Backtalk/Page 6

compiled by Jack Halliday


From: arlmr [email protected]
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:00:13 +0800
To: [email protected]
Subject: miss pelling

The burrocratic dictates you hate are more in keeping with the Semitically Correct Jewish mind that built the USSR -- now USSA -- than the German.

But I also know that you guys follow your betters in criticizing only Semitically approved targets, so I understand where you're coming from. Nobody wants to be caught on the wrong side of a generalization about the Goldbergs, eh Elkins?

It's Jawohl, not the way you have it spelled.

Alex Linder
Vanguard News


LTE to Seattle Post-Intelligencer, aptly named

God your paper sucks. Covering up for the niggers at the behest of your Jewish owners, huh? Same old story.

A. Linder

Subject: RE: (no subject)

Thank you for your message.

Due to the overwhleming response to this subject, I have been unable to reply specifically to each reader's thoughts and concerns. I would ask that if you would like to have your comments expressed in the newspaper, please email them to [email protected]; or send them by mail them to: Letters to the Editor, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, PO Box 1909, Seattle, WA 98111-1909.

Thanks again for your comments and for reading the P-I.

Lewis Kamb
Seattle Post-Intelligencer


Subject: Dear Mrs. Berman

Dear Mrs. Berman,

Why is it you "jews" are always in the vanguard when it comes to denying the rights of free men to own arms?

I mean in America... I bet you aren't so eager to disarm your filthy Israeli kinsmen, who take pride in murdering unarmed children. I'll bet you send your pennies to "Israel" and support extorting the hard earned dollars of White Americans to prop up that barbaric pirate state. Am I right?

Real Americans are getting mighty sick of the way you kikes infest the news media and distort the truth. I realize you are going to receive many emails from gun owners who either don't understand the jewish peril, or don't want to face it. So they will scold you on the gun ban angle but ignore the jew angel, which is the real issue. I think you need to know there are a whole lot of Americans who not only understand what you jews have done to our nation, but who are willing -- no -- eager to face the problem. And to deal with it!

The ironic thing about it is that shielded as you are, working away like a little termite there at the Detroit News, the cloud of media propaganda and lies will probably keep you from noticing when the "canary dies" and the pogroms begin. Most likely, you won't even hear about it until the mob bursts through your door to drag you into the street and administer punishment. Of course, I do not condone such behavior, and I wouldn't take part in it. Oh, goodness no! After all, Jesus said to turn the other cheek and let kikes like you walk all over us and kosher or enslave us as your Tale-o-mud decrees. Call me a brainwashed Christian fool, but I think it is my Christian duty to warn you about this potential horrible fate. While the idiotic conservatives imagine that you "mean well" and think you will listen to "reason," I realize you won't. I understand you are full of malice and are working in league with your father, the devil, for the destruction of our civilization. Nevertheless, I wish to save you so that you will have the chance to live and accept Jesus into your heart someday, and be Saved. Please stop working for the disarmament of innocent people. The lives you save may include your own.

Mr. Tsun


From: arlmr [email protected]
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 12:17:24 +0800
To: [email protected]
Subject: pure evil


There really isn't a word to describe how evil your efforts are. I sincerely hope you and your sons and daughters are raped and murdered by your imports, a good percentage of which are bound to be HIV positive. Who gave you the right to destroy this country? Nobody. Here's a link to the future you high-minded fools are making inevitable.

Alex Linder

P.S. Have you ever read Camp of the Saints, by Raspail? He's talking about nation-killing fools just like you.


To Seattle reporter...


Just pitiful the way you reporters lie for your Jewish bosses. Everyone who was there knows what went on. I hope you get attacked by the niggers you cover up for. Perhaps a nice rape by an HIV-infected homie might persuade you to tell the truth. Nah. Lying is too deeply ingrained in you.

A. Linder


To New York Press...

