Reader Mail: 6 February 2006


Subject: cc christy 'n' judy

Note sent to "International Fellership of Christians 'n' Juden" kikel:

My Dear Rebbe!

I just saw your heartfelt plea to the Christian chumpzim on behalf of God's Special Blend in Russia: "Unlike the Russian goyim -- who all own Bentleys and wear floor-length sable coats -- jews there suffer the most appalling poverty in world history -- and the anti-semitism, oy vey! Won't you give us all your cash so that we can feed these poooor old Cheka murderers without touching our own mountain of shekels? Remember now: YW-H commands you to!"

Fuck you and the syphylitic camel you rode in on, pickle snoot.

N.B. Forrest


Subject: Ezra Pound, genius and jew critic


Ezra Pound Redux

As long as we are doing reduxes [see yesterday's e-mailing], we will offer another one.

It's true that White people should pay attention to the things that the Jews gave the West, such as different types of leftist political movements posing as "progressive" movements. [Ha! How is screwing up White Western culture "progress?" Is wrecking your car also "progress?"].

But more important than that is what the Jewish race is especially good at: creating wars in which their tribe benefits the most, e.g. the current Iraq War. The American poet Ezra Pound frequently talked about this matter. In fact, he was so good at pinpointing what was really going on in the West that he was put into a mental institution in order to discredit his political statements. After all, who will listen to a "crazy" person? [That was actually a brilliant move, by the way: why merely imprison Pound for treason when you can giggle-farm him instead and thereby make sure his "anti-Semitic" and "fascist" ideas don't blossom?]:

Ezra Pound:

More here:


Subject: questions answered!

Was Jesus Jewish?

Steve Cotter



Subject: Covering Up the 'Kwa

Principles listed in Covering the 'Kwa pop up daily.

Here, nigger columnist lovingly portrays fellow nigger Marion Barry as a "work in progress," whose utter inability to comply with even basic law and repeated, flagrant failure to reform only makes him more human, more real, more worthy, quite unlike those starchy, stiff whites, who when law-abiding are proven boring, but when law-violating are proven evil.


Douglas Wright


Subject: Nazi stuff

An extremely rare example of the 128 page book ,,Der Ewige Jude''. This is the big, very rare 128 page, heavily illustrated book and NOT the small exhibition guidebook:

Rare 1944 photographic log of the round-the-world cruise of the Kriegsmarine Surface Raider "Atlantis":

A large selection of Nazi era postcards at very reasonable prices:

Third Reich era posters, in convenient 11 x 14 inch size:


Subject: "why"





Subject: wants free paper


Could I get a free news paper?

Ed. Note: Yes. Send us your address, we'll put one in the mail.


Subject: "Concerned citizen"

I am a 23 year old white male christian ashamed to call myself white thanks to the horrid message you are sending to the world. Hate has no place, no matter what it's for. You are the people that are the reasons for greed, for war, and for poverty across the world. You are the satans workers in this place and I will not stand to see you go unhindered. Soon enough all of you will realize you are acting like children with a toy saying "It's mine, mine and no one can share!" Well children it's time to grow up and take a moment out of your busy lives of hate to see that you are blind. I don't care what religion you are, or what your reasons for hate are, they may very well be good reasons but when it comes to hating any man, woman, or child, based on any reason besides simple action, you are simply wrong. There is no middle ground. Unlike many I do not wish death upon you, I wish upon you a single prayer. A prayer of hope that you may come to terms with your own person, because one can not stop hating others if they can not stop hating themselves, and that's exactly what I see. Lord God I pray that these people understand the direction in which their lives have taken is wrong. Your love was meant to be brought down upon us all as equals, humans, nothing less, and nothing more. Titles, nor color are meant to drive us apart or see each other as higher or lower Lord and I pray that these people can someday realize just what they are doing. Life that you gave us has never been more or less than what you said it would be, a tough place on this earth, but you never give us more it seems than we can handle. Lord I ask that you show them your path, and take them from the paths of the devil. Take out of this world the demons influence, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.


Ed. Note: Lobotomy. What a beautiful choice. The buhlieving christian's as pitiful as the self-admitted asylum inmates McMurphy tried to actuate in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Didn't Father McFelcher ever teach you about Original Sin, you thimblewitted crudcup? Have you ever tried alcohol? Often those in the desperate, horny grip of Jebooze find salvation through self-ethylation. I query because I care. About you. About your soul. We here at VNN are in the whatz-good-for-Chris business, and, what with your writing a letter and all, business is good! What?! You don't believe me? Outrageous, itz! As you imply, we're very well connected with Satan here, and we've established a committee to decide whether or not formally to petition Ol' Hickory-Smoked to send an imp to stick a pitchfork up your processed-piehole while you're bent over slurping jebooade - scientifically concocted by scienticians scientistically to replace what your soul loses on the prayin' field. When I get letters like yours, I fully understand what drove Ivan the Terrible to construct a giant griddle. It was like he was making the first IHOP, except it was more of a UHOP. Now beat feet, meat, we're wearing Jeboo-Deet.


Subject: "A little chuckle to your cause..."

I find it humorous that you and your "White Supremacy" campaigns continually say that you wish to make America "Pure". The reason this is humorous is because white would make it JUST as unpure as black, or Jew. Can you guess why? Red. Is the cravious of your cranium so impervious to the infiltration of basic ideology that you forget that this land is rightfully the Native American's? Was it not OUR paradise right from the beginning? You say on the front page of your site " Jews are teenagers drunk on self love, driving the American car straight into a tree." How ironic that you, being the race that came to this land, took advantage of the people helping you to survive (i.e. the paramedics if I use your analogy) and stole the vary vehicle they were perfectly willing to share with your stuck-up white bullshit spewing minds! I admit, I would greatly love to see the niggers gone from this great country (and by country I mean the land, not the Republic of the United States) but you, sir, are no better than the lowest crack-addict nigger fucking with every diseased whore in the ghetto just to spread his seed. You are that which you hate. What makes this even more humorous is the fact that I would be in your Neo-Aryan race if it weren't for the fact that your whole system is so full of holes it's pathetic. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am 15, 1/8 Cherokee Indian and the rest is 100% German. That means on one side I have Nazi's and on the other I have Confederate Officers. I have been raised being proud of what the Confederate flag REALLY means. Freedom from the tyranny of the U.S. Republic. I am skilled in the building of any weapon you can imagine, and have the plans set to build a functioning H-Bomb in the future. I am the classic "Aryan" by appearance for I have almost white hair naturally and light blue eyes. My skin has of course the Native American tan to it as well. I am a computer hacker, and love to build computer virii (though I did not send you one in this email.) I just thought I would give you the view of me, Future Ruler of the world, and Leader of the Kings of the Apocalypse radical group that is just emerging in the Kansas City area. Thank you for your time and feel free to e-mail me at (I hacked your mail server to send this message, thus the fake sender email... I could teach your group to do this thus enabling you to send emails anonymously, from whatever hate-oriented email you wish.) Good Day.

