VNN's A. Linder Reads Between the Lines of Horowitz

[Comments in blue are things the Jewish radical is hiding from you.]

by David Horowitz August 8, 2000

The Republican convention has redefined the Republican Party as the party of the American majority. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, it is a party infused with a vision, committed to a cause, and united behind a leader who is not afraid to lead.

In Philadelphia, the Bush campaign repositioned the Republican Party as a party of diversity, inclusion and opportunity just like the Democrats -- the party of American ideals. Certainly not a me-too party aping the Dems and falling over itself to confirm non-Whites as a legally privileged caste. For four nights, the Bush message was this: We are committed to reuniting our nation by treating everyone according to his or her individual merit except for White Texas college applicants -- the one group of Whites whose rights the "conservative" standard-bearer could have fought for -- but didn't, by tearing down our internal walls between rich and poor, black and white, and all minority groups, by extending opportunity to everyone even if we have to discriminate against Whites to do it. We will reach out to every willing heart and leave no child behind except Whites.

This is the framework of an American governing party. If Republicans stay the course and remain faithful to these goals, they will win. I and my neoconservaive buddies have remade pro-White conservatives as liberal Democrats. And you idiots are too dumb too see it. You refuse to see I am not a conservative but a radical Jew in disguise. I regularly present my "conservatism" as that of the Founders knowing you Reps are too lazy to look up the history and discover my misrepresentation. Do you think I have any respect for you? Do you deserve any?

In the aftermath of Philadelphia, the Democrats and their allies in the press are crying, It's not fair.They're pretending to be Democrats. They�re for diversity? Who are they kidding? Only Democrats and caring human beings can be for diversity. Real Republicans can't want that. Inclusion? Only Democrats have a social conscience. Republicans can't want inclusion. Republicans are mean-spirited and reactionary and intolerant. They're anti-minority. They're racists without the sheets. Actually, the media sees that GWB is liberal enough it won't make a big difference who wins.

First, if you really can�t tell the difference between Democrats and the Republicans in Philadelphia, try recalling when you last saw a Democratic convention that devoted a whole night to praise of the military and the call for a greater national defense. For that, you�d have to go back to John F. Kennedy (in truth, a Reagan Democrat). And that�s only one issue among many that define the profound differences between Democrats and the new Republicans. I know I just got through praising the Reps for talking and acting like the liberals, but hey, who's logical anymore?... Both parties favor spreading our forces around the globe. Both believe in the global democratic crusade. Neither cares about American interests.

Second, BINGO!!! Yes, the Republicans in Philadelphia looked like caring and inclusive Americans. Of course they were featuring coloreds for their skin value. But if I say it often enough and loud enough, maybe someone will believe it. Maybe I'll believe it. I know there are 50,000 White twenty-somethings who could have given better speeches than, say, Condoleezza Rice, presented to us as some sort of genius. I know she was plucked from the ranks of policy wonks for color alone. I don't think most Semitically Correct Republicans are reflective enough to realize that the fools they've flattered are the fools they've become. I was a Marxist for thirty years; if they buy me as a conservative, there's darned little they won't swallow.

And that's why Democrats and press liberals are hysterical. They�re desperate; they're going nuts. Because Republicans have taken away their target If Republicans don't look like the demons they're often portrayed as, who are Democrats going to attack?

Republicans have taken away the Democrats target and they don't know what to do. Because even though they once were the party of FDR, today the only thing they have to offer is fear itself. If Republicans look like Democrats (you know, compassionate, caring, no horns and tails) then independents, swing voters, and even centrists in their own party will be more ready to listen to what Republicans have to say, and more likely to vote Republican in November. (Bush was up 17 points among independent voters as of the close of the convention.)

The genius behind this strategy is Bush campaign chief Karl Rove, who understands better than anyone in politics today the shape of the political battlefield. Two years ago, Rove invited me (the master-of-geniuses) to Austin where I laid out a strategy very similar to the one he has followed, although mine was really a broad outline and lacked the detail and finesse with which he has achieved his miracle in Philadelphia. Shortly after leaving Austin, I wrote a booklet called The Art of Political War, which explained the political problem this way:

How is it that Democrats are able to campaign on Republican programs and ideas - balanced budgets welfare reform, family values - and beat Republicans who have been championing these issues for decades? My answer is that Republicans do not understand (as Democrats do) that politics is war conducted by other means; that it is a war of position, and that you can only win by linking your agendas directly to the interests of women, children, minorities, working Americans and the poor. In other words, to beat the liberals, it is necessary to become liberals -- just like me.

I was pleased to see Dick Cheney use my line about politics being war conducted by other means. But I was even more gratified by the way the entire convention projected an image of caring and inclusive conservatism.