Writing about electricity problems in California without mentioning immigration is like writing about the origins of World War Two without mentioning Hitler, says McConnell. Here's an even better one: writing about electricity problems in California without mentioning immigration is like writing about immigration problems without mentioning Jews. Kevin MacDonald proved it; we all know it; almost nobody says it. Why do you suppose that is?

Alex Linder
Vanguard News Network


From SuperRightist regarding conservative Jews... Note that wherever there are Jews, there is collusion to advance interests and censorship of outgroup observers of those interests being advanced. Jews want to eat their cake and have it too: they want to advance their particularlist claims under universalist terms -- and shout down anybody who notices what they are up to. And that holds whether the Jew in question is "liberal" or "conservative" or "communist" or "racialist." That someone is a Jew is the most significant thing you can know about him. The rest is details.

A recent e-mail promted me to repeat this e-mail- how "conservative" Jews are working toward their own agenda: limiting Nationalism/rightist ideas while seeming to agree with those ideas.

They will follow us- to a degree. Then, forget it. They actually work AGAINST Nationalist/rightist movements in most cases.

Well, good thing many have noticed this, including the author/professor Kevin MacDonald, who says that Jews, historically speaking, have been "in business for themselves first" for years, and he has given many examples (write for more info).


How Even "Conservative" Jews Will Not Tell The Truth:

re: Jeff Jacoby

In early April 2000, I exchanged several e-mails with the "conservative" national news columnist, Jeff Jacoby.

Our conversation began pleasantly enough (we were talking about the writer/historian David Irving; Jacoby (who is Jewish) called Irving a "Holocaust denier"- I said no, that is not correct, Irving is a "revisionist," meaning he does admit it happened, but questions some of the claims, as do I).

So, we basically seemed to agree to disagree.

However, then Jacoby mentioned that a certain person I had mentioned previously was Jewish "by religion."

I wrote back and said "no, Jewish is not just a religion, but is actually an ethnicity" (hybrid race as the result of centuries of exclusive interbreeding among themselves; this does not include a few converts, who are actually discouraged from converting, unlike Christianity, which encourages conversion). In fact, Christianity and Judaism are VERY different in many ways, including the fact that Christianity is based on benevolence, while Jews are notorious for being benevolent only to Jewish causes, while Christians travel the globe as missionaries helping ALL people. The basically-bogus term "Judeo-Christian" has only been in use since about 1950 in America, becoming popular with (largely-Jewish) writers in the mainstream press. This was good P.R., as it "included" Jews into America even more.

This was too much for Jacoby- a "conservative," remember- to take. This was, to him, "Nazi"-like thinking. Visions of the SS must have filled his head!

He wrote back saying that he thought that type of racial thinking "went out at Nuremberg." He further suggested that I get my facts about Jews from a Zionist website called Nizkor. (Nizkor has made a great career out of the "Holocaust," and is famous for Zionist, anti-American propaganda.)

I wrote back and said that his suggestion was akin to me getting my information about Blacks from the Klan.

I then asked Jacoby if he was indeed saying that "Jewish" was not a race, only a religion, as he surely implied this.

He did not respond to my question.

I wrote again several days later, asking him point blank: "Is Jewish a race, or a religion, or both? What was your meaning in our e-mails?" Nothing nasty, just a straight and honest question.

He never responded.

So, even "conservative" Jews will not tell the truth about issues concerning Jews.

This is why all people of patriotic bent should be wary of any Jewish person's claims regarding historic events concerning Jews, whether that person is "conservative" or not.

I had always thought of Jacoby as a straight shooter before that encounter. I had read many of his columns.

Now I think otherwise.

Let this be a lesson to people who claim that there is no difference between "regular" conservatives and "Jewish" conservatives.

There is clearly a difference. Jacoby was doing what both "conservative" and "liberal" Jews have a long habit of doing- greatly distorting their history to benefit themselves, and suggesting that anyone who notices otherwise is a "Nazi" or similar.

