Why Our Struggle is Necessary

by Angry White Female

My intention in writing this "hate rant" is not to explain in detail what is our struggle is about or why we devote our lives to it. Our motivations cannot be explained with words like 'hate' or 'bigotry.' Our motivations can't be explained in one essay. Our reasons for being racial are the product of a culmination of events, personal experiences and the experiences of our friends and family. If you are like me, you have had many deracialized Whites (who live in White communities) ask why our racial struggle is so imperative, so necessary at this time. They state that we are doing well financially, and our children are doing well in school. What they don't see is the decline in wages for White men since affirmative action, political correctness, mass immigration and NAFTA. What they don't see is how few White children are attending our schools, or for that matter, even being born. Etc..etc.. They basically want a one-sentence answer to the question of why we choose to be racialists, which we cannot give since our motives are the product of a great culmination of informational revelations. Yesterday, I came across one of those pieces of life-altering information. New Nation News (http://www.newnation.org) linked to a story in a New York newspaper. Normally, I am accused of making things up by my detractors when I don't "prove" (i.e. quote a Jew-owned news source) what I said really happened. So here is a link to a New York Post article about a survey done in a New York high school which showed that racial incidents are rampant.


The shocker is that they actually asked White children if they had been victimized along with non-White children. Whenever they do that, they find out that White kids are the biggest targets. The ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center must have forgotten to tell the school administrators that you never survey White children, you only profile them as haters. Note that no alleged "anti-racism" group is quoted here. For goodness' sake, WHY NOT? Their absence is conspicuous! Usually they are all over (or behind) any story that has even a hint of "racism." The fact is that these "anti-racist" groups take issue ONLY when the perps are Euro-American and the victims non-White. Had the Whitebashers been interviewed, they would have to explain why White children, comprising 15% of this school, comprised half of the victims. I am sure Dees and Finkleberger (or Goldfinger, Silverstein, Rubenstein, Diamond, Levy, etc.) were not taking calls from the Post on that day.. Let us examine this story a little closer:

Post: An explosive survey obtained by The Post shows one student out of 10 reports suffering physical or verbal attacks by classmates who targeted them because of their race. And 36 percent believe racial tensions are high at the Bensonhurst school.

Some 48.6 percent of them said that racial bias is a problem.

We can safely establish that we have a school environment which is racially charged.

Post: Schools Chancellor Harold Levy called for a probe at Lafayette in August after The Post exposed a series of allegedly racially motivated attacks - including the severe beating of a Pakistani student last year. The U.S. Justice Department is investigating alleged civil-rights violations at the school.

There are three important points here. #1) The Chancellor is a Jew, and few if any of the White victims are Jews. If they had been, the entire nation would know by now. The Jewish kids are upstate or in private schools. Had the White victims been Jews, the problem would be solved by now. #2) Mr. Levy knew about this problem, but didn't take action until the media exposed it. #3) The U.S. Justice Department (and the media) didn't take note of the racial problems until a Pakistani was beaten severely. But let us not forget that the U.S (United Semites) Justice Department NEVER sues on behalf of White victims, unless they are gay. The picture of the victimized Pakistani accompanying this article is typical: the poster child of hate crimes victimhood must be non-White, regardless of the facts. Even though White kids are half of the victims while being 15% of the school, never will the school or media powers-that-be show a White kid in traction or with a broken nose. Hurting White kids is a "love" crime. It "levels the playing field."

Post: Lafayette subsequently created a special bias task force, whose mebers include Ronald Woo, the head of Levy's office of monitoring and school improvement, its new principal, Alan Siegel, as well as teachers, parents and community leaders.

To assist in solving this problem, which was ignored by Levy, is an Asian named Woo, appointed by Levy, and a Jewish Principal named Seigel. None of these are my people, but my people comprise half the victims.

Now, for specifics:

Post: There was a huge racial and ethnic disparity in the students who reported being a bias victim. Half of the students who claimed to be bias victims identified themselves as white, 26.3 percent as Asian, 6.2 percent as black and 6.4 percent as Hispanic.

