Backtalk/Page 2

compiled by Jack Halliday

To Joseph Farah, editor of WND.

your writers constantly write about the folks pushing gun confiscation and doing away with the first amendment. oh yeah -- and the anti-christian stuff, too. but you never mention Jews. why not?

jack halliday

To Linda Bowles at WND.

ya got no guts, linda. no kidding christianity is under attack. but here's who bowles blames:

Jesse Ventura
legal charlatans
arrogant judges

wow. lots of courage attacking those. no mention of the real problem -- jews. you spare no words going after ventura's monstrous ego, although he has in no way proposed taking away any christian's rights. rather, he has manfully and straightforwardly described christians -- in his opinion. and if you dont think christianity in many, many cases is exactly what he described -- a crutch for the weak -- you haven't met many christians. and that very same weakness has other manifestations. in your case, for instance, you go after ventura instead of the real enemy, the jew-led liberals who drove christianity underground.

cowardly christians like yourself are afraid to name your real enemy. i'll respect you when you attack, say, alan dershowitz, who has said -- openly, unashamedly, unopposedly -- that christianity must remain an entirely private matter, totally absent from the public square. (a sort of disgusting indoor habit like nose-picking). or barry lynn, who i heard say on the radio a couple years ago that high school students shouldn't be allowed to sing handel's messiah at school.

i dont think i ever will. i think the jews have you folks at wnd entirely cowed. you see the same problems we all see, but you're as scared as the other people in naming the real problem.

hoping you find some courage,

jack halliday

Again to Bowles.

a little better, linda -- keep going. notice how even the "conservative" jews gang up with their lib bretheren to go after buchanan. safire, abe rosenthal, charen, the podhoretzim, and on and on... why do you suppose that is? the jews are incredibly threatened by a pro-american candidate, a man who doesnt truckle to their interests. buchanan's not that man, but he's closer than anyone in a while. jack halliday

To a WND writer.

great column the other day on our israeli "ally." now you're showing the kind of courage i expect to see -- good job. be interesting to see what kind of reaction you get from the neocons... how come that particular column was up such a brief time? i read it, intended to email you about it, but when i got on less than 24 hours later it was gone? anyway, great work
jack halliday

To Nat Hentoff.

wow... big surprise that freedom of (speech, press, association, contract, gun ownership) cant exist in a land with a niggerized citizenry and judaized judiciary. your brethren have done their work well, but i expect one day your time will come.

jack halliday



You write about the "Christian haters" and never once mention Jews. That makes as much sense as writing about crime without mentioning blacks. It is exactly because you fear to mention the Jews that the speech restrictions your article ostensibly aims to prevent become inevitable. I suppose this is the typical cowardice of the conservative, which is as common in WND as in the conservative press. Your average reader sees pretty clearly that Jews don't want the normal white majority owning firearms or speaking or publishing any words that offend them, hence their leadership in generating the media pressure to do away with amendments.

Sir, Jews hate Christianity. Read the Talmud. Watch TV. Watch the movies. Read the editorials in Jewish newspapers. I once heard Barry Lynn on the radio saying that high school choruses shouldn't be allowed to sing Handel's Messiah because of separation of church and state. He is a paranoid hater -- i.e, an average Jew. I guess it's just your fear of the Jews that prevents you from writing the obvious truth that to the average Jew, anything that undercuts Christianity is good. The only thing Jews care about is: Is it good for the Jews? The sensitivity and diversity and multicult gibberish they feed the cattle (goyim) are just for show. Check Israeli law to find how they really feel.

I suppose WND is doing well enough that you don't need to respond to my complaints. One thing I have noticed, though, on your site as well as Horowitz's Frontpage, is that there is a great and growing mass of conservative readers prepared to accept genetic and racial arguments. As I say, this is evident in the reader mail posts, although the Horowitz minions are officially tied to his "cultural determinism" which means, metaphorically, poking their eyes out at inconvenient, intransigent biological facts. I have noticed much of the same on your site: your writers diagnose the problems, but always fail to come through on the actors responsible. I'd venture to guess that you actually cull an awful lot of "racist" responses out of your online mail, nicht wahr?

Keep appeasing the Jews, they are a powerful lot...

Jack Halliday

To Jeff Jacoby.

Mr. Jacoby --

the first to mention Dirkhising publicly was William Pierce of the National Alliance. all you conservatives are just playing catch-up. the Jewish media monopoly is the real reason his disgusting murder didnt make headlines. your jewish brethren at the wpost and nyt deliberately foster the misimpression that (heterosexual) whites are the main purveyors of hate crimes when of course the opposite is the case.