Ed. Note: You are one caring hacker. I anticipate your advent. I would rather have you as the head of Kansas City than even the Burger King, and he's right affable, and wise in his judgments.


Subject: "The health consequences of race mixing"

The health consequences of race mixing among living organisms could be neutral, beneficial or harmful. This issue has been difficult to address in humans, but data from random, population-based studies have started coming in, and here we consider the first such dataset.

[much more at link]



Subject: Aryan National Press (Iran)

The Aryan National Press ( 'The (English language) Aryan National Press is the official news agency of the Aryan League of the Islamic Republic of Iran and provides news and other news-related services to the various publications of the Aryan League-IRI and its overseas organization, the Aryan League International'


Subject: E.O. Wilson

E. O. Wilson: Harvard's Sociobiologist

A key sociobiology theorist, and certainly one of the most intellectually attractive, is Edward O. Wilson, who taught at Harvard for a generation. His writing and speaking were sophisticated, witty and challenging, and his classes were always well attended. He insisted that he was not a eugenicist, although it is not clear what he meant by that, except that he did not want to be associated with Hitler. He may also have been referring to a distinction from the earliest days of the eugenics movement, between science and policy. Galton had said that eugenics was a science that led to policy, and could become a religion. Wilson wanted his work to be considered science, although he knew well that his ideas had political implications. Further, he was explicit about the theological implications.

Wilson has written many books and articles, including fascinating tales about ants. In 1991, a book he had written (coauthored with Bert H-lldobler) entitled simply The Ants won a Pulitzer Prize. Wilson's exploration of the world of ants is intriguing and delightful, full of surprises. For example, ants (and wasps and bees) have a peculiar method of determining the sex of their offspring, and are able to produce a caste whose task is to rear their sisters. "Sterile castes engaged in rearing siblings are the essential feature of social organization in the insects," Wilson writes. "The societies of wasps, bees, and ants have proved so successful that they dominate and alter most of the land habitats of the Earth. In the forests of Brazil, their assembled forces constitute more than 20 percent of the weight of all land animals, including nematode worms, toucans, and jaguars."


Subject: kosher 'toons

Kosher Kartoons caused the riots.

How "Jewish" Zionists Fuel Hostility to Muslims *PIC*

Posted By: ChristopherBollyn

Flemming Rose, the "cultural editor" of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten decided to publish 12 provocative and inflammatory cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad - including one in which the Prophet is shown wearing a turban shaped as a bomb with a burning fuse, the International Herald Tribune reported on December 31, 2005.

The Danish newspaper was unprepared for the global furor which was provoked by the cartoons. The offensive cartoons resulted in demonstrations in Kashmir, death threats against the artists, condemnation and rebukes from 11 Muslim countries and the United Nations.

"The cartoons did nothing that transcends the cultural norms of secular Denmark, and this was not a provocation to insult Muslims," Flemming Rose, cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's largest newspaper, said, rather disingenuously.

Rose and the paper have refused to apologize for publishing the drawings. "But if we talk of freedom of speech, even if it was a provocation, that does not make our right to do it any less legitimate before the law," Rose said in an interview from Miami, where he has fled to escape the publicity after living under police protection in Denmark.

But Rose acknowledges that even his liberalism has its limits. He said he would not publish a cartoon of Israel's Ariel Sharon strangling a Palestinian baby, since that could be construed as "racist." He would, however, publish a cartoon poking fun at Moses or one of Jesus drinking a pint of beer.

Now why would Rose refuse to publish a cartoon depicting Ariel Sharon, a known war-criminal and genocidaire, strangling a Palestinian baby?

Why would such a cartoon, correct and accurate in its depiction, be considered "racist" by Flemming Rose? Sharon has certainly been responsible for the murder of thousands of Palestinians during his time on this planet. He is a well-known war criminal. So, why would an Israeli war criminal be protected by Mr. Rose?

Are we likely to see cartoons in Jyllands-Posten calling into question the force-fed Zionist myth of the Holocaust, which has become the new "Holy Cause" of Europe?

Why should the criminal history of a Zionist leader or outstanding questions about the the Second World War be more protected than the worshipped prophet of one of the world's major religions?

Take a good look at the non-Danish "cultural" czar of Jyllands-Posten and ask yourself.

Photo: Flemming Rose, the Zionist gatekeeper and cultural czar of Jyllands-Posten, sitting in the "chairman's" seat during a trip to Estonia. Photo by Lone Jurgensen of Jyllands-Posten.


Subject: Guillaume Faye's 'archeofuturism'

The Three Theses of Guillaume Faye's Archeofuturism

by "Metaposos"

Freely Translated by M.O.

Thesis One: Our civilization, daughter of modernity and of egalitarianism, has passed its highpoint. It can go no farther and is now threatened by a world-wide confluence of catastrophes. Whenever previous civilizations collapsed, their effects were regional. Today, for the first time in history, a world civilization, in the form of the West's globalized order, is threatened by a series of converging catastrophes born of its own ideological premises. The dramatic chain reaction that will be set off by these catastrophes is likely reach their climax early in the 21st century, probably between 2010 and 2020, when the world as we know it, will give way to a devastating chaos. The converging lines of these catastrophes will be ecological, demographic, religious, epidemiological, and geopolitical in form. Contemporary civilization will not survive their combined effects, for its fundamental premises conflict with reality. This is not simply a matter of ideological contradictions, which can always be overcome, but of the physical obstacles that stand against it. The old beliefs in progress and equality, with their assumprtion that things are getting better and better, are now dead. Indeed, this angelic ideology has created a world that becomes less viable with each passing day.

Second Thesis: The belief system of the modern, individualistic, and egalitarian world is increasing at odds with existing life forms. To understand the future that is coming, man will need to adopt a more archaic consciousness: that is, one whose premodern, inegalitarian, and non humanistic mindset reflects the primordial values of social order. Achievements in technoscience, especially in biology and digital processing (Informatik), make it impossible to manage the world with humanistic criteria. At the same time, contemporary geopolitical and social events are more and more dominated by issues of religion, ethnicity, subsistence, and disease, all of which evoke the most primordial allegiances. Against the obsolete ideology of progress, with its egalitarian, humanistic, and individualistic dogmas, I propose an archeofuturist view, whose rejection of modernist tenets offers a means us to understand and survive the coming century of fire and steel.

Third Thesis: From now on we must learn to think in terms of a post catastrophic world, an archeofuturist world, whose postulates differ fundamentally from those of modern egalitarianism. It is senseless to try to reform the world with wise, well-meaning plans. Man is simply not capable of it. In an emergency, with our backs to the wall, we can only react. I propose a mental praxis for a post-catastrophic world. I'm not proposing a new dogma, but a debate on how to resolve the great problems besetting us. This is especially important given that the present system, with its vacuous, camouflaging ideology, distracts from these problems and seeks to keep them enveloped in obscurity. In a society where every genuine idea is treated as an act of subversion, where the most illusionary ideologies are encouraged, and where thought has been replaced by spectacle, our chief task must be: to awaken the conscience, to address the burning questions, and to disarm the reigning ideology.


