Civilization's North Star: Historical Truth

by Marc Moran

May 31, 2002

The funny thing about history, aside from the endless repetition of events, is the way in which we set down the observable, documented and experiential details that should, if everyone were a good student, lead us not necessarily out of the cycle, but prepare us for it when it comes around again. There are those whose sole purpose is to record that history in a way that makes it easier for us to avoid the mistakes of those who have gone before us. To alter, delete or reconfigure those observations is the work of the agents of our destruction.

When those who commissioned the building of the Jefferson Monument in Washington, D.C., chiseled into their wall these words from Thomas Jefferson...

Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [negroes] are to be free.

...while carefully leaving out his very next sentences...

Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.

...these poseurs committed an egregious historic fraud upon the people of this Nation. They intentionally manipulated the words of one of the great minds of the western world in order to further an agenda that will never see fruition. To put it simply and crudely, they jewed History to serve their Jewish racial interests.

It would have been far more noble, not to mention honest, to ignore or revile the man altogether, than to selectively pick and choose this piece and that in order to achieve an end that Jefferson never intended. Every day we drift farther and farther from the path of Truth and into a dangerous world of lies and manipulations that do nothing for mankind but murder it, slowly, and in cold blood.

When I was a kid, there was a tradition that virtually every child in this country experienced - the back-to-school shopping trip. Now I do not expect that everyone had an identical experience, but I have asked enough people to get a grasp on how widespread this phenomenon appears to be. You knew school was coming and you prepared for it.

That, in a nutshell, is what we ought to do on a larger level, on a national or racial stage of our history.

Observe. Prepare. Carry on. Repeat.

What is it about this larger, collective experience we refer to as "civilization" that makes these seemingly elementary actions impossible on a national or racial level?

If you look at the available texts about any recent historic event, if you further question those who were alive or directly involved in these events, you come to an understanding that when it comes to our collective experience, we tend to hang it upon the human framework, we mirror our own personal experience and project that image onto the body politic of world affairs. Look at it as an anthropomorphic view of history. We believe that the history of mankind is a slightly larger version of our own personal experience.

There are those who look at history as if it were a single life: birth, growth, maturity and -- conceivably -- death. They see the emergence from the WWII era and breathe a collective sigh of relief and say, "Whew, I'm glad that's over." Never realizing that it's never over until it's over. Civilizations, like humans, have a life span. So do Races. So do Species.

It may sound trite, but nothing lasts forever, and that goes for the most powerful Empires and the most successful Races. It is probably a safe bet to include humanity in the mix, but I don't have the intellectual capability to look that far ahead. In fact, I haven't even begun thinking about "back to school shopping" yet, never mind the end of mankind. But I am thinking about the life of my nation right about now as well as that of my race. And I think I see something different than the ones who write the history.

Let's look at it like this.

All over Europe there appears, if you believe what you read, to be a rise in anti-Semitic violence. Synagogues are burned, yarmulke-wearing youths are beaten up and swastikas are found spray painted on walls of Jewish neighborhoods. The media, in their usual fashion, go berserk trying to explain this "unwarranted," "senseless" and "hateful" activity as if there is no explanation. They ask virtually the same questions that they asked half a century ago, and they seem to be entirely baffled by the actions of those who commit these crimes. Anyone living in the United States knows that similar events take place every day in this country, although the targets are different. In Royal Oak, Michigan, a couple weeks ago, a Jew burned down a Catholic Church. In Cincinnati last month, gangs of Blacks screaming racial epithets and attacked White motorists. In my own upscale suburban enclave, Hispanic gang "tags" have been found spray-painted on walls in White neighborhoods.

The press has barely mentioned these events.

In fact, the crimes that occurred in Europe have made the national news just about nightly in the U.S., while I was only able to find out about the events in the United States by surfing the Internet. I had to do a little serious research just to confirm that the American-born crimes actually occurred, except for the spray-paint incidents. I have seen the tags with my own eyes.

Anyone reading this knows why there is such a disparity in the reporting of these identical incidents separated by an ocean. There is no need for me to examine the political and racial agenda of those who control the media. Anyone with an IQ over 100 and two ears knows the answer if he is inclined to find it.

The interesting part to me is not that a certain group has secured the apparatus of propaganda, but that the usual suspects find themselves, once again, on the edge of the abyss despite that control. How, I find myself asking, is it that these seemingly brilliant manipulators and adroit liars can endlessly find themselves in the midst of their own funeral pyre before the ashes of the last have yet to cool?

It's the story, stupid.

