Got Hmong?

by Goyimus Samizdatius Veritas

1 January 2005

Story from the Chicago Tribune,[1] front page, Saturday, December 4, 2004.

Comments by Goyimus Samizdatius Veritas [a.k.a James Jackson].


Taste of success, sorrow

Taste of an anti-American, Hmongolian apologia -- a taste of sorrow, to be sure. Sorrow's success here is the immigration, in this case "legal," of an unquestionably alien people. "Apocalypse Now" is now? Up close and personal?

And illegal aliens? What are we to expect?

Such terrible generalizations, right? ... OK ... I defy any offended readers to spend some time in the country / refugee camp of their choice, especially those non-European, and, upon return, relate to the rest of us the many touching stories of pluralism & tolerance experienced.


The important question here is not the Hmong [pronounced: MONG], who are a sympton, but the disease,[2] an Establishment / Government which, most notably, and in an exponentially increasing manner throughout the 20th Century has unleashed hordes onto Americans -- millions upons millions of non-traditional, non-European immigrants.

Yes ... long, long ago, in a country far, far in the clouded, obscure past ... remaining genuine leaders of the time used to pass laws like the 1882 "Chinese Exclusion Act." Today, our "leaders" bankroll importation of the likes of Stone Age Hmong and Somali Bantu. And, as if all that wasn't enough of an insult, try our Department of State's 50,000 per year "Diversity Visa Lottery."[3]

The situation is simple: a nation has been compromised. Fellow Frogs, I will be optimistic ... and claim that we are only simmering.[4][5]

According to a State Department spokeswoman, "The United States believes the Hmong can go back to Laos. We have been watching [repatriations] all along. Our people investigate. There never has been one verifiable story of anybody being persecuted for having been repatriated." ... The spokeswoman explains that current U.S. policy leaves the decision up to the Hmong in the camps. If they decide they don't want to go back home to Laos, they will be put into a pool for American resettlement, even though there is no reasonable suspicion that they face the threat of persecution in Laos."[6]

Here, in a related immigration phenomenon, a taste of more sorrow to come:

"At the MEChA [MEChA = Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztl�n -- with members, among others, like Cruz Bustamante, California's Lt. Governor and recent Democrat gubernatorial candidate, and Antonio Villaraigosa, who lost the race for L.A. Mayor by 9% in 2001] National Conference on March 15 - 18, 2001, the official "MEChA Philosophy" was ratified. An excerpt from the document states: "as Mechistas, we vow to work for the liberation of Aztlan." [in Chicanese, Aztlan = SouthWestern U.S.][7]

"MEChA's motto is "Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada," "For the race, everything. For those outside the Race, nothing."[8]

The 2004 MEChA map showing Aztlan. Muy bien, Vatos.

Well, if MEChistas don't give you the runs, try the National Council of La Raza [NCLR: "La Raza" is supposedly inclusive of all the "cosmic" "Hispanics," which, naturally, excludes all tolerant & intolerant European-Americans alike, and their interests. European-Mexicans, who largely represent the governing class of Mexico ... something tells us they would eventually not be tolerated either, after US, of course.]

"NCLR conducts immigration policy analyses and advocacy activities in its role as a civil rights organization. The primary focus of these activities is to encourage immigration policies that are fair and nondiscriminatory [Open borders not good enough?], to encourage family reunification [i.e. "Chain Immigratioin"], and to enact necessary reforms to the current immigration system [Amnesty for all! Arriba! Viva Mexico!]."[9]

In three decades, the Hmong have become an integral part of the Twin Cities, but the killing of six hunters stirs fears of a setback...

From this subtitle, one might get the impression that most of the supposedly only 250,000 Hmongs here in the USA are those that came in the 1970s, along with their descendents, right? Nothing could be further from the truth [as even this article will show later]

"Millions of dollars in state and federal funding have been earmarked to help resettle the 3,000 Hmong refugees [among the 15,000 total for the USofA] who will make their home in Wisconsin during the next year [2005]."[10]

Below: Thue Chang, 4, at his home in Wat Tham Krabok (refugee camp). He and his family are relocating to Appleton (Wisconsin) as part of a refugee resettlement program.

Future Cheesehead?


By E.A. Torriero

Tribune staff reporter

Chicago Tribune reporter E.A. "Ernie" Torriero

Mr. Torriero has reported from Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine/Israel, Egypt, Somolia, Colombia, Haiti, and Guantanamo, among other places.

