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Criticism of Israel escalates into a 'New Anti-Semitism'

Jewish Hatred of Aryans escalates into push to 'Abolish White Race'

by Jane Eisner Marc Moran

[Read the original here.]

Posted on Sun, Apr. 14, 2002

Burning synagogues in France. Blood libels in Saudi Arabia. The murder of Daniel Pearl in Pakistan. Nasty language now acceptable at London dinner parties. Harassment of Jewish college students in the United States. The massacre at a Passover seder in Israel.

Churches turned into Goth dance clubs in New York. Innocent children beaten to death in Seattle. An Italian reporter shot to death by Israeli soldiers in Palestine. Foul language now acceptable on television programs directed at children. Harassment of white female college students on every campus in the United States. The Wichita Massacre in Kansas.

For many Jews, the nightmare is returning. This latest wave of hatred is being called the New Anti-Semitism, but it looks and sounds and feels an awful lot like the old. Fueled by leftists in Europe and officials in many Islamic nations, it is dangerously conflating legitimate criticism of the Israeli government with a far more nefarious attack not simply on the Jewish state, but on the Jewish soul.

For many Whites, the nightmare never ends. The latest wave of hatred is being called Tolerance and Diversity, but it looks and sounds and feels like White genocide. Fueled by leftists in America and officials in every country the Jews control, it is dangerously conflating legitimate criticism of the White Nationalist movement with a far more nefarious attack not simply on the formerly Euro-Christian United States of America, but on the White soul.

"This is literally the worst time to be a Jew in the world since the Shoah," Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum says, using the Hebrew word for the Nazi annihilation of European Jewry in World War II.

"This is literally the worst time to be a White in the world since the World Wars," says historian Terry Firma, using the American term for the Jewish-instigated annihilation of European Whites in the last century.

For those of us born to a post-Holocaust world, particularly in tolerant 20th-century America, the comparison is nauseating, almost repugnant. It doesn't jibe with our secure self-image. Anti-Semitism was supposed to go the way of poll taxes and Soviet ideology, a discredited relic of xenophobia that had no place in modern, pluralistic society. We would define ourselves as Jews, in the affirmative, not as victims according to someone else's definition.

For those of us born to a post-White world, particularly tolerant 20th century America, the comparison is nauseating, almost repugnant. It doesn't jibe with our secure self-image. Anti-White-ism was supposed to go the way of the Indian and Jew-led Bolshevism and its equally Jewish brother Communism, a discredited relic of our moral and intellectual superiority that has no place in modern 'tolerant' society. We would define ourselves as White, in the affirmative, not as Gentiles according to the Jews definition.

"In every generation there are those who seek our destruction," we say each year on Passover. Oh, but not this generation. We're over that now. Or so we thought.

"In every generation there are those who seek our destruction," we say whenever we can take our eyes off the television. Oh, but not this generation. We're over that now. Or so we thought.

"I've been a Methodist preacher since 1933," says Franklin H. Littell, head of the Philadelphia Center on the Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights, "and I can't believe how little has been learned about the nature of massive ideological and physical assault on the Jewish people.

"I have been a Christian all my life," says Bob Jones, President of Bob Jones University, "and I can't believe how little has been learned about the nature of massive ideological and physical assault on the White people."

"The swastika on the lawn - you can handle that by putting the person in jail," says Littell, who now teaches at Stockton College. "The real problem is the extent to which religious and cultural anti-Semitism is built into Christendom, and into the Arab League today."

"The anti-White propaganda on the TV- you can handle that by switching off the set," says Moran, who now teaches anyone who will listen. "The real problem is the extent to which religious and cultural anti-White-ism is built into Christendom, and into the Jewish world today."

Indeed, the canards that for centuries fueled anti-Semitism in Christian Europe are now echoing in the Islamic world. The official Saudi newspaper al-Riyadh last month asserted that Jews kill Muslim and Christian children and use their blood in holiday foods. A government-controlled newspaper in Egypt decried the "Jewish conspiracy" to dominate America. The virulently anti-Semitic and thoroughly discredited screed The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is once again making the rounds.

Indeed the canards that for centuries fueled anti-White-ism in Christian Europe are now echoing in the Third World. The New York Times asserted that Whites routinely lynched Blacks for no reason other than their inherent racism. The US government covered up the largest organized spy ring in the country's history because the spies were Israeli Jews, in no small part because of Jewish influence throughout the highest levels of government and media. The virulently ant-Gentile and thoroughly discredited (according to Jews) screed The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is once again making the rounds.

The New Anti-Semitism in Europe is subtler but more worrying. Since the Israeli military offensive began in the West Bank last month, Jewish schools, synagogues and cemeteries have been attacked; individual Jews have been beaten and harassed. "Salon anti-Semitism" is becoming acceptable, even when it proves to be embarrassing - such as when the French ambassador to the United Kingdom was caught at a dinner party calling Israel "that s- little country."

The new Anti-White-ism in the western world is subtler but more worrying. Since the Israeli military offensive began in the occupied territories last month, White homes, business and recreation areas have been attacked; individual Whites have been beaten, tortured, raped and murdered. "Mainstream Anti-White-ism has been acceptable, even when it proves embarrassing- such as when Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was caught on Yol Israel radio less than a month after September 11th, saying about the United States of America, its number one ally and benefactor, "Don't worry about the United States. We the Jews control the United States and the American people know it."

