Snowdrifts: Divisions in the White Power Movement
Slaying the Whore of Babylon

by William Randolph Royere III

Part One: Preface


This report, titled "Snowdrifts," summarizes five years of research on divisions in the White Power Movement ("The Movement") and how to bypass them. Such divisions affect many intersections of Movement ideological, organizational, and societal phenomenon. The mainstream battlelines are familiar to all: male versus female, Creator versus Odinist, Identity versus Atheism, naturalist versus eugenicist, and so forth.

Before we can succeed, we must first find commonality of purpose and action across such divisions. This report (Snowdrifts) illustrates these divisions and offers one solution. Because no publishing house would run Snowdrifts, we ask that WP lists distribute it in stages. (We'll release one section each week for approximately six months).

We hereby grant Movement websites and mailing lists -- and only Movement websites and mailing lists -- exclusive rights to publish these materials freely. Regarding other parties, we'll sue forthwith any entity unaffiliated with The Movement that publishes these materials in a manner exceeding fair use doctrine. Plainly put, this report is for Movement members alone.


This report's subtitle demands explanation because it seems to connote a Christian theme. However, these materials are not Christian but instead address European preservation exclusively. The authors merely borrow Christianity's Whore as a symbol of human degradation.

Few literary characters are more odious than the Whore, because she is at once profligate, tainted, and inherently unholy. Brazen and unrepentant, she rides the Beast, spreading fornication and evil from her chalice. Earth's righteous peoples drink this polluted brew, become drunk, and unwittingly invite eternal damnation.

We offer the Whore as Multiculturalism, the Beast as the powers that support her, and the chalice's contents as their miscegenational propaganda. When nations drink from this chalice, their drunken state excites them to fornication (miscegenation). By mixing and thus destroying races and bloodlines, these nations invite eternal damnation upon us all and generations to come.

Finally, although we lobby exclusively for European preservation, all readers will likely benefit from this report. Races everywhere must resist the Whore because the fornication she so fervently advocates destroys not merely individual races, but all of them (save one). Unless we stay the Whore's rapid advance, we face a future of degradation, misery, and horror. Racial preservation and eugenics are therefore humanitarian undertakings of global benefit to all humankind.

Parameters: What is a European?

In this report, we use the terms "European" and "European Nations." Before we begin, we'll define these terms.

Europeans are peoples whose ancestry hails from Scandinavia, Russia, the Slavic states, The United Kingdom, and Northern, Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe. States in these regions are the ancestral homes of Germanics, Mediterraneans, Alpines, Nordish, Paleolithic Atlantics, Rh subpopulations, and Ural-Altaics. Anyone who claims, in proportions 95% or greater, such ancestry is, for our purposes here, European. This classification isn't arbitrary, but is based on science.

Geneticists report that Europeans constitute a race demonstrably and genetically distinct from other races. This fact is widely accepted and genetic tests can now ascertain not merely if a test subject is European, but to what degree.

Oxford Ancestors, a genetic research group, reports that Europeans sprang from a common lineal source and that genetic tests can determine where in the European family tree a given subject belongs. Matrline, an Oxford Ancestors product line, exploits mitochondrial DNA to trace your ...deep maternal ancestry, linking you -- if your roots are in Europe -- to one of seven women: Ursula, Tara, Helena, Katrine, Velda, Xenia or Jasmine.

Indeed, research now reveals that all Europeans descended from just seven women and ten men. This has profound implications and not merely scientifically. It instructs that all Europeans share a common genetic history, existence, and destiny. Hence, together, they constitute a single evolutionary organism. It is to these peoples that we collectively refer when we use the term "The European Organism." Likewise, when we use the term "European Nations," we refer to those nations whose inhabitants are predominantly European.

This report's purpose

This report's purpose is threefold. First, this report articulates problems facing Europeans and identifies societal forces opposed to European survival. Second, this report identifies divisions within the pro-European Movement. Third, this report provides racially aware Europeans with tools and knowledge indispensable to their survival.

Within this framework, we address the following subjects, and how these influence, hinder, or contribute to European survival:

+ Activism
+ Faith
+ Finance
+ Human networking
+ Legal strategies and law
+ Pan-Europeanism
+ Technology and the Internet

We proceed on several assumptions:

  • European survival isn't merely possible; it's an imperative.

    Certainly, Europeans have a personal stake in European survival. However, Europeans aren't the only group with such a stake. Consider the hard implications if Europeans perish. European nations currently manage the Earth economically, culturally, and militarily. European nations have historically exported civilization to non-European nations at considerable cost. Remove European nations from the geopolitical and genetic arenas and within several generations, Earth would degenerate into barbarism. Imagine, for example, if the central African nations had a say in global management. Notwithstanding residual traces of European society, law, and morality (waning but still evident in their societies) these nations are abject failures in every possible way. Thus, all non-European nations have benefited by European existence and would continue to benefit from European survival.

