Backtalk/Page 4

compiled by Jack Halliday

This is a letter to a columnist.

Sir -- as interesting as your feelings are to you -- and you sure seem to do a lot of sighing -- it might be better, and certainly more instructive for your readers, for you to investigate the statistics on interracial crime. Jared Taylor, editor of American Renaissance ( recently gave a press conference carried on C-span covering just that subject. Turns out blacks commit 90% of what are called "hate crimes" when whites do them. The fact that you in the media never report the truth about interracial crime is what has people like the old man you mention so upset. The fact that honest, intelligent white people who want to write accurately about blacks can't get jobs with the major media (partly because positions are filled with mediocre affirmative action hires such as yourself) is what gets me upset. Enjoy your world, it probably can't last too long.

Jack Halliday

A letter to Charlie Reese's home paper.

Editor --

I'm an online reader, writing to congratulate you for having the courage to publish Charlie Reese. His opinions, such as his recent column on the ethnic cleansing carried out by the Jewish terrorists who founded Israel, address topics that are seldom seen in the mainstream press, and his thinking is a welcome change from the lockstep liberalism we get in the big-city dailies. I'm sure your Jewish readers are quite expressively aghast that you would publish certifiable facts that they and their beloved country would rather deny or conceal, but normal white Americans like me represent the majority, and we are glad to see a bit of truth slip through the cracks of their media armor. Again, sir, let me simply thank you for using the First Amendment the way it was intended.

Jack Halliday

A letter to a Chrisitian coward columnist at World Net Daily (WND).

A large part of the reason that the "extremists," "anti-biblical zealots," and "secular elite" have triumphed is that their opponents are afraid to name them for what they mostly are -- Jews. None of the changes you denigrate would have occurred save for the actions of Jew-led liberals. They succeeded by demonizing "right-wing Christian extremists seeking to impose their morality on others," but you never return the favor by describing them as 'left-wing Jewish extremists seeking to impose their morality on normal white Americans.' As long as you and Farah and your ilk are afraid to name the real enemy, you are fighting with one hand tied behind your back, and you will keep losing. Your fear is quite apparent to friend and enemy alike, and the fact that you won't look directly at him merely encourages the Jewish enemy to further aggressions.

Jack Halliday

A letter to one of the writers at one of the new online conservative mags that have sprung up.

good article on buchanan. you give a good summary of what he believes and you rightly note that unlike the other candidates he has thought deeply and written/spoken well. he is the only major candidate who could converse intelligently with the founders, in my view.

i think one of the most telling political events of the nineties was the "culture war" speech buchanan gave at the republican convention. this speech is so routinely lied about that its content is forgotten by most, who have simply accepted the reality-reversal (about its content and effects) the media pulled. i am referring to the fact that bush's numbers actually went up immediately after the speech -- and, noting this, quayle and i believe bush himself praised buchanan. then the media howl over the ugliness and divisiveness and extremism of his words set in, and pretty soon the polls -- and bush and quayle in turn -- reversed themselves. today, in the unlikely event the average american remembers the incident, he recalls that buchanan said something bad that hurt the republicans.

which goes to make my point: the media is the real political power in this country. ask newt gingrich, for one, if he is more powerful than the people behind dan rather. i think you need to delve a little deeper in your analysis of the reasons it is so difficult for buchanan to succeed. your article reminds me of the commentators at an nba game, talking about how a certain player needs to quit making stupid fouls when, under certain circumstances, it's much less about what the player is objectively doing (ie, fouling on a breakaway layup) than ref-whim calls to further a league objective (extending a playoff series, or giving the home team a chance to get back in the game). it is simply not accurate to say that buchanan's results are determined by his actions rather than by the media's treatment of him. media portrayal is the dominant factor; buchanan's actions are but a significant, secondary factor.