Contrast seasoned Torriero's reporting on illegal Haitian immigrants:

"Haitian children's cries for mother were ignored during repatriation ... 409 refugees were repatriated to Haiti with little questioning from U.S. authorities after a Coast Guard cutter intercepted a rickety freighter."[11]

More than 400 illegal Haitian immigrants packed into this boat.

...and another Torriero article:

"...Haiti is most vulnerable. At least 330,000 Haitians are infected with AIDS or the HIV virus, a United Nations report estimated in 1999. Social workers fear the numbers are much higher ... Few Haitians are tested."[12]

Haitian boat people

Contrast seasoned Torriero's Haiti reporting with his reporting on the terrible scourge of Pennsylvania Amish moving to Wisconsin:

Amish family

"...the body odor of the Amish, who tend to bathe infrequently."[13]

This is but a glimpse at what promises to be a continued stream, if not flood, of pro-Hmongolian spin around this mass-murder case.

"[Mike] Bartz [a regional warden for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources] said northern Wisconsin has been inhabited for generations mostly by people of northern European ancestry, something that has made the more recent influx of Hispanic, Hmong and other groups more challenging.

"There is a learning curve there," he said. "They need to learn about these new people moving in as well. It's a two-way street."[14]

How about a one-way repatriation flight home, plus one year's room & board -- ON THE HOUSE -- for the Hmongs, Hispanics (including Azatlan Chicanese), Somali Bantus, "Russians" and Others? Bet that's cheaper than all the "refugee" welfare and other benefits we're currently paying -- among Other costs.

ST. PAUL -- Some still believe evil spirits can be chased away through the wiles of born shamans. Many rely on the wisdom of clan elders to settle marital squabbles, sometimes involving multiple wives. Some continue to slaughter cattle at funerals. And many remain suspicious that behind every ill lies a communist spy from Laos.

"Diversity is our strength"![4]

Does Mr. Torriero know that at least 1 out of 5 Hmong may have joined the Commies?[15]

Increasingly, though, the roughly 25,000 Hmong people here [in St. Paul, Minn.] are typically American.

So much for the St. Pauly Girl.

Just what does "American" mean to this man? Per Webster's Second College Edition: "of, in, or characteristic of the U.S., its people, etc."

Thanks Webster's. Your "definition" works perfectly for Mr. Torriero and his ilk.

They work in the halls of state government and the assembly lines of factories.

To what effect on legislation & wages?

As of 1994, "Seventy percent of the immigrants [Hmong] and their descendants are receiving public assistance."[6]

They hold elected office and send their children to public schools.

"English was becoming the minority spoken language in several schools. Many native-born parents feared that their children's education was being compromised by the language-instruction confusion; many immigrant parents [Hmong] complained that their children couldn't be assimilated properly in schools where the immigrant population was so high.[!!]"[6]

They may speak their native tongue at home, but in public their English is as folksy as that of any Midwesterner. But 30 years after they fled the persecution of postwar Laos, cultural conflicts and misunderstandings are still all but inevitable between the resettled Hmong and their neighbors. Never have the two clashed more violently than two Sundays ago, when a confrontation between a Hmong from St. Paul and hunters in northern Wisconsin left six dead.

... "clashed" ... ?

Photos of suspect Chai Soua "Bang-Bang" Vang

Here, Mr. Vang's publicly known rap sheet:

- Outstanding 2002 warrant for trespassing in Wisconsin. Mr. Vang has a "No Trespassing" sign on his St. Paul home's gate.

- Threatening one of his wives with a gun, Christmas Eve 2001. No charges though, as threatened wife Say Xiong didn't cooperate with police afterwards.[16]

- Although it is not known exactly for who, the police have been called to Mr. Vang's home five times since June 2003, where apparently more than just Vang, his wife [wives?] and six of his ten children live.

- Polygamy. Known wives: Say Xiong, Deu Lee Khang ("cultural" wife). Believed to have ten children with four wives. No divorces noted. Even so, truck driver Vang has THREE LAWYERS [Steven Kohn, Jonathan Smith, and James Monkowski], who had him plead innocent at his Wednesday, 29 DEC 04 hearing. Ready for "O. J. II -- The Deer Hunter"?