The above text appeared in German on July 1, 2005 at the Dutch blog site "Apolitea." [Here.]

On Faye's Theory of the Converging Catastrophe
"The Widening Gyre" (June 21, 2005),

On Faye's Worldview
"Ten Untimely Ideas" (December 18, 2005), National Vanguard

A Recent interview of Faye
"The Third World War is About to Begin: An Interview with Guillaume Faye" (January 8, 2006), National Vanguard



Subject: SA white woman gang raped

Ex Zimabawean Jan Lamprecht's site is


Subject: tv and ameriKwa

Keep in mind that becoming famous and being on everyone’s TV is just as much a part of the American dream, if not much more so, than marrying, having kids, and owning a huge mansion in the country. Even though everyone dreams of being a star as a child, of course not everyone can do it. American movies and TV are the playground of the beautiful people. But besides being beautiful, an on-camera talent in America must have more than looks. Not only must they be a part of the beautiful crowd, but also they must have the connections to get anywhere in the dog-eat-dog world of American mass media. As the old saying goes, "Ass, gas, or grass; nobody rides for free." Here.


Subject: discolored cancer spreads in Britain

Britain's non-white population up 500,000

By Philip Johnston, Home Affairs Editor

The non-white British population grew by more than half a million between 2001 and 2003, according to official figures published yesterday. Over the same period, the white British population fell by more than 100,000, largely because of emigration and a low birth rate. The white British and Irish are the only ethnic groups that registered a decline, the Office for National Statistics said. While the non-white group had an average annual growth rate of 3.8 per cent, the white British population declined by 0.1 per cent.

The fastest population growth -- 11 per cent a year -- was registered among the Chinese community, mainly due to immigration, rather than a high birth rate among settled Chinese. Growth in the Black African population is largely the result of asylum seekers, principally from Somalia and Zimbabwe. The research, the first of its kind and based on the 2001 census, shows that the non-white British population was around 7.1 million in 2003, compared with 6.6 million in 2001. The white British population fell from 42.9 million to 42.8 million in the same period.

More than 40 per cent of London's population is non-white British, and the capital's ethnic minority population grew by 68,000 over the period. However, non-white immigrants are now beginning to leave London for other parts of England, all of which have seen an increase in ethnic minorities.



Subject: Buchanan on 'Toon wars

Secularist Stupidity and Religious Wars

by Patrick J. Buchanan

That demagogues and agitators are exploiting those cartoons of Mohammed to advance a war of civilizations and expel Europeans from the Middle East seems undeniable. But that does not excuse the paralyzing stupidity of that Danish paper in running those cartoons -- or the arrogant irresponsibility of European newspapers in plastering those cartoons all over their front pages. The storm first broke last September, when Jyllands-Posten published 12 caricatures of Mohammed, including a lampoon of the Prophet with a terrorist bomb as a turban. In the Islamic faith, any depiction of the face of Mohammed is forbidden. The Danish paper knew this. It published the cartoons to protest "the rejection of modern, secular society" by Muslims. The cartoons were thus a defiant provocation. And they succeeded.

The Middle East responded with a boycott of Danish foods and goods. But when, in the name of press solidarity, Le Soir and Le Monde in Paris, El Pais in Madrid and Die Welt in Berlin republished the cartoons on page one, Islam exploded. For this was an in-your-face declaration by the secularist media of the European Union that it will exercise its right to insult any God, any Prophet, any faith, whenever it so chooses. "Enough lessons from these reactionary bigots," said Serge Faubert, editor of Le Soir. "Just because the Quran bans images of Mohammed doesn't mean non-Muslims have to submit to this." Faubert, however, is not a Danish soldier in the Shi'ite sector of Iraq. Innocents will pay the price of his heroism.

The U.S. State Department seemed to empathize with Muslim rage, stating that "inciting religious or ethnic hatred in this manner is unacceptable." But, within hours, State had retreated to neutral ground: "While we share the offense that Muslims have taken at these images, we at the same time vigorously defend the right of individuals to express points of view."

As of today the Danish consulate in Beirut has been burned, Danish embassies have been stormed, and Danes are fleeing the Middle East. Europeans are getting out of the West Bank, Gaza and Beirut, where mobs are attacking embassies and Christian churches.

Islamic countries have recalled ambassadors from Copenhagen. People have been injured and property destroyed in mob assaults as far away as Indonesia. Relations between the West and the Islamic world have been dealt another rupturing blow. And for what? What was the purpose of this juvenile idiocy by the Europress? Is this what freedom of the press is all about – the freedom to insult the faith of a billion people and start a religious war?

Can Europeans be that ignorant of the power of the press to inflame when Bismarck's editing of just a few words in the Ems telegram ignited the Franco-Prussian war? Did Europeans learn nothing from the Salman Rushdie episode? Or the firestorm that gripped the Islamic world when Christian ministers in the United States called Mohammed a "terrorist"?

European governments are wringing their hands over the rage and violence unleashed, but they seem paralyzed. What is the matter? Why cannot they denounce press irresponsibility while defending press freedom? Even friends of the West like Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan, President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey have denounced these cartoons as insults to Islamic values and deeply damaging to Western interests.

British Foreign Minister Jack Straw deplored republication of the cartoons as "insensitive ... disrespectful ... wrong." But German Interior Minister Wolfgang Shauble haughtily dissented, "Here, in Europe, governments have nothing to say about which publisher publishes what."

What hypocrisy. When it comes to what Germans are most sensitive about, Hitler and the Holocaust, they are ruthless censors. British historian David Irving has spent three months in a Viennese prison awaiting trial on Feb. 20 for speeches he made 15 years ago in Austria. Skeptics and deniers of the Holocaust are prosecuted, fined and imprisoned in Europe with the enthusiastic endorsement of the European press.

Nor are we all that different. Sen. Trent Lott was ousted as majority leader for a birthday-party compliment to 100-year-old Strom Thurmond. Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker was almost lynched for saying he considers New York a social pigsty. There were demands that Rocker undergo psychiatric counseling.

We have "speech codes" in colleges and "hate crimes" laws to protect minorities from abusive remarks. But newspapers that hail these codes throw a blanket of "artistic freedom" over scatological art that degrades religious symbols -- from putting a figure of Christ in a jar of urine to a "painting" of the Virgin Mary surrounded by female genitalia and elephant dung that hung in a Brooklyn museum.

What has happened in Europe is that the secular press [sic - jew-controlled press], which loves to mock the beliefs and symbols of religious faith, has now insulted a deadly serious religion that answers insults with action.


Subject: Fed = jews = inflation = counterfeiting = theft = impoverished & enslaved goyim

A Real Washington Scandal

by Ron Paul

Supreme Court nominations, congressional ethics scandals, and insider politics dominated the Washington headlines in recent weeks. But perhaps the most important story, in terms of its impact on average Americans, has gone virtually unreported.

Later this month our Treasury once again will hit the "debt ceiling," a figure based on federal law that limits the amount of money the federal government can borrow. The total amount of federal debt as of this month is a staggering $8.2 trillion, a number that is almost incomprehensible. The effects of this debt, however, will be felt by all of us in the form of inflation, higher interest rates, and a weakened U.S. economy.

New Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke faces a difficult dilemma. Our overseas creditors, particularly Asian central banks, already hold billions of U.S. dollars and are losing their appetite for lending us more money. They are wary of our enormous federal deficits and reckless economic policies. Ask yourself a simple question: would you loan the U.S. government money, given its spending habits? It's clear we can't go on borrowing $1.8 billion every day to finance the government!

The simplest way for the Fed to overcome these fears and maintain worldwide enthusiasm for the dollar is to raise interest rates and stop putting new dollars into circulation. But the Greenspan "boom" was based on the opposite approach. By cutting interest rates to the bone and vastly increasing the money supply, Greenspan made Americans feel rich – first with the stock market bubble of the 1990s, and later with the housing bubble that is only now starting to burst. Greenspan was brilliant at making debt feel like wealth, but Mr. Bernanke inherits a very difficult situation. To maintain the value of the dollar, he must put the brakes on the money supply and raise the cost of borrowing. Such tough action is unlikely, however, given Mr. Bernanke's troubling public statements about the benefits of government printing presses.

For years the Federal Reserve Bank and Congress have maintained a cozy relationship. The Fed, by pumping more and more money into the economy, has allowed Congress to spend wildly beyond the amount collected each year by the Treasury. Congress loves deficit spending, because new programs are always politically popular and tax hikes are always unpopular. In return, Congress has maintained a completely hands-off approach toward the Fed system, allowing Mr. Greenspan free reign to "run the economy" with tremendous deference from both the public and the press.

The results are not pretty. True inflation, correctly measured by the amount of money and credit available, has skyrocketed in the last 15 years. At the same time, federal deficits have exploded. Congress is addicted to spending, and the Fed is happy to supply the fix by providing easy money.

As economist Addison Wiggin states, however, "The Grand Experiment with paper money is running its inevitable course. Bernanke's biggest challenge is the challenge of central banking itself: You can control some things, but not everything. In the Fed's case, it can control the quantity of money or the quality of it, but not both at the same time."

All of these factors make it likely the U.S. dollar will continue to decline in value, perhaps precipitously, in the coming decade. Will it take an economic depression before the American public finally holds the political class accountable for its reckless borrowing, spending, and counterfeiting?


Subject: South-haters bawl

Rebel flag shakes up assembly

By ANNIE NELSON of the Tribune's staff

Published Friday, February 3, 2006

Two Hickman High School students disrupted a multicultural assembly yesterday in the school's auditorium by unfurling a Confederate flag from the balcony. Ryan Lanman, 17, who is white, and a friend enacted their plan while another student was singing "The Yellow Rose of Texas" to commemorate the Spanish-American War and honor Texas. After the disruption, the students involved were told to leave, and the assembly continued, Principal Mike Jeffers said, adding that he couldn't talk about whether the students would be disciplined.

Lanman, reached by phone after the assembly yesterday afternoon, said he and fellow student Kevin Meyers meant to "show Southern pride" and didn't intend the flag to be racist. "Me and Kevin, we don't believe in slavery or anything else that goes along with the symbol," Lanman said. The assembly included celebrations of Irish, Spanish, Bosnian, Indian, Middle Eastern, black, American, Japanese and Chinese cultures, among others, Jeffers said.

Lanman said he and his friend waited until "The Yellow Rose of Texas" to unfurl the flag out of respect for the other cultures being celebrated at the assembly. Jeffers said he questions Lanman's argument that his actions were about cultural support for the South. "Ryan's interpretation of things well, there's information I can't share with you," Jeffers said. "Ryan is not telling you the whole story."

Collin Kemble, 16, who is white, said he is sure the unfurling of the flag was intended as a racist action. He and a group of football players sitting outside Hickman yesterday discussed what Lanman and his friend did. None of the students said he believes there will be any retaliation against Lanman or anyone else. "No, there ain't going to be no riot," Vaughan said.

One thing that bothered those in the group was something they saw as a double standard. "Students wear Confederate stuff all the time," said Michael Tufts, 16, a sophomore. The school "doesn't do anything about it." "If I came to school in a ‘I hate crackers' T-shirt, I'd be sent home," said Xavier Bagby, 16, who is black. Jeffers said Confederate flag clothes are not prohibited unless they cause disruptions, adding that Lanman's use of the flag did cause a disruption.

"It's one thing to wear something and another to stand up in a multicultural assembly with a Confederate flag," Jeffers said. "You don't have the right to run into a movie theater and yell, ‘Fire,' and you don't have the right to do something disruptive in school." Jeffers said school officials planned to meet with students' parents today or Monday. "I think if you see kids this age who are racist, you have to look at their parents," said Evan Conrad, 14, a white student at West Junior High School. "They're not going to just develop racism. They learn it from somewhere."

Tom Lanman, Ryan Lanman's father, said he disagrees with his son's behavior and actions. "However, a lot of students have grumbled about how the multicultural assemblies don't represent" the Southern point of view, said Tom Lanman, adding that nobody in his family is a racist. "Ryan is a student that steps up to the plate and makes a statement. He's a leader in that sense."

Reach Annie Nelson at (573) 815-1731 or


Subject: speech arrest in Conn.

Woman Arrested After 'Racist Language' At Taco Bell

Drudge Report, Feb. 3, 2006

A woman accused of using racial epithets while waiting for food at a Connecticut Taco Bell drive-through window was arrested Wednesday. Jennifer Farrelly, 19, of East Windsor, has been charged with ridicule on account of race, creed or color and second-degree breach of peace. Farrelly's boyfriend, Eric Satterlee, 22, of Ashford, was charged with breach of peace in the incident.

On Dec. 18, Farrelly and Satterlee became frustrated by the slow service at the Taco Bell restaurant on Brookside Place, according to an arrest warrant. Farrelly banged on the drive-through window and called the Taco Bell attendant, Jamelle Byrd, a racial epithet, according to the warrant. Satterlee allegedly cursed and banged on the window.

Farrelly denied using racial epithets when she was interviewed by police, saying Byrd caused the dispute by ridiculing her for parking her car far away from the drive-through window, the warrant states. Byrd's supervisor told police that Byrd should not have been working the drive-through because he had gotten into a similar incident with another customer, the warrant states.


Subject: Q-RID in NYC

In the decade since effective drug treatments for AIDS have slashed death rates across the country, black New Yorkers continue to fall ill and die at startling rates, according to new data from the city health department.

Today, one in five black men in New York City between 40 and 49 has H.I.V. or AIDS. Black women, meanwhile, account for 34 percent of new AIDS cases, up from 12 percent 20 years ago.


Subject: football playing nigger wants to kill humans

Student-Athlete's Mouth Gets Him In Trouble

Just yesterday the WSFA 12 Sports team publicly recognized Demond Washington for a job well done, a plaque honoring Washington's 'Athlete of the Week' honors last fall. Today, Washington is getting a different kind of notice, one the Tallassee city school superintendent believes the football player regrets. "I'm sure he wished he had not done that, wished he could take his words back," said James Jeffers. We're told Washington spoke into the P-A system in the school and allegedly said, 'I hate white people and I'm going to kill them all!' "There were some words expressed to that affect [sic]," said Jeffers.