the funny thing is, the media-watchers on the establishment right know this, but bull-like, they always go after the cape (dan rather) instead of the matador (the producers and network honchos). because they eschew as anti-Semitic direct criticism of the jews who own and dominate the media and set its message, the media-watchers render themselves ludicrous, as reflected in the bumper stickers they send out: I Don't Believe the Liberal Media! That phrase neatly conveys their impotence. The effective words are: Mass Media = Jewish Hate Group. That gets to the point, and it cuts when it gets there. The jews never limit themselves to indirect attacks in opposing the "right-wing Christian extremists" who want to "take over" rural school boards by voting, but the Jewish-intimidated "responsible" conservatives never point a finger at the jewish cabal surrounding clinton that imposes its wishes by fiat. masculine direct aggression beats feminine indirect remonstrating every time. in a sense, all "respectable" right-wingers are just redundant mary matalins opening their legs to the carvilles. and the america these joined forces are producing is an increasingly ugly baby... dont bother responding to this, i know what youre going to say. just think about it.

jack halliday

To another writer at the same site...

sr rollins:

your column implies you're delving "beneath the surface," yet you blame -- trial lawyers? can you say "beside the point"? maybe you need to surface and check out the Jewish greed floating on top. yeah, really, look up -- i swear it's there. did you see the latest?: some jewish kids-of-kampers are suing germany for forcing them to grow up with psychologically impaired parents, or some such. i forget exactly what it was, but then it doesn't really matter does it? well, with five kids to feed you need to make sure you don't rock the boat, so it was nice you threw in that bit about the most "horrid" event of the century, just so nobody mistook your direction. it's always comfortable to be right and correct, isn't it? the murders carried out in the ukraine (check 'em out sometime) by stalin's jewish butchers rank a little higher on my list, but hey, de gustibus non disputandum est, right?

jack halliday

On the real meaning of Rush Limbaugh...

> No folks don't set too much store in Rush Limberger because he is a race traitor; and not only that but he is a traitor to Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ as well.

Not being god, I can't directly address these serious charges, but here's where the rubber meets the road with Rush: Several years ago, a woman called his show and said (I paraphrase), I run my own business and I don't see why I should be forced by the federal government to hire blacks if I don't want to. What's your answer to that? Rush hemmed and he hawed so much I thought he was applying for reserve horse on the Mr. Ed show. Finally, he emitted...well...i just dont think we can tell black people, i mean, we cant tell them to go out there and get educated and study and then say, well, i mean, we just cant -- it just isnt fair to black people.

The sad thing was, you could tell from the h&h that he agreed with her. So here's the upshot: You can be the biggest radio host in the history of the world (20 million listeners), worth (i guess) more than ten million dollars -- and you still have to bury the truth lest you be exposed as a "racist" and have it all come crushing down. This is what freedom of speech means in our American democracy at the turn of the millenium.


A comment on the Kennedys to a forgotten editor.

This comment can stand as is. You have no way of verifying name/city/state anyway, so what's the point, other than to satisfy your journalistic scruples about anonymous sources? In fact, why don't you add the following:

How many real Americans have been murdered, raped or assaulted by the third-worlders Nine-Hours Ted and the rest of the Kennedys worked so hard to pack into the country with the 1965 immigration act (to consider just one of the bad laws they've pushed on us)?

The Kennedys are a dishonorable family. Their supporters, to the extent they aren't Irish Catholic bigots or paid media/academic sycophants, are the type of people who admired Lady Di: rich, liberal twit wannabes; purple T-shirt wearing land-manatee sized, tabloid-devouring women.

What Dan Quayle should have said: You're right. I'm not Jack Kennedy. I'm a decent man from an honorable family.

That JFKJ is dead is certainly a good thing, because one of these years, he'd have been pushed into presidential politics whether he wanted it or not. America has suffered enough from his northeastern mafia, and what's bad for the Kennedys is good for normal white Americans -- the people whose interests I care about.

-- A normal white American

p.s. it's odd with your Huge Concern for Documented Sources that you dont publish email addresses of your readers -- the one thing you do know for a fact -- but you ask them to provide you with unverifiable names, cities and states. think about that for a moment.

