The Internet's Microsoft Minyan

by Douglas Wright

25 February 2006

(a response to Slate's "TV's Aryan Sisterhood," by Jack Shafer)

The proliferation of Jews at Slate will come as news only to those unable to read. From the Weisbergs at the top to the Arnovitzes, Epsteins, Frenkels, Greenbergs, Grosses, Kaplans, Levins and Yoffes elsewhere, it's a veritable overflowing of hooking, honking, whining, white-hating tip-tapping cyber-yids, taking aim at blonde hair, white college students, church on Sunday, snow sports, sturdy values and everything decent in America. Their contrary-for-the-sake-of-contrary smerming reeks of the same up-down yes-no 3-card monte of Jewy views on the radio, TV and in the newspapers that we've always known. Now with links!

Seems these Jews only know one meme for whites: pure loxist hate!

Douglas Wright's Fray pick: Col-BullKurtz, sounding off:


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