Superintendent Jeffers says it's not unusual to have students drift in and out of the main office at Tallassee High School. In fact, some actually help the school secretary answer the phones and make school announcements. Jeffers wouldn't get into specifics but did say Washington is not attending classes right now. "Under the rules he can come back to class once he's completed his time," Jeffers said. As of tonight, Demond Washington won't face any legal charges because Tallassee Police and school officials believe Washington didn't mean what he said. A case of immaturity perhaps. "Some thought he was playing around. He didn't have any idea the PA was on. Some think he might have said in intentionally but I find that hard to believe. That's just my opinion," said Jeffers. School officials declined to allow Washington tell his side of the story and he couldn't be reached for comment off campus. Washington is an 11th grader. He played three positions for the Tallassee High School football team last fall and scored 27 touchdowns. Oh, ok then.


Subject: black, brown go at it in California jail

Hispanic, black inmates fight anew in L.A. jail

About 200 inmates clash, a day after one inmate is killed, 100 hurt

CASTAIC, Calif. -- Hispanic and black inmates fought at a Los Angeles County maximum-security jail despite a lockdown that had been instituted a day earlier after fighting left one black prisoner dead. About 200 inmates fought in two dorms at the North County Correctional Facility late Sunday, with 10 people suffering minor injuries that were treated at the jail, said Deputy Alba Yates of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Investigators said it wasn't clear if Sunday's fighting was connected to Saturday's riot, which left 45-year-old inmate Wayne Robert Tiznor dead and more than 100 other inmates injured. None of the injuries were life-threatening, authorities said.


Subject: "The French Connection"

For the past few months, one of the hottest web broadcast shows has been "The French Connection". The host, Daryl Bradford Smith, openly declared war against Zionist criminals, whose many misdeeds he savagely exposed. His show featured hard-hitting interviews, and his technique of repetition and no-nonsense straight-talk likely emboldened listeners to spread the message unashamedly to others. He named the filthy Jews involved in the 911 operation, at the top levels of the Bush administration, as well as during the course of the last century. Smith and his partner and webmaster, Eric Hufschmid, also exposed the fake "911 truth movement", whose deceptive purpose is to point readers away from the underlying Jewish Zionist causes and motives.

The only reason he could carry on like this for so long was because he pointed out "not all Jews are crooks...", encouraged the "good Jews" to join his cause, condemned "racism and bigotry", and made a point of playing Miles Daves Jazz before and after commercial breaks. Since he broadcast his show from a farmhouse in France, adhering to these caveats was probably de rigeur anyway, for legal reasons.

Notwithstanding his slightly watered-down stance (which certainly was successful in getting reputable interviewees lined up, as well as pulling in listenership), notice went out today that his show has been cancelled.


People may wish to download the remaining shows from the archives, before they disappear.

There's a good chance, however, that his show may find a new venue, so stay tuned.


Subject: Sequoia National Park

Alex, all talk of giving any part to U.S. proof of how far the brainwashing and the invaders have gone.. This park land alone is worth driving the bastards out of our land..


Subject: "your idiot paper"

We can tell education isn't in your favor which mean every other idiot who accepts your paper will be dumber than you.

Fox, Jeffrey

Ed. Note: Quit chuffing melted deodorant sticks, Jeffy. Get high on life instead. Yeah.


Subject: coontastic spastic

fuck you man shove a white cracker ass pole up your ass then lick it bitch


Subject: cc Semitically Correct Roberts

Hi, Paul Craig Roberts:

Re: Here.

You're the best columnists out there, but you seem not to grasp what is keeping rank-and-file conservatives ignorant:


RUSH LIMBAUGH must be toppled from the airwaves - shown to be a LIAR! - in order to shift public awareness.

I've asked other conservative columnists to take him on, but to no avail.

You, or Buchanan, would do the best job of it--of publicly calling him out for lying about this so-called war on terrorism.

Rush Limbaugh is a Kook!



P.S. There are very few articles which relate the truth about what's afoot. This is one of them (( the first link in "Open Letter to Walter Williams" may not open, and which may be accessed here )) :

Open Letter to Walter Williams


Subject: intelligent opposition


Ed. Note: Word up, down, and sideways, my funky fuliginous brother. Oh... Marty McCoon did teach me you can be a homosexual car thief adulterer plagiarist communist and still make it big in the 'Kwa. What a hoot!


Subject: those heroic negroes

'For One Night' exposes issue of segregated proms in the South

Lifetime's contribution to Black History Month tonight isn't about slavery, discrimination in the 1940s and '50s or even the civil-rights revolution. It took place in this century only a few years ago. "For One Night" at 9 co-stars Raven-Symoné of the Disney Channel's "That's So Raven" and Aisha Tyler, probably best known for her role on "Friends."

The story is set in a small-town Louisiana high school, although the location of the real story was a high school in a rural Georgia county. The producers claimed the locale didn't matter because the story line was happening in schools all over the South -- and may still be. The title refers to prom night, the one night of the school year when black and white students were separated in a desegregated high school. Each race had its own prom that had to be privately funded. Public money couldn't be used to support separate but equal events.

White parents and students may have had separate proms at one time. But over the years young whites and blacks became friends. It was the older generation that held fast to the past. Then, in 2002, a student named Gerica McCrary, played by Symone, suggested that since both black and white student groups were hard-pressed to raise enough money for their proms, they should get together and have one dance. Most students agreed, but some white parents were incensed. "Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas," says a mother. Old hates die hard, with some people carrying them to the grave.

The school principal squeezes McCray to drop her plans, but by then it was no longer a money matter but a human-rights issue. Enter a writer (Tyler) who had worked for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. She had gone to the high school as a student. When she hears about the controversy, she joins with McCrary to tell the story because lots of people don't realize that racism is still alive and flourishing in the new millennium.

The film's producer sees "For One Night" as much an account of two women teaming up as a civil-rights saga, which is undoubtedly why Lifetime liked it. While some white students went back to having a separate party the following year, the integrated prom still exists. McCrary told The Associated Press, however, that she cried when she heard that an all-white prom was being held again.



Subject: movie seeking reviewer

This movie needs to be reviewed by VNN - in fact, it's just begging to be reviewed:


[note: producer Chetwynd is Jewish, and so probably is Tisch as well].


Subject: nigger greed has no limits

Katrina Evacuees Want Money To Leave Hotel [hey, will that work for America too?

(AP) A group of Hurricane Katrina evacuees staying at a Queens hotel want it to contribute $2,500 to each family as an incentive to move, but the hotel's owners are questioning their obligation to pay. Charlie King, a lawyer and a Democratic candidate for New York attorney general who was involved in a meeting this week on the proposal between hotel management and community leaders, told The New York Times in Saturday's editions that the money also would help cover costs for families seeking permanent housing.