  • European survival may often express itself at the expense of outgroups.

    Europeans have grown timid in expressing their superiority. This has deprived both Europeans and their beneficiaries of as-yet-unrealized benefits and likewise prevented them from maximizing realized benefits. To reverse these trends, Europeans must reassert their authority and supremacy and redouble their efforts to manage the globe -- even when their actions disadvantage non-European groups. Or, more bluntly put, Europeans -- by virtue of their inherent superiority -- have a moral responsibility to control Earth's savages. Europeans must face that fact and proceed accordingly, with courage and resolve.

  • European survival demands a wide Pan-Europeanism.

    To survive, Europeans must foster a true Pan-European cooperation, and recognize that while they consist of many sub-groups, Europeans nonetheless constitute a single organism. This does not mean, however, that Nordish Europeans should sacrifice their genetic separateness to Alpine or Mediterranean Europeans, nor vice-versa. All Europeans have a vital interest in preserving distinct European types, and therefore, intra-European miscegenation is generally undesirable. However, intra-European cooperation (to the exclusion of non-Europeans) is requisite.

Having established these facts, we quickly analyze current trends, the pro-European movements generally, and what these groups are doing wrong. We then turn to what individual Europeans can do to secure their survival and contribute to greater, global European survival. Before all this, however, we summarize the current state of European survival.

The state of European survival

We needn't exhaustively labor the point that European survival is in jeopardy. This fact is well known. Currently, fertile women of exclusively European ancestry of childbearing age constitute merely two percent of Earth's population. Worse, innumerable environmental, political, and social factors threaten even this rapidly diminishing genetic pool.

Third-world immigration, miscegenation, European fertility decline, homosexuality, and relentless anti-European propaganda (which invites interbreeding) all pose mortal threats to European survival. Indeed, not since the Black Death (1348-1352) have Europeans faced a future so grim, nor have such mortal threats to Europeans existed.

Some such threats are incidental, whilst others are natural phenomenon that Jews and other anti-European groups exploit. Finally, some threats owe their existence purely to Jews. Europeans can effectively address only these two latter threats, as will more fully appear below.

Incidental Threats to European Survival

The Twentieth Century may well prove to be the century in which Europeans suffered their greatest decline. A myriad of external, incidental threats shared substantial responsibility in triggering that decline.

For example:

  • [Media Distribution]

    In the nineteenth and earlier centuries, news traveled slowly. Earth's remote regions were isolated from European society. European exploration, rather than global media distribution and reporting, delivered news of far off lands - and vice-versa. Savages in undeveloped nations were ignorant of European society, and didn't (and couldn't) know that European nations were more desirable than their own. Hence, such savages (and lesser races who were superior to savages but still inferior to Europeans) weren't rushing to European nations and society.

  • [Economic Disparities]

    European nations -- by hard work and innovation -- maintained aggressive, progressive, and (for the most part) thriving economies. No sooner than this news traveled to remote regions did savages and other higher (but still undesirable) races entertain migrating over.

  • [Global Travel]

    In the nineteenth and earlier centuries, cross-continental and even intra-national travel was rare. Such travel was confined to sea voyages, which only a minority of poor peoples could secure. Therefore, European nations weren't inundated (as they are today) with droves of undesirable or culturally disparate peoples. European nations were inhabited overwhelmingly by Europeans, and thus maintained culturally and racially acceptable populations. Alien organisms did, from time to time, damage European genetic homogeneity (southern Europe's Moorish occupation being one oft-cited example), but on the mean, European nations were and remained decidedly European.

In short, then, lower racial types first discovered of European nations, then marveled at their economics, military power, and genteel society, and finally, found means to benefit from these conditions by migrating to European nations. This last process continues today, as hordes of third-world immigrants flood our shores, either unlawfully, or by artifice, offering bogus stories of persecution in their native nation states.

So, these conditions were and are largely incidental. Obvious exceptions exist, of course, such as Jews importing African slaves to European nations en masse. As any truthful scholar will admit, most slave traders in this class were Jews. (An interesting point that the Jew-backed film "Amistad" omits is that the film's slave ship was, in fact, owned and operated by Jews). However, these special cases notwithstanding, the aforementioned factors were and are incidental.

How Jews and Anti-European Groups Exploit Incidental Factors

Although the above factors are in themselves incidental, Jews and other groups, including Anti-Europeans and avaricious members of the European community, still relentlessly exploit them. Their reasons vary, and we'll briefly examine those here.

