The Surrender Option:

Fight Israel's battles or we will brand you a coward.

The Cry of the Paleo/The Cry of the Parasite

Comments in blue and other exciting colors by A. Linder.

Mr. Derbyshire is also an NR contributing editor, a selfish Anglomaniac, and a proud Israeli suckpoop. September 12, 2001 12:00 p.m.

If you are a reader of right-wing opinion websites, you will by now have heard the voice of the Paleos, loud and strong, like Washington in his Farewell Address. This is a judgment on us for our interventionist foreign policy... check

It is time to examine the U.S. relationship with Israel. check

The lives of every Israeli is not worth one drop of American blood... quadruple check

Who has reason to hate this country? Only a few hundred million people -- Arabs, Muslims, Serbs, and numerous others whose countries have been hit by U.S. bombers... check

Nobody is bombing Helsinki or Rome. Nobody is bombing Ottawa or Sydney... check

On the day after Pearl Harbor, ex-President Herbert Hoover sat down and wrote to friends: "You and I know that this continuous putting pins in rattlesnakes finally got this country bitten." check

That last one is from Pat Buchanan, who will be on TV a lot these next few weeks, and whose royalty statements (the bit of paper your publisher sends you twice a year to let you know how much money your books have earned you) will be bringing great cheer to the Buchanan household for a while to come unlike suckpoops like me who toady for Israel out of the goodness of our hearts.

Now, I don't mind Paleos. I understand the appeal of their vision: A busy commercial republic, minding her own business, with no troops stationed beyond her shores, the champion of liberty in every land, but never its guarantor. Heck, I used to belong to a Paleo e-mail list. I know all the arguments. (Pur-leeze don't send me reminders.) The strongest one, so far as I am concerned, is the one that says you can't maintain liberty as the Founders understood it when you are practicing Empire. (Insert refutation here. Oops, don't have one.) You'll be hearing this a lot, too, over the next few weeks because it's principled and makes sense. In calling for their government to better protect them against these horrors, many people won't much mind if, in order to do so, the government closes down some of our liberties. Yes, yes, I know the arguments. I can't refute them either, but they don't pay as well as Semitic sycophancy, so I dumped them.

I dropped off that Paleo list, after much thought about what deviating from the Jewish line would mean to my career, because I just didn't share that vision of small, infrequent paychecks. I say again, I see its appeal, and I have a lot of sympathy for it as you can tell by my throwaway words: I just don't share it. For one thing, it would be sort of dishonest, at a personal level, for me to do so. If not for the U.S.A. having been willing to send troops abroad to fight, I should not now be here writing this. If alive at all, I should be out working in the fields under some Gauleiter f�r Ostmittelengland Miss Cleo told me. To a lot of us raised in the rest of the world, having America as a remote, self-absorbed champion of theoretical liberty is all very well; but what's in it for us non-Americans? we kind of like the guarantor stuff, too. Like the Jews who pay me, I don't give a damn about America's best interests, just mine, but you don't expect me to admit that, do you? Sure, the United States is under no obligation to pander to our preference, however gratifying she may find it: but there are some strong practical reasons to favor American interventionism, too. Thank God. I was afraid my case would have to stand on the firm pillar of Semitic-sycophantic self-interest. Would the world have been a better, or a worse, place this past few decades, if America had stood aloof from the world wars? Been back to England lately? I mean, the part that's not a no-go zone for Whites? Would America herself have been safer, more secure, more prosperous? Yes. England too. It seems pretty plain to me not being an American and not caring about her interests -- though certainly arguable (but again, please don't post me the arguments, I've heard them all) -- that the answers are: "worse," and "no." I don't care that most Americans wanted nothing to do with intervention until the fathers of the Jews who pay me to hoodwink you angled them into the World Wars. It's all about Derbyshire and his interests -- and those say take your tune from the Jews paying you to play.

There were other things, less substantive things, that turned me off the Paleos. They aren't cool wind-sniffers like me. For example, though most of them are thoughtful and rational people, there is quite a high proportion of lunatics among them, almost as high as the number of goy sycophants among the neocons. (There is a certain proportion on any email list, of course; I am just saying the Paleos have more than average for an intellectual discussion list. Take my word for it.) And even setting aside the lunatics, there was a sort of crabby, ill-mannered, claustrophobic atmosphere instead of the expansive liberality with your blood and treasure in defense of Israel one expects of a real American about the whole thing that started to grate on me after a while. No, I'm not a Paleo. Republic or Empire? Empire, please. Jews clap as I take my bow. Go collect the pennies, symian; the sycophant has sung!

I understand, of course, that Americans at large, even those who have never even heard of the Republic vs. Empire debate, are schizophrenic about the matter. Huge numbers of Americans couldn't care less about the world beyond their shores. They want nothing to do with it. They go to Florida for their vacations, or at the very furthest Hawaii. Passport? Who needs it? I am talking about un-intellectual Americans -- decent, good-hearted, Christian family-loving folk, who just can't see why the affairs of Albania or Zimbabwe are any damn business of theirs, much less why they should send off their beloved children to be killed in such places. I can't offer any arguments against them, so I'll just imply they're stupid little people, not like cool sycophants like me who hobnose yids rich and powerful -- daily! What is their opinion to mine? -- American worms, they are!