Again to Jacoby.

do you see the train coming? its the JEWISH angle that is critical to any discussion of the reasons the media amplifies the shepherds and ignores the dirkhisings. anything that undercuts christianity and normal white america is considered desirable by your average jew -- and by the not-so-average jews that own and edit the AP, wp, nyt, wsj, abc, cbs, nbc, disney, miramax, (espn), viacom, etc. & etc. ad infinitum. these jews wish to shape a world in which the normal white majority becomes a trembling off-white plurality. anything that breaks down the family (abortion, easy divorce, homosexuality) aids their effort and is put to use. the conservative christians are too cowed to report the facts about jewish media control, so they stick to harmless remonstrating about atheists and secular humanists -- but more and more normal white americans see the real enemy, and more and more are joining groups that fight him.

jack halliday

"Ugh." nice refutation.

>From: [email protected]

>Ugh. Don't write me anymore..


Sir --

It would be more interesting and to the point to elaborate the Jewish role in doing away with freedom of speech in Canada, tie that to the situation across Europe, and then bring it home with what these parasitic pests are doing in the U.S. re hate crime law, internet political filters and gun control. I'm still waiting for the first conservative/libertarian to have the stomach to go after the Jews and their various lobbies as the prime movers in destroying our freedoms. Otherwise, I enjoy your columns.

Jack Halliday


You are right in saying that we need to end welfare, but your planted axiom, as WFB would say, is that blacks as a race possess the intellectual capacity to fill those empty jobs. Well, they don't. A race with an average IQ of 85, simply can't make it to the upper rungs of an industrial society. Do you have the intellectual integrity to say to your fellow blacks that, except for one or two percent, they are going to have to be satisfied working in construction, as bellhops, as service workers?

I challenge you to write a column rebutting Thomas Jefferson:

"Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [the Negroes] shall be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government."

I am a white racist or racialist, and I know from reading and personal experience that what he says is true.

P.S. Have you noticed what's going on in South Africa these days, now that blacks are "free"? Civilization has become an indoor hobby, and 7,000 white professionals flee the country each month.

To a state official.

I resent your giving in to the Jews in prosecuting two silly girls as "hate criminals." Jews aren't any better than the rest of us; in many ways they are worse. They do not deserve to be a legally privileged class, but, like blacks and other minorities, right now they are. Do what you can to stop this Jewish persecution.

A. Linder

To Jeff Jacoby.

Jew Jacoby:

Why is it that hypocrisy is such a pronounced characteristic of Jews, Jewish writers?

Every other group's leaders must instantly denounce the lowliest of its members the minute his action has singed the sensibilities of a single Chosenoid, or the whole ugly, puerile 'n' scurrilous, fat-faced, smarmily self-satisfied, yammering lot of you begin puling as one for the guillotine.

Now, seriously, have you ever thought about those millions of Arabs out there in America, and how they must feel, reading your column? Knowing that there are virtually no Arab writers for mainstream publications, no one willing to defend their perspective? What the hell criticism do Jews ever suffer in this country? Where does one go to read it? Which group, Arabs or Jews, is lathered around the most corrupt administration in history like filthy soap scum? When are Jewish hypocrites like you going to take note of the fact and help your beyarmulked brethren see the errors of their ways?

Arabs, and others, will take you a little more seriously when we see you writing columns denouncing Jewish practitioners of extortion and terror. What we get, instead, are daily claims by some subset of G-d's greediest groupies that they are owed by somebody else. Oy veh, Mrs Wilson made me pull weeds for free for four hours one Saturday in 1922 for breaking her window with my baseball, oy veh -- I demand compensation. With interest! What a loathsome spectacle you present to the world -- physically, mentally, spiritually -- and then whine at how you are received. The bone- and brain-out ugliness of your words and actions and bodies are why the Arabs, the Europeans, great writers and average people alike, dont like you. YOU are the problem. A mirror suffices where your learned tomes fail.

Did American Jews rise as one to denounce the Israeli murder of several dozen of their fellow citizens in the attack on the Liberty back in 1967? Or did their leaders rush to cover it up? Where were you enraged sons of Moses when we learned in '99 the Israelis were selling our technology and forwarding our defense secrets to our sworn enemies such as China? Did even one stand forth?

How many tens of billions are you and Bloodsuckers, Inc. going to demand for relinquishing a scrap of your stolen land?

Jewish exponents of American cultural destruction outnumber those of any other single group -- and Jewish media distortion ensures that destruction will continue. To paraphrase Twain, if the Jews in America got what they deserved, there's scarce one would 'scape whipping.

One day, not too long now, the tide's going to turn, and you Jews aren't going to be extorting the billions, you're going to be returning the stolen loot -- with interest.

