The French Revolution, Then and Now

A review of The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy
by Nesta H. Webster (New York: Dutton, 1920)

by Alaric

As the West grows more unstable, the inevitable White revolution is gathering power. Like that borderland of tension between tectonic plates, the slip, the longer it is delayed and the more frustration builds, will be the more ferocious and pandemic. And in this ZOG-time of fairyland literature for yuppies and Brown, Black and Yellow "empowerment," objective literature written by and for healthy White people is as rare as an honest politician.

So it is time to revisit Nesta Webster's The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy. White nationalists and anti-Communists have referred to it since its publication. It is more than a classic; it is the seminal analysis of Egalitarianism in its most insidious form: "democracy." For this political system is the biggest and most sophisticated lie. It is the ultimate camouflage for a common, but still peculiar, form of human parasite that found in the final decade of Royal France its first great opportunity to seize absolute power. The value of Mrs. Webster's book lies in the way she assembles details of the Mother of Revolutions. To say she reveals the hidden hands and methods of the Revolution is a short stop that could divert the reader from recognizing her superb sleuthing skills and sharp narrative style. She takes us farther: she weds the "revolutionary" personality to a doctrine which empowered it for the first time, in July 1789. The picture she presents is not only iconoclastic, it is shocking.

Her book explodes the symbols and causes traditionally taught to helpless schoolchildren, especially since the Deweyfication of American education. We Americans were taught to believe that the Revolution was a just rebellion against entrenched, worthless nobles by starving peasants. This was part of the reality -- but it shared the affair with crises engineered by political radicals. Mrs. Webster discovered many details herself in obscure documents in French and other archives. The force immediately behind the surface turmoil leading to the abdication of King Louis XVI was Illuminatism, wielded by rabble intellectuals and greedy outsiders and covertly backed, for a time, by the enemies of Royal France. Mrs. Webster demonstrates that the radical advocates of Illuminatism, in concert with scoundrels and opportunists, contrived by ingenious ways to block food production and delivery to Paris. Having thus prepared Paris' rabble, these radicals infiltrated professional agitators among it, many of them non-French (most Italians), created an "army" to use against a regime that was already rotten and tottering. It was only a matter of time ageing the infection. Louis himself, Webster reveals, was thoroughly corrupted by the vision of universal brotherhood -- so much that he had lost touch with all reality and ordered his Swiss Guards to stand down as the Parisian mob assaulted his family in Versailles palace. The Guard, probably in the heat of instinct as it guarded itself, ended up sealing the family off from the front for a time, and, along with some very brave French Army officers and men, and a few manly nobles who happened to be on site, prevented the mob from tearing the royal family apart. All its defenders, however, were killed in the most vulgar and vicious manner. They fought the mob to death, and the reader will feel the loss of these brave men, and cannot avoid thinking of the good White men serving in ZOG USA's forces and possibly destined to perish in some filthy military ploy against the enemies of the Tel Aviv-London-New York axis.

Having carted Louis, Marie Antoinette, and their children off to a Paris prison, the Versailles mob commenced an orgy on its grounds which Webster depicts in detail, and it defies credulity. Everything happened, including torture of some prisoners, gang rapes, and cannibalism. (Cannibalism occurred disturbingly often among the mobs of Paris, and one wonders about the savages in American cities -- what will they do?) Likewise another event we were taught to admire, "the storming of the Bastille," was really sordid and cowardly, its facts distorted by ZOG-ucation into a romantic act of bravery and justice. There were no "political prisoners" within, only a few petty criminals. The prison itself was decrepit and under-guarded, and the stinking, drunken mob which the agitators brought down on it were motivated by nothing so much as the prospect of loot and blood-sport.

