contrary, and I can see how much our presence irks him.

The Melrose Human Rights Commission was much more polite and benign in its attitude toward us. Nobody timed my speech, and we debated the points I made. We got into a detailed debate about racial science, and in the end the head of the commission said, "Well, you're never going to admit my position nor I yours," which was true.

However, I did speak for a long time about the Jewish Holocaust against the Slavic Gentiles that happened in Russia and Ukraine in the 1930s and about the fact that the average American doesn't even know about this, or about the fact that it was predominantly Jews committing this Holocaust. I spoke about the ADL's organized crime connections and hypocritical double standards of racism for Israel and forced integration for everyone else. I spoke about the massive underrepresentation of Israelis in World Trade Center casualties. I spoke about Nushawn Williams, the black who invaded White Jamestown, N.Y., and infected over a dozen teenaged White girls with AIDS. I spoke about the Jewish media monopoly and the psychological warfare against Whites. To underscore all my points, I handed out a packet of literature, which two of the commission people accepted.

Another of our guys, an NA member named William, got up and spoke about how affirmative action had negatively affected his life and drove him to join the National Alliance. He had a good folksy manner about him, and he was very well informed on Boston's racial issues and how they affect the White working class. He made the impression of a true native of the Boston area, and he made clear how he had been driven to racial awakening by the anti-White policies of the local government.

At one point a female commissioner who was probably a Jewess challenged us about our position on violence. She tried to make the case that our informational flyers were inciting violence. I said she should take it up with the Jewish producers of rap music like Murray Rothstein and Rick Rubin, whose gangstas specifically incite violence with their obscene lyrics. I said that Whites are being screwed over so hard that she should not be surprised when they become violent even without any information from us. Lastly, I told her that we are a recruitment organization, and that if angry Whites join us and want to commit violence, we will redirect them to productive channels of pro-White activism.

They tried to hang their hats on the "inciting violence," hook but it fell flat. That might have worked in the early '90s, but this is a new era. There are simply too many instances of non-Whites advocating violence against Whites.

The public comment period lasted for a full hour, and most of it was taken by NA and WCOTC members making speeches. The Human Rights Commission was not able to address the vast majority of issues we raised, though they did give it "the old college try" to debate us. The head of the Human Rights Commission appeared to be a spiritually castrated "white" man who had enthusiastically bought into the Jewish worldview. He looked a little bit like Morris Dees, only slimmer. He was good enough to respect our rights and keep the meeting civil. Early in the meeting he said, "The National Alliance and WCOTC is very media savvy and goes around disrupting Human Rights Commissions." I asked him if we had disrupted his meeting and he replied "So far, no." So he can't say that we "disrupted" his meeting. We showed up, followed the rules of the meeting, made our points, and left peacefully.

Early in the meeting the leader of the Commission said that he was disappointed that none of Melrose's upstanding citizens had shown up speak up against racism and the dissemination of "hate" literature. They had advertised the meeting in the newspaper, and the only people who bothered to show up were the opposition!

Think about it -- they had a meeting about us, and we showed up. They had hoped that a bunch of outraged citizens would show up to condemn us, and they would "shine the light on the racists and make them scurry into their dark holes." No such luck! They gave us a spotlight and we said, "Thank you very much!"

This is yet another example of how the enemy's imaginary world gets slapped in the face HARD when it meets actual reality. Things did not play out according to the ADL movie script at all for the Melrose Human Rights Commission. We were shown to be decent, ordinary White folks who stick up for their race. When we were accused of inciting violence, we made it clear that the horrors being perpetrated against White folks outweigh any possible violence that might be caused from pointing out the Truth.

After the meeting, we hung out in front of the Town Hall for a while, and an elderly gentleman stepped outside for a cigarette. He was at the Alderman's meeting, and he said, "I'm not a criminal, just having a cigarette!" I asked him if he wanted an information packet and told him we'd been at the Human Rights Commission. I showed him my "New American flag" sign and the sign that said, "Whites: We have a right to be us, and only we can be us!" To everyone's surprise, the old gentleman heartily agreed with us! He told us about his time serving with the occupation of Germany, he told us how he hated both Arabs and Jews and would like to "kill 'em all." Mind you, this was not a member of a "hate group," this was a town alderman! We told him we are working to liberate Whites from Judeo-Communist occupation, and he said, "Good luck to you, it looks hopeless to me."

We were all quite blown away by the reaction of this "full blooded Irish" gentleman. He knew the deal, and the only reason he isn't fighting with us is because he thinks it's a lost cause. I told him to look us up and join our cause. He took our packet and went back to his Alderman's meeting.

So it was a mostly uneventful but still worthwhile bit of public activism. The fact that it's becoming more routine is actually a good sign. The day that pro-White ideology becomes ordinary and everyday is when we are on the path to victory, because Whites will lose the desperation of the elderly gentleman described above, and start sticking up for their race. The quiet desperation and feeling that it's a "lost cause" is what is killing us. Bringing the pro-White message to every Human Relations Commission and Human Rights Commission is the path to victory, or at least survival, in my opinion.

By the way, I tape recorded the whole thing and hope to put a recording of the meeting on a web site in the near future. It's nothing spectacular, but I want this to show you that it can be done, and it's not so scary or impossible as it might seem now. The opposition is weaker than you imagine - it's fearsomeness is a "Wizard of Oz" illusion. The Revolution will not be televised, you have to go make the revolution at your local Town Hall! Go for it!


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