Yet there are other Americans who understand, what I believe is true, that the Republic option is, at bottom, an empty fantasy. I prefer the empty fantasy that siding with six million racist murderers against 500 million Arabs is wise policy. If you don't share my superstition you are ignorant, parochial and living in the clouds, as I hope I've managed to condescendingly imply. Public opinion supported the Vietnam War almost to the end of it; it was the elites and the intellectuals who turned against it, not ordinary Americans. Public opinion was opposed to entering both World Wars. Guess your Jew bosses don't want you mentioning that, eh? The one time they agree with me, they're enlightened and wise. The five hundred times they don't they're rubes and dreamers. People understand, I think, that however much Americans might wish to leave the world alone, the world will not leave America alone. How 'bout we try for six months before we draw that conclusion? If it doesn't work, we can quickly resume shipping all our money and weapons to the guys paying your salary. Great wealth and great success generate great envy and great hatred. Almost as much as bombing around the clock, starving kids, and paying $100 billion to arch-enemies. And America's high ideals, if clutched jealously to America's chest, while those abroad who believe them like the apartheid-practicing child-snipers Israel's famous for are hunted down and slaughtered without help, will whither and die. George Washington spoke of avoiding foreign entanglements, but the Jews paying my salary know better. Don't I make a good fetch-dog for them? Are you buying my shtik (that's a new word they taught me). Idealism, like terrorism, has -- can have -- no borders. We know that our way of life is far superior to Islamic Fundamentalism, Chinese Communism, "Big Man" Kleptocracy, screwing your wife through a sheet-hole, shooting children in the genitals and Bureaucratic Welfarism (news flash, dude). Knowing that, the urge to assist -- assist by some practical means -- those in other places who believe the same thing bulldozing houses, genital-sniping, White slavery, apartheid, financial swindling will sooner or later prove irresistible to a bold, fearless, liberty-loving nation. (And if those adjectives no longer apply to this country, I have made a major life error. I'll ignore that the paranoid Jewish racists I work for are at the front of the effort to destroy the Constitutional freedoms they dishonestly claim their homeland has in common with us.) American idealism cannot be contained. White blood flows out, my paychecks roll in. How'm I doing, Boss Goldbug?

To fall back on my own origins again, I come from a nation that actually did practice Empire, very successfully, but eventually decided it was too much trouble and cost, and gave up on it. Certain things followed, one by one. For example, we lost the ability to defend ourselves. From WWI onwards, we were essentially a U.S. protectorate, and still are today. For another, my country sank gradually into a mentality of fatalism and defeat because it failed to produce enough sycophantic Jew-showroom salesmen like me in which no vigorous action against our enemies became possible. To see what I mean, look at Britain's response to Irish terrorism, about which I have written many times in this space. Here I was banging away on NRO last June, for example:

The fault for that tragedy [i.e. a fascist takeover of Ireland] will lie squarely with politicians in London, Dublin and Washington, who for thirty years have refused to do what the leaders of civilized nations must do when faced with terrorism in their own jurisdictions: hunt it down and exterminate it, without pause or pity or quarter or apology.

Why have those politicians refused to do that thing? Why are IRA terrorists, who have done the foulest and most beastly things -- the kinds of things, though not on the kind of scale, we saw on Tuesday -- walking around free in the streets of Belfast and Dublin, having been let out of jail in return for a few vague and empty promises from those who give them their orders? The fundamental reason is not hard to find. Britain, having forgotten its responsibilities as an upholder of civilization, no longer cared to confront civilization's enemies in the way they must be confronted. They put their trust instead in "peace processes," in legalisms and trials, in panels of international do-gooders blathering on about "human rights," in the State Department. They did not put their trust in the thin-lipped, hard-faced, soft-talking men and women who do civilization's dirty work for it. To fall back on Kipling again (I am sorry; but at times like these, Kipling is indispensable), they made mock of the uniforms that guard us while we sleep.

The option that the last few British governments have taken -- the Surrender Option anyone who disagrees with me and the Jews I smithers for is a coward -- is available to America, too. It may even be taken. I was dismayed to hear the President speak about his instructions to find "those responsible" and "bring them to justice." Mr. President, these are not traffic violations; these are acts of war. Justice must go by the board hahahaha -- sure, everything goes by the boards as long as Jews are protected -- that's what matters. Oh, that and my paycheck! for a while, as it did when we firebombed German and Japanese cities, incinerating helpless babies and old folk who wished us no harm. Where was the justice in that? Oh, and by the way: "those responsible" are already dead. They killed themselves attacking your country, and were proud and happy to do so. Some Americans -- I speak as the father of two Americans -- will have to get killed attacking their countries. (Oh, yes, they have countries.) Some of those Americans, likewise, will be proud and happy to do so, on behalf of the nation they love. Dirty business, running an Empire. Dirty business, defending civilization against barbarism. Barbaric business, sometimes -- there's a paradox to ponder... But don't think you're the first to ponder it. It was a Roman who said oderint dum metuant, and a Roman who rebuked him for saying it. Dirty business, dirty business. But then, there is always the Surrender Option. Wash your mouth out, you polluted old sycophant. You're no more American nor fit to address them than the yids you suckpoop for.

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