No worries, victim's relatives, concerned citizens ... Hbang-Hbang's prosecutor is none other than one-time Janet Reno appointee, Two-Time Hit & Runner, February 2004 Drunk Driver into Ditch -- Blood Test Refuser, Deaniac Wisconsin Attorney General Pam Lautenschlager, who claims a "personal interest" in this case as it invovlves crimes against people. Her last case was back in 1990 and involved a child kidnapping.[17]

- Defaulting on child support in California for three of his ten children.

- Once caught catching & keeping 93 more crappie than allowed.

Yes ... habitual trespasser & mass-murder suspect Chai Vang trespasses onto the property of Robert Crotteau, kills Crotteau, Crotteau's son, and four others, wounding two more -- where, between the eight victims, they possessed one firearm -- and four of those murdered were shot in the back.

As reporter Torriero's puts it, they "clashed."

Those murdered by Mr. Vang. Jessica Willers not pictured.

They say Bang-Bang is a shaman.[18] Can he bring back the dead?

America's largest Hmong community is bewildered by the shootings, which they say are out of character, both for the accused man and the Hmong in general.

"Most small Wisconsin cities started Asian-refugee resettlement programs at the prodding of government and religious leaders a decade or so ago, and most are now part of a Crime Information Exchange that, [Wausau Detective Sergeant Paul] Jicinsky said, had been established almost exclusively to keep track of Asian gang activity in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Hmong parents, lamenting that their difficulty with English impedes their exercise of authority over their children, were at the forefront of those asking the police to combat gang activity.[6]

And they worry that their relationship with other Americans -- forged during the darkest stretches of the Vietnam conflict, when Hmong guerrillas fought alongside U.S. troops -- has turned ugly fast.

"We gave Hmong lives to protect American soldiers," said Xang Vang, a former Hmong army man and community leader in St. Paul. "We don't kill Americans. We kill communists. We are Americans ourselves now. How can Americans hate us?"

Always hate. Couldn't possibly be logical for US to simply wish for Hmongs to stay in Hmongolia.

Hmong in St. Paul have reported taunts and threats left on their answering machines. "We'll get one of yours," one caller reportedly said, according to police. Teachers in public schools worry about repercussions against Hmong students. Hmong are afraid to go hunting or to neighborhoods where they are not well known.

Who should be afraid here? Not one Hmong has been hunted down by a non-Hmong, nor has any non-Hmong been charged with threatening any Hmongs.

Has reporter Torriero checked to see if perhaps Small-time Hoaxtress Kerri Dunn[19] is behind the threats he mentions.

"The shootings have given a platform for people to say racist things against the Hmong," said Ilean Her, executive director of the Council of Asian Pacific Minnesotans. "People are holding all the Hmong responsible for the actions of one individual."

Cheu Lee, part owner of the local Hmong newspaper, said people are braced for more violence.

Mr. Lee, which people are braced for more violence? European-American people, like those murdered in cold blood by a Hmong? Do you suppose European-American Hunters in the North Woods are "braced for more violence," like getting shot in the back by another Hbang-Hbang?

"We all fear trouble in the near future," he said. "Things have been pretty hard on the Hmong in the last days."

Hard? Did they cut-off your Welfare checks? ... Yeah, I only wish.

"A study by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute found that when the federal government began to cut back its relief benefits to refugees, in 1982, large numbers of refugees sought out the states that provided the best Aid to Families with Dependent Children payments. Wisconsin became a popular destination."[6]

A war-torn past

In a covert operation, Hmong fighters were recruited by the CIA in the mid-1970s to help U.S. forces fight the spread of communism from Vietnam.

Thousands of Hmong were killed fleeing the country after the rebels seized power, and many thousands more were persecuted.

OK, so we must accept them. No questions asked.

Pluralism, tolerance, love ... or else!

Funny, I do not recall ever hearing of taking in, nor even talking of taking in, Ukranians being slaughtered by the Soviets -- HOLOCAUSTED?[20] -- by the millions, in the 1930s.

The U.S. government permitted 100,000 Hmong to take refuge in America in the late 1970s. At first dispersed throughout the country, Hmong gravitated mostly to California, Wisconsin and especially Minnesota, where they were welcomed by the Twin Cities tradition of social outreach.

Translation: "outreach" = your tax dollar$ feeding the fire under you, Fellow Frogs.

More than 60,000 Hmong live in Minnesota, including about 25,000 in St. Paul, the largest urban Hmong community in the world.

Here we have it. Not even when left to themselves are Stone Age Hmongs capable of sustaining an urban population of 25,000.


Case closed?