One last thing Jew Jacoby, before I go. I heard this sordid rumor that your favorite country's leader, darling Ehud, actually is a terrorist murderer of no small accomplishments. I am sure this is just another paleo-con lie, or white-racist slander. Yeah, I heard he used to go around valiantly hashing up dangerous enemy poets and their wives and kids while they were sleeping. I dont think we can afford to let such as charge stand and soil the glorious name of Barak or Israel. Please rebut these foul lies in your next column.


J. Halliday


How many tens of billions are these sempiternal bloodsuckers and their American defenders going to demand from us for this latest "peace"?

Reagan was bought and sold when it came to the Jews, just like practically every president since WWI. The Jews in Israel steal our trade and technology secrets, take what they can use, and sell the rest to China or Russia. They don't give a damn about American interests. Jewish traitors/neocon Israeli defenders like you don't either.

To Horowitz.

Dr. Horowitz --

I suspect that letter from "CB" is a fake. You conservative remonstrators are so sick and bent over backwards you'll believe anything ostensibly from a colored/Jew/feminist seeing the conservative light. You are open to being duped. You have no idea who really wrote that letter. Maybe it was me. Then again, given your lifelong slyness, maybe you wrote the letter to get your Gentile readers to believe that the minorities are really coming around....

Your delusions to the contrary, Mexicans in the U.S. are damaging the country, not improving it. Aesthetically, these mestizos are repugnant, with their ugly dark skins and squat stature. Imagine Michelangelo carving a Mexican David! What would it look like? Maybe it would have a knife and a do-rag and baggy jeans and a sly look. One of these days your trusting Gentile readers are going to wake up and realize that aesthetically-dead Jewish parasites like you want to destroy their white European racial strain that made our country the envy of the world. They will come to realize what more and more of us are realizing every day -- that you can't mix civilized, refined white people with third-world sewage, no Jewish poetaster lies about the Land of the Fill to the contrary. And aethetics is if anything the least of it. Physically, these Latinos pose a danger, bearing dengue fever, rubella, drug-resistant TB and other heretofore practically non-existent diseases. Where do those facts fit in your accounting?

You have abandoned Marxism, but you still are the enemy of the truth. For example, you know it is true -- but for professional reasons can't acknowledge -- that the Mexican presence has made Southern California a less desirable place to live. You are more concerned with the reaction of your cowardly conservative peers than the small-but-growing number of racial realists who can see plainly that your individualist ideology is running our country straight off a cliff. It is indeed because of the takeover by Jewish parasites like you and the Kristols and Podhoretzim that the right has lain down and given in on the racial issue, allowing the country to become a sort of Northern Brazil. Perhaps you enjoy the heady fumes of decomposition in our cities. Perhaps it stirs some racial memories of life-is-with-people in the shtetls of yesteryear.

Give it up, Horowitz. We see through you. Many of your readers are as well aware as you are that you can't afford to acknowledge the truth. The minute you undertook an honest accounting of what the coloreds have cost this country, you'd be out on your ear, abandoned by your gutless remonstrator-con allies, deprived of foundation-money lifeblood. And for all your whining about not being treated fair, well, you don't treat people like Jared Taylor, tepid as his arguments are, fairly either. No, when it's in your power to treat those with less political/media clout fairly -- YOU DON'T EITHER. You're just another Jew hypocrite, whining about other hypocrites.

The bottom line, Horowitz, is that on the issues that matter most -- race and culture -- your opinions aren't worth shit because, to paraphrase H.L. Mencken, you aren't free to hold the opposite point of view. I will give you credit, though -- you are good on the minor stuff.

By the way, please lock your bedroom door at night. I don't want your grandkids to eat you before you have a chance to pen a column on the glories of multicultural individualism in the new South Africa. Are you aware that downtown Johannesburg is a squatters camp? That 7,000 white professionals are leaving each month? I am aching to hear you explain this away culturally. Actually, from the perspective of your individualist/culturalist dogmas, there is nothing to explain away. SA is, from your point of view, a success story. How long before you begin trumpeting it? After all, if SA is a success, and is 7/8 non-white, then surely it has lessons to teach a rapidly discoloring America? Impart them, Sir -- we can't wait! Don't withhold your knowledge from the starving many! Teach us how individual rights and raceblind policies can make a civilized society of 7/8th 75-IQ human clay?

Sincerely (or, at least, mostly sincerely, or, in any case, more sincerely than you),

Jack Halliday

P.S. By the way, watch your own black grandkids over the next twenty years and you will see how much more powerful race is than culture. Before you know it they will be listening to hip-hop, doing poorly on standardized tests, and consorting with gen-U-wine NIGGERS -- whether you like it or not. When you buy the lie, when you spread the line -- you suffer the consequences. Remember, you're living in the land of O.J., my Jewish brother.