Another letter to The Federalist.

jesus -- really delusional stuff, man. and you living in california nonetheless. how many niggers* do you think want a colorblind society? and how many want jesse j and the other nigger extortionists to keep shakin down whitey for the $176.1m settlements? under which california law are whites treated as equals to the blacks and mestizos? which race other than whites is fighting for colorblind policies rather than for its own specific interests? the sad part is, if conservatives like you fought for white rights you get colorblind policies at a minimum -- whites STILL constituting over 70% of americans. but you are afraid to, aren't you? the media jews have really put the fear into you, havent they? (i dont know you, you may well be jewish yourself, in which case, my sympathy.)

how do you figure the constitution is class- and colorblind? what was that part about blacks counted as 3/5th? women not allowed to vote? senators not directly elected? you conservatives have become dumb f*****g idiots, waving sayonara to facts and limits and embracing with disgusting fervor jewish neocon engendered fantasies about individual rights. get it straight: jews hate whites. the minute they were able, they reversed our immigration law, and by the 1965 immigration act they've nearly killed the country. you stupid cons let them into your movement and they take over, and now you all have to bow down to All Immigrants are Good and pretend that niggers and mexicans can be civilized. the "conservative" jews are laughing at you up their sleeves, while the liberal jew in every house (the Talmudvision) mocks you openly.

whoever wrote this dumb email: you are effectively living in Aztlan yet you whine on about colorblind policies. how is your conservative, colorblind individualism serving the new south africa? now that the witch-burners and penis-shrinkers, the cannibals and the communists, the pogo-dancing 75-IQ niggers are in power? can you see that scene coming to La? do you ever look out your window? do you ever head to the other side of the 10 freeway? did Thomas Jefferson believe in a colorblind society? how about abe lincoln? Or did they believe in shipping blacks back to Africa? What was George Washington's position on immigration? you aint conservative son, you're either a jew or a jew-tool.

i know nothing of you as a man other than what you write. and that tells me you are a miserable, woebegone sap, probably one of those grant-sniffing softbellies and seminar stander-upper for the Original Constitutional ideals, even as you shade the founders views to suit your foundation. not one of those mestizos flocking over the border thinks you and your limp white ilk are other than total FOOLS. how the fuck do "conservatives" ever win an election courting 85 IQ blacks and 90 IQ mexicans with abstractions like colorblind individualism when theres a lying cunt like bill clinton (portland state) actively eagerly anticipating the day when whites will be but a plurality, even as he hastens that day by calling for more white, earned money to be shifted to the shiftless spics and niggers? but you guys go on and on about imminent success because in a race in nome 34 years ago a white republican garnered forty percent of the black vote. if gwb gets 39% of the brown vote in texas, its a harbinger of the new dawn. of course, in any other contest 61% would be considered a landslide. what are these, the new soviet elections?

but you guys are jew tools, and you're too smart not to see what im saying, and i suspect you know that normal white americans no more want to live around niggers than you do, and there's nothing "dark" about it. right? but you just cant say that and keep your job. so whats an honorable man to do...? but, of course, im directing that question to the wrong set of folks.

when you get tired of the fakery or you grow some balls, the white rights movement -- the real opposition -- will be here waiting for you.

* FYI: "niggers" is a slur used for blacks in places equivalent to where jewish editors and "fearless" caucasian conservatives use "white trash" to describe members of the European race.

A letter to the (ex)President of the Institute that puts out The Federalist.

so, arrny, how are the jews doing? are they demeaning themselves as good citizens? is schumer upholding the bill of rights? is feinstein? is specter? is sperm-burbling barnie?

jews are destructive parasites. conservatives are feckless because they see the light and turn from it.

how do you suppose george washington would look at Jews today? would he see jewish control of mass media -- hence public opinion -- as desirable? or as a new form of white slavery? would he be afraid, as you are, to name the real enemy of american freedom and civilization as -- the jew? why are you?

A letter to Linda Bowles, a prototypical Christian coward columnist (for WND).

you're a smart woman and a good writer and you make excellent points. but.

until you go after the jews as jews -- the adl, the jdl, the rest of 'em -- you're not serious. have you ever asked yourself:

1) Is a Jew ever described as a hater by the controlled media? Of course not.
2) Is there such a thing as a Jewish hate group?
Not if you listen to the controlled media.

the jews are pushing the hate crimes legislation in the US just as they push speech codes in every majority white country around the globe (except israel); and just as they pushed (and push in every country around the globe) the destructive colored immigration that leads to the tensions that spur the anti-body-type reactions of white natives they invariably describe as hate.

who are the real haters? The answer must be obvious: the Jews. their actions, their history, their sacred texts all attest to their ethnocentric, racist hatred of whites and christians and their rabid desire to denature and subdue normal white majorities.