(Do any other ethnic groups habitually distort their history on a regular basis, and to such a degree, as Jewish persons? Not to this writer's knowledge).


Another example of how one cannot trust "conservative" Jews: Rob Noel deleted my (true) posts about Jews from his web site "":

My farewell post is below, from early Oct. 2000:

So, in the end, I was right- robnoel is indeed Jewish, and our statements were true, but he pulled them because he is Jewish, and does not want to deal with the facts about Jews being "the vanguard of the Left."

I have told the truth on this site. None of my posts have been false. Yet, I have been censored because robnoel does not want others to know that Jews, as a whole, are indeed the vanguard of the Left.

God Bless America.

I will no longer post on this site, and will warn others about it as well.

We cannot depend on "kosher conservatives," just like William Pierce has been saying for years.

Thanks, robnoel. You have actually strengthened my bias against Jews.



Senor Francis:

I just read what you wrote about the Wichita whitemice.

What's the point of writing about hush crimes and ending your analysis where it ought to start?

We all know these crimes are blacked out. What matters is WHY and WHO is doing the blacking.

I suspect you are just another conservative coward, but I truly wish you would prove me wrong.

I think this symptomatic cowardice in refusing to name the Jew is a real shame, because your brains and learning are miles beyond most on our side. Not only is it ineffective, it's morally debilitating, because everybody knows what you imagine you are hiding behind your glib labels 'East Coast elitists' and 'Middle American Revolutionaries.' So your use of the term merely reinforces your cowardice and persuades readers that when it comes down to it, you don't really mean what you are saying, it's all steam and puffery.

When the U.S. and the White West finally go under, where will all of your Semitically Correct refusal to name the Jew have gotten you and your cause? You maybe borderline disrespectability, your cause killed. You will be nothing but another lump under the umbrella of good men who did nothing.

And now, like the idiot-maniac gibbering about frogs and side-pockets, I end with:


A little too sincerely,

Alex Linder
Vanguard News Network

From: arlmr [email protected]
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 19:26:38 +0800
To: [email protected]
Subject: jewish waterboy

You are absolutely right that Christians are hated. But you also know that the Jews are the force pushing this hatred, and without them it would be impotent. But you are too busy carrying water for God's pets to mention this. The day you criticize Jews publicly will be the day you come of age. Until then, you're just a waterboy.

Alex Linder
Vanguard News Network

From: arlmr [email protected]
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:13:52 +0800
To: [email protected]
Subject: topic for you

Individual rights in Zimbabwe/South Africa... I have never seen a libertarian write about these countries now that the black majorities are empowered, in line with libertarians' individual-rights dogma. Yet civilization in these countries is doing worse than ever before. How does a Semitically Correct libertarian explain this?

Those of us without the ideological blinders have an easy enough time, but I've never seen a single libertarian with the guts to admit that his individualist extremism doesn't quite square with reality. How about you?

Alex Linder

On Eminem...

From: arlmr [email protected]
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 14:11:02 +0800
To: [email protected]
Subject: mm's message

His message is that a white man makes a better nigger than niggers.

The meta-message of his success is that Jewish media control, having made the Strong White Male anathema, has perverted white creativity and diverted white ability into most unnatural channels.

A. Linder


From: arlmr [email protected] Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 15:50:59 +0800
To: [email protected]
Subject: No hate crime?


It disgusts me that you guys are hushing up the details of what the niggers did to these pitiful whitemice. If the colors were reversed, you know damn well the FBI and DOJ would swoop down in an instant and find some violation of federal civil rights, your stuff about no hate crimes laws in Kansas notwithstanding. I don't know why I'm bothering to write you since I don't believe in your integrity. I assume you are just another group of prosecutors anxious to stay in the good graces of the media Jews who control political power in this country and won't let word of this "hush" crime anywhere near the national airwaves (while incessantly promoting the dragged Byrd, one of whose attackers was gang-raped by niggers in prison -- didn't know that little fact, did you? More Jewish coverup and anti-Whitism). Maybe just to let you know that people like me are out here, we see your cowardice and double standards and they sicken us, and we are doing something about it.