To Charlie Reese.

Sir -- excellent column! Thanks for writing the basic facts about our "ally." Keep applying the pressure, and one day these bloodsuckers will fold. Again, excellent work; I truly am surprised to see such facts printed in an American paper. Great work, Sir.

Jack Halliday

To a female columnist at a new online right-wing mag.

You are missing the big picture re MTV.

MTV is an insidious force set loose on the world by Jews from Murray Rothstein (Sumner Redstone) on down to kill the white race. The show puts out nothing but what furthers the message: Niggers are Ultimate Cool, and white girls should count themselves lucky if they deign to sleep with them. Whites mostly suck, but can overcome this, a little, by making wiggers of themselves. The same people who put out MTV push our insane, open-borders immigration policy. They know and approve that this will lead to a third-world America, where the declining numbers of civilized whites are surrounded by people who ought to be crawling around the hills of Guatemala or drinking snake blood in Cambodia. You are wrong when you say they are nihilists. Here are things that MTV yids believe:

1) Whites are the historically guilty un-chosen race and must be dominated and finally exterminated.
2) Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, other minorities are good.
3) Diversity is not only good, it is desirable and inevitable.
4) Gays are good.
5) Promiscuity is good.
6) All the old virtues of the civilized white West are bad.
7) The declining white race needs to sink itself in hedonistic multiculturalism and go to sleep while we Jewish technocrats assume our proper place as directors of the New World Order.

What MTV producers are putting across is not nihilism at all: What they want is to turn white males into self-hating wigger-wannabes filling their empty hours with drugs, sex and rock and roll. Meanwhile, White females are encouraged to keep up with fashion by taking nigger boyfriends, colored lovers -- regardless of the diseases and heartache and racial destruction this entails. After all these clean white girls, objects of the yid propaganda, are nothing but shiksas -- unclean meat, literally, whores -- to the yid manipulators.

I'm sure my use of 'yid' and 'nigger' will make you realize that I'm an insane and evil person myself, but I find that slurs go with truth like meat and potatoes. MTV has pretty much succeeded in persuading its average white viewer that anyone who makes the observations John Rocker did must be taken in for review by one of the chosenoids' kook psychiropractors.

Do me a favor. Watch the new MTV show "Obsessed." Ask yourself, is there anything conceivably more poisonous than this show that could be put out to warp the minds of teenage white girls? Sumner Redstone and his yid ilk ought to be hanging from meathooks.

Quit being so naive,

Jack Halliday

To J.R. Nyquist, columnist for WND.

When you write paeans to objective truth in the context of a discussion of communist horrors and you omit the fact that these were originated and perpetrated primarily by Jewish theorists and political police -- well, to say the least, you leave yourself open to criticism as a hypocrite. Come back home to America and ask yourself which of the destructive forces in this country aren't led by leftist Jews. And where in the "conservative" ostensibly fact-respecting media is this pointed out? Who blames Jews for the flood immigration drowning civilized white America? Not you. Not any conservative. They all know it is true, and they are all afraid to say it. It is objectively true that Jews predominate in the most corrupt administration in American history. Maybe next time you gird your loins to battle a safe abstraction like "ethical nihilism" you'll pause to wonder why you are afraid to challenge directly the people most effective in spreading this pernicious doctrine.

To Lew Rockwell.

Sir -- follows a serious question.

I have read articles like yours for the past twenty years. Conservative/libertarian analyst pointing out the problem with some policy/judge ruling/etc. Quite reasonable, quite rational, quite probably correct -- yet as inefficacious, ultimately, as bloodletting.

Wouldn't it be more effective to go after the types of people that are pushing anti-Boy Scout-type insanity than to point out why they are wrong? The ad hominem argument may be strictly speaking illogical, but it is also very often the shortest route to the truth. You are just like the conservative Christians on worldnetdaily who will stop at nothing to ignore the Jew -- the one who has done the most to end private, civilized, Christian America -- and wail lamentations at the secular humanist or the atheist -- people who nobody has any idea who they are.

When does this stop? When will you address the Jewish issue head on? Do you ever get tired of being impotent? Because that's how I see you. As far as I can tell, conservative means one who defends a constantly retreating perimeter. We've gone back another step with this Boy Scout thing, as your column shows, yet likely enough your next column will be celebrating the crack-up of our great imperial state, how it's no longer needed and is falling apart. I don't see it. I see a state growing stronger even as it grows objectively more dangerous and unnecessary. Maybe even because it is unnecessary.