Illuminatism has evolved into a doctrine easily molded by intelligent anarchists and revolutionaries. The names for this doctrine change, but at its heart is Egalitarianism -- that is, Democracy -- and it has gained sophistication and respectability. Almost anyone can join; all he or she needs do is deny reality, consign himself to the sugary path of materialism, and be the sort who can prey on the productive. The Revolution, then, a purportedly just rebellion by the oppressed and middling people of talent, was actually a hijacking of a necessary reform movement. Promise the mob, control the mob; use the managerial and technical skills of the middle class to hold it together as you purge the existing ruling class. The Revolution as taught is a lie, which explains the runaway ferocity and cruelty perpetrated against, first, nobles and anyone wealthy. Later on this movement fueled by blood took on the inevitable witch-hunt character, dragnetting even urban rabble, peasants, helpless servant girls, and others, for public guillotining. This phenomenon is predictable, and necessary. The leaders of the Revolution were providing bread and circuses for the mob, much as today niggerball, tacos, and credit cards are doled out to control the White herd.

Egalitarianism and Democracy first became a vector in the French Revolution, a reproducible and malleable tool for overthrowing existing order. The French Revolution was a total revolution, in contrast to the American Revolution. The colonial elites were forced to advocate egalitarian values in order to win subordinate support in their revolt against British royal control. The American Revolution was limited. The absentee control of wealth and capital in British America, though substantial, was not total. Therefore those indebted or stymied Colonial elites who wanted to break out of their debt obligations by nullifying the commerical laws did not need to purge the debt-holders. They were in Brittain. It was only necessary to neutralize their agents: the colonial governors, customs inspectors, magistrates, constables, loyalists, some militia officers. In France, however, though the American Revolution inspired the radicals some, the nobility was numerous and part of the economic and social and governmental reality. It had a lock on the laws and had resisted and neutralized all reform movements that the radicals and middle class wanted most. Hence the long-building rage, when it found an energizing doctrine, cut loose with such force that the cruelties are still to be wondered at. The rage and the radicals needed a guiding doctrine; Illuminatism provided it.

The mob then was rallied and directed with a few buzzwords out of the Illuminati's lexicon of "democracy." Perhaps the efficiency of the printing press had reached a state by this time so that ideas could be disseminated at a decisive velocity. An idea presented as an alternative to tradition might be enough to break tradition's "monopoly" on the creation of reality. That alone.

Mrs. Webster gives much detail on Illuminatism. It was the creation of a Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law (he was a Catholic "convert") at the University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria. It proved to be perfect cover for destabilizing societies and kings. Jews, ever on the make to achieve the dominance of the world their religion promises them, are genius innovators of apocryhpa and deception. The time was right: France weak and her fisc empty, having lost her North American colonies; the printing press; the army and navy poorly officered and their morale low; a volatile rabble growing in her cities -- all these factors and others intersected in the 1770s and '80s. With followers Weishaupt established the Order of Illuminati in May 1776. Like most ideologies it was taken up first by academics and intelligent discontents of the type willing to pull down the whole house. Weishaupt is absolutely the father of egalitarianism-parasitism as a practical, street-effective revolutionary tool.

Mrs. Webster, writing under the influence of contemporary events in Russia, was moved by the Bolshevik-White Russian war for control of Russia. In analyzing the French Revolution she hoped to find the source of the 1917 Revolution, which called for Worker supremacy. But Mrs. Webster saw through the Bolshevik ostentation. That is to say, she knew the Bolsheviks were dominated by Jews, and so she understood relation between Illuminatism, Marxism, and Bolshevism. And it is clear that Mrs. Webster did not like Jews.

Nor did she like Germans. Or maybe it is better to say, she did not trust them, for she was clearly a British patriot. She gives, as part of her revelations of the German origins of Illuminatism, a sinister hue to the Prussian King Friederic Wilhelm II (r. 1786-1797). In fact he did dispatch agents and funds to France to support French Illuminati whom he hoped would destabilitze the French royal house. Yet, to his credit, Wilhelm withdrew his support when he learned more about the Illuminati. Writing just after the Great War her anti-Germanism is understandable. Yet this detracts only a little from the total picture she presents. She had a domino-theory view of 1780s geopolitics; Britain was to be Prussia's next victim, after France. Webster does not exonerate Wilhelm for quitting the Illuminati, nor credit him for sending Prussian forces to aid the army of French exiles and royalists which invaded but was, unfortunately, defeated by a Jacobin army at Valmy September 20, 1792. Mrs. Webster continued to write and publish into the late 1950s, and she may have revised her opinion of Germany and Germans in the aftermath of the Second World War, when International Zionism achieved its triumph of domination over all Western governments. I have not read her subsequent works.

