Tawana Brawley Goes Up(Hymie)town

by Soldat X

Negroes seem to spend all their energy looking for scams, the easy way to a bundle, an electric sli-i-i-d-d-e uptown with massah's money. Now they be fixin' to screw da man...the American corporations that (in America's history, of which the negro is ignorant) were allegedly in cahoots with slave traders.

The new scam is more sophisticated than the Tawana Brawley/Al Sharpton affair of a few years back. This one is for big bucks, brought by negress Deadria Farmer-Paellmann, and a gaggle of negro and jewish lawyers against as many as 100 corporations. She said the corporations helped defraud negro slaves -- not white though -- out of "as much as $40 million worth of unpaid labor between 1790 and 1860. The current value of that labor could be as high as $1.4 trillion," according to news reports of the suit. The same report said the suit "seeks billions."

Of course, there is no mention of fleecing every jewish organization in this Zionist-controlled nation. No mention of grabbing bundles of lucre from the full tills of the masonic B'nai B'rith, the talmudic hatemongers of the Anti-Defamation League, or any of a thousand jew organizations. How ironic. For the enslavement of the African came through the jew in league with negroid chieftains who grew fatter and lazier off the jew gold for his people.

"The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts." Talmud: Baba mezia, 114b. Not only the African, but also the Celt, among many other races and tribes, was the victim of the jew slave trader. When the Romans finally defeated the heroic Celts, the slithering jew insinuated his way into the defeated ranks and stole away with fair-haired and fair-skinned Celtic women. They were then sold into slavery in Rome. Unlike the African, the Celts resisted the outrage by the jews. Sex, slavery, and coin: the jewish trinity of unholy evil. But now, in a comic operatic twist, the jew is behind the squawking negress angry at whitey. Where a buck is to be made -- but NEVER by manual or honest labor -- a jew lurks.

Even though negroes have their own coterie of rock-dwelling lawyers, the name of Johnnie Cochran erupts forth like vomit, the jews gather behind the scenes in order to manipulate and defraud. Behind every negro scam is a jew. And this cry for reparations is no different.

The jew will resort to his typical game plan: infect negroes with the itch for outrageous demands; play both sides of the fence - liberal jews saying yes and neo-con jews saying no; present these demands as "fair demands" through the jew-controlled media; manipulate the ever-guilty White Race to side with these "fair demands;" continue to manipulate the White Race so the usual self-hating whiteys will bend over and grease up for jewish and negro penetration; release the movies, books, and other entertainment or academic assaults for the idea of reparations. Make 'Black Reparations' a cottage industry, like the 'Holohoax,' with jews ultimately controlling and benefiting from the lies, all the while growing richer and generating more hatred among the races so they will not know who is the root of all their misery and despair.

The jewish media will wheedle Whites until they become another layer of insulation for the jews, who hate the light of day and need to hide deeply within their evil deeds. Or until the White Man rises up to destroy the jew's stranglehold on America. Shall we hold our breath?

What the jew Samuel Roth wrote in Jews Must Live is instructive:

"The next time you read about a particularly bloody pogrom and pause to wonder how Christians, dedicated to a religion of mercy, can exercise so much brutality against the Jews, remember that the Jew wheedles all the mercy out of his neighbors in the ordinary course of business. He lies and cheats until he is caught. When caught, instead of accepting punishment, he moans and tears his hair, invokes the sores of ancestors in their graves and living relations at the point of death in hospitals, until the wronged gentile, nauseated, lets him go. Then, thumbing his nose at the gentile behind his back, the Jew goes about his business the same way, lying and cheating now doubly to make up for lost time. A pogrom is usually the climax of years of such relentless goading. Do you wonder that when the final reckoning comes the gentile is absolutely merciless?"

Will this latest outrage against common sense provoke the necessary pogrom to destroy his corruption and restore America to its rightful owners?

But the jew uses Whites and negroes for his own evil end. These self-hating whites will become shock troops and cadavers in the battle. In World Wars I and II the White dead were victims of a jewish-inspired war for revenge. The Austrian Ambassador to England Count Mensdorf, a jew, was quoted in Silent Invasion of America: "Israel won the war, we made it, thrived on it, profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." Violence, usurious money practices, and social degeneracy come from the jewish mind because it is compelled to hate all things non-jewish. "It is permitted to take the body and the life of a Gentile." Sepher ikkarim III c 25.

They use Whites, especially Americans, because of their absolute hatred and contempt for the Gentiles who are no better than dogs or pigs to these foul people. "Even though God created the non-Jew they are still animals in human form. It is not becoming for a Jew to be served by an animal. Therefore he will be served by animals in human form." Midrasch Talpioth, p. 255, Warsaw 1855.

But right now, about 90 percent of White respondents to a survey said they are opposed to this latest scene for wealth transfer. Only six percent of Whites support this extortion for negroes.

Among negroes, 55 percent support the scam while 37 percent disagree. The jew-run media and entertainment propaganda arm of our Zionist Occupied Government will chip away at White opposition until it becomes the equivalent of a "hate crime" to deny the negro's "just cause." The financial immiseration of corporations and nations, the decline in the value of money, and the sudden evaporation of wealth through scams, financial gimmickry, and usury are part of the arsenal in the jews' "supreme revenge" on Europe and all Whites. This recent outrage is no different. They will transfer wealth to punish and destroy America and the remnants of the Great White Race; but the jew will remain atop the money pile swimming through the lucre like Scrooge McDuck, or rather Scrooge Duckstein.

As this latter-day Tawana Brawley saunters uptown to get her pittance from the jew plucked carcasses of American corporations -- and, of course, ultimately the American people, that is White people -- the jews will slither away dragging bags full of loot to their lair in Israel or America's pockets of Zion. But they can never escape the curse on their heads and heads of their children. For in the words of Jesus, the Christ whom many of us follow, "You serpents, generation of vipers, how will you flee from the judgment of hell?" (Matt 23.33)

He knew their deeds were foul and impure no matter how "white" and honorable their outer appearance. "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; because you are like to whited sepulchres, which outwardly appear to men beautiful, but within are full of dead men's bones, and of all filthiness. So you also outwardly indeed appear to men just; but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity." (Matt. 23.27-28)

"Wherefore you are witnesses against yourselves, that you are the sons of them that killed the prophets." (Matt 23. 31) So as the jew slithers and slides away among the chaos he's provoked, we know that a time is coming when he will pay for his deception, his iniquity, his hypocrisy, his murder, rapine, and plunder; for the soldiers of Christ know his fruits, know his ways, and know he is the spawn of the prince of darkness, the son of Satan.


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