First, we momentarily depart from the Jew's influence, and turn to more generic issues. Trade groups, bankers, government officials, and other organizations that support the "New World Order" have economic motivations to import low-IQ workers. Third World immigrants work cheaply, rarely assimilate, and therefore qualify as slaves in the modern, relaxed sense. You have only to visit Texas border towns (or their Mexican counterparts) to realize this. From a corporate viewpoint, these folks offer substantial economic gains.

For this reason, treaties and combinations such as GATT and NAFTA are superb vehicles for corporate America. Corporate America dismisses whether such treaties and combinations ultimately harm real Americans. From their purely capitalistic viewpoint, Third World immigration is desirable and profitable.

Beyond such generic economic factors, other motivations arise. The Jew, for example, enthusiastically supports Third World immigration on ideological ground. Jews fear and despise European society and know precisely the ingredients requisite to destroy European nations. Their attack is two-pronged.

On the one hand, Jews fervently hope to flood countries like America with lower races. In doing so, these conspirators break Euro-American voting blocks. Because Third World immigrants breed quicker and in greater numbers than Euro-Americans, a massive influx of Third World immigrants will result in reduction of Euro-American voting power. The equation is simple: Third World immigrants will ultimately outbreed Europeans and eventually seize control of local, city, county, and state government. Over time, these alien organisms will even exercise dominance in choosing representative government (as they have in California).

Moreover, Jews rely (not without reason) on a simple premise: White flight is a phenomenon in which only wealthy Whites can participate. The lower crust of White society, in contrast, remains trapped in neighborhoods that eventually fill with Third World alien organisms. Under these circumstances, lower Whites often surrender to Third World demographic dominance and interbreed with said alien organisms.

Jews benefit from this. When European bloodlines are poisoned, diluted, or broken, European willpower and solidarity disappear with them. Outnumbered, and often interbred with the enemy, victimized Europeans no longer share their genetic destiny with Europeans at large, and instead divide their loyalties. And because once a bloodline is poisoned or adulterated, you cannot recover it, Europeans who suffer this fate essentially disappear, and cease to be Europeans at all. Hence, poor, lower, or working-class Europeans are now suffering "soft genocide" and don't realize it (as opposed to their wealthier counterparts who, through White flight, suffer "displacement" instead).

While this subject has been revisited too often, we briefly address it in greater detail. The Jew undertakes his acts because he hates European society. He hates Europeans because he knows that only Europeans can put him in his place (as they have done, whenever the Jew went too far). Thus, the Jew's agenda is always to destroy European society, at any cost. By sponsoring Third World immigration, the Jew achieves one of his goals indirectly. It is this we refer to when we assert that immigration (spawned by global media, inexpensive travel, and promise of a better life for aliens) is an "incidental factor" that Jews exploit.

Threats Coming Exclusively from Jews and Anti-European Groups

Finally, we come to threats spawned exclusively by Jews and other anti-European groups. These revolve around media-based and educational-based glorification and institutionalization of European-to-non-European miscegenation. This is the Jew's forte, and the most deadly external threat to European survival (due not to European failings so much as the Jew's wily machinations).

Most Europeans are now familiar with this phenomenon. Whether it entails promotion of rap music and "gansta" lifestyles, films that portray miscegenation positively, media attacks on Europeans and European Gentile society, or other perversion of (and attacks on) European culture, the Jew is nearly always the author.

Further, the Jew (whilst maintaining brazen, open Jew supremacism) attacks any expression of White or European pride. He labels such pride "hate" and counsels everyone (including children in our schools) that White pride is a most grievous crime. And, finally, the Jew works tirelessly to promote political correctness, stifling any free, honest speech. His tactics here smack of his successful efforts to outlaw questioning many obviously false assertions regarding German treatment of Jews In WWII. Several European governments will now arrest you for conducting such inquiries -- and penalties are stiff, often several years in prison.

The Result: White Power Reasserts Itself

As a result of the aforementioned, The Movement has grown to record proportions. Finally, Europeans are waking to impending threats. Unfortunately, however, harsh and difficult-to-resolve divisions exist between Movement activists. Such divisions critically stifle wide-scale cooperation between WP groups and thus, place our shared, ultimate goals beyond our collective grasp. We undertook Snowdrifts, a five-year study, to identify ways to overcome these issues and thus, offer Movement leaders perspectives and a possible solution. In other words, by our estimates, we now have enough popular support to make a difference. The next logical step is cohesion. To make that step, we must come to grips with our internal differences, temporarily brush them aside, and proceed as a unified organism. Snowdrifts casts the first stone in that direction and thus, will doubtless at once sadden and anger (but also embolden) WP activists and, we hope, encourage dialogue that aims for the cohesion we so desperately need.

William Randolph Royere III

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