The Legal Framework of White Oppression

Background: This is a defeated nation. Its citizenry has been heavily indoctrinated since the Allied takeover in 1945. At all levels, the drone about tolerance, sensitivity, the Holocaust, war-guilt is nonstop, so that anything hinting of nationalist sentiment is looked upon with horror by the brainwashed.

Fact: Every year about 8,000 German journalists and scholars are tried by the government for "inciting the public" against democracy and the German constitution. This is a greater number than were in prison for political crimes in East Germany when the wall fell.

Germany is unique in the West in having a Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution specifically charged with protecting the democratic foundations of the country.

Fact: In 1993 and 1994, American FBI Director Louis Freeh held talks with the German Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution), to find ways the U.S. could stop the flow, from the USA to Germany, of literature banned by German law but protected by the First Amendment in the U.S. The talks seem to have come to nothing but the point was clearly made that the USA approves of such German repression of civil liberties.

Fact: Germany has a population of 82 million, of which 7.3 million are foreigners (9%). Every year, Germany has a "Week of Foreign Fellow Citizens," celebrating their diversity, as it were.

Fact: Germany is 25x smaller than the United States. Imagine Oregon with 80 million people (that is, 2.5x as many as California). That's part of what "Lebensraum" was all about.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (FOPC) collects information on the political opinions of the German people. In 1999 it found

     -- 51,400 with "extreme right-wing leanings"; and
     -- 9,000 were classified as "militant right-wingers," (mostly skinheads).

Rightist parties include Republikaners (REP), with 14,000 members; the German People's Union (DVU), with 17,000; and the National Democratic Party (NPD), with 6,000. Currently the government is attempting to ban the NPD, which has been around since shortly after WWII.

Germany's basic law declares "unconstitutional" any party or group that seeks to impair or abolish the free democratic basic order. A special federal "Constitutional Court" has the power to ban such organizations. (It will, for example, make the decision on the NDP, if it gets that far.)

Legal history: In 1994, Germany passed Crime Prevention Laws in response to right-wing agitations after the fall of the Berlin Wall. These:

-- broadened the definition of incitement to violence and racial hatred to include statements defaming whole groups and minorities. Thus, as in other countries, any negative generalization about a minority group becomes grounds for prosecution. Effective meaning: If you can't say something nice, you can't say something legal. (Unless you're talking about a rightist.)

-- outlawed the use of any Nazi-like flags, badges, uniforms, slogans or gestures (actual Nazi stuff has been outlawed since 1945)

-- established special anti-extremist police units

-- set up a central communications network to coordinate information on suspects' movements

-- broadened legal grounds for detaining suspects and repeat offenders

In short, Germany cracks down hard on the legal freedom of non-leftists. If you aren't with the program -- indoctrinated by every state and most non-state (churches, unions, etc.) organizations -- you are liable for prosecution. The only people you can safely criticize in Germany are the right-wingers forbidden their right to criticize. Germany has in effect outlawed non-leftism and cultural integrity.

Facts: It is a federal crime, punishable by up to five years in prison, to "deny the Holocaust's existence." Since 1945, the production and distribution of Nazi memorabilia and propaganda, including leaflets, posters and newspapers, have been illegal in Germany.

Fact: Teaching about the Holocaust is "compulsory for all types of schools at all education levels."

In a nutshell, on every important issue, everybody in Germany is expected to think the same way. A paragraph from a fact sheet put out by the FOPC:

The federal and state governments have joined with trade unions, corporations and sports associations to educate the public about the dangers of intolerance. The governments sponsor seminars and public discussions designed to foster a government-citizen partnership to address this important issue. Teachers, parents' groups, community liaison representatives and school paper editors are all involved in a variety of educational and public awareness campaigns aimed at reaching young people. Students work with classroom materials that explore the causes of right-wing activity, xenophobia and violence and ask them to reflect on ways to combat such negative behavior.

If you're getting the idea that in Germany to speak out against the official dogma can lead to trouble, you're getting the right idea.

Famous Cases:

Dr. Fredrick Töben was jailed in Germany in April 1999 after stopping in to talk to a public prosecutor. He brought up a question related to a taboo subject and was jugged. It is not just illegal to hold certain opinions in Germany, but apparently illegal to discuss what is illegal in Germany.

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