In all, more than 250,000 Hmong live in the United States. By the end of next year, an additional 15,000 Hmong will arrive from a refugee camp in Thailand. About 5,000 of them will go to Minnesota.

15,000 more? Why?

The Hmong who arrived in the 1970s were rural people who spoke no English. They came from small villages and had never experienced cold weather or a big city. At first, they lived in public housing and took menial jobs.

Jan Hopke-Almer, then a speech and hearing teacher in St. Paul, remembers the first wave of refugees as shy and hard-working people. Teachers often misinterpreted the Hmong customs, she said.

When a student met with a teacher, the Hmong child often bowed a head. In Laos, that was a sign of respect. At first, though, teachers took it as a sign that the child was trying to hide something by not making eye contact.

When the Hmong children arrived with strings around their wrists to celebrate Hmong New Year, teachers were bewildered. The strings, however, were symbolic of a Hmong tradition of casting out bad spirits.

"Eventually we learned about them, and the Hmong learned about us," Hopke-Almer said.

Three decades later, the Hmong are an American immigrant success story. They took advantage of federal education, language and jobs programs and built a vibrant community.

Why not build a "vibrant community" or two in Hmongolia instead? More Hbang for our buck, no?

In St. Paul, a decaying neighborhood of crack and prostitution has become a thriving mini-Laos with Asian restaurants, traditional dance studios, a Hmong newspaper and a host of other Hmong businesses.

No doubt taking advantage of all the "Minority & Women Business Enterprise" [MWBE] handouts.

Hmong hold two seats in the state legislature and occupy key positions in City Hall, education, health care, and law enforcement. About a quarter of the students in St. Paul schools are Hmong.

Hopke-Almer is now principal of Phalen Lake Elementary School, where nearly half the students are Hmong. Posters of Hmong dressed in traditional garb dot the hallways. There are Hmong teachers and aides who as children struggled to learn English.

"...a fight between immigrant [Hmong] and native girls which was serious enough that an ambulance had to be called."[6]

"In a short time we achieved the American dream," said Lee Pao Xiong, director of the Center for Hmong Studies at Concordia University-St. Paul, who arrived in the United States in the late 1970s at age 9. "But we are still haunted by the past."


Like when the Chinese were cracking down on your opium farming, back in the day?[21]

Or haunted by the fact that you are considered "aboriginal Chinese"?[22]

Today, the American Hmong community is increasingly struggling from within.

A new generation of Hmong is coming of age without knowing the horror of war or the plight of being a refugee. Hmong customs are falling away. The ritual summoning of spirits in the Hmong tradition of animism is waning, Hmong leaders say.

More than 60 percent of Hmong-Americans are under 20 and were born in the United States, Hmong leaders say. The young bristle at the thought of taking their cues from the 18-member tribal council.

"I am responsible for my family and would never go to a clan leader to settle my personal issues," Xiong said. "Some Hmong don't want to hear that."

Respect is waning, too, for the aging generals who fought in Laos and were the first leaders of Hmong in America. Hmong-Americans are in a fractious debate over leadership and U.S. policies liberalizing trade with communist-run Laos.

Last spring, the home of a translator for a legendary Hmong general was sprayed with gunfire, and the general's son's house was firebombed. A popular Hmong police officer on the St. Paul force was charged in the incidents and faces trial next year.

Oh yes, that would one Tou Cha. Exceptional? Mr. Cha is a most revealing instance of Hmong "assimilation."[23]

St. Paul Police officials believe that in November 2003, officer Tou Cha fired his weapon into the windows of several Asian-American businesses located in a mall on Milton street in St. Paul. And they believe that last month Cha fired five bullets into the home of a Hmong family in Maplewood."

"Cha, 35, is an 11-year veteran of the St. Paul police force. He has been accused of using excessive force in three previous incidents. Two years ago he was accused of violently subduing a junior high student.

Cha also recently accompanied Mayor Randy Kelly to Thailand in preparation for a wave of new Hmong immigrants scheduled to come to Minnesota later this year

Ilean Her is the Executive Director of the Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans. She was also a part of the delegation to Thailand and got a chance to meet Cha.

"From what my impressions of him was, wow, here's a young man who's very nice," says Her. "Charming..."

Indeed. Photo below.

Policeman Tou Cha

A city reaches out

St. Paul officials have gone to great lengths to accommodate the Hmong. In 1998, after a Hmong mother killed six of her children, the city went so far as to hire a Hmong shaman to rid her public housing apartment of evil spirits so another family would feel comfortable moving in.