The French Revolution is valuable also as a primer on economic and psychological warfare. The reader will win knowledge of the critical methods of mob control. More, Mrs. Webster analyzes the brat, anarchist-intellectual personality which characterized the leaders of the Revolution: Marat, Danton, Robespierre, and others. She describes their personal habits, and by them we see that such people are really materialists and pleasure-loving -- yet by nature non-productive. They turn to parasitism to win lifestyles they cannot achieve honestly. Marat, especially, is notable for holing up in the home of a wealthy Parisian and enjoying a squad of hussies and the best food and wine. He was assassinated by a peasant girl from Britanny, Charlotte Corday, who wielded a dagger on him in his bathtub. (Look at the horde of professional world-savers staffing the "non-profit" organizations such as infest Washington, D.C. How many of them have ever held a real job? And their average income is higher than that of the average American outside the Beltway.)

After Louis XVI was out of the way the Assemblies governed France. Mrs. Webster skillfully recreates their composition and how their decent members -- I have in mind the middling merchants, barristers, technical and professional men -- who wanted to promulgate laws which would benefit all of France, were neutralized by the radicals. They were motivated by lusts and vengeance and their hatred of their betters, and the reader will recognize that these unstable men could go only so far on charisma alone. With mobs outside howling for wine and food and action and ready to decapitate the assemblymen who didn't deliver, the Assemblies degenerated into a stalling mechanism whose chief purpose became self-perpetuation by looting and redistribution. The arrival of a strongman is inevitable in these circumstances, and Buonaparte was treated as both demi-god and royalty. So much for the wisdom of the common man. That situation reminds one of the current U.S. Congress: it's all we've got, but it isn't solving the problems that are taking down this politcal state called the United States, which is, of course, utterly ZOG-controlled. The United States has no identity, and neither does Congress. Like the Assemblies, it is a loot-and-spend mechanism which natural law will soon deal with. This is the principal lesson The French Revolution offers. He who controls the mob controls the streets, controls the country. Yet the mob is very, very dangerous, and always demands what it cannot make. The detail of Webster's book is astounding. And if the devil is in the details, so is the exorcist. A close reading of this work yields solutions to the plight of Whites. I darersay that, outside of technical knowledge, it is the only work which White people everywhere need to survive the coming revolution.

The material means of life will determine the fate of Whites. If food and energy hold out and sustain the Yellow, Brown and Black hordes invading White lands, they may establish themselves ineradicably. Then Jews, and their White dupes and lackeys, with their temporary and unnatural ally, Big Business, shall have their way. I don't think it will happen, however. The means of life are growing scarcer, and the lines that supply them ever more tenous. Food quality and water quality are degrading, water reserves are low, farmland diminishing, and oil supply is a wildcard. Worst (or best) of all, the general level of intelligence is falling throughout the White world, through miscegenation and dumb education. Mediocre people cannot maintain a high-tech civilization. When Whites stop delivering, the muds will riot (along with degenerate Whites). Then that reality will arrive which some White Nationalists say is the only solution: the destruction of White Civilization. Starvation, disease, and war will cull the unfit Whites and allow a healthy White overmind to organize the survivors. The aftermath might be like the Europe following the Black Death: a shining and potent White homeland, ripe for a Renaissance. Or perhaps a resurgent Christianity or Odinism, or both, might energize that healthy portion of the White population. But both systems carry the fatal component "fairness" that will limit them, and which surely won't impress ruthless, arrogant enemies. Nesta Webster's superb analysis of the Mother of Revolutions will launch you into a careful investigation of the possibilities.

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