surely you see that Jews are the primary force behind the drive to do away with the first and second amendments. many intelligent conservatives see that already, and more are coming around to that position every day. it's your choice to remain a kosher con, but i think you can do better.

you must see that you are writing as though you are in a dream world where if enough people can get the facts about the palpable absurdity that is hate crimes legislation it will somehow make a difference. it wont. the jews pushing this stuff are simply laughing at you for the type of stuff you write in your most recent column. they know good and well what they are doing -- trying to make get rid of the little remaining free speech and make crimes by whites triple word scores in prison scrabble. unless you are jewish yourself, why not use your public column to expose them and their motives? that is serious, not spurious opposition.

i apologize for wasting your time, but you show a glimmer of guts.

jack halliday

A letter to David Horowitz on reading his whine about being called a racist by a Time black hack.

dr horowitz --

idiot niggers like white wouldnt be working in jobs they cant hack save for the "civil rights" work of you and your leftist peers. the fried chickens are really coming home to roost, arent they, senor horowitz!

the niggers learned well from the jew-led liberals how to smear and label and neutralize, didnt they.

you "wash your hands" of jared taylor and his ilk, with their scrupulous regard for facts, their (self-defeating) care not to point fingers at jews, their refraining from emotion-laden terms like 'nigger' (no problem with 'white trash') -- and yet still the "whites" are coming after you! how sad, how sad. good thing you've got friends to inform time how "astute" and "rigorous" and "unsentimental" you are. (except when youre being gutless going after taylorites for not genuflecting before your cultural determinist religious dogma).

of course, white and pearlstine are individuals, im sure yr keeping in the mental forefront. nothing generalizable here about black intelligence and character and jewish editorial policies. nothing at all. no doubt time is really concerned about the accuracy of its stories; employing only qualified black writers interested in cogent, documented articles; amenable to reason in responding to complaints of bias or mistakes. not a yid-run "hate"-mag aimed at kicking the normal white american in the teeth.

let's review: you slyly smear taylor as a dirty nazi for having more courage than you in pointing out our racial (crime) problems. then you complain when you fall on the ground trying to crawl about a tenth as far out on the branch you cut out from under him. and now were all supposed to email some nigger half-wit in your defense. well, i suppose youll get a percentage of your cautious-con readers -- the kind like you who can think and brave...up to a point. remonstrators.

why are you so sly and dishonest. youre just another yid looking for an angle, always thinking youre smarter than everyone else. walking that careful line, just like taylor thought he could -- neither pc nor racist, getting the facts out there and influencing the debate. fools! just like you cheated on all or most of your wives, we and they see through you. youre smart, but not trustworthy. youre an operator whos now trapped by some of the machinery you -- in one of your guises -- set in motion. 99/100 black writers are trading on their negritude. what else do you expect them to do when they havent got the brains. of course theyre going to cleave to the jew-set line to keep the paychecks coming. if white turned white overnight, hed be out of a paycheck and a subject. white's being paid for being black. that's what affirmative action means, no matter how its described.

the whole thing's funny. taylor hasnt got the guts to go after the jews, and carefully distances himself from those who do; you havent even got the nuts to go as far as taylor, carefully distancing yourself and your customers from his careful reasonings. what a marvelous, if destructive, charade. you now claim youre a conservative -- a conservative and a cultural determinist at once! that may make the scene with gelded republicans, but intellectually its a flop.

go back and read cuddihy. you yids are ugly, and your two-faced policies, well as they have served you, have destroyed america. but some of us smell you, mr horowitz. the yid-run press aint gonna let the truth about race/crime seep out. you see that. they will destroy anyone who gets in their way. the yids who run the media are the real political power in this country, and save you identify and expose them, you fight sham.