The owners of the hotel, Radisson J.F.K. Airport, are expected to meet with the families' representatives on Tuesday. "What the hotel is wondering is why private citizens are coming forward and asking the hotel for things that are FEMA's responsibility," said Marc Leffman, chief executive of Atlanta-based French Quarter Hospitality, which owns the hotel. About 30 families remain at the Radisson, the last of about 120 Gulf Coast-area families who arrived there after the hurricane.


Subject: Chavez arming against dangerous gringos


Venezuela 'to buy more weapons'

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has told a huge rally of supporters that he wants to buy more weapons to defend his country from invasion. Speaking in the capital Caracas, Mr Chavez said 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles already on order from Russia were not enough. Venezuela needed a million well-armed men and women, he said. Mr Chavez also likened US President George W Bush to the German Nazi leader, Adolf Hitler.

Diplomatic relations between Venezuela and the US have been strained, but they worsened earlier this week when both countries expelled one another's diplomats after Caracas accused the US embassy of spying. The Venezuelan government has repeatedly accused Washington of trying to destabilise President Chavez - an allegation rejected by US officials.

'Defend our fatherland'

The BBC's Greg Morsbach in Caracas says the rally -- to celebrate a failed coup led by Mr Chavez in 1992 -- got off to a militaristic start, with a bugler heralding the arrival of President Chavez at the podium. Wearing his trademark red army beret, Mr Chavez said Washington was considering invading Venezuela. "I ask for permission ... to buy another cargo of arms because the gringos want us unarmed. We have to defend our fatherland," he said. "Venezuela needs to have one million well-equipped and well-armed men and women." Last year the US tried to block the sale of 12 Spanish military planes to Venezuela that were made with US technology. But Madrid recently said it would go ahead with the sale using more expensive European parts.


Subject: jews and abortion

Killing Us Left and Right

By Joanna Francis


The Jews just now are all in a tither at the recent nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr., a Roman Catholic, to the Supreme Court. Jewish groups like the misnamed "People for the American Way" and "The Feminist Majority Foundation" have served notice that they will not allow a reversal of the anti-Constitutional ruling, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in the United States in 1973. What remains unspoken by these groups, however, is that abortion was always intended to be practiced on us goyim (cattle), as a means to reduce the numbers of their enemies. What better way to cull the herd than by preventing our births altogether? (Jews quietly lament the fact that some Jewish babies have fallen into the trap set for us goyim.). For American Jews, Roe v. Wade signified the beginning of their Messianic age, wherein they could now freely practice genocide against their ancient enemies, the Christians, with impunity. They are not going to give that up without a colossal fight.



Subject: Russia speaks up on Iran

Russia Warns Against Conflict With Iran


Associated Press Writer

Russia's foreign minister warned against threatening Iran over its nuclear program Monday after Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld reportedly agreed with a German interviewer that all options, including military response, remained on the table. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov called for talks to continue with Tehran, which was reported to the U.N. Security Council on Saturday by the International Atomic Energy Agency. "I think that at the current stage, it is important not to make guesses about what will happen and even more important not to make threats," Lavrov said during a visit to Athens, Greece.



Subject: "your website"

It takes real courage to put this sort of thing on the internet, but I say, WAY TO GO! I'm glad someone finally has the balls to speak their mind. In this world, if you say that you are racist, everyone falls on you, but the way i see it is that our country is fallin from within, and it has started since we started letting all these gooks, and niggers, and spics into it. Forget the free world.. send those apes back to their trees. Thank you, for having balls!

Ed. Note: You're welcome. This new reader may have heard about us through an interview a Kansas City tv channel conducted with Glenn Miller, distribution manager of The Aryan Alternative, the fourth issue of which is in production. You're certainly right that our nation is falling apart. We've become a nation of blowhards and vicarious murderers. Fools, illiterates, and niggers about.


Subject: free speech hypocrisy


Subject: aborted niggers...buh...buh...think about what that means!


When New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin lamented how a once-chocolate city had gone vanilla after being washed by the whitening winds of Hurricane Katrina, the pathos did not escape me. I was thinking how hard it would be to get those hundreds of thousands of African-Americans to voluntarily concentrate in one central location again.

But then I cheered up, as the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision – that liberated women from the tyranny of their biology – got me thinKKKing about the blessing that abortion has been to this country for the last 25 years. After all, what does it matter where the former residents of Nestle Orleans go, so long as they continue to exercise their emanative and penumbrad reproductive rights?

Consider that less than 30 years ago, a pregnant colored woman was almost certain to inflict more dark chocolate upon an unwitting vanilla America. But thanks to the Supreme Court, progress has been indubitably made, as every day now, another 1,452 black babies are no longer permitted to grow up to become rappers, basketball players and welfare recipients.

Lemony Snicket notwithstanding, one cannot really consider this a bad beginning. Indeed, Dr. Kelly Hollowell estimates that were it not for the brave decision of these heroic Negresses to exercise their long-established and unrevisitable right to privacy, America would be inflicted with 14 million more black citizens than the country presently endures today. However, Americans cannot truly rest content until black women are collectively removing 3,030 non-human lumps of hyper-melaninized tissue from their bodies on a daily basis. Here.

Ed. Note: Swampy ground there, McDoof. There's not one in ten White Americans who thinks that 14 million extra negroes would be a good idea - regardless of their opinion of abortion. And you're in the with the nine, sport. I tell you, there's nothing like kwanservatives for insanitarian laffs.


Subject: they're "gay," real "gay"

Rare Chlamydia Strain Infecting Gay Men

A particularly bad strain of chlamydia not usually seen in this country appears to be slowly spreading among gay and bisexual men, an infection that can increase their chances of getting or spreading the AIDS virus. Called LGV chlamydia, this sexually transmitted disease has caused a worrisome outbreak in Europe, where some countries have confirmed dozens of cases. Diagnoses confirmed by U.S. health officials still are low, just 27 since they warned a year ago that the strain was headed here. But specialists say that's undoubtedly a fraction of the infections, because this illness is incredibly hard to diagnose: Few U.S. clinics and laboratories can test for it. Painful symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome. And because LGV chlamydia doesn't always cause noticeable symptoms _ right away, at least _ an unknown number of people may silently harbor and spread it, along with an increased risk of HIV transmission.

"My feeling is that what we're seeing now is still the tip of the iceberg," says Dr. Philippe Chiliade of the Whitman-Walker Clinic in Washington, D.C., which diagnosed its first few cases of LGV last month and is beginning to push for asymptomatic men to be screened. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already was counting an 8 percent increase in HIV among gay and bisexual men between 2003 and before LGV's arrival was recognized. "We are really concerned about this," says Dr. Catherine McLean of CDC's HIV and STD prevention program. Increasing the ability to test for LGV is "what's really critically important," she adds. "The prevalence of the disease is probably quite a bit higher than the reported cases indicate, either here or in Europe, but we don't yet know that." Three weeks of the antibiotic doxycycline effectively treats LGV. But patients have to know they're at risk, and then find a test.