Alex Linder



What kind of gutlessness describes "sucksters" who have no problems smearing pro-German women as ugly "hunnies" but wouldn't be caught dead calling yids yids? That kind of workaday cowardice and sideways-looking will keep your site cutesy. You seek to transcend, but obey the rules you mock. Suck's not bad, but it's not much. Camp piffle purveyors -- suckupsters.

Alex Linder


Letter to Daniel McCarthy, author of recently linked article on cultural Marxism and Gramsci.

Nice article. A quibble. You say:

We find that they share basic assumptions with the Left and have therefore been ineffective against it. In fact, these conservatives are inadvertently abetting the Cultural Marxists.

This is like arguing that public schools are "failing" when in fact they are succeeding -- once you understand their real agenda.

What makes you conclude this "abetting" is inadvertent? Why do you assume that neocons sharing assumptions with the left intend to work against it? Are these stupid people who can't connect ideas and effects? I don't think so either. So let's leave it open at least as a possibility, right, that they know and approve what's going on. It's just possible they know what they are doing, do you think?

The common thread here is the Jewishness of the left and the Jewishness neocons, but you don't mention this. No one does. It is the essential fact.

Is it not more reasonable to say that Jewish leftists have found in "neoconservatism" their most effective guise for promoting cultural Marxism, which advances their group interests by pretending that America is an idea, not a specific group of White people historically and geographically tied? Do you not see that they have substituted for the founders' beliefs about race their dogma of extremist individualism and doctrinaire cultural determinism? So that, to remain in good graces publicly, we all have to pretend -- counter to the beliefs of every founding father -- that race has nothing to do with being an American? You must see this...

David Horowitz is the classic example, here: a Jewish political converso. He rigorously avoids biological and genetic fact, while promoting as "conservative" racial truths that the founders explicitly denied; namely, that blacks are fit to live among white Americans. He thereby functions as a steam valve for ordinary White Americans who are sick of being hated and discriminated against by the government and media but lack the sophistication to puzzle through to the understanding how it came to be that way.

Horowitz and his Jewish brethren, IMO, have the public cons' balls in a box, so that nobody can speak truthfully about race and Jews. Thus, the game is rigged for lefism: Everybody must publicly buy into the Big Lie that Race Doesn't Matter, and anyone who even (pace Ashcroft) speaks to the wrong magazine (Southern Partisan) is likely to be out on his ear. In short, it's pretty clear that American politics and society is controlled by Jews, and while your article is useful, for whatever reason you are miles away from getting at the anti-White ethnic animus driving our situation.

I submitted, a few months ago, a quotation from Thomas Jefferson for posting on GIGO, a forum hosted by National Review Online: "The two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government." -- Thomas Jefferson

Not only would the forum not post it, I got a letter from the web guy that he had gotten in trouble for posting similar material in the past. Yes, this is what "conservatism" has come to in America: censoring Thomas Jefferson. And Bill Buckley's off at a cocktail party laughing at something Podhoretz said and smearing Sobran for writing critically of Israel where -- presto chango! -- the Jews suddenly decide that race really does matter. I take it as just more proof how strong the Jewish ideology's hold has gotten over all political expression outside the web (and God knows they're cracking down here too).

Conservatism is disappearing into me-too leftism for one reason: Jewish control and enforced obedience to the Biggest Lie: Race Doesn't Matter. That explains why con journalism has turned to mush, and also the exceptionally aggressive, even revolutionary nature of the emerging opposition.

Well, enough. I don't want to be overbearing, I just wondered if you had any thoughts along these lines and didn't express them, or whether you simply disagree.

Alex Linder

(This is the online organ I edit, which bridges conservatism and racialism.)

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