I just think it's odd that while most conservatives think this is the most corrupt administration in history, not one has written about the remarkable coincidence that it's shot full of pernicious Jews: the very people who are most effectively working to advance the causes you spend every column fighting against. You must see that, yet like all the rest, you refuse to name your real opponent.

What is left can frighten these Jews from their stranglehold? Not much. But notice what they are working on today: plans to tax the internet, get rid of guns, and pass hate crimes laws. They want to make it illegal for any normal white America to defend himself. Their ideal is an aging, shrinking white rump class intellectually isolated and politically paralyzed with Mexican neighbors on the left and Cambodians on the right.

One thing I do like about your site is that it seems a bit more pro-German/German-American and a bit more anti-Jew than most sites. But why not be open about it? The Jews, taken as a whole, have, over the course of the last one hundred years, done the most in destroying the America we defend. They have proved time and time again they have no loyalty to this country, and see it primarily as a source of blood and treasure for Israel. Remember the words of the old sage: All that is necessary for neocons to triumph is for real conservatives to do nothing.

Column idea: Go to MTV and watch Murray Rothstein's (Sumner Redstone) new show "Obsessed." This is his most disgusting piece of filth yet. A show about teenagers and sex; talking about it, doing it constantly -- with men, women, blacks -- everybody. This filthy Jew is putting extremely dangerous garbage on the air that can only have the effect of teaching naive young white girls that negroes are desirable sex partners -- ignoring all available evidence about STDs, black family patterns and everything else. What this foul yid is doing to young white girls is exactly what Jews as a whole have done to this country -- made it more like the cesspool John Rocker described so that they feel more comfortable and can more easily manipulate things to their advantage. This evil old man deserves to end up on a meathook someday.

Are you libertarians really so scared of the Jews that you can't call them by name? Do you really not realize that they are laughing at you openly? Are you libertarians so enamored of some of the pro-immigration junk you spew that you can't recognize that Mexicans and nasty Asians are making the country unfit for whites?

How much more effective would it be to take on the Jews directly, and point out that their type and mentality is the source of our problems. For example, you could take on that second-tier Jew down in Texas who pushed the case resulting in equalized school district funding, ie, white earners paying for Mexican kids' education. Or that Jew in California who pushed the court case that got Prop. 187 reversed, ensuring the continued in-flooding of diseased, illiterate, dusky hordes. Make the point that these Jews are like bacteria that function best in a toilet bowl, and thus they work hard to make our once beautiful, reasonably populted land, into a sewer.

But you libertarians go on celebrating coloreds and immigration like you're insane. Two books you ought to read if you havent. The first is Cannery Row, by Steinbeck. Gives you a great picture of what California was like just fifty-sixty years ago -- not the overpopulated shithole it's become. The second is The Plumed Serpent, by D.H. Lawrence, in which he symbollically contrasts refined white America with mestizo Mexico. His basic point is that if we let them, if we become effete, these dark people will drag us back into the third world, scratching for food in the dust like chickens, in an instant. Exactly what's happening today.

This has gone on too long. I just want to conclude by asking: Don't you ever get tired of being a remonstrator? Don't you ever want to go on the attack? Don't you see that the real advances to be made and the real honor out there to be won lie in the direction of taking on the biggest enemy in the room -- and that that man is the liberal Jew? Look around you on the net, and you will see that increasing numbers of your fellows do. Well, perhaps not your fellows -- yet -- but more and more civilized white people are apprehending the nature of the force out to do us in, and responding appropriately. One last time, I implore you -- write something that matters. Instead of proving that free association is a good idea -- a child of three could do that -- why not go after the yids who want to destroy it, why they want to destroy it, and why you, the reader, are probably going to have to get your guns out to get your country back.

To Taki, columnist for New York Press.

Damn good stuff guys! Great reads, all. Especially love Taki -- thanks for being one of the few to criticize Jews. I also like your praise/respect for things German (when deserved) and criticism of Brit hypocrisy. Nice to see the new century start off without the insane Anglophilia and Jew-intimidated balderdash that characterized last. Keep it up. Jack Halliday

To Horowitz. I read it in the papers
I see it on my TV
Has the whole world lost its head?
Or is it just me?

-- the Go-gos (popular culture worth studying)

Dr. Horowitz --

I saw on tv the other day that the new South Africa's the rape capital of the world. You need to ship it a pallet of Dr. Dave's Individualist Colorblind Cultural Elixir on the double. After all, it's good for what ails ya, clears up any social disease you got. Should take care of a little rape in no time.