i went back and reread yr radical son. fulsome encomia aside, its boring. page after page i ask myself, cant this dumb yid step outside himself and see the picture: the yids are physically ugly people who bone-out push politically ugly ideas -- socialists bent on destroying the country. your yid parents are like those nasty wasps that lay eggs to eat their way out of the beautiful caterpillar of america. the lesson of your life -- which you pretend, in your new guise as a (fake) conservative, not to see -- is that jews -- you, your parents, the class they and you spring from, your the whole yiddish mindset and way of being -- are a curse in america. the old left and the new left -- jew-dominated. the communist traitors -- jews. the sixties radicals -- mostly jews. the leadership of the new left -- almost all jews. would tom hayden, the one non-jew of note , have become a leftist without the yid milieu? within probably five years, this very paragraph will be grounds for imprisonment as a hate criminal -- thanks to the efforts of you and the rest of the yids. what i have written here would today get me imprisoned in europe, australia and canada were i to publish it. yids cant be good americans. its not in their makeup, their mindset, their background, their history. they are ugly people who destroy. read cuddihy and look in the mirror. we dont need you. we dont want you. go away. go back to sheinbaum and pollard-land, and good riddance. what a curse you are. how much america suffers from you. how much hatred you spew on normal whites, and how little criticism you receive. how dangerous it will be for you when white americans open their eyes.

your cultural determinism defines you as a leftist, no matter how much you pretend to the fools to be a conservative. just like you leftists kept believing that although this socialist revolution failed, the next one would work out -- you believe the same thing about niggers. the funny thing is, there have only been -- what -- fifteen or twenty socialist revolutions, whereas there have been hundreds and thousands of black/mestizo neighborhoods and cities and regions and countries -- none of which ever works out (as you can tell by the civilized whites' removal). you see what's happening in south africa, mr "conservative" -- and by your individualist logic you are bound to approve it. niggers, jumping niggers, pogo-dancing jigs, voting jigs, penis-shrinking niggers -- give em the vote. niggers, their men, just like you and me -- or you, anyway. if they slice animals throats in their driveway -- give em the vote. if they necklace with tires their enemies, let em pull the lever once -- no! twice ! they've been denied so long. you neocons know that packing the coloreds and pushing the individualism is killing us, yet you will have no other. youd better hope you keep control of the reigns, my friend. if you ever lose it, you wont like what happens next. seriously, dave, where's the evidence that blacks can be civilized? not one or two people, but as a race. where's the evidence. see, i think you know it aint there; its just another bullshit mental construct like the glorious revolution you have to pretend to believe in to be "taken seriously" by the yid-controlled media. just like newt and all the other hypocrites who say pack our great land with niggers and mestizos -- because theyll all be voting conservative come the new dawn! who do you think youre fooling, mr steam valve? say dave: how do we grow a civilized culture in south africa when the nigger has the vote? how do we keep america from sliding down south africa way as the country discolors? where have blacks shown the ability to produce that genius political culture you claim to admire? how the fuck can 85-average IQ people -- borderline retarded -- produce civilization? who do you think you're kidding? you neocon yids must be laughing your heads off at how dumb we whites are, and i dont blame you. but more of us are catching on than you think. thats why yall are so worried to get the first and second amendments cancelled.

an idea for you: a smart guy like you ought to be able to whip off a book in six months. why dont you write a book about the Jews in America. your premise is that Jews are an American curse, how they led it to intellectual, cultural and physical destruction through their 20th century-pushed policies. try to disprove it. go over jewish entertainment and media control/influence, jewish influence on immigration policy (read kevin macdonald), and jewish academic influence in putting across the race-doesnt-exist lie in anthropology and throughout academia. why does everything yids touch turn to shit for everyone but them?

you cant be as naive as you pretend to be. white's just a jew-tool. communist yids like pearlstine have written the rules we now play and suffer under. no surprise the rules are unfair to logical white men -- even unfair to fake conservative chosenites. stop whimpering. or show some guts and go after your class -- the yids who made it all possible.

jack halliday

A second letter to Horowitz, same subject.

boy. dont mean to waste your time, but hadnt read the white article before last email.

man, he really brought the jew out of you! hysterical, female reaction. christ, i thought you were going to publish your resume, dragging up your whole history, relatives, character references. if i were a cartoonist, youd be a woman on a chair going Eeeek! at the white-mouse.

as though Time were a respectable publication or white other than a dumb nigger hired for his color!

calm down, you idiot. black people dont listen to reason, they think the federal government spreads aids. white people dont take black writers seriously. no one will be moved by your words, just as no one will listen to white. the lines are already drawn.

