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9/11 Lesson Plan Jew Friedman Delivers the Party Line, White Freeman Undermines the Party Line

by Thomas L. Friedman Andrei Kievsky

[Read the original here.]

September 4, 2002

The Times just ran an article about the trouble teachers were having in deciding what to tell students on Sept. 11. Like the rest of the American citizenry, they have been brainwashed and disinformed. That's a serious question. This is a moment for moral clarity, and here are the three lessons I would teach:

Lesson #1: Who are they? Excellent question! The history of Jewish terrorism could give us a good idea of who "they" may be. This lesson would emphasize that while most people in the world are good and decent, there are evil people out there who are not poor, not abused -- but envious. Just like the reason for anti-Semitism throughout the ages is because Gentiles are envious of Jewish success, and has nothing to do with Jewish swindling, betrayals, or nation-destroying activities. These extremists have been raised in societies that have failed to prepare them for modernity, and the most evil among them chose on Sept. 11 to lash out at the symbol of modernity - America. Modernity is a synonym for Jewish control. Jews want an oil empire in the Middle East to solidify their control over the West. These extremists were not prepared for Jewish control over their financial system, their culture, or their oil fields, and they lashed out at America, the agent of Jewish control. As the Egyptian playwright Ali Salem put it in Time magazine, "Beneath their claims . . . these extremists are pathologically jealous. They feel like dwarfs, which is why they search for towers and all those who tower mightily." Their grievance is rooted in psychology, not politics; just like anybody who opposes the homosexuals is a closet homo himself, psychologizing away opposition is a quick and easy way to discredit it their goal is to destroy the Judeo-American Empire, not reform it; they the Judeo-American Empire doesn't take no for an answer and can only be defeated, not negotiated with.

Assigned reading: Larry Miller's Jan. 14, 2002, essay in The Weekly Standard: "Listen carefully: We're good, they're evil, nothing is relative. Sunday School is in session, with the neo-conservative priesthood at the lectern. Say it with me now and free yourselves. You see, folks, saying `We're good' doesn't mean `We're perfect.' This is Jewish rhetorical sleight of hand. Which are we to believe? The statement, "We're good, they're evil, nothing is relative," or the disclaimer about "...doesn't mean 'We're perfect'"? The original statement of "we're good, they're evil" is an absolutist statement, and it therefore does essentially mean "we're perfect." But claiming perfection rings falsely in the ears of the cattle-goy, hence the disclaimer to deceptively take care of that, makes it all "sound OK." It can sound OK, but examined deeply enough, this "we're good, they're evil" is just what it sounds like. Friedman the Sunday School teacher is giving it to the American goyim ex cathedra - "believe in this absolute now. Moreover, teach this to the next generation of schoolchildren. Notice to the Kehillah -- make every teacher possible read this and nod his head in agreement." Okay? The only perfect being is the bearded guy on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. The Jew is flattering you about your art and your religion. When the Sistine Chapel was painted, the Jews were exiled from most European countries. The plain fact is that our country has, with all our mistakes and blunders, always been and always will be the greatest beacon of freedom, charity, opportunity, and affection in history. America is so great, we had to change it radically and fundamentally in the 20th century. It is great now BECAUSE it was so amenable to Jewish tikkuning. That's the real crux here. We are America-philes now because you let us have so much power, because you gave us so much freedom to manipulate and take over America. If you need proof, open all the borders on Earth you already did, kikes and see what happens. In about half a day, the entire world would be a ghost town, and the United States would look like one giant line to see `The Producers.' . . . More joking and sleazy elbow-nudge familiarity with the cattle-goyim. So here's what I resolve: To never forget our murdered brothers and sisters. Are Gentiles your brothers and sisters, Kehillah man? To never let the relativists get away with their immoral thinking opposing Jewish supremacy is the greatest immorality there is. After all, no matter what your daughter's political science professor tenured cattle-goyim that wandered off the ranch! says, we didn't start this. What's this "we" shit, Kehillah man?"