Like that skit on SNL about the man mugged every thirty seconds, one of the bongo boys running the ministry said: what do you mean there's a woman raped every 17 seconds? You've been talking to me for how long -- have you seen anyone raped? Has anyone around here been raped? Well, there you go! ... I'm not sure if he was joking. No, wait...I am sure.

Doc Horowitz: If you and 300 of your conservative individualist pals were thrown into Haiti and granted just one political wish, would you really prefer to be ruled by democracy, or would you prefer a white authoritarian government formed by you and your friends? Which would be better for all concerned?

Unlike you, Doc, we white-rightists are intellectually honest. Our racialism screws some individual coloreds like Thomas Sowell. The difference is that your individualist Big Lie screws all white America -- as you know, but won't admit.

Here's the street reality of your individualist dogma in terms of the rights enjoyed by civilized whites in today's 'free and democratic' South Africa: 1) right to be raped by AIDS-ridden niggers; 2) right to live in a tank; 3) right to be affirmatively acted against; 4) right to buy Jewish papers denouncing your race and ancestry... When 2050 gets here and whites are a shrinking plurality (as celebrated by Hoser Bill in his speech at Portland State), they'll get to enjoy the self-same here.

Good night, Doc. Go back to papering over the racial chasm with your individualist lies. But know that more and more of your clients are signing up with us these days, and it's only going to continue. We know what you Jews did with Lenin and Stalin last century -- there will be no second act here.

Contra snaky oil-vendors,

Jack Halliday

To National Review's online forum, GIGO. This was censored, never appeared.

Anybody notice what's going on in South Africa these days? Rape capital of the world! People driving tanks and living in forts! Seven thousand white professionals fleeing each month! But since 75-IQ blacks are allowed to vote, it's a "free and democratic" country, according to the Judenpresse.

The open-borders policies of the libertarians and Jew-led neocons are leading America to the same dead end. An extremist focus on individual rights combined with a nutty and fact-hurdling cultural determinism have made for cement-shoe dogmas that are drowning the country we love. We civilized white Americans are to wade across the deep, dark, dank river of insane immigration, and if the price be drowning ourselves, well, we will hold high and dry the Nikes of the illiterate welfare Negro mom's right to vote to steal our paychecks to support her crack 'n' bastard habits.

We are forever warned not to let the end justify the use of any means. We are never warned about the danger of sanctifying one means with no regard to its practical, predictable, lethal results.

Where is the man who will deny the truth of Jefferson's statement that "...the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government"? Yet which National Review writer would dare to state the obvious, that Thomas Jefferson is right? The answer is not one.

Not one. They're all cowering over there in the corner with William F., muttering about lower taxes, too intimidated by the Podhoretzim to advocate the policies that would preserve the country.

Fifty years ago every one of you reading this would have agreed with every word I've written; today every one of you runs shrieking from my words, off to chase the reaching-out-to-minorities mirage the Jews have mesmerized for you. That's what conservative means, after all: defending a retreating perimeter until you're so far gone you don't even recognize where you started. You think you are principled retreaters, but retreat's the only principle on which you stand your ground. Buckley's father saw the Jews for what they were; to twist Jr.'s peroration, it's too bad the blood of son-of-Buckley blood ran so weak.

Jack Halliday

Again to NR's GIGO. Also censored.

God -- what a laughable debate, ignoring the elephant in the middle of the room. The reason the History channel focuses on the Nazis is that Hollywood, television and newspapers are run by Jews. If they started running stuff about communism in Russia and elsewhere, they'd have to deal with the fact that most of the commie theorists and political police and were Jewish, and the people they butchered (Poles and Ukranians, for example) were Christians. And that these people were killed because they were Christians. And that a hell of a lot more of them were killed than ever Hitler did in. And that they were killed before the (everbody bow) Shoah business. Getting these facts out runs counter to their non-stop, one-shop agitprop campaign to hype the Ho-Ho-HoloClaus, the giver that keeps on giving. The Holocaust is the golden goose, the Robbin Hoodzpah that takes from the innocent and gives to the greedy. Thou shalt have no other Gods before it; and it must be kept ever and anon in the public eye, and no one allowed to leave the service early.

You can wait your whole life and you'll never see documentaries pointing out that if you took the Jews out of the American communists (or Russian, Hungarian, German, etc.), there'd hardly be anything left, certainly no leadership. Same is true of the sons and daughters of the '30s reds -- they became the instigators of the sixties campus unrests that created the truth-hating academic and political and social environment we today call "PC" -- although that rubric (itself coined by, I believe, a Jew cartoonist) is far too mild to describe what's actually happening. Thus we are left with an ostensibly "free" society in which a multimillionaire, free, white and 25, stating an opinion held by literally tens of millions of people, is ushered off to a Jewish kook psychiropractor to recant grovelingly. The Jews here are going after America just like they did Russia, with tactics altered to suit native conditions.