Let me see if I can put this in terms that we all can understand. Years ago I caused myself considerable hardship, both professional and personal, by lying. It wasn't anything major, but in the industry I was in at the time, word spread. No matter how well I did in my chosen field, no matter how I behaved, no matter whom I helped, my reputation was irreversibly damaged. I learned my way around it and I managed to find a way slowly to rebuild the good will I had squandered with a stupid lie.

Eventually I was able to get my reputation back by sheer dint of will and by actively addressing my failure. The advantage I gained was in learning that I was responsible for my situation, and in deciding that more than anything else, more than the success I was after that lay at the root of my lie, more than the applause and approval of the audiences, was the decision to never repeat those actions again. I was the one who had wounded myself, and I was responsible for the results.

My life is better for it, although I am certain that there are those who will never forgive what is now an event of no matter. I have committed other errors and still have my faults and my weaknesses, like everyone else, but I am first and foremost committed to being truthful at all costs, even if it proves painful.

My wife, aware of the turn my writing has taken in the past few months, worries that we may be targeted by those who disagree with my observations. I must agree with her that there certainly is a possibility that those who espouse a world where the "privilege of Whiteness" is something to erase, might act to see that world-view prevail. I can accept that, because my experience in life has proven to me that this is the natural order of things. All life is a competition: for resources; between species; between sub-species or races. You can pretend all that you like that the world would be one big campfire sing-along if we could just do this or that or if people could do thus and such, but my bet is that the crowd who believes in such utopian fantasies will be roasting, instead of marshmallows, those who disagree with their one-world view.

"Think about what might happen if someone who disagrees with you reads what you write." My wife asked me.

"Think of what happens if I don't." I replied.

When I picked up the New York Times this morning and saw the dead bodies of Russian children lying in the street of Kaspiisk, killed by shrapnel from a powerful bomb that had been hidden in the shrubbery along a parade route, I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Here we go again," I thought.

We are entering another era of worldwide violence and bloodletting that appears, at least to this humble observer, to be an extension of the one we thought we had wrapped up half a century ago.

Nothing changes, because no wants to acknowledge the truth. The same philosophies that brought us to the edge of extinction are still in effect and running at full steam ahead. Marxism, Socialism, Egalitarianism, whatever you want to call it, is predicated on the foundation that all men are equal, but that some men are more equal than other. Where have we heard that one before?

The true believers never give an inch; never concede a point, regardless of the weight of history. Like Bjork in a Swan tutu at the Academy Awards, they will never acknowledge the egregious error of their choice of uniformity, lest they be laughed off the world stage.


Think about where we would be if we had chosen another path than the one we are retracing, yet again, following the same piper who played us into the last bloodbath.

Imagine what it would be like if the words, "Never Again" had meant that never again would a single people manipulate and lie to another people simply to secure its prosperity at their expense. Imagine if "Never Again" meant never repeating the same behaviors that have led to expulsion after expulsion, genocide after genocide, enslavement after enslavement.

Imagine what our world would be like if those who lived amongst their own kind were able to control their own destinies, without the corrupting influence of alien peoples who shared not even the most basic level of social and cultural standards. Instead we are counseled and trained and oriented and programmed to accept the big lie that would make all that accommodating and brainwashing redundant if there were a grain of truth in it to begin with.

Imagine what it would be like to live in a world where historians viewed their calling as one of observer instead of social engineer. Imagine what we would have achieved if, instead of pursuing an untenable Utopian fantasy, we had decided to slowly forge a world where those who share common blood, common beliefs, common dreams and values, were able to work towards a common goal instead of soothing the irritating factions of a dissimilar people forced into a common land.

On a human level, those who succeed, personally, and in the larger context of community, have an ability to learn from their mistakes and benefit from that knowledge. One does not improve his position by creating elaborate lies or justifications for his failures, but by acknowledging them and working to eliminate those handicaps from his life. One seeks Truth as if it were the North Star, and regardless of the pitfalls he encounters, he keeps his eyes on the prize, and lives or dies in the process, and does not detour into the world of what-if and if-only.

I predict that as long as we continue to lie, to ourselves and to others, as long as we tolerate the lies of those who despise us and seek our dissolution, the bombs will continue to go off and the children will continue to fall lifeless in the streets.

We are a species inhabiting a planet. Our only purpose is to survive the trip through the emptiness of space and to perhaps come to an understanding, based not on dreams and fantasies but upon what we know to be authentic. The only guide that we have is Truth, based upon our collective experience. I hope we listen to the story this time.


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