Note that the report said half of the victims who "claimed" to be a victim were White. Had the major targets of the "bias" been black, brown or yellow, the word 'claimed' would not be present. By using the word 'claimed,' the Post implies the White students might be fibbing. You know, psst.. White lies.

And who, pray tell, is a "racial group" and who is "ethnic?" Ethnic refers to a national group. Immigrants are not mentioned. What they are trying to imply is that everyone is ethnic except us. We are just "White." Not European-American. Just White. Hispanics are not "brown" and Asians are not "yellow." The reporter did make one mistake. He called black 'black' instead of African-American. A more skilled Whitebashing reporter would have remembered to identify only us by our skin tone.

*The percentage of white alleged victims was more than triple the 15.7 percent white representation among Lafayette's 2,400 students.

There we go again. When White victimization is referred to, the word 'alleged' is injected. I have never seen this kind of doubt planted into any story where Whites were accused of being perpetrators.

Post: Only 25 percent of the students who said they were bias victims notified authorities, the survey found.

Precisely which race reported these bias incidents and who did not? Could it be that the ADL and SPLC's "teaching tolerance" lessons created an environment where White students are profiled as haters, but don't feel they are covered under bias laws--hence do not report them?

Post: "Students that did give a reason for not reporting indicated a fear of retribution by students, staff or school," the analysis said.

Fear of retribution by students, staff or school? I would assume only the minorities, the Whites and yellows would fear retribution. Perhaps Mr. Levy created a climate of hostility. If Mr. Levy were a White Gentile, he would have been accused of such by "civil rights" groups and fired. With no pension.

As to the response of the administration, Levy's Gentile spokeswoman says:

"This is a blueprint for healing a school community," Marshall said. "This survey is part of the solution to root out problems at Lafayette." She said there have been no alleged bias incidents this year.

Blueprint of Whitebashing

You don't go from major racial problems to "no racial incidents" beginning in January 2002. There have been no REPORTED incidents because of fear of retribution. What I see is this hateful, Whitebashing adminstration congratulating themselves on creating a "blueprint for the community" instead of feeling guilty for creating a "climate of hatred" under whose cloak White children are being ethnically cleansed from the cities! Yes, Jew, we see your blueprint for "solving" racial problems. A Jewish leadership equals our White ancestors being singled out for critisism, followed by our kids being targeted for victimization. Never mind that the nation we (European-descended Gentiles) created is the destination of all people in the world. Need I mention our contributions to science, medicine, technology, etc..which have saved so many lives and made so many others worth living? Our schools do not mention these facts. Instead they tell the students that White males prevented women and minorities from creating these wonderful things. But they slobber all over themselves to tell us about the blacks who created the stoplight and friggin' peanut butter. Of course, neglecting to mention the black-on-White crime rates, including that 98% black-on-White interracial rape rate.

This is how that climate of hatred was created in the first place. Do you think the media cares? Do you think they might see what we all see so clearly--that the constant Whitebashing and revision of history to make us the bad guys all the time might just contribute a tad bit? Had the responsible parties been White, the media and Justice Department would be all over the staff and administration, accusing them of "Whitewashing" the problem. In reality, it will be 'Whitewashed' and the Whites will have to move out again and the entire school will be non-White, followed by a significant drop in the average GPA. Of course, that's our fault too. Wherever Whites are a minority, your kids will be harassed. Period. No matter what you do. I have experienced this and have known many kids and parents who have experienced this. It is not a coincidence, and the existence of a few exceptions does not invalidate the rule. We helped minorities gain civil rights and tolerated 30 years of Whitebashing to "level the playing field.' We have allowed our country to be swamped by Mexicans and other non-Whites and now we are being outbred and bullied at every turn. At present, we run away, move out and into the suburbs. At some point, we must stand and fight. Fighting Whites is an oxymoron, for now. Our struggle is more important now than it ever was. Stand up and defend your race, Pale Ass.


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