Hitler may have been wrong about some things, but he wasn't wrong in making an identity of Judaeo-Bolschewismus (judaeo-bolshevism), as the Germans called it. Did you ever ask yourself how many larval Karl Marxes Hitler may have done away with? How many forming Dershowitzes and Ruth Bader Ginsburgs and Paul Wellstones and Barbara Boxers the world was deprived of? And how many more he could have gotten rid of if our foolish Anglophiles and Jewish traitors hadn't lied and tricked and angled us into both world wars? (Hint: don't look for the answers on the History channel.)

Jack Halliday

To WND columnist.

As ususal, you avoid the real point. MLB and the Atlanta Braves have every right to go after Rocker. The Constitution only prevents the federal government from silencing him. The real issue you should deal with is: who are the people who have created a social environment in which the views of Normal White America are off-limits? The answer is, they are, first and foremost, the Jews; especially the Jews in the media. Jew-owned and operated ESPN, for example, always Semitically correct, took a viewer poll regarding what penalty the viewer felt was appropriate for Rocker. The very last choice was 'no further action should be taken.' There was no option for the voter to say 'I agree with his views.'

Now, if putatively 'alternative' press mavens such as you had the courage to go after the Jews who created the PC atmosphere of social intimidation, your column would be worth something. But you don't. Like the rest of your Christian coward columnists, you refuse to directly describe the people who brought PC America to life. You are just another remonstrator, yapping and moving backwards.
Keep pretending that you have no idea what type of people have created the conditions you implore; keep valiantly battling abstractions like liberalism or secular humanism -- above all keep your eyes off the Jew, and WND will continue to flourish like a . . . a . . . a . . . what is it I'm trying to think of? . . . -- oh yeah -- like a bay tree.

Jack Halliday

To GIGO's webmaster, followed by his response.

Hello webguy -- love GIGO. I know I'm dead, but I still wanted to make this contribution. It's something I said a couple hundred years ago, but I think in light of the South African evidence, it's still appropriate:

The two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government.

Thomas Jefferson

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you.

Unfortunately your post is of the variety most likely to land me in hot water with the powers that be. I've already been reamed once for letting a similar piece slip by and I really don't want to have it happen again.

I'm sorry about this.

[signed -- name removed because he isn't the issue -- his bosses are.]

Do you get it? National Review, the premier "conservative" magazine, censors Thomas Jefferson in its online forum... That's what I mean by conservatives being a spurious opposition. They are controlled by Jews who will not allow anyone to contest their dogma of racial equality.

Criticizing Paul Craig Roberts.

"Voter profiles show that essentially 100 percent of homosexuals, lesbians, feminists, and class-action lawyers vote Democrat, as do 90 percent of professors, media, Hollywood, public employee unions and handicapped persons, 85 percent of blacks, 70 percent of Hispanics, and businessmen seeking protection against a government shakedown. It is a party of disgruntled intellectuals, victims groups, thugs, haters, and crass opportunists who are united by a shared sense of moral superiority." --Paul Craig Roberts

A perfect example of why conservatives are perennial losers. Of all the groups that vote extremely heavily Democrat, Roberts leaves out the most influential and destructive -- Jews. Typical conservative cowardice, I suppose -- trying to stay Semitically Correct.

You conservatives pick and choose which thoughts of the Founders are acceptable to quote in line with the dictates of the Podhoretzim.

National Review's online forum GIGO censored the following quotation from arguably the greatest mind America has ever produced, and I highly doubt you have the guts to print it either, as it runs across the line of what's Semitically Correct. The Jews really have you guys' balls in a box, don't they?

[T]he two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government.

Thomas Jefferson

Little too much wild wind in that quote for good little Poddy-trained boys like you, right?

Back and forth with WND's J.R. Nyquist.

> When you write paeans to objective truth in the context of a discussion of communist horrors and you omit the fact that these were originated and perpetrated primarily by Jewish theorists and political police -- well, to say the least, you leave yourself open to criticism as a hypocrite. Come back home to America and ask yourself which of the destructive forces in this country aren't led by leftist Jews. And where in the "conservative" ostensibly fact-respecting media is this pointed out? Who blames Jews for the flood immigration drowning civilized white America? Not you. Not any conservative. They all know it is true, and they are all afraid to say it. It is objectively true that Jews predominate in the most corrupt administration in American history. Maybe next time you gird your loins to battle a safe abstraction like "ethical nihilism" you'll pause to wonder why you are afraid to challenge directly the people most effective in spreading this pernicious doctrine.