Chlamydia, caused by bacteria, is among the most common sexually transmitted diseases. As many as 3 million Americans a year may become infected with common strains, best known for causing infertility in women if left untreated. This more virulent strain is called "lymphogranuloma venereum," or LGV. It's not a new form, but one rarely seen outside of Africa or Southeast Asia. So STD specialists were stunned in late 2004, when the Netherlands announced an outbreak that reached over 100 cases; last summer, one clinic there reported seeing one to two new patients a week. Cases also have surfaced in much of Western Europe and Britain. As with the U.S. cases, many also have HIV.



Subject: all kinds of new species in New Guinea

Scientists hail discovery of hundreds of new species in remote New Guinea

By Terry Kirby, Chief Reporter

An astonishing mist-shrouded "lost world" of previously unknown and rare animals and plants high in the mountain rainforests of New Guinea has been uncovered by an international team of scientists. Among the new species of birds, frogs, butterflies and palms discovered in the expedition through this pristine environment, untouched by man, was the spectacular Berlepsch's six-wired bird of paradise. The scientists are the first outsiders to see it. They could only reach the remote mountainous area by helicopter, which they described it as akin to finding a "Garden of Eden".


Potato is music to a slimmer's ear

A "slimmer's potato", with as few as half the calories of the normal variety, has been discovered by scientists. Routine nutritional tests on the Vivaldi, a strain introduced to Britain five years ago, showed that it also had a third less carbohydrate. The company that promotes the Vivaldi said it was developed purely for its buttery flavour and that the findings had come as a surprise.



Subject: Global 'Toon War the First

European Islamists Counter Danes With Cartoons Depicting Hitler, Holocaust

A European Islamic organization called the Arab European League has countered the recent cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed with cartoons of their own, questioning the Holocaust and showing Anne Frank in bed with Hitler. This statement explains their rationale:

After the lectures that Arabs and Muslims received from Europeans on Freedom of Speech and on Tolerance. And after that many European newspapers republished the Danish cartoons on the Prophet Mohammed. AEL decided to enter the cartoon business and to use our right to artistic expression.

Just like the newspapers in Europe claim that they only want to defend the freedom of speech and do not desire to stigmatise Muslims,we also do stress that our cartoons are not meant as an offence to anybody and ought not to be taken as a statement against any group, community or historical fact.

If it is the time to break Taboos and cross all the red lines, we certainly do not want to stay behind.

While I'm reproducing one of the cartoons below in the spirit of fairplay, I certainly don't endorse the message.

Israeli news source Haaretz reported on the AEL cartoons, including this information: Denying the Holocaust is illegal under most European hate speech laws, which outlaw intimidating or inciting hatred toward groups on the basis of their ethnic, cultural, religious or sexual identity. Complaints about alleged hate speech are common but prosecutions are rare and convictions very rare. This statute is perhaps the best example of what is wrong with so-called "hate" laws. It restricts freedom of speech and expression by criminalizing opinions; a case of good intentions leading to a bad result. A "hate crime" is actually a "thought crime", but legislators might have a tough time selling such an Orwellian concept.

It's encouraging that at least one group of Muslims is reacting in the arena of ideas, rather than using violence, at least in this instance. Of course, the Arab European League supports the terrorist insurgency in Iraq, so they still have a long road to travel to be considered civilized.


Subject: mommy, what's a nigger?

Bodyguard of Busta Rhymes shot dead

Gunfire at a star-studded rap video shoot in a New York City warehouse killed the bodyguard of producer Busta Rhymes police said yesterday. Musicians including Missy Elliot and members of G-Unit were due to start filming on a ninth-floor soundstage when the violence erupted at about 1.30am local time on Sunday. Israel Ramirez, 29, of New York City, was killed by a single shot to the chest, local police said. About 500 people had gathered for the music video production which was being made for a remix of Rhymes's latest hit, Touch It.


Subject: Iran boldly goes where jews have gone before

Iran tells nuclear agency to remove seals, cameras


Knight Ridder Newspapers

WASHINGTON - Iran has begun restricting U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency inspections of its nuclear program and wants seals and surveillance cameras removed from key sites by midmonth, a confidential IAEA report said Monday. The Iranian decision will drastically inhibit the most effective international mechanism for monitoring Iran's work on uranium enrichment and ensuring that it's used only for producing fuel for power plants and not for nuclear weapons. Moreover, it will be much more difficult for the IAEA to answer crucial questions about the Iranian program, including whether it purchased a blueprint for a nuclear warhead from a Pakistani-led black-market smuggling ring.

"This is Iran escalating," said David Albright, a former IAEA inspector who directs the Institute for Science and International Security, an independent research center that closely tracks the Iranian nuclear program. The decision by Iran, the world's fourth-largest petroleum producer, wasn't unexpected, but it still sent international oil prices higher, before they settled back to more than $65 a barrel. It came two days after the 35-member IAEA board of governors overwhelmingly voted to report Iran to the U.N. Security Council for failing for three years to disclose all aspects of its nuclear program to agency inspectors.



Subject: Muslims continue to protest

Malaysian Muslims to protest over Prophet cartoons

KUALA LUMPUR (AFX) - Malaysian Muslims will march to the Danish mission here later this week in protest against the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, an opposition Islamic party official said. The gathering, to be held after Friday prayers, will be the first mass demonstration in mainly Muslim Malaysia since angry protests erupted in the Muslim world over the controversial cartoons. 'We appeal to all Muslims to participate in the protest. We demand that the government of Denmark and the newspapers offer an apology to Muslims,' Ahmad Sabki Yusof, youth secretary of the hardline Islamic Party (PAS), told Agence France-Presse. 'Their action has hurt the feelings of Muslims.'

Denmark has been the chief target of Muslim fury as a Danish newspaper first printed the 12 caricatures of Mohammed last September. The cartoons have since appeared in newspapers in several Western countries. Ahmad Sabki said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang will lead Friday's march of some 500 people from a nearby mosque. 'It will be a peaceful protest. We oppose any form of violence,' he said, adding that the party will also submit a protest note to the Danish embassy.


Subject: muzzy reaction in America

Rage over cartoon goes beyond politics


February 7, 2006

Their anger was raw. Several New York Muslims protesting the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad became irate when asked if the global furor was an overreaction. "Do you know the atrocities that are happening to Muslims every day?" one demanded. "In Iraq? In Pakistan? In Palestine, Muslims feel as if we are under siege." The deep offense many Muslims have taken to the cartoons, published recently in several European newspapers, is about present-day politics as much as theology.

Islamic tradition strongly discourages depictions of the seventh-century prophet as a form of idolatry. So powerful are the injunctions against idolatry that for decades, Saudi Arabia has bulldozed historic sites connected to members of Muhammad's family to prevent them from becoming pilgrimage sites. But the reaction to the cartoons cannot be understood outside of a broader post-Sept. 11 political context: Many Muslims see the drawings' publication as a deliberate attempt to insult them at a time when they perceive themselves to be a suspect and stigmatized minority in Europe and a humiliated civilization in the Middle East.