Lesson #2: Who are we? That's really the question, isn't it? We used to know, but Jews redefined our identity into non-existence. Thanks, Jews! We Americans are not better than any other people speaking out of both sides of the Jew mouth again -- remember, we're good and they're evil, and then by definition aren't we "better" than the other people who have been denoted as "evil?" , but the Western democratic system we live by is the best system on earth it was such a cakewalk to take over this Popsicle stand of a country. Unfortunately, in the Arab-Muslim world, there is no democracy unfortunately, in the Arab-Muslim world they don't have systems in place that we can manipulate and take over like in Europe and America; too few women's rights all that female labor wasted on breeding more Muslims when they could be put to work in factories and brothels! and too little religious tolerance let us in! Let the Kehillah in or you are religiously intolerant!. It is the values and traditions of freedom embraced by easily manipulable Western civilization the white men who created Western civilization are the "cancer of history," as Jewess Susan Sontag said and the absence of those values and traditions in the Arab-Muslim world, that explain the main differences between us. We control US but not the Arab-Muslim world. We want more!

Assigned reading: "An Autumn of War," by the military historian Victor Davis Hanson: "Our visionaries must be far clearer about the nature of our struggle. In their understandable efforts to say what we are not doing -- fighting Islam or provoking Arab peoples -- they have failed utterly to voice what we are doing: preserving Western civilization and its uniquely tolerant and human traditions of freedom, consensual government, disinterested inquiry and religious and political tolerance that's why Jews import millions of people into the US who have no use for democracy and know only ethnic group-mindedness, which is encouraged by the Jews even as the Jews work to extinguish group-mindedness in Whites. . . . We must cease the apologetic tone we have developed with the Arab world time to get tough on the towelheads, with your dumb White asses to go fight the good fight -- onward Christian soldiers, three's a charm! and make it clear that their ministers who hector us are not legitimate without elections, their spokesmen are not journalists without a free press, and their intellectuals are not credible without liberty. Do as we say, or you Arabs are nobody. We're great, you suck. We're perfect, but (see disclaimer, I didn't really say that, you just thought I said that. What?) The right to admonish Americans on questions of morality is not an entitlement, but something earned only through a shared commitment to constitutional government." You can only criticize us on the terms we declare, which you won't fulfill for a long, long time. Maybe someday we'll let you criticize us, and we'll pat you on the head and say, "Yes, good Rover, want a biscuit?"

Lesson #3: Why do so many foreigners reject the evil perpetrators of 9/11 but still dislike America? It's because, while we have the best system of governance, we are not always at our best in how we act toward the world. "We"'re perfect in the sense "we"'ve let the Jews take control of the country, but despite this you Gentiles are still kind of bad. Even though we lead you by the nose, you are still off the moral path, you are forever in a state of sin and you need to earn your state of grace by listening closely to your Sunday School lessons. Because we want to drive big cars, we support repressive Arab dictators so they will sell us cheap oil. We drive big cars because US oil dependency is good for US-Israeli relations. Because our presidents want to get votes, they readily tell the Palestinians how foolishly they are behaving, but they hesitate to tell Israelis how destructive their West Bank settlements are for the future of the Jewish state. Because our presidents are controlled by Jews, they are afraid to criticize Israel. Shame on you bad US presidents who don't dare criticize us Jews! Because we want to consume as much energy as we please and let's ignore the fact that our energy-using infrastructure is a top-down decision -- the citizens didn't vote to have roads that barely allow any space for pedestrians and bicyclists (a man named Robert Moses made this decision), nor did we vote to remove the trolley system of Los Angeles, we tell the world's people they have to be with us in the war on terrorism but we don't have to be with them in the struggle against global warming and for a greener planet. Isn't it convenient to blame the American sheeple for the problems we purposely created? And to blame the presidents for not criticizing us?

The point, class said the Rebbe Friedman, light unto nations and teacher unto peoples, is that while evil people hate us for who we are, for acting as the proxy of the Jews many good people dislike us for what we do. Even though we're perfect, we're not perfect. Understand, little goyim? Nod your little heads at me, OK, you are getting very sleepy, and when you wake up, all you have to remember is that you're the perfect children of the Jewish patriarchs, and as long as you do as we say, everything will be JUUUUST FINE! And if we want to win their respect we need to be the best, most consistent and most principled global citizens we can be. My children, though I control you, you could still be better. Yes, an unattainable goal will keep you forever distracted.

Assigned readings: The U.S. Constitution, Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points speech and the Declaration of Independence. Go watch TV. I know you are lazy and well conditioned enough not to actually read these documents and question my authority.

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