> Most Jews are not Communists. In fact, most Communists are not Jews.

Both of these statements are true, but not relevant. And -- the way you use them -- misleading. The Communists wherever they appeared in the white West were a revolutionary minority originated, led and dominated by Jews. See below for more facts.

>Lenin was not a Jew. He had one Jewish grandfather, but Lenin was raised as a Christian and rejected Christian teachings for Marxism.

As well argue Karl Marx wasn't a Jew because his father converted. Lenin was Jewish enough to qualify for Israel's Law of Return. He considered Jews extraordinarily clever. He assigned them the most prominent positions among his terror police and political commisars. He hated Christianity. If it walks like a duck...

> Stalin was not a Jew. Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret police was not a Jew. He was a Pole, and an aristocrat.

This is typical conservative grasping-for-straws. I.e., Ted Turner isn't a Jew, so Jews don't control the media. Or, Bill Clinton isn't a Jew, so that proves that the most corrupt administration in history isn't predominantly Jewish. Don't you see that you are trying as hard as you can NOT to see? Read the facts below; they are surely more than enough to convince someone like yourself who is interested in objective truth.

Oh yes, there were many Jews in the Bolshevik Party, like Trotsky. But please notice that Stalin wiped most of them out in the 1930s.

Do you see how you reverse yourself? When Jews dominate the cadre that made the most destructive revolution in human history, you are at pains not to notice them as Jews -- despite the way they saw themselves and the rest of the world identified them, and despite their huge hatred of Christians and Hitler-dwarfing murders of same -- but the moment a few of the Chosen are killed off as part of a larger purge, you are quick to imply they were killed because they were Jewish. Your mind has been propagandized, just like mine, just like everybody's, to see Jews as victims, when they are really the victimizers. I like to think of history from a Discovery Channel point of view. If you think of Jews and Christians as competing insect species, behavior becomes much clearer -- Jewish behavior at least. Lately whites behave as though they had a death wish. Again, if you are interested in objective truth, the facts below you should find telling. [Note -- the facts referred to were collected at Michael Hoffman's website, and are copyrighted, so we refrain from reproducing them here. Go to his site and read them for yourselves. J.H.]

I ask you to read the facts below pertaining to the relation between Jews and communism with that old cliche, an open mind. Think of yourself as tasked with submitting an objective intelligence report describing the nature of revolutionary communist activity in Europe in the 20th century, rather than writing Semitically Correct columns for a conservative publication.

Ask yourself, going in, Do I really suppose WND wouldn't yank my column for accurately generalizing about Jewish instrumentality in destroying private, civilized America? Does not that awareness -- evident in all the writers at the main conservative sites -- color my outlook and lead me to shade criticism of Jews as Jews?

Did you ever notice that Jews never hesitate to attack Christians as Christians? Did you ever notice that Jews are politically successful, and conservatives aren't? Is it possible that these Jews know instinctively something we have forgotten? Or Chosen to ignore in our quest for success?

Unknown. I appreciate your posting the lyrics. I've seen this ICP interviewed a couple times, but never heard any of their stuff at length. Every once in a while MTV will do a show on hate rock. MTV's producers specialize in false symmetries. They take practically the only mainstream "hate" lyric they can find --

Police and niggers (that's right) Get out of my way Don't wanna buy none of your gold chains today!

from Guns 'N' Roses' song, One in a Million -- a great song that was, i dont believe, ever released as a single, although it still became very popular among working class whites -- and couple this lyric with all the crap from Snoop Doggy Dogg, Easy E (Fuck the Police -- actually a funny song) and the various Ices as though these balance out. I've always thought that the fact that One in a Million was never released and no video made (as far as I know) is proof that in music, just as in movies (see Michael Medved's book), the Jewish execs forego a certain amount of profit to push their political agendas. They call the GNR lyric "hate," even though we've probably all been approached by niggers vending gold chains outside 7-11 and even though the artist is fully conscious (that's right) that he is breaking one of our strongest social taboos. Try to imagine someone saying "white trash" (that's right -- I'm actually going to dare to say it), or 'redneck' (yes, you heard me right).

It's open season on whites in the media. Last night I happened across an exceptionally stupid show -- Pacific Blue -- featuring a Nazi theme. A group of Nazis were about to rape a young, attractive black woman -- who gets off several pointed digs about white trash, rednecks, etc. -- until some brothers showed up and the undercover cop dissuaded them. When you think about the fact that 200 white women are raped by blacks for every black raped by whites, you see that TV is basically a negative of the real world. The producers of this stuff are not merely dishonest or biased -- they are evil.

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