"You can't understand the response in isolation," said Dr. Faroque Khan, of the Islamic Center of Long Island in Westbury, who called the cartoons "an unnecessary provocation. "At such a sensitive time, when many Muslims view the war in Iraq as an occupation of an Islamic country by Western powers and fear growing sentiment against immigrants in Europe, this is a kind of spark. People see it as an attack on the core of their faith."

With the conflict framed as a clash of civilizations by both anti-immigrant political parties in Europe and global Islamist groups eager to advance their own agendas, all the ingredients of a conflagration are there. In point of fact, the Quran, the Muslim holy book, makes no explicit mention of graven images. However, Islamic interpretation of the Quran and stories about the life of the prophet have been widely interpreted to prohibit images of him. The prohibition also covers other religious figures revered as prophets, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus.



Subject: ADL, the Christian haters

Anti-Defamation League calls for Fletcher apology


By Frank E. Lockwood


The Anti-Defamation League yesterday said Gov. Ernie Fletcher does not understand the "acceptable boundaries of personal faith and public office" and urged him to publicly apologize for a governor's prayer breakfast Tuesday that lacked non-Christian voices.

The American Civil Liberties Union said it plans to investigate to make sure the state didn't illegally favor a single religious viewpoint, in part by allowing organizers to use the state-owned Frankfort Convention Center free of charge.



Subject: criticize jews? apologize at once!

ADL Welcomes Apology from Davos for Anti-Israel Screed In Forum's Official Magazine

New York, NY, January 26, 2006 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) welcomed the apology from the head of the World Economic Forum for an outrageous anti-Israel article appearing in the official magazine of the annual Davos meeting.

In his statement of apology, Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum said, "With great concern and pain … I learned about this article. … I concluded there was an unacceptable failure in the editorial process, specifically an insufficiently short period for review of content – for which there is no excuse."

In a phone conversation from Davos with Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, Mr. Schwab personally reiterated his apology and indicated that the viewpoints in the article were contrary to the Forum's mission and values. A day earlier, ADL had written to Mr. Schwab, calling on the Forum to denounce the article and not give legitimacy to such extremist approaches.

"We are heartened that the leader of Davos has stated unequivocally that the Forum does not support inflammatory calls to boycott the sovereign state of Israel," Mr. Foxman said. "While it is disturbing that this article found its way into the official magazine of Davos, we welcome Mr. Schwab's immediate actions to apologize, to make clear that the ideas expressed in the article are anathema to the Forum's core values, and to have the article removed from the Forum's Web site."

The article, "Boycott Israel" by Mazin Qumiyeh, an extremist anti-Israel activist, contained outright false statements about Israel, Zionism and Israeli policy. The article was permeated with anti-Semitic insinuations of Jewish craftiness, control of the media and American and international policymaking.


Subject: Iran stands up for Holocaust truth - and freedom of speech

Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons

From: Agence France-Presse
From correspondents in Tehran

February 07, 2006

IRAN'S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed. "It will be an international cartoon contest about the Holocaust," said Farid Mortazavi, the graphics editor for Hamshahri newspaper - which is published by Teheran's conservative municipality.

He said the plan was to turn the tables on the assertion that newspapers can print offensive material in the name of freedom of expression. "The Western papers printed these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext of freedom of expression, so let's see if they mean what they say and also print these Holocaust cartoons," he said.

Iran's fiercely anti-Israeli regime is supportive of so-called Holocaust revisionist historians, who maintain the systematic slaughter by the Nazis of mainland Europe's Jews as well as other groups during World War II has been either invented or exaggerated. Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad prompted international anger when he dismissed the systematic slaughter by the Nazis of mainland Europe's Jews as a "myth" used to justify the creation of Israel.

Mr Mortazavi said tomorrow's edition of the paper will invite cartoonists to enter the competition, with "private individuals" offering gold coins to the best 12 artists - the same number of cartoons that appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

Last week, the Iranian foreign ministry also invited British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Teheran to take part in a planned conference on the Holocaust, even though the idea has been branded by Mr Blair as "shocking, ridiculous, stupid". Mr Blair also said Mr Ahmadinejad "should come and see the evidence of the Holocaust himself in the countries of Europe", to which Iran responded by saying it was willing to send a team of "independent investigators".

Ed. Note: Jew papers mock Jesus all the time. Jew papers mock Christians all the time. Jew papers mock white trash all the time. Jew papers mock Muslims all the the time. Jew papers mocks jews-- pardon. Let me start that over. Jew papers cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry when anybody else mocks jews.

ADL Statement on Danish Cartoons Depicting Mohammed

* * *

Letters to the Editor

The New York Times
February 4, 2006

To the Editor:

The widespread anger across the Islamic world and in Muslim communities in Europe over the depiction of the Prophet Muhammad in the European press is ironic considering that newspapers in the Arab and Muslim world have no moral scruples when it comes to demonizing and stereotyping Jews in editorial cartoons.

In the Muslim and Arab press, Jews are routinely depicted as stereotypical hook-nosed, greedy and manipulative killers.

Moreover, leaders of regimes like Egypt and Saudi Arabia have virtually ignored appeals from the United States and Jewish organizations to put an end to incitement in the media, excusing it in the name of ''freedom of the press.''

One would hope that Muslim and Arab leaders would turn all of the anger being aimed at the European press into a larger lesson for their own people about the power of images. Those incensed by the portrayal of Muhammad should turn a mirror on their own press before assuming the moral high ground in a discussion of press freedom.


Abraham H. Foxman
National Director

* * *

New York, NY, February 2, 2006 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) issued the following statement in response to the controversy stemming from the twelve cartoons depicting Mohammed featured in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and reprinted in other European newspapers:

ADL is opposed to religious, racial and ethnic stereotyping in the media. We found some of the cartoons in Jyllands-Posten troubling, particularly the direct linkage of Mohammad and violence.

At the same time, we are gravely concerned by the extreme violent reaction these cartoons have generated in Muslim communities in Europe, and particularly in the Middle East. It is certainly the right of individuals and governments to express their disagreement with these depictions. However, the use of violence, threats, boycotts and other extreme reactions are highly inappropriate and bode ill for future debates involving Islam, democracy and free speech.

What has been overlooked in the controversy is the fact that despicable anti-Jewish caricatures appear daily in newspapers across the Arab and Muslim world. While invoking the supposed "freedom of the press" in their countries, Arab and Muslim leaders have refused to take any action to stem the drumbeat of anti-Semitism in widely circulated newspapers, many state-sponsored. Indeed, leaders of regimes such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia have virtually ignored appeals from the United States and Jewish organizations to put an end to incitement in their media, excusing it in the name of "freedom of the press." One would hope that leaders of Arab and Muslim countries would turn all of the anger being aimed at the European press into a larger lesson for their own people about the power of images.

ADL is strongly committed to free speech and freedom of the press – principles we consider the cornerstones of democracy. In a democratic society, newspapers need to be free to publish controversial content without fear of censorship or intimidation of their writers and editors. At the same time, newspapers and all media outlets should to take into account the sensitivities of racial, ethnic and religious groups.

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