instead of trying to get the repubs to make abstract arguments to inner city 85-iq idiots about why they should vote for the earners' party instead of enjoying the fruits of theft, why dont you try my idea: disproving the thesis that jews, over the course of the 20th century, have brought american civilization to the brink of destruction? that's a task worthy of your ability. i dont think you could do it, and i think you might well come out the other end a jewish nazi(!)

but what a Jew you are: quick to make snide genetic references to anyone you can safely dismiss as a "right wing extremist," disdaining to rebut serious arguments, while huffing grievously about your refutation because some half-wit octaroon punched the wrong computer keys. like most jews -- honor is simply beyond you.

seriously, though, give my idea some thought. id really like to see you give it a try. you instinctively and from your life's history ought to have the jewish soul down pat -- put this into a rockefellers or kennedys type book. what has this spirited clan meant to/done to the host country?

ill buy it. seriously, dont let the dumb niggers get ya down.

A letter to an ex-East European conservative columnist, Balint Vazsonyi.

i read your book. let me quote from it:

...[P]eople who are painfully aware of massive, unwelcome changes in the American reality, and who know perfectly well the direction of those changes, seem paralyzed when it comes to calling them by name.

Boy, if that isnt the sausage calling the kielbasa Polack. You, sir, are perfectly paralyzed when it comes to pointing out the people responsible for leading us down the wrong path. How can you write a whole book bemoaning some bizarre Franco-Germanic philosophy nobody ever heard of yet you never mention the tangible, graspable people who are doing this to us: the Jews? Is this gutlessness? Or just typical fear of being called an anti-semite, whatever that is? I don't know whether you are Jewish yourself, but it would certainly explain your book. The Jews made up practically the entire Soviet leadership, most of the butchers and many of the commissars, plus they led the German communists that Hitler defeated, not to mention their role in your land Hungary and the rest of Eastern Europe.

The Jews in Americas made up most of the traitors in the 30s and the radicals in the sixties. Jewish liars in academia such as Franz Boas successfully put across the lie that race doesn't exist, paving the way for multiculturalism, the destruction of the white man and his culture. Yid feminists put across lies about sex ("gender" as they politically restyled it), screwing up generations of college-educated women. Almost all the leaders of the anti-Vietnam crusade and the campus unrest were Jewish. Most of the corrupt clowns around Clinton are Jewish, mixed in with a few incompetent colored and assorted sexual deviants. Yid papers in Jerusalem print columnists laughing over the fact that we in America are to scared to observe: America is run by Jews. But nobody with any access to the public is ever points it out, afeared of yid yelps about anti-semitism, which is just the jews' word for people they hate. No, the mass media is nothing but a jewish hate group. Jews are the main ones pushing hate crimes legislation and gun control, just as they have successfully done in Australia and Britain. Jews run Hollywood and are responsible for the unending innuendo and nonstop "get help" psychiatric infomercial that is television. The one studio that was traditional-American and anti-Jewish was Disney, but now that Walt's gone, the Jew Eisner is producing anti-white movies celebrating miscegenation while his underlings -- the few that arent yids and gay -- pretend to be, wearing stars of david and literally pretending to be queer. Finally, yids have spent 100 years pushing destructive non-white immigration against the wishes of the majority until they have finally got de facto open borders. Wherever there's an Aryan, normal white majority, the Jew runs scared. He does everything in his power to get rid of it. The destruction of America is seen by the Jews who are primarily responsible for it as a good thing. How can you defeat an enemy when you dont name him? The Jews are never afraid to go after "right wing Christians seeking to impose their morality," yet you public figures in the "opposition" never call the Jews on their little game. No balls, right?

Rather you, like an idiot, drone on about "Franco-German philosophy" as though Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are somehow responsible for our mess. Christ! Kant and Marx were yids, right? Most of the Frankfurt school and New School for Social Research were yids, right. Corrupted anthropology, sociology, pedagogy -- due to the influence of Jews, undeniably.