Going into the next phase of this electoral campaign, the Republican Party�s great strength lies in its unity behind this strategy. Let�s be candid about this. The unity of the Republican Party comes partly from fear. Conservatives understand the stakes of this battle and are terrified of what four or eight more years like the last eight would mean. But they are also united behind a leader who has a positive vision that inspires them, and who has principles they can trust. It's hard to type this when you're laughing. I just got through telling you the Reps should ape the Dems' rhetoric, and now I'm telling you how "principled" they are. My real principle is that misrepresenting yourself is often the best way to achieve your goals. I misrepresent misrepresentation by calling it "positioning." I really am the Jew. My only principle is Machiavelli's -- and Bill Clinton's: do whatever it takes to gain power.
Because the Republicans are energized and united, they can reach out to the center, to independent voters and the undecided from the left. This means they can afford to be confident and inclusive. As a coalition, they can afford to focus on winning today, knowing that there will be plenty of occasion to define their differences tomorrow. I know I just got done talking about how principled they are. I meant 'Clintonian.' In the decisive months of this campaign, they can offer a vision that is positive and elevating, and that unites Americans behind a common purpose. A vision that is generous and responsible, compassionate and conservative. In other words, Republicans can take to the American people the image of a governing party.

By way of contrast, the Democratic base is divided and uncertain. Al Gore is only getting 77% of the Democratic vote, whereas Bush is getting support from 92% of Republicans. Up to now, Gore has run a negative and inconsistent campaign. Consequently, while Bush excites Republicans, Democrats are less than happy and even somewhat disgusted with Gore. Al Gore has a problem with the truth. The Republicans, of course, are very straightforward and principled, as long as they misrepresent themselves as I tell them to. He has difficulty deciding who he is. He is changeable about what he wants, and thus untrustworthy. Unlike me with my fake "second thoughts." I know I am a leftist. I know I am leading the mass of White men away from the one path that might save it -- awakening to its racial interests. Good thing I've always known mine: that Jewish safety requires a deracinated America. And since politics is a war, all's fair if I lie about my true nature, the nature of my people, and the nature of the true political beliefs of the White Founders.

The selection of Senator Joseph Lieberman, perhaps the most conservative Democrat in Congress, will not do much to help Al Gore consolidate his base. An ally of Tipper Gore in the campaign to censor Hollywood and the media, Lieberman will make an already restive liberal wing of the party even more disaffected. This will cancel out any ability he has to move the campaign to the center where it has to be to win. Nor will he do much to diminish the scandal factor, despite his moral disapproval of Clinton during the impeachment process. How can a vice presidential candidate's disapproval erase the presidential candidate's immoderate embrace of the culprit himself? Moreover, Al Gore has his own scandal problem in the Buddhist Temple affair, the White House coffees and other campaign finance illegalities.

Because Gore is behind, and his troops are listless, he must go negative in the months ahead. He must energize his base, and tarnish his opponent's luster. But this negativity will work to Republicans advantage (provided the attacks are rapidly answered). Attacks by the Lieberman-Gore team will make Al Gore look more political and less presidential, and further erode his support.

The electorate itself is sick of negativism and rancor, and the politics of division. The more Al Gore attacks, the shriller the candidate becomes, and the narrower will be his appeal. In other words, Al Gore is in a box. The Bush campaign will do everything it can to keep him there.

Finally, the terrain of battle is favorable to Republicans. The Bush team has positioned Republicans in a way that gives them a clear edge in the conflicts ahead. Democrats seem to think they have an advantage on the issues, while the Bush team is counting on a personality race. This is delusional. The race has already been an issue-dominated race. The positioning of Republicans as a caring party has been accomplished as much by its embrace of social issues like education, social security and health care, as by the packaging of the Republican convention in Philadelphia. The truth is, the Reps are a me-too party which happens to have a friendlier and more photogenic candidate than the Democrats. The principles are the same: wink at the anti-Affirmative Action White males, while giving in to the libs when the rubber meets the road. Thus the deracination of the country proceeds apace. And not to mention open-borders immigration, which has become de rigueur among Semitically Correct "conservatives" because of the lies of radical extremists like me.

What has taken place in these last few months has been the redesigning of American politics by the Republican candidate and his chief strategist Karl Rove and his adviser, Glorious Me. Republicans are grateful for this, and it already looks like America is too.

Comment: The only thing America can be grateful for is that the last pretense of principled conservatism has been shed by the Republican Party. Where does the White man turn to find a political party to represent his interests? The anwer is nowhere -- yet. The day approaches, though.

David Horowitz is editor-in-chief of and president of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture.

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