Earlier this year, a city delegation traveled to Thailand to survey firsthand the needs of the new refugees who would be coming to St. Paul.

Please, people of Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, China, Hmongolia -- wherever -- please: stay in your homeland. YOUR HOMELAND. HOME SWEET HOME. Why not?

Elders / "city delegation" of St. Paul: Why?

Despite such gestures, cultural tensions remain. The Hmong community protested last summer after one of its funeral homes was shut temporarily because of code violations.

Neighbors often complain about the loud funerals, which last three to four days and include a sacrificed cow to insure that the deceased person will be blessed by many animals in the afterlife.

In recent weeks, the Hmong-American community has faced a new challenge: welcoming the new wave of Hmong refugees, who have lived for 20 years in a shantytown in Thailand.

Please ... Why not save us all the trouble and simply not come?

"The 1980 U.S. Census found Wausau to be the most ethnically homogeneous city in the nation, with less than one percent of the population other than white."[6]

Those were the days!

A coalition of federal, state, and local agencies along with charity groups has formed a network led by Hmong-Americans to educate, house and teach English to the newcomers. A strong Hmong-American community hopes to make the transition easier for these refugees than for those who arrived in the 1970s.

Tradition-minded Americans, should they ever gain back any political strength, perhaps would have other hopes.

"It has to be better than being in a camp in Thailand," said Kee Cha, 31, a father of three who arrived in September, despite hearing of the tensions among Hmong-Americans.

"It has to be better... "

Why? Aren't the Thai, cousins of the Hmong, treating them well? If not, why not?

It was the age-old Hmong custom of hunting that set the stage for violence in the Wisconsin woods. Until the shooting of the hunters, major crime involving Hmong-Americans was largely confined among their own, police said.

Hmong-on-Hmong crime? Could it be worse than European-on-European crime, like World Wars I&II?

For Hmong-Americans, the shooting is a tragic reminder that they are caught between a home they cannot return to.

Why not?

and one in which they are still struggling to find their place.

"There's a lot of tension in the community," said Chong Xiong, a 2nd-grade teacher who arrived in the late 1970s. "After all these years, all we want is to live in peace."

US too.




[1] E.A. Torriero, "Taste of Sorrow, Success," Chicago Tribune, December 4, 2004.

[2] Kevin MacDonald at

"Ethnic conflict is of obvious importance for understanding critical aspects of American history, and not only for understanding Black/White ethnic conflict or the fate of Native Americans. Immigration policy is a paradigmatic example of conflict of interest between ethnic groups because immigration policy influences the future demographic composition of the nation. Ethnic groups unable to influence immigration policy in their own interests will eventually be displaced or reduced in relative numbers by groups able to accomplish this goal."

Here, notice how things change rapidly from 1940 on in the USofA:

Racial Restrictions

"Restriction of eligibility for naturalization to members of designated races dates back to the earliest naturalization law, the Act of March 26, 1790. (note 12) Naturalization privileges were gradually extended to persons of African nativity or descent (1870) (note 13); races indigenous to the continents of North or South America or adjacent islands (1940) (note 14); Chinese persons and persons of Chinese descent (1943) (note 15); Filipino persons or persons of Filipino descent (1946) and persons of races indigenous to India (1946) (note 16); and Guamanian persons and persons of Guamanian descent(l950) (note 17). Section 311 of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 eliminated all racial restrictions upon naturalization."

Here, from the "Applied Population Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin, Madison," for a breakdown of the Hmong population in Wisconsin from per Census 2000:


[3] U.S. Department of State: "Our State Department Web site for the 2006 Diversity Visa Program (DV-2006) is now open."

[4] Note from Dr. Pierce posted at the National Alliance that hits on the inspiration for this article:

"When a man wants to save himself, the first thing he must do is try to understand his situation. When he wants to help others save themselves, the first thing he must do is help them understand their situation."

[5] Frog boiling well done by one Lim Siong Guan of Singapore's Public Service.

"The frog's body temperature follows its surroundings. If you put the frog directly in boiling water, it will sense the heat immediately and jump out. But when you heat the water slowly, the frog keeps adjusting to the rising temperature. When the heat is too much for the frog to take, it is too late. The frog collapses and dies."