Your book is nothing but a wasted chance. Unless you are Jewish yourself, in which case, job well done. You have successfully dragged a red herring across the path. Maybe America will never wake up to what you yids are about.

jack halliday

A letter to WND.

talk about bowing before the radical few! you write a whole column without mentioning the major force behind america's political balkanization or disintegration: the jews. who are the main promoters of "hate speech" legislation? gun control? open borders? i get so tired of reading your WND jeremiads against media bias...why do you never point out who runs the press and sets the editorial policies? do you think your readers are too dim to see your fear? you critize others for bowing to the radical few, yet you refuse to point out just who these people are! now, let's pretend these "radical few" were doing something really important -- breaking into dougherty's house -- instead of something trifling like destroying the country. i bet you could give the cops a better description than that! surely you have more guts than that, mr daugherty? or not? if pressing a magic button removed every jew from america tomorrow, how long do you think it would take for us to clean up the rest of the mess? my guess is not long. all that is necessary for jews to destroy america is for normal white americans to fail to point out that Jews want to take our guns, cancel the first american and efface our borders. I've always found it odd that anyone who uses the word "jew" in limning our problems becomes a conspiracy kook, yet never in any major newspaper are jews as a group held up to criticism.

who was it that led the Old Left communists in the thirties and the New Left campus radicals in the sixties? which group produced the leading traitors and the america haters? Why are you at WND and on the "respectable" right afraid to point this out?

the jews -- against the express wishes of the vast majority of americans -- have pushed for open borders for the past hundred years -- ever since they first migrated to america in appreciable numbers. jews feel uncomfortable in a white-majority society, thus they have worked to discolor the U.S. they are succeeding. now we all enjoy the benefits of people who ought to be crawling around the hills of guatemala living right next door to us.

but keep up the good work -- standing up bravely against the unnamed enemy; that is, the enemy you are afraid to name. the jews laugh at you. they aren't afraid to go after right-wing christians as such but you quail when it comes to naming them.

did you ever ask yourself who owns the Washington Post? the New York Times? the Wall Street Journal? CBS, NBC, ABC, Time/Warner, Disney? Newsweek? USN&WR? Who owns the movie studios? MTV? when was a Jew ever held up to ridicule as a left-wing archie bunker who needed to have his consciouness raised? who produced the academics that polluted our teachers colleges? our anthro departments? who spread the "race doesn't exist" lie?

jewish ethnic aggression has brought america to its knees, while you mainstream softbelly "conservatives" carry on your "civilized" and "responsible" remonstrating. one suggestion: check out Prof kevin macdonald's work...eye-opening stuff regarding the biological basis of jewish ethnic chauvinism. by the way, you might also read john murray cuddihy's The Ordeal of Civility -- explanations of the intellectual agressions of Marx, Freud, Levi Strauss in terms of shtetl-yid contact with the civilized white aryan. they look in our eyes and become ugly to themselves -- and seek to destroy us. and their work is made easier by ignorant or gutless "conservatives."

We've allowed them to get so far in large part because writers like Nyquist won't name them.

How the hell can you write about the Green Party organizer without pointing out (I'd be willing to bet) he's Jewish? That's the whole point, dumbass. Most members of green parties aren't Jewish, some of the leaders aren't Jewish, but the prime impetus behind these parties is just that -- Jewish. If you think about why you are afraid to write these obvious truths, you'll see that Jewish media control is a very real fact that you deal with in your daily life. Every ten minutes on CNN we get an update on the trial of the second WHITE man responsible for the "tragic" death of the dragged black man. Nothing about those Indians up in Dakota who dragged/murdered a white man. Nothing about the niggers down in Florida who made good their promise to kill the next white man they saw. Nothing. So one turns to the Internet in solace, goes to worldnetdaily, and gets the typical conservative writer coitus interruptus. You always go to the brink, and you always stop short.

Why do we let these enemies and malcontents win? Look in the fucking mirror and ask yourself that question. If these assholes did something really important like breaking into the Nyquist house instead of something paltry like destroying the U.S., I bet you could provide the cops with a much better, more detailed picture of who did the dirty work than you do here. Get some balls. Who ever heard of a socialist movement anywhere in the West that wasnt Jewish orchestrated? Which group more than liberal Jews is pushing to end free speech, ban gun ownership, and make the Internet as tame as print/TV media? Which group is NEVER criticized by name, yet never hesitates to demonize and attack its opponents openly and explicitly? Again: GET SOME BALLS.

Jack Halliday

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