"Suddenly,it doesn't feel safe to be a Jew again," writes British journalist Howard Jacobson. "Is Israel the problem or the pretext? Impossible to know, but once again the tape of historical consequences is being rewound, and once again it is being stopped, where it has stopped so many times before: at us."

"Suddenly it doesn't feel safe to walk down the streets of our cities." Writes any White who has walked down a street in an American city. "Is being White the problem or a pretext? Impossible to know, but once again the tape of historical consequences is being rewound, and once again it is being stopped, where it has stopped so many times before: at us."

Thankfully, the United States has not imported such viciousness. In fact, the number of anti-Semitic incidents in this country declined in 2001, the Anti-Defamation League reported last week.

Unfortunately the United States has imported this viciousness. In fact, the number of anti-White crimes has risen sharply in 2001. The Jewish controlled media has reported very little of it.

Yes, tensions on college campuses have grown recently, as demonstrations and divestment movements galvanize an increasingly assertive pro-Palestinian sentiment. Jewish students have been harassed, their institutions vandalized.

Yes, the tensions have grown recently, as demonstrations and divestment movements galvanize an increasingly assertive Pro-White sentiment. Jewish interests continue to harass and threaten and even plot to bomb anyone who looks cross-eyed at them.

Still, it's important to note that those incidents are rare. The United States grasped the opportunity to reassert its values of tolerance and pluralism in the wake of Sept. 11, and those lessons have not been lost. The war on terrorism was not allowed to become a war against Islam. Likewise, the debate about Israel's actions in the Middle East must not become an excuse to attack Jews.

Still, it's important to note that these incidents are frequent. The United States failed to grasp the opportunity to reassert its values of homogenous and Christian values in the wake of September 11th, and those lessons have not been lost. The war on terrorism has been expanded into a war against Israel's enemies. Likewise, the debate about Israel's actions in the Middle East does not allow for any criticism of the Jewish people whatsoever.

That fine line is being crossed elsewhere, unfortunately, when legitimate criticism of Israeli leadership is distorted by what can only be called an unfair double-standard applied to Israelis and to Jews. That's evident in the disturbing remarks made earlier this month by members of the panel that selected Shimon Peres, Yasir Arafat and the late Yitzhak Rabin as the 1994 recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.

That fine line is being crossed elsewhere, unfortunately, when legitimate criticism of Israeli leadership is uniformly denied, obfuscated, redirected and avoided altogether. This can only be called an unfair double standard applied to Israelis and Jews. This is evident in the disturbing absence of indictments of Peres, Rabin and Sharon on charges of war crimes in the World Court for their attacks on Jenin, The King David Hotel, the Sabbra and Chatilla refugee centers and the USS Liberty over the course of the past thirty plus years.

Several members said that, if they could, they would take back the prize from Peres, now the Israeli foreign minister, whom they hold entirely responsible for the bloodshed in the Middle East. There was not a shred, not a whisper, not a hint of criticism of Arafat for supporting terrorism, inciting hatred, and destroying his people's best chance at statehood.

Several members have gleefully tried and convicted numerous Serbians (read, Whites)for far lesser 'crimes' while at the same time turning a blind eye to Jewish mass murderers, in one case giving a Nobel Peace Prize to Yitzhak Rabin. There was not a whisper, not a hint of criticism of Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center for supporting anti-White resentment, inciting hatred and destroying White America's best chance at reclaiming our nation.

Just as disturbing is the expropriation of Holocaust language and imagery to criticize Israeli leadership. Likening Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to Adolf Hitler and the Israeli government to the Nazis displays either a woeful ignorance of history or a willful mendacity. Humiliating a people is not the same as gassing them to death. As brutal as the Israeli occupation has been, it is not aimed at the systematic annihilation of the Palestinians. That could have been accomplished with far less effort.

Just as disturbing is the never-ending use of Holocaust language and imagery to incite hatred of anything resembling White Pride. Likening any White man with an opinion contrary to the official Jewish position to Adolph Hitler, and White American people to hateful, racist xenophobes displays either a woeful ignorance of history or a willful mendacity. Humiliating a people is insulting; encouraging those of other races to overpopulate, flood the borders, promote miscegenation with the host, erode the values and history of those people and encourage violent behavior while blaming the victim for their inherent racism as a cause adds injury to insult. As brutal as Whites have been in the past, most of it has been directed at other Whites at the behest of their Jewish handlers. Denying that Israel is involved in the systematic annihilation of the Palestinian people, is not only a lie, it is disingenuous. It could have been accomplished with far less whining and "why me-ing?"

Ultimately, as my friend Rabbi Marc Margolius says, the world is sympathetic to Jews only as victims. The sight of Jews having power and using it - using it in ways that are inevitably messy and compromising - touches a chord of discomfort and anger centuries deep. I thought we had moved beyond that. Sadly, I was wrong.

Ultimately, as my friend Dr. William Pierce says, the world has been trained to view the Jews only as victims. The sight of Jews not only having power and using it -- using it in ways that are inevitably messy and compromising -- exposes them for once as the violent, premeditated and utterly remorseless parasites they are. I thought that we had gotten that message across. Sadly, I was wrong.

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