"The lesson of the frog for us is: Look around. Be alert. Imagine the future. Don't be complacent. Take precautions. Prepare for danger. Make use of the opportunities. The future will surprise you only if you don't bother to think about it. Do not allow the comforts of today lull you into thinking tomorrow will always be the same"

[6] Roy Beck of, "The Ordeal of Immigration in Wausau," April 1994, Atlantic Monthly, posted by

The 1994 article captured Hmong immigration and its effects ten years ago, in detail. The people of Wisconsin must be besides themselves knowing that their [and our] government is bankrolling the importation 3,000 more immigrant Hmong in 2005 to Wisconsin.

Here from Mr. Beck: "Eugene McCarthy recently [1994] said that he and other Senate sponsors of the 1965 law that set mass immigration into motion never intended to open the floodgates."

[7] MEChA Philosophy as posted at California State University, Los Angeles.

"Chicanas/Chicanos demanded to be treated as equals and denounced acculturation and assimilation."

[8] Lowell Ponte, "The MEChA Whitewash,", September 2, 2003.

"As Malkin has rightly observed, imagine the fate of any Republican politician if the media learned that he had belonged to an organization with the motto: "For the Aryan race, everything. For the non-white races, nothing." He would, this column notes, be branded an encourager of "hate crimes."

But the only difference between this and MEChA's literature, notes Malkin, is that mechistas (as Bustamante acknowledges he was) substitute the words "Bronze" and "mestizo" for Adolf Hitler's words white and Ayran."

[9] National Council of La Raza

"Most Latinos in the U.S. are native-born U.S. citizens. At the same time, many Latinos have family members who are immigrants, or are waiting in long lines to reunite with close family members."

[10] Cynthia Hodnett, "Taxpayers Question Hmong Aid Funding,", August 24, 2004.

[11] E.A. Torriero, "Haitian Children's Cry for Mother Ignored During Repatriation," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 18 Jan 00.

[12] E.A. Torriero, ">"Dignity Given to the Dying," South Florida Sun-Sentinel, July 1, 2000.

[13] E.A. Torriero, "Amish Find Refuge in Wisconsin," Chicago Tribune, March 26, 2004. [14] Ted Gregory and John McCormick, "Suspect: Hunters Fired First," Chicago Tribune, November 24, 2004.

[15], "The Hmong".

[16] Ashley H. Grant, "Shooting Suspect Had Army Service Ribbon for Sharpshooting," Associated Press, November 24, 2004.

[17] Free Republic, "DOA [Wisconsicin Dept of Admin] Records Show AG Had Two Hit-and-Runs with State Car], April 21, 2004.

[18] Steve Kunzman, "Suspect also Hmong Shaman," New York Times News Service, 01 Dec 04.

"The man charged with murdering six hunters and wounding two others in Wisconsin last week is a Hmong shaman who has called on the spirit world in trances that last up to three hours, his family and friends say."

[19] Ernesto Cienfuegos, "Converted to Judaism: Lesbian professor stages phoney hate crime at Claremont Colleges," La Voz de Aztlan, March 18, 2004.

"According to Professor Dunn, she was returning to her car after speaking at a free-speech rally around 8 p.m. on March 9 when she noticed that her front window was shattered, the tires slashed, and the body of her vehicle covered with spray-painted racial epithets. The words "kike whore," "nigger lover," " shut up," and "bitch" were painted in large, black letters on both sides of the car, as well as on the roof and hood and what appeared to be an unfinished "swastika" was also visible."

Hoaxtress Dunn has since been sentenced to one year in state prison on December 15, 2004.

[20] Ukranian Archive.

."..the experiment in government through mass murder which went under the name of "Communism," and in which experiment Ukrainians more than any other peoples have been conscripted into playing the role of guinea pigs."

[21] Gary Yia Lee, "Opium and the Hmong," Hmong Center, 1981.

"In Keichow, the basic "money" in commercial transactions fort the Hmong in the 17th century was still salt as they were said to dislike Chines copper coins. Yet salt controlled by the Chines authorities. It was therefore, inevitable that many tribal people would adopt opium as an exchange currency as they still do today in parts of Laos and Thailand."

[22], "The Hmong."

"Because the Hmong retain cultural traces of the earliest forms of Chinese social organizations, however, other specialists have considered them to be among the aboriginal inhabitants of China, where about 4 million of the world's 6 million Hmong still live today."

[23] Brandt Williams, "St. Paul Police Officer Arrested in Hmong Violence Probe," Minnesota Public Radio, May 11, 2004.

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